
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

ch 06: Pre/Prequel brothers (SW)

"watch out!" Jason screamed as he pushed Alexander out of the way of the 18-wheeler as it passed wheezing so close the gym bros could feel how they have dodged death bt a hair.

"holy shit dude. we almost got Truck-Kunned" Alexander said as he adjusted his bag shoulder sling.


they both heard and turned around quickly.

the two giganting lights where approaching them at an insane speed.

'motherfucker!' Jason cursed as he tried to see if there was any way to escape certain death in his last moments.

'We dont fucked up now' Alexander thought as his body tried to curl into a fetal position instinctively.


The enormous truck with two trailers and 22 wheels of death passed over the two young men and decelerated slowly.

The driver got out "I could not stop, I lost control, and the brakes did not work" The driver said clearly in shock, he looked at the trail of blood, guts, and dismembered body parts that he left behind and puked his guts out.

Jason Mercer and Alexander Rains died that night…

~~~ In A Galaxy Far Away.

The Son and the Daughter were arguing about the visions that they had.

"the kid needs proper guidance, not those moronic monk wannabes." The Son argued from a point of anger.

"He will also need love and companionship, to not be misguided by false courtesies and tragic loss of his loved ones." the Daughter said in a sad tone.

"So we agree that something must be done. not an agent of mine, nor yours." The Daughter said while speaking to her brother.

"As much as it angers me to be forced to work with you, so be it. He is the chosen one. we cant risk leaving his fate in the hands of the Inept and short-sighted… lets get this over with, we don't have much time, Father should be back at any moment."

The Son and the Daughter knelt one in front of another and took eachother's hands.

Both channeling their side of the Force to bring in a herald, an avatar to help the Chosen one, to guide him into bringing back balance. to ensure the galaxy's survival.

While focusing on their champions Father returns and interrupts Daughter and Son with a force wave.

"Father!" Both of them say at the same time. Son in anger and frustration, while Daughter in concerned love and serene hope.

"Foolish children. What have you done?" Father said in both concern, disappointment and over all exhasperation.

~~~ Someplace In Between approaching a Galaxy Far Away ~~~

As The Two Souls felt dragged through Space and time they saw countless stars shooting past them, It reminded them of Faster than Light Space Jumps from Star Wars

The two formless souls that right now were just motes of light would have screamed or ranted angrily at this joke but they had no bodies or mouths.

Somehow their consciousness was guided to think about the Star Wars universe.

One Of The Souls that used to be Jason Thought about his favorite Character. Galen Marek. while the other one remembered a cinematic Trailer for Knights of the Old Republic about two Twins that ended up dueling to death due to neglectful Parenting.

then the opening credits to The Phantom Menace rolled out in front of them, music included.

Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic.

The taxation of trade routes to outlying star system is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.

While the Congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, 7he 6uard1ans 0f p34c3 4nd ju571c3 1n 7h3 g4l4xy, 70 5377l3 7h3 c0nfl1c7...

At the end the credits glitch out and the brothers now with their newly formed bodies get Yeeted towards a different place in the glaxy far away from Naboo as they saw the peaceful planet getting far away as they traveled through space towards a different place..

They land in a desert on the outskirts of a town.

The entire place reeked of death, suffering, treachery, and lawlessness.

They looked at each other and saw how they were naked, with nothing but their birthday suits on "Fuck!" Both of them exclaimed as they looked around the dark outskirts of the backwater planet they landed in.

"arrghh!" both of them groaned in pain as they were bombarded by memories of Starkiller and Thexan. both of their training, their suffering, and consequently both of their deaths.

Galen Marek stabbed in the back by a dark clone, and Thexan Tirall, killed by his own Twin Brother Arkhan. The similarities of their demise, their past lifes, deaths and overall current situation changing them both into true brothers, not in blood, but in spirit.

"Prepare for Trouble," Said the new man who now called himself Jason Marek

"and make it Double" Finished their sentence one that will now be known as Alexander Tirall

The two Force Sensitive humans grinned towards one another as they looked at each other through their eyes and the force, knowing that they would never betray each other at any point, having developed a true bond that transcends any greed or struggle taht might find them in this vast and chaotic galaxy.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Somewhere in Naboo two hooded figures in dark robes were meditating surrounded by corpses, having sacrificed hundreds of living sentients they finished their Sith ritual to bring forth The Chosen One to the Galaxy.

Both of them were surrounded by dark tendrils of the force as they affected the medichlorians making them do their bidding.

"It is finished, Little Apprentice," said the taller man as they rose.

"Yes Grand Master. I am glad that his highness has trusted me with this task, it is amusing that Master Plagues did not become paranoid about us in these last few galactic Cycles." The shorter Humanoid spoke

"My apprentice Plagues has yet a role to play in this farce. patience Sidius, with time our cunning will give us control over the entire Republic and more." The Alien said.

"Yes Grandmaster Darth Serpentor" Sidus bowed to the Sith infront of him as the red eyed Gungan Grinned.

Only for them to feel a disturbance in the force.

"Has the ritual Failed?" Sidius asked in fear.

"Impossible, this must be the work of a third party" The Gungan known as Darth Serpentor Snarled in anger as he reached into the force trying to locate where the disturbance was. not being able to locate the exact whereabouts of where it all occurred.


"Im conflicted. both my personas as Jason Mercer and Galen Marek bonded, no longer being separate entities becoming one as Jason Marek, but From now on I will not use this name openly. I'll be code name StarKiller." Jason said with finality. somehow the presence of the force calmed him down and gave him serenity.

"Same I also bonded with Thexan Tirall. I identify as Alexander Tirall. but my code name. let it be LightBringer. We are both sides of the same coin. one to kill a star, one to bring the light"

"You remember our long and heated discussion about all of the codes and which one is the supreme one?" Alexander Said with an almost ethereal glow to his eyes.

"Without emotion, there is no compassion. " Jason started.

"Without peace, there is no rest." Alexander continued with a smile on his face.

Soul brothers spoke at the same time, becoming one with the Force.

"Without ignorance, there is no learning.

Without knowledge, there is no foundation.

Without passion, there is no beauty.

Without serenity, there is no contemplation.

Without death, there is no life.

Without the Force, there is no one.

Without the Dark Side, there is no ambition.

Without the Light Side, there is no temperance.

I am one with the Force and the Force is one with me!"

They repeated their new code this time louder, each of them feeling the force vibrating as they kept on chanting.

"Without emotion, there is no compassion.

Without peace, there is no rest.

Without ignorance, there is no learning.

Without knowledge, there is no foundation.

Without passion, there is no beauty.

Without serenity, there is no contemplation.

Without death, there is no life.

Without the Force, there is no one.

Without the Dark Side, there is no ambition.

Without the Light Side, there is no temperance.

I am one with the Force and The Force is one with me!"

They stopped and decided to quit that hype as it was counterproductive and dangerous.

"Enough of that. or we might get found out in the force. I would suggest that we focus on concealing our Force presence." Jason said as he grabbed a rock with The Force and made it levitate before launching it at great speeds toward a dune.

They kept on walking towards the town in the distance.

"plans as of now?" Alexander said while trying not to think about how weird this whole situation was and how awkward it was all considering they here both naked.

"find some clothes, steal some equipment. etc. find out where in the timeline we are situated, stay hidden, and not play our cards until we are ready to strike." Jason said with a shrug.

they heard some turbine behind them, and they saw a Speeder approaching the town from behind them

"well that or Wait for the clothes to find us," Alexander said with a grin "Bless the Force" He finished as he focused on stopping the speeder gently with the Force.

"Mukta NIGUDA!" A Rodian Screamed in what they assumed was Huttese as the alien bashed and hit the control panel of the Speeder.

"Nukuta Pana Arg'irtan ni kuta Boona!" the Quarian in the passenger seat cursed while turning a Flashlight. The Rodian turned off the engines of the speeder as he dismounted too.

"Murik Ukata Dranki. Spice Malaka Ukota Deto" The Rodian muttered as he looked around quite nervously

"Minna Kota, Jabba Nakata Su'mman" The Quarian waved dismissively at his companion, who seemed to relax just a little, while still being cautious.

before they could react, both aliens got stopped in their tracks by some unseen force, they could not move, their feet levitated from the ground, hard for them to even breathe.

The Blaster from the hand of the Rodian got yanked by something they could not see.

From the darkness of the seemingly endless dark desert, two figures appeared.

the Rodian tried to struggle before he was launched hitting the back of his head losing consciousness.

the Quarian tried to say something but dread and primal fear overtook him when he saw the electric current that one of the naked humans was projecting from his hands. his bowels emptied on their own.

"You are going to answer our questions. we will know if you lie." Spoke the young man in front of him who walked, the electricity illuminating his face from underneath him giving him an eerie feeling. Death was approaching the Quarian and he would speak everything he knew while praying for a quick death.

~~~ Most Espa ~~~

Jrk'an Oguneex was quite angry. His two enforcers were late with their shipment.

He picked up a Transponder from a hidden compartment in the Bar of the cantina that he owned and turned it on

"Gorkan, Respond. Gorkan!" Jrk'an tried to communicate with his boys but static was the only thing he received in response.

"Banta Shit!" he cursed as he threw the transponder into a sink, sparks flew as the pice of tech shortcircuited.

"Roksos, Marek, Dugtiss! get up and off your lazy asses. and earn your Pay, Stay and Drinks!" The Owner of the cantina yelled at three of his thugs.

The Tandoshian that he had by his balls because of his almost religious zealotry into hunting a Kyrat Dragon, all ambition lost after getting indebted to him in a game of cards losing his ship and weapons.

A Klatooinian who was groping one of his Twilek Slave girls. even after having trained the girl Jrk'an could see the still signs of disgust from the attractive Orange-skinned slave. He licked his lips foreseeing the terrors he would subject the poor girl to under the pretext of training.

And finaly a Gammorean. he bought from Jabba's cartel a clear double agent to make sure that his Cantina paid the Taxes to the Hutts. not that Jrk'an was stupid enough to steal from the Hutts. but the Gammorean worked as easy muscle, and as a deterrent to others, making sure that they know that Jabba endorsed his dealings.

"The Shipment of Spice is late and Gorkan and Rekish are not responding. get the tracking device and find my Spice. kill anyone responsible for this delay." His thugs grunted and acknowledged their orders as they left the cantina.

It was still 2 hours before dawn and Jrk'an knew how he would distract himself while he wanted for his spice to be delivered.

"Daylia!" He yelled at the Twilek Slave waving for her to approach him.

The bruised, thin, and demoralized Twilek walked forward without making eye contact. Her Leku hung inert while she seemed conflicted at what she knew was about to come.

"Kneel" he instructed the Twilek. Using her for the only thing her race was useful in his opinion.

"goo…" His deplorable act was interrupted as Roksos flew through the open doors, the Gammorean's neck twisted backward, broken, the dead body twitched postmortem as a reflex but Jrk'an knew his enforcer was dead.

He pushed the Twilek Slave aside and reached under the counter pulling out a blaster and aimed at the door.

Soon he saw it. Two dark silhouettes approached from the darkness outside.

Jrk'an did not hesitate and blasted them both, only receiving grunts of pain in response, the two silhouettes barely flinched as they approached and made it inside the Cantina.

Jrk'an saw it now. His other two enforcers. Dead by his own blasts as the newly made holes in their chest still smoked.

"Wha.. What!?" he asked in disbelief as he shot at them again. this time they did not move as the blasts impacted them "Why won't you die!" Jrk'an screamed as he kept on shooting until he ran out of charge in his Energy pack from his hand blaster.

"Cursed Sands!" He muttered as he frantically tried to find a new energy pack for his weapon but his shaking hands clumsily dropped it each time he tried to grab it.

something heavy impacted him throwing him off his feet. the Twilek Slave screamed. She has yet to move from her kneeling position under the bar.

"Who sent you!? was it the Kish? those up-jump cutthroats? who was it!?" Jrk'an tried to make heads and tails from this situation but he could not. As a last resort he grabbed the Twilek Slave and used her as a body shield when he rose from behind the counter. one arm around her neck and the other one holding the empty blaster. yet his enemies did not know that.

"Stop, let me go! ill give you anything, or ill kill you!" He tried to plead and threaten at the same time, his brain not making a coherent strategy with how stressful the whole situation was.

"Anything?" He heard a voice speaking in Common galactic

"yes, anything!" He pleaded, seeing a way to walk out of this whole thing with his skin safe and sound.

"Yet we want Everything" A second Calm voice spoke. this time he saw the speaker a young Human not older than 25 cycles.

"Everything?" Jrk'an was confused by what the human meant. it only lasted a moment before he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head followed by darkness.

"everything. even your life" the first voice spoke from behind.

The Twilek slave girl was on her knees crying, resigned to her death, having been a slave since she was a child. captured from her clan in Ryloth, she has grown up only knowing that her suffering will be long.

"just kill me quickly please" Daylia pleaded with the two humans. praying that they would gift her a swift end.

"Why would we do that? you are his property. therefore our property now." Daylia gritted her teeth as she swallowed resigned to her fate.

"And you call yourself Lightbringer… what a joke man" The human that snuck behind her and Jrk'an spoke to the man that was further away from them.

"Sorry about that…" The man answered awkwardly this time "My sense of humor is quite terrible. I Apologize." He said as he knelt in front of her, "Look at me" She resigned. another power play by her new master.

"You are going to be alright" The man That called himself Lightbringer said, a genuine smile on his handsome face comforted her. deep down she felt calm and peace covers her as if her mother covered her with a warm blanket. as if she was back in Ryloth, still safe with her clan.

Tears invaded her eyes against her wishes.

"shhh shhh, it's going to be ok, you are safe now," The man said as he Hugged and Comforted her while patting her back rhythmically! She could not control her body and against her better judgment, she returned the hug with ferocity, breaking into an embarrassing mess of tears, snot, and bawling on his shoulder.

for the first time in years, she felt safe. she felt alive. She felt her will to live return back to her.

before her body succumbed to tiredness she thought that even if they took away her newfound hope… this moment would stay with her for the rest of her life, they could not take it away, no one could.


Jrk'an Woke up with a jolt, pain ran over his body as an electric current hit his body. he screamed as his body spasmed yet he could not move because he seemed to be tied up to a chair.

"Now now. Jrk'an We will ask a few questions, and we will transfer a few properties here and there. be sure of one thing. We know when you lie" one of the Humans spoke while sitting in front of him.

"I'll do anything" Jrk'an pleaded. knowing that it was his only way to survive, with his 3 enforcers dead and the other 2 missing he had no one on the payroll to come to his rescue.

even if the locals knew what was happening here they would not dare come and help, their debt is dead with him, and no one would lift a finger to help him. this was the life in Tatoine.

"We want everything you can give us, all of your properties, information, and Contacts. All the debt that you have amassed. Everything… now, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way. the choice is yours" The Duros Cantina owner knew that if he survived this night he would remember those words for the rest of his life. they would haunt him in his dreams…

"easy way," the man said as he pointed at his password-locked data pad." hard way," He remarked as his hand lit up with electricity, ready to burn him once more.

"I will cooperate if you promise to kill me quickly" The Duros cantina owner has resigned to his fate. there was no escape, only death, and how that would come to pass.

"Good Choice!" The man almost chirped.

Jrk'an was not proud to lose everything he earned. but the fact that he threw every single one of his enemies and debtors under the speeder was soothing.

"We will respect your people and your wish to be burned. may you find peace once you reunite with the Force. Fare well" the man said as the Duros man observed the sunrise one last time his last request being fulfilled by his killers.

A lone blaster sound could be heard coming from the backyard of the cantina right before the sunlight bathed it in its all glory and power.

Jrk'an was no longer. now he was Only the warm embrace of The Force


Ragshish was a mercenary. for a human he was quite skilled in the trade. and somehow he has managed to survive in the treacherous and cutthroat world of Hutt Space.

since he was a child he has had a knack for tech, his blaster fire always striked true, and he was a talented star pilot and fighter, overall he has earned the favor of Jabba.

After being sent as an agent of Jabba in Mossespa. Tow new players had appeared one night and took over a cantina that was used to distribute Spice.

While as a former slave, Ragshish knew the dangers of the drug, it was rampant in less privileged circlers where hope had died and the numbing addicting effect was the sole reason to live another day.

Ragshish was not happy to have to oversee that the new owners of the Cantina who called themselves Starkiller and Lightbringer would distribute the Drug and pay Jabba his Tax, if he found them inadequate he had free reign to dispose of the two.

Yet that was easier said than done.

In the two weeks that it took for Jabba to notice the absence of his former associate and send a protocol droid to investigate they have already established themselves as big fish in Mossespa.

Their reform in how the new Mos Espan Crimelords brought to the Mos Espan city territory was refreshing.

"Chaos yet Order" Said Starkiller to Ragshish as he explained to him the new set of rules they implemented in the streets of the defacto Capital of Tatine.

Slavery was still allowed, but to be allowed to own a slave you had to be able to sustain them. Spice Dealers would only sell to those who could afford it and if they were found selling or trading the Drug for stolen mechandize or products they were severely punished.

Weeding out and "tapering" the addicts to help them quit the Drug was another thing that the "Tatooine Twins" did using one of their new warehouses as a medical center they reffered to as "Rehab"

Assassination, Beatings, Criplings… had to be sanctioned by them. A new system of "Golden Cards" Was created for Mercs where you could set up a "Quest" in the Cantina Noticeboard or arrange for a more private contract with them.

And how they dealt with punishment and eradicated those who opposed their reforms still sent shivers down his spine. At first, he thought that he could deal with the Tatooine Twins if necessary. yet after seeing them kill two dozen thugs without getting a single scratch opened his eyes to reality.

Overall in the 5 months, he has been with them he could already see how Jabba's days as ruler of Tatooine were numbered.

The fat slug lived for centuries and his perception of time was skewed. he only saw those two as another couple of humans that will be either killed in some disputes or end up growing old and dying before his time comes.

Blind to the fact that the Tatooine Twins were far more dangerous than that. But the Hutt was arrogant and confident in the fear that his name invoked.

Ragshish knew better, but he would not be telling Jabba that, while being his employer he has not earned any kind of loyalty. and what is more. his job was making sure things ran smoothly and that the Tax was paid, nothing more. and he was not going down with the sinking ship that Jabba represented.

"Good morning Ragshish" The freed Twilek that The Twins employed in their cantina as a bartender and manager of the floor.

"Morning Daylia. give me a ColdStout" He asked for a serving of Cold Malt fermet or as The Twins called it "Stout"

Daylia placed his drink in front of him a few moments later with a known smirk.

"not this again" Ragshish grumbled as he looked at the Cup of Caf in front of him.

"StarKilled got mad the last time I served you Booze first thing in the morning, so Caf it is" her mouth said but her eye still winked at him.

"Yeah" Ragshish took a sip of the Iced Caf and noticed that she had added a splash of Corelian Spirit to it. He smiled at her thankfully, it would take the edge off and keep him sober enough for tonight.

"How did the Boys do? everything ready for the Gambling Night?" Ragshish knew that once per month the Cantina would serve as a High Stakes Cassino in Mos Espa. Ragshish already saw that the tables for Dueling Dice and Holo Chess were set. The big table for the Sabbac game was there too. that will be the main event tonight.

"Yes, we still waiting for a delivery of that Naboo wine that Dugtess likes, but it should be here before mid day" Daylia said while she placed a tray of glasses on the bottom shelve while needlessly bending over. Ragshish was not proud of staring but he did. he was a Hot Blooded Human after all and Daylia was quite the sight.

The fact that she now looked like some Rich Coruscant Twilek and not a former slave. the fact spoke louder than any words about how much better she was being treated under the New management of the cantina.

"like what you see?" She asked cheekily.

*Tsk* He clicked his tongue and looked away. "keep doing that and I'll end up jumping you" he joked, while he knew that she was interested and would not say no he was not looking for a one-night fling. it would complicate their work relationship.