
Omniverse: Earth: Rise of a God

An ordinary soul was reincarnated to Marvel Cinematic Universe Asgard as a Prince and Heir of Asgard with a Starter pack Earth-Bending, But will he really gonna get himself trap in Asgard knowing that Ragnarok is going to happen?. Find out and follow the story im writing cuz we have a sem-break Multiversal Story no NTR no R*pe I hate that no other CrossxOver 60% adventure 30%fighting10%hentai,sliceoflife Half Wish fulfillment

UnnaturalWriter · Anime & Comics
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*sound effect*

(author information or somethings)

[writings,digitalize,symbols , etc]

{Special techniques}


(500 B.C.)(500 Yrs after Hela was imprison just my own idea? because we did not know when she is imprisoned, i mean Me)

(3rd POV)

A beautiful woman was sweating on the bed surrounded by womans with gorgeous dresses, as the woman sweating on the bed made a painful face as she is birthing, Her name was Frigga The Queen of Asgard.

"Wahhhhh" A new voice sounded the room and the door was open suddenly.

The moment the baby was born the whole Asgards had an earthquake however only the strong was able to sense it, in this case it was the old man.

"Where is my Heir!" An old but strong voice imposed in the room.

"All-Father!, it's a boy a very healthy baby" Said a Maid as she cleaned the Baby and give it to Odin.

"He is your son treat him like one!" Shouted Frigga as she is quite hurt as her daughter was sealed a while ago though she thought Hela deserved it as she wanted a peaceful life.

"I will make him a good king" Voiced out of Odin with resolute, as he made his way to the throne room with the Baby followed by a weak Frigga.

As he sat down and bashed his spear to the ground his Voice sounded throughout the nine realms "I All-Father of the NineRealms announce the Birth of my Heir Haki Odinson The God of Earth" (not Earth as Midgard but Earth as soil)

The baby on Odin's hand smile showing an emotion for the first time, and that is excitement.

(1st POV)

'After hearing Odin say i am the Heir i was confuse for a moment because it's suppose to be Hela or Thor but then i suddenly remember i don't know which universe i am, i just assume it's Marvel because that's the only Universe i know of Norse Mythology, please be Marvel' As i was hoping it's Marvel universe a HUD suddenly appeared in front of me.

[Yes, you are in Marvel Universe which to be exact i am going to let you guess. And of course you have a Starter pack, No it's not a System it's a Drum roll please *Drum roll* EarthBending and your very own Divinity.

NO, it's not weak because it will be powered by your Divinity it will evolve as your Divinity.

Divinity, yes not Odinforce as Odin created it using several Energy he can control it to the core so he can take it away from you. To evolve your Divinity you need Faith, Faith of people that believe in you.

That wraps it, any question? after this we will never be able to communicate if you do not reach the level of One-Above-ALL]

As i read the HUD i showed a excited face because of the starter pack and be strong quickly because now i know this is Marvel Universe a lot of sh*ts going to happen especially i am Odin's Heir 'is there anyone else Reincarnated in this Multiverse other than me?'

[No. if that's all then ...]





'Well atleast there's no one other than me is Reincarnated' as i was thinking i slowly drowse into sleep because of mental exhaustion.

(5 Yrs Later) (1st POV)

"Haki my son today we are going to start your training as you have already pick you weapons of choice, this is general Gunth he will train you in Bows, Sword, Spear, Shield, Axe, Club, Dagger, and a Hammer" Odin stated as we walk side by side though i was behind a little (i dont know what the names of the generals this era)

"Prince Haki, i am honored to be your trainer though i will not show mercy so that you will not be weak" General Gunth said with pride because he is my trainer but show a serious face on the latter of the sentence

"Father, is it okay we start now so that we can practice more today" i said as i was expecting to be stronger today than tomorrow

"While i am flattered that you are eager to be train, as a Prince you should not be hasty and show emotion outside because your enemy may take advantage of that" Odin said with a serious tone

"Yes Father" i said with a respectful tone because what he said is true i cannot make my enemy take advantage of me and finish them fast, i learned from the anime from my past life.

"AllFather, Prince we shall start, for the next 25-50 years we will train depending on if you master the weapons you choose we shall move on to the next one" said Gunth "we shall start with a Bow here take this" as he pick up a bow and arrow then he gave it to me and start doing a stance left foot front right foot back facing sideways while holding the bow with the left picking up an arrow and loading it and shooting it to the target 50meters away'

*Wooooooof* *Bang*

dead center

I look at him from the Beginning to End with seismic sense with my earth bending, the way he holds the bow to the stance and the way of shooting the arrow i sense every fine detail.

I begun to recall how the stance, holds and the shooting, i copy the set of movement then i shoot

*Woooooof* *bang*

I hit it ... but im not happy because i only hit the outside part not the inside.

"You did well my prince for someone who never held a weapon" praised by Gunth i begum to think what i did wrong but it felt good being praise.

"Well General Gunth i will leave my son to you train him well" stated Odin as he walk away.

"Let's begin Prince" said Gunth as he showed me the right way of shooting.

(Later that day)

"That's all for today Prince rest well for tomorrow" said Gunth as he walk away.

I begun to think what happen for the last 5 years. at first i was so exited because of what's going to happen in the future but then i begun to think that a lot of disaster is going to happen.

So the First year i just try Seismic sense and trying not to get horny at breast feeding of my mother and i found out that it's currently 500 B.C. how do i find out? well there are a lot of books that my mother leave on the table i grab when i was able to stand.

The Second year i just read the books mother just coincidentally leave when i sense her, Ohh yeahh baby i learned seismic sense on the 11nth month though it's only like 300 meters and i know my mother leave the book and watch me read it and yes i can read and understand the words and letters because of Allspeak.

What are the books? it's Magic boooiii, though it's only for beginner like how to manipulate Mystical and Cosmic so that one can begin the path of magic, i studied very hard for this because of the future i want to try something awesome and ridiculous.

The third year however was the best year cuz i starte to do some Earthbending, and what can i say i'm a natural i can lift huge boulders even though it is brute force and use half my energy leaving me weak for a while.

After i training earthbend for the following months like meditating remembering my memory of EarthBending such as Jing

Jing is a term that describes the myriad of options one has during battle on how to direct their energy, both internally and externally. Although some claims that there are technically eighty-five distinct types of jing, the two commonly known forms are positive jing, corresponding to advancing or attacking, and negative jing, corresponding to retreating or evading. Another known form is neutral jing, which corresponds to waiting and listening.

Neutral jing is stated to be the key to earthbending. Fundamentally, neutral jing involves listening, though seemingly doing nothing, and waiting for the right moment to strike. When in combat, earthbenders are more stationary combatants, usually waiting for their opponent to come to them, while standing their ground and meeting their opponents' attacks head-on, before delivering a deadly strike of their own. Neutral jing forms the basis of true earthbending, and it is the concept used by the first earthbenders, the badgermoles. The idea is also fundamental in seismic sense, a perceptive fighting style used by select benders, one of whom was Toph.

On the Fourth year i was creating a breathing style, i suddenly remember the anime Demon slayer and think "why not create my own Breathing Technique and Fighting style"

For creating a breathing style you need to meditate which i do a lot inhale air trough the nose hold it for a while and exhale it trough the mouth once your done repeat it, now onto the energy circulation inhale the energy around you trough the nose circulate it around your body slowly for the body to absorb it and then exhale the excess energy trough the mouth and repeat. i just did this for a whole year while practicing it with earthbending.

For creating a fighting style you need to know how to fight which is what i'm doing earlier, when i reminiscence about the past i arive at my door walking over to the shower and then to the bed and sleep.


I only write when i am free or the weekends but only when im hype or have energy

i only write this without a future plan only in my head so any request on how to progress the story

any bad review im all ears

just a beginner writer :)