
Chapter 9

A few minutes later~~~~

"I know I can just use magic to clean myself but damn does a hot shower feel good." Said Haruta as he dried himself using a mix of wind and fire magic on low output.

"Well, I wouldn't know seeing as I don't technically have a body." Said Shiro now sipping a Pepsi. (A/N: Again don't ask)

Putting on his clothes and necklace Haruta looked at himself in the mirror and said" Damn, I look good"(A/N: Narcissist?) before straightening his silky-ashen white hair(A/N: I have a feeling I said black hair at one point so just to clarify added this line in here, you're welcome.) letting it flow past his broad shoulders down to the middle of his somewhat big back, as his suit showcased his amazingly lean figure fitting him like a glove.

Walking out of his bathroom and into the wardrobe Haruta went downstairs to the dining hall where he was greeted to a stunning sight. In the hall, there was an almost 20 foot-long dining table with 80 tall white chairs in total with 40 on each side spaced out 6 inches apart from each other, at one end of the table was a chair golden marginally bigger than the others looking more like a throne than a chair

Adorning the table itself is a white linen cloth embroidered with gold and seemed to be made from the finest of silk.

Sitting down in the golden chair Haruta saw Albert come into the dining hall with his dishes.

Placing down Hauta's food and beverage Albert said: "Breakfast is served, sir."

"Thank you Albert dutiful as always I see, hey Albert I have a question for you," said Haruta taking a bite of his breakfast.

Raising an eyebrow Albert asked, "And what pray tell might that be sir?"

Putting down his knife and fork Haruta turned his head to look at his butler and asked: "When was the last time you've had a day off?."

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking what pray tell has you so curious all of a sudden?" asked Albert intrigued.

"You always seem to be working whether it's managing the company or helping the maids with cleaning the house. So I was just curious as to when was the last time you have had time to relax, and just had a day to yourself without the stress of work," said Haruta.

Thinking for a moment Albert said. "Hmm, I see, from what I can remember the last time I had a break from work was during the first few weeks after I started working for you. It can be stressful at times sure, but I like it as I can keep myself busy, and paying for my granddaughter's college tuition whilst simultaneously feeling useful in the latter years of my life." with a bit of emotion making its way into his voice towards the end mentioning his granddaughter.(A/N: not gonna lie that last bit was just me trying to extend the word count as much as I can)

Picking up his knife and fork Harut asked" Would you like a vacation?" as he ate a mouthful of food.

Stunned Albert remained silent for a few moments and the only thing that could be heard were the sounds of Haruta finishing his ratatouille toasts with fried eggs.

"No thank you, sir, though the gesture is very much appreciated I don't need a vacation even if I did need a vacation I wouldn't go on one," said Albert coming out of his stunned state.

Raising an eyebrow Haruta asked " Mind telling me why?" as he cleaned his mouth with a white cloth and drank some coffee. (A/N: I usually try to eat first then drink some of whatever beverage I have unless my throat gets really dry so that I won't get full off of the beverage instead of the actual food am I weird?)

"Even if I did go on a vacation I wouldn't be with have anything to do at a ripe age of 68 I have done everything I have wanted to do in life for the most part. Secondly, I have no one to spend my vacation days with as my only living relative is my granddaughter Alice who is in college focusing on getting her degree in Health Sciences, so I would rather stay here and work and have the company of you and the other maids and butlers than be at home lonely without anything to do or anyone to talk to." Explained Albert.



"I see, very well Albert I shall not pursue the matter any further since you do not want a vacation do you want anything else maybe a request of some kind?" Questioned Haruta.

"Hmm, my granddaughter will be coming home from studying at The University of Tokyo could she perhaps come and live here in the mansion?" Asked Albert after a moment of thinking.

Cocking his head to the side slightly Haruta weighed the pros and the cons one of the pros being Albert gets to see his granddaughter every day since she would be living here with him. The cons, on the other hand, include Haruta not being used to talking to anyone except Shiro, Sona, the rest of the student council minus Saji, and Albert, and the fact that it would be a bit weird if he felt like taking a dip in the hot tub and she was already in there without anything on, though Haruta has no qualms being naked in front of people he didn't think other people would think the same as he did.

"Very well, Albert she can stay here though it might take some getting used too, it can also help me with my socializing skills," Haruta said after a quick deliberation.

"Thank you, sir, I shall inform Alice next time we speak," said Albert whilst expressing his gratitude with a deep bow.

Giving a hum of acknowledgment Haruta stood up from the throne-like chair, as he did a silver-haired woman wearing a maid uniform walked in and said "Sir, your car is ready." whilst bowing slightly.

Giving a slight nod of his head in Acknowledgment Haruta said: "Thank you, Angela, you are dismissed for now."

Bowing again the maid now dubbed as Angela retreated from the dining room to attend to her regular duties.

Walking to the door of the dining hall Haruta turned around before saying " I will be gone for a while, I don't know how long. I am letting you know now instead of you finding later and panicking so you won't come looking for me while I'm gone I leave the management of the company, mansion, and the various other miscellaneous things to you."

"Of course sir," said Albert as he picked up Haruta plate, knife, and fork.

Giving a hum of acknowledgment Haruta turned around and made his way out of the dining hall. Making his way to the front door of the mansion Haruta admired the paintings and sculptures adorning the halls of his home. In, his hallways there were various assortments of fine art hanging on the walls, some of the paintings depicted ancient battles between men from an era long forgotten showcasing the cruelty of war depicting a bloodsoaked battlefield with bodies littered everywhere while others such as Mona Lisa showed the beauty behind the simplicity in the painting.(A/N: Does this make any sense?)

Lining the hallway itself were sculptures from ancient Greece and Europe such as Hermes of Praxiteles sculpted in honor of the Greek God Hermes depicting him carrying an infant Dionysus, and the sculpture depicting Mary holding Jesus' dead body Pieta becoming the first sculpture to humanize Mary instead of seeing her as this divine figure because she is the mother of Christ.

'I should probably take the paintings of war down from beside Mona Lisa, I feel like it just ruins the whole thing' Haruta thought as a frown made it's way on to his usually neutral-face.

'Probably but that can wait until later, for now, we must focus on the task at hand' said Shiro whilst munching on a bag of chips(A/N: Don't ask how)

'You're right' thought back Haruta as he rested his hand on the knob of the front door, before opening it. What greeted Haruta was a black Chevrolet Impala with tinted windows and a man in an all black business suit wearing sunglasses opening the door for him.

Sighing and shaking his at the form of unnecessary treatment Haruta sat down in the car shut the door and put his seatbelt on. (A/N: safety first kids)

"Where to, sir?" asked a feminine voice from the driver's seat.

"To, Haneda Airport please," replied Haruta.

Starting the car and putting it in drive the voice said "Yes sir." before driving off.

(Slowly but surely we are getting closer to the temple and its mysteries. The temple will begin to show up in the next few chapters. This was initially a 2k chapter but I realized that I could have ended it when the car drove off so I did.)

I am getting a discord server up so look forward to that soon. I also might start a buy me coffee account if I reach 30k views. GIMME YOUR MONEY!!

I changed my writing style a few times in the chapter let me know which one you guys prefer.

The descriptive one or the descriptive but not too descriptive one? I personally like both because one is easier for me to write while the other helps me extend. the word count.

What should I title this chapter?

AbyssalDragonKingcreators' thoughts