
Omnitrix in DC

Kane Myers is your regular university student trying to pass his classes and live a regular life. Until one day, he stumbles upon a strange alien watch that crashes into his grandparent's backyard. [Not wish-fulfillment but not meant to be taken seriously either. Just fun action with a steady story and character progression.]

KhadaFourJhin · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Omnitrix

*Knock* *Knock*

"Kane, wake up. I made pancakes."

On an early morning in Bellwood, Kane wakes up to his grandma's sweet scent of pancakes, his favorite. After some initial grumbling, he gets up and gets ready for the day.

Kane walks down the stairs and sees his grandparents along with a familiar face at the dining table.

"Good morning Grandma, Grandpa, and... Anna? What are you doing here?"

Kane's grandparents smile and greet him back before Anna stands up and waves at Kane.

"Good morning Kane! I'm back visiting my aunt for summer break. I thought I should drop by since you're also back from school."

"How long ya here for?"

"The entire summer actually. My aunt just opened up a shop and things are still busy for her, so I'll be helping her manage it."

Before Kane could reply, his grandma interjects.

"Well, since Kane is back for the entire summer also, he could go and help with the shop every now and then."

Kane, now confused, looked at his grandma only for her to ignore Kane and look at her husband, Max. Max, on the other hand, caught her look and clears his throat before saying to Kane.

"I do think that's a good idea. I mean, it'll be a great time with Anna and a learning experience for you."

Anna could only smile, and now, with all three of them looking at Kane, he gave in.

"Well, what other choice do I have? It's about time I got out of the house anyways."

They then all sat down to eat breakfast and caught up about both Kane and Anna's past year at their respective universities.

After breakfast, Kane decided to go with Anna to her aunt's shop, in order to set a few things up before opening next week. Once arriving at the shop, they sat down in the lounge area to talk a bit first.

"So, how's you and Lily? I didn't really hear you mention her at all this morning."

"Oh... yeah. Lily and I broke up a bit ago. It was a mutual decision."

"Wait what? But like weren't you guys literally perfect for one another? Both nerdy. Both stupidly smart and dumb at the same time?"

"Well. It's a bit complicated. If I'm being honest here, I only agreed to it because she brought it up."

"Damn, well did she give you a reason at least?"

"Technically yeah but she just said we wanted different things and the time wasn't right or something along that line. I'm pretty bummed about it but that's about it."


Although Kane couldn't notice it, Anna was a tad bit happier after the conversation but quickly changed the topic to something else.

Time went by quickly and they pretty much spent the entire day moving a few things before sitting back down and talking about random topics to pass the time. Anna and Kane have known each other since they were children but ever since they moved to different universities, it's been hard for them to talk often.

Before they knew it, the sun was setting and Kane thought it was about time to head home. Once reaching home, Kane noticed that both his grandparents weren't home.

'Hm, maybe they went to get groceries? They could've just told me to go though... Well, it'll take them quite a while to get back so I'll just-'

Kane was quickly interrupted when he saw the entire house lighten up a bit. Right when he managed to turn to the light source outside the window, he saw a flaming ball heading straight to the house's backyard.

An explosion sounded and a hole was formed in the backyard. Kane then got up from his crouched position before going to check what fell from the sky. He cautiously opened the door and took a few steps forward.

The ground abruptly shook, causing Kane to trip and slowly roll down into the hole. His momentum eventually stopped and he sat up, checking for injuries only to see a few cuts and bruises.

Kane caught his breath for a bit, then stood back up and looked at the item that fell from the sky. It was a round ball-like design that looked weird at best. He was a bit hesitant from touching it but his curiosity soon took over when he reached out his hand.

The pod then opened up and a strange watch busted out of it before latching onto Kane, who was too slow to react in time.

"Wha- What?! The. Hell. Is this thing?"

Furiously shaking his arm, he was a bit disoriented from the explosion and after the weird series of events, could be best described as lost.

Kane got out of the hole but quickly learned that there was no use in shaking it or trying to rip it off as it seemed stuck to his skin. A few minutes pass by and curiosity once again takes over his confusion.

He looked at the watch, noticing its black and gray heavy design and a hint of blue to complete it. What was eye-catching, was the hourglass symbol on top. Kane started messing with the watch before hitting one of the buttons, causing the dial to pop up.

A silhouette showed up inside the hourglass symbol, the figure could be best described as a humanoid lizard with wheels as feet.

"That's... weird."

Although weird, Kane still had a sense of excitement in him, leading to his decision in pressing the dial down.

A bright flash of blue blinded the entire area and Kane soon felt a strange sensation throughout his entire body. His body gets slimmer, his feet shift into wheels, and a tail grows from his spine down to the floor.

Once the flash dies down, his entire body has transformed into the same silhouette shown in the watch.

"What the hell happened?"

He first notices the change in his voice, before looking down and seeing his new claws, tails, and other features.

"This gotta be some weird dream, right? But if it isn't, what the hell am I?"

Out of a little fear, he tries to take a step backward. However, instead of a few steps like Kane expected, he crashed back into the house. Standing back up, he's now even more confused than ever.

Shaking off the disorientation from traveling that fast, he tried walking out of the hole he just made, but ended up zooming past it and crashing into a bush a few meters away.

"This is gonna make me puke..."

Eventually, Kane got the hang of whatever he became and was finally able to somewhat walk normally without crashing into everything around him. After some time to take it in, Kane found it fun to be able to move this fast. The more he did it, the more he also got used to seeing his surroundings when running.

After a while though, it became clear that the amount of damage that the crash has caused is definitely nothing small. Thankfully, his grandparent's house was in the middle of nowhere and it wouldn't attract too much attention.

Using his superspeed, he tried fixing up the hole in the wall along with all the items that had fallen from the crash. Although once he got through that, he really did not know what to do with the actual crash spot in the backyard nor what to tell his grandparents when they reach home.

He didn't have any time to think since right at this moment, he could hear his grandparent's car park in the driveway.

"Oh, crap."

Looking back down, he saw how weird he looked at the moment and didn't know how his grandparents would react if they saw him like this.

"How do I go back to being human? Wait am I stuck like this?"

Worry started to fill Kane's mind, knowing there was a slight chance he might be stuck like this, and while it might be really cool to have superspeed, it's not as cool having to look like an alien to do so.

"No time to think."

Trying everything he could to go back to human, to no avail. He decided the best course of action was to flee the house and try to fix this before coming back home. He did not want his grandparents to get a heart attack after seeing whatever he was in their kitchen.

Putting on his visor, Kane ran out from the back and went into the forest surrounding his grandparent's house to hopefully, figure out his situation.