
OnanMaster's Stories Chest (ADHD version)

An amalgamation of stories I never published or released. Usually due to ADHD and the way I write. Most liked stories might get a continuation. EACH CHAPTER IS A DIFFERENT STORY DON'T EXPECT CONTINUITY!

OnanMaster · Others
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17 Chs

Ch 05: Marvel's new god. (marvel/Multiple cossovers)

"Harder! GO! GO! GO! Di di MAU! MAU. Di Di MAU! Let Me See your War FACE!!!!!! ARRHHHHHHHHH! That is a War Face!... Rip And Tear them apart until nothing is left! make them eat shit and die!" Monster Screamed at me from above, his towering height looming over me while I kept pushing on through the pain and doing the Sword Katas over and over.

The problem with being stuck in the endless white void of what I assume is Limbo is that you can not die, you do not need to breathe, eat, drink, sleep… you can feel things. Hunger and thirst, tiredness, pain, fear… all of those and more you can feel, but if you stop and recover, in the blink of an eye they are gone, and you are left with boredom, apathy, sloth and little to no hope for existence.

I died. the American Truck-Kun strikes with its fat ass made out of 18 wheels and then you see it, endless white void. Gandalf, you are a liar, and such betrayals hurt in the deepest part of my soul.

In the beginning, I thought there was some kind of mistake, that I was in a coma or some shit… so I did nothing. Slowly I started to fade away, losing myself and some of my memories in the process, quickly my survival instincts took over… either that or madness.

"If you wish not only to survive but thrive you must work harder. Forsake the material pain for it is temporary. This fleeting suffering will be remembered as the sweetest nectar once you succeed and crush every obstacle in your path. In time, we will all be rewarded." Sage said while sitting in a lotus position with his eyes closed before he started humming again entering a meditative trance, His appearance that of an old man in monk robes, wrinkled face with long grey hair, and a beard that could make a Dwarf jealous.

Meanwhile, Guardian flopped their wings as they floated in the air with a kind smile on their face. their androgynous features, thin complexion, and almost transparent silken robes gave them a femboy appearance that with each year trapped in this white void was more and more alluring.

"You can do it! just keep on going!" Guardian cheered up trying to make me push beyond my limits.

"stop thinking about all that Gay shit about fucking your feminized soul fragment! you Faggot!" Monster screamed at me, spit dusting me as each vile word came out of its twisted asymmetrical maw full of sharp jagged teeth, Monster's multiple eyes flaring with anger meanwhile.

"Delusional as always, Velen has always been Bi" Guardian scoffed

"Fools both of you. In fact, If Velen decides to fuck Guardian then technically it would be masturbation since we are all fragments of his soul" Sage added his 5 cents of Biased Wisdom.

"It would still be Gay as fuck, after we gained independent sentience even if we started as fragments of his soul we are our own beings… you only say that because you are a perverted old man that likes Traps" Monster Snarled at Sage showing his fangs and projecting hostility.

"But the Dick makes it cuter" Guardian joked, fanning up the flames.

"ENOUGH!" I shouted with authority, using Soulforce to project outwards. It was a technique that did an effect similar to increasing gravity all around me.

"how long?" I asked Sage.

"You had been practicing your Sword style without rest for 5 years and 4 months." Sage provided with a girn to his old weathered face.

"Let's see if you have mastered your last weapon little rabbit " Monster said as he summoned an enormous sword that resembled Soul Edge from the soul caliber series.

I did not asked or waited for any kind of signal and started to swing the two handed great sword building momentum.

Monster deflected my swing and did a quick slash as a counter. I duck under without much difficulty thanks to the difference in height, doing a flurry to keep up the momentum of my blade I managed to press on the atack doing quick slashes from different angles.

Monster kept on partying and deflecting and following up with quick and deadly slashes. Both of our footwork was flawless, we danced with Lady Death.

Monster deflected my overhead strike and smirked then he pressed the attack changing the dynamic of the fight.

The fight continued for unknown amounts of time. With time, my sword evolved. From a simple steel great sword into a work of art made out of cristalized fighting essence.

After i reached enlightenment and went into a trance my body moved on its own fee of thought, only instinct, fighting spirit and overall badassery carried me in my duel with Monster. for what felt like a few hours but were centuries, in reality, our bodies collided in a clash of wills.

Our weapons and armor morphed, having mastered every single weapon through the eons i have been practicing and developing my own fighting style.

At the end i recovered consciousness after my Cristalized Essence Sword went through Monster's hearth, As his form started to vanish into crimson motes of light that ended up being absorbed back into my soul monster Smiled.

"We become One Once Again." Monster said in a nostalgic voice.

"Welcome back Brother," I say to my newly Asimilated Fraction of my soul.

No longer was I just a human soul trapped in The land In between. I have Transcended. I understood what Defeating and Assimilating Monster Did to me.

I have acquired an Aspect. making me something equal to a Demigod.

"Congratulations. Divine Executioner, Martial Deity, Avatar of Annihilation, Willforce Incarnate, Emissary of Valor. You must Forgo your mortal name and Become Born once again." Sage said as he rose from his lotus position. Guardian landed with a smile on their face.

I observed The remaining two Fragments of my Soul from my new enlarged frame. "From now on, My true name Will be Haraldur. Ruler of Battle." I say without thinking using my divine Instinct.

"Good, you know Destruction. now its time to merge with the next aspect of your Soul."

Sage went back and sat in a lotus position while Guardian flopped its wings floating next to me.

"You only need to trust me" Guardian said With a warm smile.

I closed my eyes and i felt his forehead touch mine.

~~~ unknown amount of time later ~~~

"Welcome back, Divinity of Hope, Protector of Life, Healer, Empath, Guardian of Morality, Prosperity, Sanctuary, Harmonious Presence, Beacon of Guidance, Bringer of Prosperity." Sage said as I exited the trance.

My body totally different from before. no longer I had curly dark hair but a long Blonde mane of what appeared to be silky smooth texture. The crimson wings arning my back felt as a new apéndige.

"Interesting. Haraldur Radiance. I wonder what will my name become after we merge Sage."

Sage smiled. "Open your mind, Let me teach you." Sage waved his hands and summoned a gigantic Library.

"While you were seeking Martial Prowess by Defeating Monster, and becoming at Peace when Opening up your soul freely to Guardian I sought the mysteries of the Land in Between. I found enlightenment many times over. now it's time for me to teach you."

"show me The Way," I said as I used a few motes of my power to create a seat.


"This is the Way. for I am Haraldur Radiance Gwyndor. Ruler of Battle. Embodiment of Hope, Protection, Wisdom, Knowledge, Time, Space, Life and Death."

I looked around. I might have Transcended, acquiring these divinities. But the scope or reach of my power was not that big. I needed to spread my name.

Having Worshipers would be quite Awkward, Just letting mortals know I exist should be enough to increase my Power through time.

My Sword materialized in my hands. My Divine armor Appeared around me, with a flop of my wings I rose in flight.

Using my mind I materialized a stone Archway, my self Made Magic runes adorning the polished pillars. with a quick surge of power, the archway started to draw power through the Diferent Dimensions making a Rainbow-like Spiraling portal.

I had a spiritual anchor to this Land in Between so There is no physical or spiritual way to impede me from returning here, even when killed I would just reform in this place. This white Dimension I named Land In Between has become my domain, Its lifeless, empty… for now.


Crossing the Door I land in a new place.

Batting my wings I fly to the stratosphere and observe my new world. Interesting enough it seems to be Earth. yet to become a fully advanced civilization. I seem to have landed somewhere in norway.

Interestingly enough it seems to be during the Egyptian empire. so Around 5000 years before my time back in my first life.


Years have passed. I have taken Over as a Teacher and God to The nordic people.

I taught them. At first, they were wary of a winged 3.5 meter tall being that actually had divine powers. but soon they accepted me as one of their gods.

Odin and the Nordic pantheon were mentioned. I could feel them but I did not care for them. Asgard was a Realm of this world but it was not my domain, nor did I care for it.

It is strange how detached I have become from Regular Affairs. I could spend 30 or 300 years meditating only to wake up and help my worshipers when their prayers became loud enough.

So far my Worshipers have extended to what one day will be Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, and northern parts of mainland Europe.

One day I sensed Death, Fear, and overall Prayers from My believers.

Something was attacking them.

I exit the Cave I called home that has become a holy ground to the Nordic people. no mortal was allowed to enter and disturb my meditating form by priests of my faith.

Outside I find People praying around huge bonfires.

"Our Lord has Awoken!" The head priest announced.

They have come a long way since I taught them how to smelt metals and wave basic fabrics. how to do fish traps and how to cultivate land in a more efficient manner.

"Lord Haldir, Ruler of Battle. Embodiment of Hope, Protection, Wisdom, Knowledge, Time, Space, Life and Death. We Humbly ask for your protection of our lands. Men made of Ice are invading our lands and slaughtering our people, they bring the coldest winter winds with them. Save us we beg you."

I frown a tinny bit at how they have butchered my name but that is understandable. language evolves and with time names change. I don't mind Haldir is a good name.

I don't say a word, and rarely do I speak, It's a habit I have lost with time.

I summon my Cristalized Blue Armor, and then my Weapon takes my Favored form, a Trident made of the same material.

My wings batt and I fly to a place in southern Norway near what will become the city of Oslo in the future years.

There I saw them, Frost Giants Holding the Casket of Ancient Winters being carried by Luafey.

The single Raised Eyebrow was the most emotion my face has shown in a few centuries by realizing that I was in The Marvel Verse for some reason.

"This planet and this Lands Are not yours to conquer Jotun Spawn. Be gone to your world or be destroyed." My voice reverberated and was carried through the entirety of the lands of my worshipers.

"Little Midgardian God. You think you can stop us?" Laughed Leaufey

"You are a fool if you think That Being the Ruler of these Lands is the only scope of my power. I gave you a fair warning, I will not repeat myself. King of Winter"

"There is no need for a second one King of NOTHING," Leuafey said and Activated the Casket.

"So be it," I said as I lifted my Trident and slammed the butt end of it into the ground Rising the land we were standing in creating a circular plateau sparing the people of Norway that lived in a Town nearby that would have been called Tonsberg in time, that probably changing with my intervention.

Leufey's channel of the power of the Casket got interrupted as we all rose in the air up to 400 meters high. that was until the Bifrost Slammed behind me. Asgardian Armies and Odin Allfather himself standing behind me.

Channeling Power from My Domain: The Land in Between I looked at Odin ready to clash with him too if needed.

"We are not here to Fight you Haraldur Radiance Gwyndor. only to assist the lands of Midgard against the army of Jotunheim." Odin spoke.

"We will discuss compensation for bringing your War to my Lands After this is over Odin Borson." Odin just nodded.

"Father, why talk with this minor God? Just push him aside, let me deal with Leufey myself" Hella Goddess of Death said as she licked her lips.

"Hella goddess of Death, definitely not of wisdom" I quipped as Odin sent me a reprimanding glare for provoking his firstborn just for a second before his face showed him almost asking for an apology as Hella threw Mjolnir towards me.

Channeling all of my power It radiated around me bending light as I stopped Mjolir with my off hand.

The sentient Hammer fought me for a few seconds before I imbued it with my divinity. The Hammer judged me and decided that I was worthy of wielding the Sentient Space Storm. trapped inside of it.

I grabbed it by the handle and gave it a few test swings.

"Terribly well balanced," I said as I Tossed the hammer casually back to Hella who looked at me wide-eyed.

Foolish young Goddess…

"Enough! Kill them!" Leaufey Roared as he charged at me.

"So you have chosen Death," I say as I finally Free all of my Divinities using The energy from the Land in Between as fuel.

My Power exits me as a wave. it affects my temporary Asguardian Allies. gets them a boost of power, revitalization, and an energy exo Armor over their Asgardian one.

Jotunheim gets Hit by the wave also. Only for them, It becomes a debilitating Corroding energy. the weaker Jotuns get wounded, stronger Jotuns manage to come out unscratched but they feel their power being drained.

This is the problem with trying to conquer land from a God that is actively being worshiped by the locals, especially considering that War and Marital prowess is one of my domains.


The fight continues. way more one-sided than in the original Marvel Verse.

Odin still loses one eye but we manage to push the Jotun back to their Realm with very few casualties from the Asgardian side.

Odin was dueling Leuafey. while Hella and I were massacring Jotuns left and right.

Both of us being Gods of Death and of the Martial, we were at the vanguard. My crystalized weapons and her necro swords flew as we both did an impression of something that reminded me of the Gates of Babylon from Fate. Jotuns were massacred by our conjured weapons. Crystal Blades and Necroswords rained down on our enemies bringing in death. I felt that aspect of my divinity absorbing the Deaths around me and granting me strength.

Death not being the sole Aspect of my Divinity made it so I did not absorb as much energy as Hella did. Her bathing in the deaths. she probably has become the Avatar of Lady Death by now.

We heard a crash and a shockwave from inside the palace stopped our fight, the Jotuns dropped their ice weapons and fled.

I saw Hella Conjuring more NecroSwords to launch at the retreating Jotuns.

They were defeated while being a race of Idiotic warmongerers im positive they will have their use with time.

Stopping Hella from committing what I still considered WarCrimes. while the Geneva Convention was not invented yet I did not want her to kill fleeing enemies.

I picked her up in a princess carry and flew towards Odin at breakneck speeds breaking the sound barrier.

I only got a cute "Erp!" from the goddess of death when we launched, She blushed slightly as we landed next to the Defeated Leufey while Odin held him at spearpoint.

"I surrender. AllFather" Leaufey said defeated.

"We take hold of the Casket of Ancient Winters. Be it a reminder to your people of the outcome this war." Hella approached the Casket and lifted it with a sadistic smile on her face.

Leaufey grinned his teeth.

'Is it weird that I find her Hella Hot… Pun intended' I thought to myself. 'Her Dommy Mommy vibes are off the chart' I thought as I saw her Hips swaying as she retreated towards where Heimdall would open the Rainbow Bridge.

"We invite you to join us in Asgard to celebrate Our victory. As our guest of honor, without you, many Asgardian lives would have been lost. Please honor us" Odin said.

While everything he said was truthful. there was something else. something I was yet to catch. too bad Plots and Schemes were not one of my divinities.

We were leaving as we heard the weak cries of an infant in some side chamber.

Odin approaches the Newborn Loki who has been discarded because he was born smaller and "weaker"... perhaps physically, but I can see his potential. Leaufey was a blind fool.

"Loki Leaufeyson," Odin said while picking up the newborn "You will unite Us, securing this fragile peace built on the weak foundations of fear."

Odin left the chamber and looked back at me.

"I will join you for the Feast after I make sure that my Lands are safe. There could be rogue Jotuns hiding. I will be there Odin Borson" I said as I opened a portal back to Norway.

Odin just nodded before being taken away by the Byfrost.

What are you scheming, Odin?


After Hunting down a few rogue Jotuns and making sure that there are no more dangers to my people I thought of Opening a portal to Asgard. While possible using The Land in Beween as a bridge between dimensions and realms I did not want to impose and trespass into Asgard so I just stood in the middle of the Plateau.

Having changed my conjured crystalized armor and weapons in exchange for some more formal clothing, them being white, azure blue, and with golden edge trim. I looked up and screamed at the air.

"Heimdal!" The watcher of Asgard opened up the Byfrost and I walked in Asgard for the first time.

Everything was made of Marvel, Gold and Asgardian metal.

I walked Towards asgard enjoying the scenery of the waters around me while approaching the beautiful city.

At the end of the bridge i saw the Welcoming committee. Hella stood with a dark green dress made from some silky fabric that hugged her figure just in the right places.

Damn. Bad horny brain.

She gave me a small tour as we approached the Main hall where the feast would be held. Asgard was quite the palace. full of happy Asgardian civilians.

I heard a resounding slam of what I assumed was Odin's spear Gungnir

"And now Our guests of honor. Hella Odinsdottir, Goddess of Death, Executioner. first Born and Crown Princess of Asgard, accompanied by Haraldur Radiance Gwyndor. Ruler of Battle. Embodiment of Hope, Protection, Wisdom, Knowledge, Time, Space, Life and Death. God of the Northmen Of Midgard and Ruler of The Land In Between. more Notably our ally against the armies of Joutunheim." a speaker announced as we arrived.

The cheers from the feasting soldiers and Asgardian nobels

Hella walked up to the raised table. in the middle sat odin with his new Eyepatch. Frigga sat to his left held two babies in her hands and cooed them. a blonde boy and a dark-haired one. to his right there were two unoccupied chairs.

We approached the table and Hella Sat left the chair between her father and her for me.

Cursed powerplays.

We feasted for a whole week before Odin closed the celebration with an announcement.

"War between Asgard and Jotunheim should never have reached Midgard, for that I apologize. In good faith After discussing it with my First Born Daughter, and my wife we accepted that reparations must be made. Hella" He said as he waved at her to raise and he sat back down.

"I have noted your interest in me. Haraldur. In One Midgardian Year. Bring me a prize worthy of my hand and we shall Wed." Hella announced for Asgard to cheer up.

Did these people not understand that I never accepted such a proposal?

We Left the main hall and i retreated to my guest chamber to think about what have transpired.

While I did liked Mommy Hella. Was she worthy of becoming my wife? simple answer is Yes. Long answer: Strategically speaking she was. Becoming her husband allied me with Asgard and its armies. securing not only Midgard due to their promises to defend it as one of the 9 realms that were interconnected by Yiggdrassil. but also due to marriage.

Hella has yet to become a bloodthirsty madwoman obsessed with war. i mean the "peace" has yet to make her mad. and perhaps marrying her will change that outcome.

Not only that but this entrapment also granted me the ability to ask Odin of a few Favors.

Even if the marriage was just political to ensure our collaboration and bond, that did not mean that Love could not blossom in our future relationship.

So be it. First I would need to make sure that Odin understands that.

I asked Some guards to lead me where Odin was.

Arriving at a nursery I find Odin observing Frigga and Hella playing with the children.

Damm Hella's genuine smile is quite beautiful. while her Sadistic one is quite kinky this one just screams love and afecction.

"Odin. I will accept the marriage and bring in courting gifts worthy of your firstborn. under a few conditions."

"Speak," Odin said without taking his eye away from the happy Asgardian family in front of him.


A year has passed and I had a few things ready as gifts to my future wife.

The still beating heart of a dragon.

A crown made out of bones from dead bodies of tyrants, the crown was done by hand and haas runic enchantments done by my own hands using my own blood.

By flying into space I managed to divert an asteroid made out of Vibranium and made it crash into the plateau were we fought the Jotuns. I instructed my followers to build a temple to my future wife. The land has been proclaimed sacred by the church of the Viking fate. Holy ground only to be stepped onto and inhabited by the devout followers of the church of Odín.

The fact that today I will be joining the Asguardian pantheon did not go unnoticed by the faith and today was made an official holyday.

A sparkling portal opened and two people walked into the case I called home . " Ancient one. Alkasha" I saluted the sorcerers.

"Haraldur. We are here to bid you fare well" the old man that was carrying the Eye of Agamotto said

"I'm not abandoning Terra, old man" I muttered at the old friend I made while we fought and banished a few Daemons back to their original dimensions or trapped them in the mirror dimension

"You sure that you don't want to make a deal for longevity? I'm the ruler of The Land in Between. I would not fuck you over like the Doormat would.

Alkasha was young and her eyes were so wide at my insult to Doormamu that it made me chuckle

"Do not worry. I'm at peace with my approaching end" the current Ancient One said while he winked at me after directing his gaze at his successor. The young woman oblivious at the implication of his words.

"Fair enough" I said as I got ready to