
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch 07: Witcher of the Dawn (Witcher 3/GOT)

Vesemir rode into the courtyard of Khaer Morhen, after his little adventure with Geralt they finally managed to find Yeneffer.

After he helped the younger witcher reunite with his past lover he rode bac to Khar Morhen, along the way he had bought a wooden cart and some supplies for winter, in a few moons the snow will cover the mountains, and while they could hunt for food, alcohol was in dire need during those times, he would probably have to travel south to stock up a few times more before the winter storms block the mountain pass.

He guided the horse towards the stables, nearby he heard the sounds of two people sparing as he heard swords clash and signs being cast.

"Damn children the two of them" said Vesemir to himself while he dismounted the cart and untied the horse from the cart.

"Yeah, those two never seem to get tired of fighting, even when hungover, although its good to have new blood in the Keep, especially someone as talented as him." Vesemir heard Eskel who just walked out of the stable with a half-empty glass bottle of Dwarven spirit.

Seeing Vesemir's disapproving gaze Eskel just shrugged and downed the spirit. "just some hair of the dog. Don't give me that glare old man" He finished with a blech and placed the empty bottle in a bucket full of waste.

"We have a guest?" guessed Vesemir.

"Found him half dead in some summer snow when I was riding back to Kaer Morhen after fulfilling a contract on a Katakan, I Thought of just burning his remains to not attract necrophages, then the fucker coughed. being so close to the keep I just dragged him with me. we nursed him back to health" Eskel said while helping unload the cart.

"Although it took him a few weeks to build some muscles, the kid is a prodigy, never seen anything like it before, it's as if he was born with a sword in his hands," Eskel said as he unloaded the last crate with supplies inside a small storage shed.

"well let us go and see our guest" Vesemir Said, as they walked Vesemir was able to see some changes in the keep, walls that were barely standing due to disrepair had been fixed, holes plugged, rouge stones cleared, and the overgrown weeds trimmed. "Hum, interesting"

The two witchers arrived at the training yard and saw Lambert pirouetting and sparring with a different man. lambert had his armored jerkin and was using his steel sword, he was focusing on trying to distract the other fighter with signs and find an angle on the other man's defense.

The other man was a tall young man, not older than 25 winters, he had pristine White and Golden armor, a masterwork done by some smith he has yet to meet, The young man wielded a greatsword made of some rare metal alloy that glowed with some magic light, a true masterwork of art. The Young man who had noble features on his fair face moved with grace, his footwork impeccable, almost flawless, as if he was dancing with Death itself.

Lambert used Igni and tried to catch his opponent on fire or at least distract him with the heat and flames, but the Young man twisted his blade and with a circular motion and the flat of his greatsword, he blocked the magic. Vesemir's and Eskel's medallions hummed as they saw the magic of the sword distort the Sign that Lambert cast.

They continued the spar until the Stranger used the almost mirror-like finish on his great sword to blind Lambert by reflecting the sun on his opponent's enhanced cat eyes, The stranger then To the astonishment of Vesemir used a powerful Aard sign to push Lambert back against the wall, the hit stunned lambert for less than a fraction of a second, but that was all that the stranger needed to disarm the witcher and have him between a sword and a hard place.

"you cheating bastard, you had to win without using any signs" Lambert spat bitterly before picking up his sword from the floor and examining it for any damage done during the spar.

"Greetings Stranger, Im Vesemir of the school of the wolf, who might you be?" Asked the old Witcher to the skilled warrior

"Ser Arthur of House Dayne, Also known as The Sword of the Morning," The knight in polished white and golden armor said as he offered his right hand, they grabbed each other's forearms and did a warrior's handshake. Both swordsmen looked at each other's eyes with respect followed by a nod.

"How come you ended up in the outskirts of Kaer Morhen lord Dayne?" Asked Vesemir while the younger man sheathed his sword.

"let's just say… I hate Portals" The man said in a far too familiar way, sounding almost like Geralt. his whining followed a dead silence that was broken by Lambert cracking up with laughter, followed by Eskel and Vesemir.

"let's go inside, I left last night's stew on the coals, should be warm and hearty, night start to get chilly this time of year" Said Arthur, he picked up a neatly folded piece of heavy white fabric and unfolded it, showing Vesemir that it was a cape, he subsequently clasped it to his shoulders using a cloak clasp.

The stranger did not talk as they approached the main hall.

"I see that you have been bussy when i left kaer morhen with Geralt i only hopped for it to be stil standing in one piece when i got bac, knowing the two of you im surprised at finding quite the opposite" Vesemir noted as they walked past a cart loaded with mortar mix and some tools.

"Shinning Jewel is not only a warrior of some skill, he is also quite the skilled craftsman," Lambert said while he spat to the side

The four swordsmen arrived at the great hall and Eskel went to the kitchen. Lambert sat at a table Vesemir approached Arthur who had just unclasped his cloak and folded it neatly and placed it on the seat next to him.

The sword of the morning unsheated his greatsword and inspected the blade for chips or any kind of damage as if it was routine.

The old witcher also noted that his silver medallion hummed as he approached the seated knight, Vesemir saw that the blade was blemishless, his enhanced eyes allowed him to examine the blade work from where he stood. truly a work of art.

"May I see that sword?" Asked the witcher, curious to inspect the magic artifact.

"lookie but no touchie. The sword only allows me to hold it" Arthur said as he placed the greatsword on the table.

"enchanted, and spellbound to you, I have yet to see such alloy. Shines as if it's made of star metal, yet possesses anti magical qualities as if made of Demiterum. Light on the weight by the way you handle it." Vesemir said as he leaned forward inspecting the blade, his medallion jumping up and down on his neck. Vesemir extended his hand and his fingers approached the handle cautiously only to receive a small spar of electricity as greeting as his fingers were about to touch the handle.

"Quite interesting, I have yet to see something akin to it" Eskel said as he placed their bowls on the table followed by some dry rye bread and a tanard of watered down ale to each of them.

"How is the White Pup? Any news from Geralt? Spill" Lambert said as he dug into his food.

Vesemir sighed and ate his food before speaking.

"We were following the Trail of Yennefer, lead us to small village by the name of White Orchard."

"Hanged man's tree. I rode past the nicely decorated Oak a few moons back" Said Lambert. "The sight is not for those with a weak stomach"

"We Did a few Odd jobs in that town. Turned out the Nilfguardian Garrison Commander knew where Yennefer went. He decided to keep that information as payment for us to deal with a Royal Griffin, It was the male of a coupe, Soldiers ambushed and killed the female making the male turn fera." lambert scoffed and said something about Amateurs and leaving the monsters for professionals. "We lured the beast with some Buckthorn. Ambushed and killed the beast. after that there was an altercation inside the tavern, me and geralt fought the local drunks, then Yennefer appeared"

"Spea of the devil and he shall appear" Muttered Lambert as Eskel just chuckled into his own stew.

"An now it begins," said the knight in a whisper that would have not been heard by anyone normal, yet the three witchers heard. Eskel and Lambert did not pay attention but Vesemir just looked at Arthur with a raised eyebrow, yet he also refused to comment.