
On The Day Of My 100th Blind Date, I Arrested My Date

# rapiddevelopment Chen Yan’s 100th blind date went a little off tangent. He arrested his blind date. … His blind date said, “Since we are on a blind date, let us be frank with each other.” She continued, “Your salary is too low and your house is small. To be honest, if it wasn't for your good looks, our date would probably have ended here.” Clearly, she was not very satisfied with Chen Yan’s condition. She suggested, “Let’s do this. You put your house under my name and ask your family to get me another car worth half a million. Then, we can consider working this relationship out.” Chen Yan was a little hesitant and shocked. This girl was even more direct and materialistic than he had imagined. She said, “You don’t have to spend a cent to put your house under my name. As for the car…to be honest, that amount is only worth a month of my salary.” She chided, “You are hesitant even when asked to do such simple things. You are such a miser.” She concluded, “Humph. I have no other business with you. I shall take my leave now.” Chen Yan’s blind date put on an arrogant expression. She had announced the final outcome of this blind date. However, Chen Yan felt that it might be a little too rushed to end his 100th blind date just like that. He said, “Missy, it is debatable whether I am a miser. However, you can’t leave now even if you want to.” She retorted, “Why? As a police officer, do you plan on hounding me? Or do you want me to settle the bill? Ha! Waiter, bring me the bill!” Chen Yan could spot the contempt from his date’s arrogant gaze. Hounding her? Getting her to settle the bill? “You don’t have to settle the bill,” said Chen Yan expressionlessly as he took out a pair of silver handcuffs. He continued, “Please stand up and put your arms around your head. You are under arrest.” … [Ding! Congratulations on completing your 100th blind date. The Strongest Police System has been activated.] [Ding! Congratulations on arresting one of the principal offenders of a cybercriminal group. As a reward, the gene lock on your olfactory receptor has been unlocked.]

Braking In Time · Urban
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130 Chs

Fortune-bringing Boy

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Early the next morning, Chen Yan arrived early at the station.

"Xiao Chen, you're here so early!" The gatekeeper at the door greeted Chen Yan warmly.

"Xiao Chen, you're so early! You haven't had breakfast yet, right? My wife just steamed some meat buns this morning. Here, two for you!" As he spoke, two big meat buns entered Chen Yan's arms.

"Thank you, big brother Zhang! I left in a hurry this morning, so it's true I haven't had breakfast yet!"

After greeting big brother Zhang who was in charge of logistics, Chen Yan quickly thanked him.

"Big brother Yan!" Liang Xiao, who had joined the police force as an intern at about the same time as Chen Yan, and was also the latter's classmate, said, "We've all heard about your deeds. You've been too awesome! God, when you're free, you should teach us too..."

"Xiao Chen... Come, have a cup of milk. It's still warm..."

"Xiao Chen, you haven't had breakfast yet, right? Here, freshly fried dough sticks from Old Wang's stall, have a taste..."

"Xiao Chen..."

From the moment he entered the compound, food started to pile in Chen Yan's hands. Steamed buns, fried dough sticks, milk, soy milk.

When he finally arrived at Liu Qingshan's office, he had received about ten people's breakfast portions.

"Master..." Chen Yan looked at Liu Qingshan with a bitter smile, "Everyone is a little too enthusiastic this morning."

A little too enthusiastic, my ass!

Liu Qingshan took the breakfast from Chen Yan's arms, "The reward from the higher-ups has been distributed."


"The reward for the online prostitution services cases?"

Liu Qingshan shook his head and extended three fingers, "The online prostitution services case, the dismemberment and wife-killing case, and the bloody cross murder case. The rewards for all three cases have been distributed. Everyone on the team will be rewarded with an average of 5,000 yuan per person. Those who are directly involved in the case will be rewarded a little more. For me, my average reward for each case is 10,000 yuan, so my total reward this time is 32,000 yuan!" Liu Qingshan pointed at his own nose, "Thanks to you, the members of the team will all be rewarded with at least 10,000 yuan."

At least 10,000 yuan?

Chen Yan was slightly stunned. This was not a small amount.

One had to know that this was an additional reward. It did not conflict with one's salary or year-end bonus.

Moreover, since the unit had solved so many major cases in such a short time, their year-end bonus would definitely be increased.

No wonder everyone was so enthusiastic and warm when they saw him.

He was the fortune-bringing boy of the second search and arrest unit!

"Master," Chen Yan rubbed his fingers when he heard this, "According to what you said, how much money can I get?"

"Silly boy," Liu Qingshan looked in amusement at Chen Yan who was acting like a money-grubber, "You shouldn't be concerned about money now, but your merits!"

"The merits?" Chen Yan scratched his head. Of course, he knew the importance of the merits.

Whether it was in his previous life or this life, the requirements to be rewarded with merit were very harsh.

One could stand while receiving third-class merit, one would probably be lying in bed when receiving second-class merit, and one's first-class merit would most probably be received by family members.

Such a saying was no exaggeration.

The entire second search and arrest team had been established for thirty years now, and they had solved quite several cases during these years, but in these thirty years, they had only received three collective third-class merits and one individual third-class merit.

In the past ten years, no one had received merit yet.

From this, it could be seen how rare the merit as a reward was.

"Master, of course, I'd like to receive merit. However, it's not up to me."

Liu Qingshan curled his lips. It was indeed not up to the boy, after all, he had just made a move to get it.

"Chen Yan," Liu Qingshan patted Chen Yan's shoulder and sighed, "This time, not only have you rendered a meritorious service, but the entire team has benefited thanks to you."

To be honest, Liu Qingshan hadn't been Chen Yan's Master for many days. At most, he had only taken care of him for a month.

Within the month, he had brought Chen Yan to a few small crime scenes and told him about the so-called experience that he had accumulated over the years.

He hadn't taught him much about the real methods of solving crimes and detective skills.

However, as the old saying goes, there was bound to be someone better than oneself.

A genius was simply different from an ordinary person.

For example, in the dismemberment and wife-killing case, a large group of veterans had not found anything, but Chen Yan had been able to find the remains.

In the bloody cross murder case, no one, including Captain Zhang, had any leads. In the end, Chen Yan found the rubber gloves used to commit the crimes, analyzed the motive for the murders, and found the suspects.

This was ability.

"Master," With Chen Yan's IQ, he knew now was obviously not the time to be proud. He poured a cup of tea for Liu Qingshan, "Do you hear yourself? I was just lucky, like a blind cat meeting a dead mouse. Besides, if it weren't for your good teaching and Captain Zhang's trust in me, I wouldn't have had the chance to solve the case and make a contribution."

Liu Qingshan took the cup and looked deeply at Chen Yan.

Look at him. No wonder everyone said he was a good lad.

He had made such a great contribution and didn't even put on any airs

"Alright, you don't have to be so polite around me," Liu Qingshan took a sip of tea and looked at Chen Yan. His expression suddenly became a little serious. "You better not call me Master in the future."


Chen Yan was seriously puzzled, "Why? You're not going to "clean up", are you?"

Liu Qingshan, "..."

He wasn't the freaking Wudang Shaolin, sp what business did he have to "clean up"?!

"Don't interrupt," Liu Qingshan waved his hand, "Kid, you've only been in the job for a little over a month, and I've only brought you out to a few small scenes. I haven't taught you any skills at all. Besides, you're so good at solving cases that it's a little monstrous. When others hear you call me Master, won't they think that I'm taking advantage of you with my seniority?"

Chen Yan found this quite unacceptable.

"Master, I don't like what you're saying," Chen Yan pursed his lips, "Besides, we're just chatting. Why are you cursing? How am I monstrous?!"

Liu Qingshan, "..."

Was that what he meant?

Liu Qingshan gave a wry smile and let it go, "Alright, just call me whatever you want. Captain Zhang is waiting for you. He told me to ask you to look for him when I see you. Oh right, wear the formal uniform!"

In the car.

"Captain Zhang, why are we going to the police station?"

"Haha," Zhang Yunhu laughed heartily and patted Chen Yan's shoulder, "It's a good thing this time. Your application to become an official police officer has been approved! Chen Yan, you are now an official police officer!"

His application had been approved?

Chen Yan was slightly stunned.

He was no longer a trainee police officer, but an official police officer now.

"Captain, you mean... an authorized official police officer?"

"Of course! The documents are at my desk. When we get back, I will announce it for you!"

In the car, Chen Yan looked at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

His dream in his previous life had been to be a police officer.

Unfortunately, due to his health, he couldn't pass the physical examination. It was a strict requirement that had to be met, so there was nothing anyone could do about it.

But in this life, the dream that had originally been out of reach had come true.

Was this a gift from God?

"Chen Yan... Chen Yan..."


"Captain, you called for me?"

"What were you thinking about? I called you several times, but you didn't answer," Zhang Yunhu rubbed his hands and continued, "Have you remembered what I said just now?"

Uh... What did he say?

"Captain Zhang, can you... say it again?"

Zhang Yunhu, "..."

His words just now had been wasted.

Seeing that the brat was the fortune-bringing boy of the team now, he would endure it.

"Later, we will hold a merit ceremony in the team. You have to speak on behalf of all the police who are receiving merit."

Huh? A speech?

"Captain," Chen Yan's expression changed immediately when he heard that, "If you say that your throat is inflamed, I have a previous medicine that is out of production that I can guarantee will cure the illness once taken, but if you want me to give a speech... Aren't you forcing a duck onto a perch?"