
On the Blues as Madara

A guy gets reborn as Edo Tensei Madara and has a 3 hour period to ‘collect loot’ before he’s whisked away to One Piece. Inspired by: In One Piece, as Hashirama Senju by Master4thWall on WebNovel Shinobi of the High Seas by Kenchi618 on ffnet Systematic Shinobi: Multiverse Mayhem by 0 Jordinio 0 on ffnet

Gabe_ · Anime & Comics
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East Blue Mischief

Once we make it on the ship I don't wait for a ladder or anything and just jump aboard. That freaked out a few people after here in the East the people are basically regular people from my old world with the addition of anime physics letting them be more durable.

"Alright you scum!" I used Chakra to project my voice acting like a microphone. "I'm commandeering this vessel surrender now or I'll destroy the fat pig down there."


A bunch of pirates gulped so loud simultaneously that It defened the sound of the rowboat cracking under the pressure Alvida made Jumping up in the air.

"GRRRAAAAHHHHHH!!!" She screamed as she brought her mace down then let a small smile appear on her face. "Who is the most beautiful on all the seas?"

No one answered. They were too busy gawking at a floating Koby levitating in the air.

"WHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!" The pirates, Alvida included screamed at the sight.

'Whew thank goodness my Rinne-Sharingan is always active the Deva path came in clutch.' I thought using the Universal Pull to get Koby up on the ship.

The club was resting against the pinky on my left hand and she couldn't move it at all, I used my Chakra to stick it to the surface.

"Thanks for the souvenir." I pull my hand forward easily taking the club. "Now time for a home run." I channel chakra into the mace as I get into a batting position.

"Grand Slam!"

Slamming my brand new mace into her torso I sent her flying into the captains quarters.

"Maybe fate will make you slim again… in a marine jail." Everyone was staring at me with a mix of awe and fear. "Don't worry guys just listen to my commands and you'll be fine."

Walking over to Alvida she was out cold.

"Wow that was crazy Mister ugh.." Koby's voice said from behind me. "You really saved my hide there what are you a bounty hunter?"

"Heh, yeah I guess I'm more of an explorer but a hunt bounties now." I grin. "Boys tie her up and set sail for the nearest Marine base oh and drop our young friend off at the docks while we're at it."

"Wait!" Koby stops me while shaking. "Ever since I was young I always wanted to be a marine."

"Okay…" I answer but he ignores me to continue his monologue.

"I hate how weak I seemed… and with the Marines I'll grow strong." He looked at me with a determined look. "Will you take me to the Marines? So I can join up?"

Looking into his eyes and knowing what he could become I can't help but internally grin at an idea I have to recruit Koby. "What if I told you the Marines aren't all they're made out to be."

"What do you mean?!" He looked like I've told him the biggest lie. "A Marine is what bringing Justice to the world and stoping pirates like you just did is all about!"

"It's okay to get upset, after all how could you know of the Marines corruption." I answer as my eyes turn to Mangekyou Sharingan and I take him to a Genjustsu World. "Heh the best part about Sharingan Genjutsu is that the target doesn't need Chakra like all other Genjutsu."

In the Genjutsu I showed him the destruction of Ohara and that rocked the lad, knowing the current Admirals took part in such blatant murder over knowledge. Next was the enslavement and subsequent rescue of the Hancock sisters, that made him doubt the 'truth' the government told him. His feelings towards the World Government Orginization as a whole we're clearly bad but he still held out hope for the Marines.

"Maybe I can do something.." he would mutter to himself.

The last vision I showed was Sabo being blown up buy a World Noble. He let out a sigh of relief knowing that someone was doing something to undermine the World Nobles when he saw Dragon rescue him.

"So tell me boy, what do you think of the Marines and World Government now that you know a small amount of the atrocities they've committed." I ask genuinely curious of his answer.

"Despite everything bad they've done… they've done a lot of good too! I have to see for myself!" Koby declares. "Men to Shells Town!"

They all glared daggers at Koby until I shot a death glare at them plus a little Killing Intent then they all looked away whistling. Koby then took the control of the helm and started Steering us to the 153rd Branch of the Marines.

On the ship I decided to create a Shadow Clone with half of my Chakra.

"Yo boss time for the construction project?" The clone asks.

"You know it." I give him a thumbs up as I suck him into Kamui. Looking where my clone was Koby was staring at me in shock.

"Just what are you?!" He asked in shock

"Hahaha, I guess we haven't introduced ourselves yet eh Hashi?" I spoke to my chest burster

"Ahaahaahaa, very true I'm Hashirama." My chest states

"You can call me Madara." I reply after. "And you are?"

"Koby." He replies hesitantly putting his hand out for me to shake.

"We'll said Koby!" Hashirama answers and I shake his hand. Thank god Hashirama's easy going personality seems to calm him down. Having two faces probably through him off but he'll get used to it.

"Now let's get comfortable while we sail how long do you think we'll be sailing for?" I ask him.

"It's not far a full two days sail from here." When those words hit my ears I froze.

'48 freaking hours, on this shitty ship.' My head hung in defeat I decide to find my way to the store room using the Audra path I make my four other arms appear and my hair stands on end like a super saiyan and two faces appear on the other sides of my head. I grab six barrels of grog and head to the figure head and start the triple chug of the century. 'Will I even be able to get drunk if it's not in my mindscape?'


In Kamui the head clone made 200 other shadow clones and divided 100 for training and the other 100 for building.

"Alright while you guys are off training I want you guys to round up the plants, animals and the collection while I prepare the island." Head clone ordered.

"Yes boss!" The swarm of clones lit up with Yellow-Orange Chakra forming chakra arms with the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and basically warped.

Head Clone then put his hands together and started to charge an outrageous amount of chakra.

Overall it didn't take long to round up everything out of the way for the Jutsu the Clone was preparing.

"Planetary Devestation: Flat Earth!!"

A flat black disk the size of a frizbee came from my hands and all the earth I excavated had attracted to it forming an island floating in the void of the Kamui Dimension.

"Now let's go train while we wait for it to form." Head clone stated.

With the training clones they all focused on mastering something different some were mastering Justus left and right, others were having seals blow up in their face and some were even meditating trying to see how far they can take Sage Mode. Their were even seven clones with the Mist swords sparring against two clones wielding the Sage's Treasured Tools.

After about an hour a massive island was floating in the void easily the size of the Leaf Village if not twice as big.

"Alright terraform squad! Structure squad get off of training and let's get to work!"


just over three dozen clones stop training and start working on a house as well as landscaping the island.

"We'll have this done in no time flat!" The main clone states as a hard hat and a safety vest appear on him with a poof of smoke. 'Gotta love the Transformation Jutsu!'


The ride was boring but at least it was beautifully clear. Have you ever seen the stars with no light pollution with what are essentially 4K quality eyes compared to my old ones. Simply one word to describe it. Majestic.

Heck I'm starting to get the Pirates life after I taught them some sea shanties from back home. Right now they're singing Drunken Sailor which I can't believe didn't exist in this world, we even sung a little Bink's Brew it wasn't as nice as it'd be with a piano but we made it work.

The peaceful days slowly ended as we got closer to shells town. About an hours ride away two Marine Vessels started tailing us until they got close enough they felt the Transponder Snail Speaker would be load enough.

"Pirates! Surrender now or prepare to be sunk!" The ship bellowed.

"Pirates? I think they're confused." Koby question.


The was me facepalming, looking at the top of the mast we were still hoisting a Pirates flag. I channel Chakra into my throat and project my voice just as loud as theirs.

"I apologize for the mix up this is erm.. bounty hunter Madara, I've captured Alvida and commandeered her ship and crew. We surrender." I stop projecting with Chakra and order my crew. "Hoist the sails and weigh anchor boys, we got Marines."

After the ships catch up they board and we get everything sorted out but I can't help but notice a small amount of fear and regret radiating off of these guys.

"Hmm, Do you notice it Koby?" I ask him.

"Notice what?" He's to in awe at finally meeting his hero's to notice these guys shifty behaviour.

"Look at these Marines don't you see it the short speech, rapidly shifting eyes and sweating like crazy." I point out.

"Now that you mention it.." he puts a hand on his chin. "These guys do give me a sort of weird feeling in my stomach."

"That's your gut Koby, always trust your gut." I sagely provide. "Now let's get one of these guys to spill it."

"Wha-wha-what?" Koby started to get scared at the thought of what I might do.

"Hah, relax kid it won't hurt them… physically." I tell him as my Sharingan activate and I step up to a random Marine.

"Wh-what do you want mister bounty hunter?" The Marine looks me in the eyes and he gets a dull look on his face.

"Hello, tell me what has you so freaked." I ask as I stare him down.

"Captian Morgan, Captian of the 153rd Branch will tie up all bounty hunters and turn in their bounties for himself." His voice monotones.

"How wonderful." I dryly reply.

Koby was mute he looked completely betrayed after all everything he's ever dreamed of is being shattered right before his eyes. For the rest of the ride Koby was mute probably having a crisis of some kind or maybe he's waiting to see this Marine for himself.

When we arrived I descretely sent three clones to scout the town. Being escorted to the Marine base the town was giving us looks of pity the whole way up. Once we got there they didn't let me inside and escorted Alvida and I to the crosses and started to tie us up. Alicia's was unconscious and took a dozen men to tie her up, I didn't resist just keeping an eye on Koby watching him silently melt down.

"Now in exchange for letting you leave here today, you won't mention a word of this." A tall man speaks as he opens the gate to the courtyard. I hear the man who I know as Alvida's right hand quickly agree then I hear a mass amount of footprints leaving the base. Captian Morgan walks up to me and just stares me down for a minute.

"So bounty hunter, I can't help but notice you staring down the kid, a protégé or something." He asks.

"Something like that." I reply as nice as possible.

"Well see here kid." Koby just stares him down with a death glare. "This is the power of justice." He grabs a Transponder Snail from his Marine Coat. "Destroy those scummy pirates."

"NO!" Koby screams. "HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF A MARINE YOU ARE MORE EVIL THAN ANY PIRATE IVE READ ABOUT IN THE PAPER YOU.. YOU BASTARD!" Koby couldn't hold it anymore and a wave of energy came shooting out of Koby knocking out every Marine except Axe-Hand who was to stunned to move. Koby then ran at the marine fist cocked back.


Morgan didn't move, despite the shock from the wave of Conquerer's Haki Koby was just a boy from East Blue with zero training. After shaking off the dread Morgan raised his axe hand but when he tried to bring it down he found he couldn't. Looking up he saw me holding the Axe still.

"Koby, what do you say we bring about our own justice?" I ask the boy but before he can reply a blonde, bowl cut having, purple suit wearing goofball comes stumbling in.

"DADDY! Do something!" He sobs. "I was getting food and… and…" staring at me he froze. "He struck me!" Pointing an accusatory finger at me. That just seems to piss Morgan off. "Even you have never laid a hand my my lovely, yet masculine face!"

"Do you know why I have never struck you?" With his free hand he pulls out a gun from his belt and shoots Helmeppo in the face. "Because you're and Idiot son who's has no use to me."

Helmeppo had the most betrayed look in his eyes and passed out eyes open. Using my Rinne-Sharingan I know he missed the vitals so he'll live but his lower jaw was completely blown up on the left side leaving it dangling on the right. I can heal it with medical ninjutsu but it won't fix his jaw, and I don't have Hashirama cells accessible right now so I'll have to improvise. With my free hand I grab Morgan's wrist causing him to drop his Pistol.

'Gotta love One Piece guns.' It looks old but I notice Morgan actually has two other Clips, a bag labeled bullets and another labeled gunpowder. The clips look like they hold three or four of those round bullets each so the guns are some kinda fusion between modern weapons and pirate era weapons. I take his Axe-Hand and tear it off of Morgan's arm.

"RAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" He screams as blood flies out of his stump, his elbow loosing that weird protrusion.

"Man you really did just shove an axe down you're arm, you psycho." I look at the bloodied axe with a handle still attached. "Well a souvenir is a souvenir so I can't have you blowing up that ship, it's collectable."

Morgan Didn't really hear me, he was too busy screaming in pain. With a simple flick in the neck I stopped the air and more importantly the noise from escaping his lungs.

"Koby show the marines our Justice."


The hammer of Captian Morgan's Pistol moved in slow motion as Koby pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Then his brains spilled from his scull as his corpse hit the ground. Koby walks up and strips to Justice coat off of the cooling body and soaks it in the puddle of blood pooling from Morgan dyeing the coat red.

"I swear…" Koby starts to resolve himself. "No longer will I just stand by and watch people abuse their power. I will bring about my own Justice, True Justice."

Koby turns and walks out of the Marine base slinging his crimson Justice coat on while everyone is too stunned to process what just happened. I can't help but look at Helmeppo and feel pity.

'Poor bastard, I'm sure he'd be respectable if he didn't have such a shitty father.' I think as I tear off Morgan's iron jaw. Using the torn off jaw and medical ninjutsu I mend Helmeppo's jaw into working order. 'Infact knowing his potential I wonder just how far I could push this loser.'

Having my thoughts get the better of me I sling the unconscious Helmeppo over my shoulder and stare at the Marines, menacingly.

"Remember this as the first encounter the world had had with Madara..." I declare. "…Y'know before I was famous. Now let's settle this bounty business."


"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Creating a shadow clone I had him lift up Alvida's ship.

"Now be gentle I don't want even a single scuff on this ship on transport." I tell my clone as I charge Chakra to my chest.

"Say partner, what's wrong with the ship? Why not use it." My chest pipes up.

"Of course the hippie would have no issue using this ship, unlike you I have a little more taste." I quip.

"Seems like a waste to just let it sit in a collection." Hashi pouts

"It might see use some day but with your power…" slapping my hands together and moulding my Wood Release a tree sprouts from the edge of the island growing into the shape of a boat the same size as Alvida's. "… That might be a non issue."

"What the hell!!" A voice piped up trom behind

"This is definitely worth the trade." Another says.

"See I told you I could get you another, better ship no issues." I gesture to the boat I just manifested.

"Definitely!" Alvida's first mate violently shakes my hand and i active the Sharingan on my chest sucking the ship into Kamui.

"A pleasure doing business." After watching the Pirates depart with my ship a clone appears.

"He's up."

"Lovely." With a body flicker I find myself in the med-bay of the Marine base. In front of me Helmeppo sits up in his bed blankly staring forward. If it wasn't for his beating heart and warm body, you would think he's dead. It takes a few minutes but after a while he seems to finally acknowledge my presence.

"Why?" He asks flatly.

I think for a moment before I answer.

"Because I felt like it."

For few moments he doesn't say anything not even breathing before breaking down completely with manic laughter.

"Thrown away by my own father… saved by some random, what is this world." He holds his head in his palms as tears start to stream down his face. "Why… why…"


With a slap to the face I stop his sobbing and got his attention in one go.

"You've got potential, and as far as I'm concerned you owe me your life." There's a look of desperation in his eye and I'm gunna take full advantage. "I can see what you can become, join me and a Marine Captain will be the least of your worries."

My Sharingan flair to life and I put him under Genjutsu. Using Genjutsu I show him an illusion of his destroying Marine Warships ,easily dodging bullets, deflecting incoming sword slashes with one hand. The destruction he brought in the genjutsu was amazingly crafted and it ended with him tearing off his own father's metal jaw an holding it up to the high heavens. My voices echoes sweet whispers in the background of the Genjustu and when it wears off there's a new look in his eye.

Looking Helmeppo in the eyes I can see a new determination in them. No longer full they shine will enthusiasm. With a single bound he finds himself in a kowtow.

"Lord Madara! I beg of you, please..." Helmeppo looks up tears beginning to form. "...make me strong."

A small grin forms on my face. I grab onto Helmeppo's shoulder and body flicker back to Koby.

"Time for training Koby!" I exclaim. "By the end I'll make that coat suit you."

Using Kamui I suck the three of us into the Dimension.


Inside my inner mind a movie theater screen found itself manifested inside of the room housing the Bijuu, on the screen currently they were watching the first Captian America.

"Can we please go back to watching that shonen garbage even that was more interesting that this." Matatabi groans

"I agree we should watch more of Son Goku's exploits." Son Goku agrees.

"Keep your ego in check." Kokuo rolled their eyes

"Besides we watched anime for the last four hours." Chomei interjected

"Yeah let us watch something 3D you 2D weirdos!" Both halfs of Kurama say at the same time.

Meanwhile sitting cross legged hovering as usual Hagoromo hovers unusually he finds himself in intense focus.

Clickclickclick cliclicliclick!


As a victory jingle begins to play Hagoromo relaxes like always and puts down a light Blue Nintendo Joy-con with a deep sigh.

"Gees how do you keep doing that old man." A Male voice asks.

"Yes you're surprisingly skilled." Another more mature sounding voice says through gritted teeth

"Hohoho what did you expect from father?" Isobu looks away from the T.V with his one rippled eye down at the Blue and Purple figures respectively.

Hashirama puts down his controller. "It sure is good spending time with friends and family right Indra? Asura?" He puts both arms around the astral beings and pulls them in closer laughing infectiously.

As we finish warping we find ourselves in the empty void that is the Kamui realm except instead of the blocky ground I expected I found myself on grass. With the dissipation of a clone all the memories flood to me and i grin.

"One more match!" Gyukki flares his chakra and molds it around a controller manipulating it. " I don't care if the Old man only uses Meta Knight I will win this match!"

Who could've guessed the sage of Six Paths was a spammer, the worst kinda Super Smash Brothers' Players"


Within a few seconds we find ourselves in the Kamui realm and to my surprise instead of the blocky ground I was expecting I was on an island floating above said blocky ground. Quickly I dissipate a clone to understand the situation and I smile.

"Well time for your Captian to give you a tour of his island." I gesture ahead of myself and step out of the way to reveal a few buildings. "Let's go."

Walking a few minutes forward we eventually found a road that was made with Lava-Style that led to a hidden village style gate manned by clones. The gate was connected to a wall that surrounded the entirety of the island leaving enough room for a large forest ring round for the wildlife to roam free without issues. To say the landmass was large would be a understatement what started as at most a dozen acres of land easily expanded with Earth-Style at least a few square kilometers.

Inside the walls you couldn't call it a city, you couldn't even call it a town it was more like an outpost there were three buildings and a visible training area with the works, training logs, an outdoor gym with weights and all sorts of bars for body weight exercises nod an area for flexibility training and calisthenics, shooting/throwing range and of course the recovery area with a hot tub and ice pond respectively as well as hot stones, towels and what looks like a fridge. A clone waits in the recovery area clone memories telling me his job is to use medical ninjutsu to speed up the recovery of muscles. Of course there was also a large area cleared and sectioned off for sparring where clones were duking it out throwing fire and lightning around, shaping the ground beneath them and growing trees at random.

The smallest building was the barracks built simply and square with expansion in mind it currently has 12 rooms every room having a bed, nightstand and dresser, a closet and a shared bathroom with proper plumbing. Did I mention the plumbing and electricity? It took a while for Hashi, Mr. Sage and a clone to figure it out surprisingly memories taken from Kabuto is really what helped in the end. Electricity was simple to figure out, let's just say seals and ninjutsu are the ultimate shortcut.

The next building that I'm surprised with how large it is, the joint Library-Armory. Yes the library and the armory are one building the clones are lazy and found it easier to store and file everything in one building plus now my armory doubles as a museum to show off my collection to all. It was an odd shaped building the library half was oval like an egg split down the middle that tapered off into a rectangular 'L' shape that had a smaller square on top in the corner. Inside there was a booth almost like an old fashioned movie theater with two gates one on each side. The left lead the the egg shaped library which had floors. Two floors to be exact the bottom was basically empty except for a few books that could be considered 'safe' for anyone to read this is wear fantasy books from the world of Naruto that caught my intrigue are kept as well as Make Out Tactics and Tales of a Gutsy Ninja, I also wrote a scroll with the legend of the Sage of Six Paths. It would seem my clones also recreated books from my own world that I read with help of the Sharingan as well as being able to see my memories with mental contructs in my mental realm like the Movie Screen or a computer I made to surf my memories.

In the armory half the large half of the 'L' shape extension it was set up like a Museum with wooden mannequins holding weapons and wearing armour of various kinds each with a plaque or small booklet to describe what was on display. The small half was used for general storage for basic stuff like Flack Jackets, Kunai, Shuriken, Smoke bombs, paper bombs that kind of stuff. Of course that building also had public washrooms as well as lighting and temperature control.

The largest building was my house if you could call it that this place was a full blown fortress. Imagine you took four of James Franco's house from This is the End put them together stacked another four on top and put a sort of eastern castle spin on it and you'd have my house this place was huge for what reason? I have no idea. The place was immaculate large majestic stairway leading upstairs and ornate leaf and vine patterns etched into the wall with Wood-Style. 12 bathrooms, over 30 other rooms as well as a master bedroom that could be it's own small apartment. An awesome swimming hole in the backyard with a massive tree and tire swing. Fully furnished with everything I could manage, a game room, a vault, a frickin hidden man-cave, a small personal bay to keep all of my ships, the list goes on and on the only down side is it might be a while before we have the good electronics.

Sure we have electricity as far as basics are concerned light, heat, cooling and even some more intricate stuff refrigerators and what's essentially a microwaves but those were all made with seals not actual technology. Until we figure out the technology or a Seal equivalent things like T.V's, Gaming systems, and Internet? Yeah without the help of someone like Franky or Vegapunk I'm boned. Well im gonna get Franky to build me a Badass ship so maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. Anyways after the tour I lead Koby and Helmeppo to the Barracks and get them situated.

"Alright guys you have an hour to settle in any questions?" For a minute they said nothing just looking at each other in utter shock still not completely understanding the situation they're in.

"Where in the Blues are we?" Helmeppo questions.

"My Island, next question." I answer simply

"Will we be able to do that?" He gestures to two clones having a jutsu clash one spitting lava from his mouth as the other guides a dragon shaped torrent from a tiny puddle on the ground erupting in an explosion of steam.

"Maybe, let me get your sensei." They give me a look of confusion as I bring my hands up and create a Shadow Clone.

,"Mr. Sage I'm sorry to do this but frankly the rent you paid compare to the others was lacking." I lied as my clone transformed into the sage.

"Huh? Wha? Why am I here?" Hagoromo questions.

"Don't worry I won't make you do it alone you're free loading kids can do the heavy lifting I just need you for some theory." I tell him as I create two more clones whom transform into Indra and Asura and we both start ignoring their cries for attention.

"Hmmm.." for a long moment the sage thinks. "Alright shoot."

"Well I was thinking about chakra networks, the people back home and the origin of Chakra as a whole. It got me thinking before the fruit and more importantly before Ninshu did humans even have Chakra networks? Or did they develop over time through Ninshu or just being in contact with Chakra? The theories continue but I thought I'd just ask someone who was there." For a while Hagoromo thinks on my question.

"I do believe through Ninshu and constant contact with Chakra the adaptability of humanity developed Chakra coils on their own until it was the evolutionary norm." He concluded for me.

"Do theoretically with enough exposure to chakra through Ninshu I could help Koby and Helmeppo develop their own Chakra networks." I state as I think of as possibly dangerous idea.

"That's correct... what's with that look in your eye Madara-boy?" Hagoromo's focus sharpens as my left and right hand fall on Koby and Helmeppo's shoulders.

"Sorry Hagoromo..." the forgiveness in my voice almost seemed real. "I'm doing this Hunter x Hunter style, that's the real reason I summoned you."

"Hunter x Hunter? We haven't watch-No Wait!" he gasped at what he saw I pumped a ridiculous amount of Chakra through their veins forcing open their Chakra networks and very quickly their Spiritual and Physical energy started to leak weakening them rapidly.

"You fool!" In an instant Hagoromo was in front of me, beside Koby and Helmeppo. He put his hands on their shoulders and with my eyes a saw him start to regulate their Chakra network for them.

"Tch, you brat..." Hagoromo spat with a slight amount of amazement. "You really are a wild one if I wasn't here they'd be dead by the end of the day."

"Well glad you're here then." I give him a shot eating grin. "Anyways I expect you guys to have all three basic chakra exercises as well as the academy three by the end of the Month."

"The wha?" The five of them exclaimed in unison.

"Heheh that's right no question is as stupid one." I create a clone and begin to phase myself back to the world. "He'll explain it all!"


Back in the real world I find myself slowly meandering around town, checking out small shops, local hotspots and that bar the the Straw-hats ate at. After the best meal I've had in a long time I make a mental note to go to the Baratie and head back to the Marine base.

On the way over I can't help but keep thinking about one thing that's been bugging be all day. 'When exactly in the timeline am I?" I had been thinking about it all day as I strolled through town. "Koby said in the story that he got abducted two years before the start of the story but that really isn't that clear. Was it exactly two years ago or was it two years 11 months and 29 days? Not having any concrete dates stuck but I guess I'll just fly by the seat of my pants or whatever that saying is.' I finish thinking as I enter the Marine Base

Making a small squad of shadow clones I have them go around collecting anything of use including any information I can get, thanks to Hagoromo on weak-willed or unconscious individuals I can read souls without having to rip them out of someone completely. I also have an ingenious plan to get a ship with a Sea Prism Stone lining.

"God this is so stupid it might just work." I say as I read the soul of the Marine Lieutenant whose taken charge of the base. Walking into what was Axe-band's office I pick up his Marine issue Transponder Snail and Dial the number for Marine HQ.


A sigh was exhaled loudly as crunching and snapping could be heard somehow in harmony. Sengoku the Fleet admiral of the pinched the bridge of his nose as looked over the Paper in front of him.

"Seriously Garp it's the third time this Month alone you can't protect his bounty again I'm afraid."

Garp simply turned his head and huffed. "Last time I help out a Grandson of mine, YUH HEAR THAT LUFFY! YOU CAN THANK ACE FOR YOUR NEXT TRAINING SESSION!" Quickly looking at the paper Garp couldn't help but smile. It read:


The Wild Card

Portgas D. Ace

100,000,000 Beri

Dead or Alive

Both old men let out a small chuckle before Sengoku begins to stretch and relax in his chair but as he leans all the way back the headache maker starts again.

pere pere pere pere pere..

pere pere pere pere pere..


"This is Sengoku this better be important." The Fleet Admiral firmly answers

"Well... you see sir..." the Marine on the line quickly explained to both of their non belief and then transfered.

"For the last time if this is another warning about the hopelessness and impossibility of challenging the World Government and the Marines and that'd I'd have to be crazy then I declare war! Now get me someone important on the line!" A smooth and baratone yet frustrated sounding voice impatiently declared.

"This is The Fleet Admiral, Sengoku and whom might I be speaking to?" A tick mark formed on Sengoku's forehead not at the audacity of the call. No, of course that Monkey would find this kid funny of all things and is currently struggling to hold in a laugh.

"Ah someone of some renown! You're speaking to Madara, no last name and I have currently taken over Shells Town in the East Blue, I pilfered everything in the Marine Base and even Killed Axe-Hand Morgan the Marine Captian in charge as well as kidnapped and brainwashed his son. Finally I can be done on this stupid thing you know I had to talk to like five other people before I got transferred to you? Just exhausting." I think my rambling was starting to get to Songoku but I honestly didn't get him to blow up in anger before Garp exploded in laughter.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Garp was clutching his stomach on the floor he was dying laughing. After a literal five minutes Garp finally collected himself. "I like you kid you got spunk for a rookie but damn are you stupid, rookies like you ought to know better than to mess with your elders I guess I'll just have to whip us into shape."

"Yeah whatever Lovely Hands I'll be here waiting, come at anytime." I declare. "Heck bring Sengoku and it might be fun."

"Cocky brat." Garp punched his hand into his fist and began to leave.

"Hopefully I'll see you soon after all since I took everything I also took the Heavenly Tribute so you better bring a little extra cash."


"Sengoku get my ship ready I'm departing as soon as I can." As Garp leaves he dumps three bags of rice crackers into his mouth and walks off.

"And the headaches don't stop coming." With another sigh and a heavy lean into the chair Sengoku looks up and ponders if this is really the life for him before squashing that though as quick as it came. "Better get to organizing the proper papers for Garp's Mission.

AN: Happy Easter to all who celebrate sorry for the delay I had this chapter almost done two days after the first but then I dropped my phone in the sink while doing dishes, don't ask how, and had to dig out my old Galaxy S7 Edge. God this thing sucks. Anyhow after setting it up, getting too drunk then hungover the next day followed by work and family events I finally have this chapter done at 3:30 in the morning. Yay me. I really hope I get the next one out sooner I got ideas brewing! Goodnight everyone see ya in the next chapter. Comments, critiques and criticisms are encouraged.

happy Easter hope y'all enjoyed this chapter don't forget to leave your suggestions they might just happen.

Gabe_creators' thoughts