
Omnitrix: DC's New Dawn

Hello, I am Zereeo_Ak. >>>> For the staffs from Royal Road, It is me who is trying to upload in your site. I also hope that I would be allowed to upload my other stories without trouble at your site. Thank you. >>>> I am the author of this fanfic. This idea was inspired by a fellow author who is literally writing the story with a slightly different settings. I give him(Baphomet_19) credit for inspiring me. So, I won't listen to anyone saying I copied the story. (⌐■_■) Even though the idea was inspired, I am taking the story in a new direction. >>> Copyright. And all the DC characters and elements belong to the DCcomics and all the Ben 10 elements belong to Man of Action. I do not own anything except my own original characters. Check it out and see if I am doing a good work,(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ >>> Now to the story. This story will focus on two lead, 1) Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), a time remnant(From The Flash movie), ending up in another earth after being saved by a mysterious being with the quest to fight to protect her new home. 2) Zion, a boy from the countryside who want to go on an adventure. His dream is full filled after he get an alien device that could change him into many forms, ( Yes, it's Omnitrix( omniverse version)) but at the same time he also learn that his world was not so big anymore. >>> This story will also contain some of my original characters with their unique power, one for now. And If you have some questions or confusion, comment me. I am not well versed in DC universe setting. So, I would really appreciate if you give me advice. Okay o( ̄▽ ̄)√. . . . .

Zereeo_Ak · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

53 - Colosseum

Ok, Sorry for not updating yesterday. 

Matthew 7:7-8

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."

I will be adding bible verses.


"Welcome to The Colosseum," a voice boomed.


A thunder of cheers followed the voice; thousands of people rejoiced, each unique on their own, expressing their excitement. These photonic beings were the audience to today's match. They were here to witness the blood-boiling collision of two worlds, where blood and bones would be shed and souls would be lost.

"Okay, okay," Z.A.I appeared on the black grounds. He gazed at the thousands of spectators on grandstands, their excitement resonating with him. "I know that you guys are excited, but let me first introduce the challengers!"


Another thunder of cheers followed.

"On to my left, the one and only Furies!"

At Z.A.I's words, three humanoids appeared through glitched space. They fell to their knees at the sudden shift in gravity and pressure, but they quickly gathered themselves. The Furies quickly drew their weapons in alert as another bout of cheers shook the Colosseum. They looked at the grandstands and the thousands of people who were cheering.

"The Furies, elite team of female warriors, each a new god, trained only to serve Darkseid and his whims. They were bred to be the finest warriors of Apokolips, ingrained with undying loyalty, and equipped to kill. They are the universe's imperfect killing machines."

The Furies turned to Z.A.I, who was announcing. Lashina used her whip to strike at him, but the weapon couldn't hit a hologram.

Z.A.I, unbothered, continued his announcement. "On my right...," Zion created an effect of suspense, "Earth's mightiest warriors!"


The people cheered, and Earth's mightiest appeared through the glitched space. They stood straight, their eyes immediately taking in their surrounding. Green Lantern flew up and saw the thousands of people who were cheering, even some women who sent him a flying kiss.

Martian Manhunter just analyzed the situation calmly. Wonder Woman pointed her blades at Z.A.I.

"Release us," she demanded.

Z.A.I. turned to Wonder Woman, smiled, and flew up. "The Earth's Mightiest, Wonder Woman, champion of the Amazons, Martian Manhunter, the strongest telepath, and Green Lantern."

The crowd cheered.

"Now that our challengers are introduced, let us begin the match," Z.A.I spoke before he turned to the challengers. "If you wish for freedom, defeat your challengers."

"Do you think we would work to your whims, mortal," Gilotina lashed.

Z.A.I just smiled. "You have failed Darkseid, Furies. Do you think he would forgive you?" The Furies remained silent; they knew the price of failure. "But here is your chance! Defeat Earth's protectors and take their heads to Darkseid."

Z.A.I then turned to The Justice Three. "Furies, they have ended many civilizations, doomed many planets, and Earth is their next target. Do your duties." With that, he vanished from them.

Wonder Woman looked at the Furies. "As a fellow warrior, I suggest we work together to escape before we begin killing each other."

Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern flew next to her.

"You are dreaming if you think that we, gods, will lower ourselves to work with lowly creatures. Us Furies don't need your help. We will defeat you and present your head to Darkseid. Hail Darkseid," Lashina cried as she attacked with her whip.

Artemiz drew her bow, and Gilotina unsheathed her twin blades.

"Getting killed by hot chicks, not the worst way to go," Hal commented as his ring flashed bright.

'Do not let your guard down, they are strong and full of evil,' Martian Manhunter spoke in their minds.

"So be it, we shall defeat them," Wonder Woman commented as she slapped away the whip before charging into battle.


"So, where were we Barda?" Z.A.I turned to his prisoner.

Big Barda, Leader of the Furies, strongest warrior made in Granny goddess's orphanage. She had many titles and was an unequaled fighter that even Darkseid kept an eye on her. Yet now, she was confined in a prison of sunstone that wrapped around her, keeping her from moving an inch. She could only show her frustration on her face. She looked like she would maim Z.A.I with her bare hands.

"Oh yes, we were on the subject of betraying Darkseid," Z.A.I spoke, not minding Barda's look of granting death. "What do you say?"

"You would be a fool to think I would betray Darkseid," Big Barda barked back.

"Really?" Z.A.I tilted his head, his face revealing an amused smile. "You shouldn't lie, Barda. You were already thinking of leaving Apokolips with your husband, Mister Miracle."

Z.A.I's statement broke Barda's facade, only for a moment. She quickly hid her emotions; she wasn't the leader of the Furies for nothing. "I will never betray Darkseid. I will die before I betray Darkseid."

"You already have, Barda. You fell in love," Z.A.I smiled, a genuine happy smile. "Not everyone finds their love, but you did, even in the hellscapes of Apokolips. I congratulate you on that; I hope I could too, but my situation is a bit... special.

Sorry... I was going off track. Barda, where were we again?

Oh, yes, your betrayal. Forgive me for being such a forgetful person; most of my processing unit is being used to fight Mother Box and Father Box for control. But we are back on track. Barda, you already know that Apokolips has no future. Your eyes were opened to it by Aurelie's death. You gained your resolve in your love. You are just waiting for the time to leave your dark past behind. Am I wrong, Barda?"

Barda's fake anger vanished from her face, but she remained silent, not admitting to anything. But her silence was more than an answer.

"I have a proposition for you, Barda. I am willing to lend you a hand if you are willing to leave Darkseid and live here in my city," Z.A.I stated, "I am only doing this because I like you, Barda; that is also the only reason the Furies are still alive."

Z.A.I released Barda from her confines. The sunstone retreated back into the ground, granting Barda the freedom of movement. 

"Darkseid will never allow this; he will send his whole army to capture me. And if Scott leaves, High Father will attack Apokolips," Barda replied, rubbing her sore hands.

"Do you really think that they cares? Those two idiots are only waiting for the opportunity to kill each other," Z.A.I commented.

He never liked those who called themselves gods; nothing but narcissistic idiots with powers. Their arrogance will always pave the path to their demise. High Father and Darkseid are just the two sides of the same coin; they just want to kill each other, nothing more. 

"Moreover, Darkside will die today," Z.A.I waved his hand and displayed the battle on Earth.

It was the clash between Zion and Darkseid. For the first time, she saw Darkseid being met with equal force and being harmed. She saw the unrelenting fight between two cosmic beings decimate the surroundings.

The projection vanished after a minute.

"Use this to return home," Z.A.I placed a spear in Barda's hand, "This functions similarly to a Boom Tube. I am keeping the Mother Box occupied, so you only get a small window to get everything and everyone you want and return without leaving a trail."

Barda looked at the metal orb with many intricate similar to a mother box running on them. She then looked at Z.A.I. "Why are you doing this? What do you want in return?" Barda knew that nothing came for free. Even the most benevolent of people expect something in return.

Z.A.I gave her a smile, "I like a good ending, and you might help tame a fluffball of fury. Now, leave."

Barda activated the Orb and glitched out of reality.

"May a god fall today," Z.A.I muttered, looking at the projection.


The Furies and Earth's mightiest were stuck in their battle.

Wonder Woman met Gilotina's blades with her own, their clashes echoing off the walls of the Colosseum drowned by the cheers of the audience. The sparks witnessed the clash of wills. Gilotina's blades were fierce like wild beasts as they met Diana's graceful ones. The battle of fury and warrior's grace made their battle even more breathtaking.

Really, two beauties in tight-fight swimsuits battling with blades. You don't get to see that anywhere else. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ Kidding!

Gilotina went for the kill, but Wonder Woman matched her mettle without relenting. Wonder Woman parried the twin sword and kicked Gilotina, but Gilotina rolled with the kick and jumped back.

"Do you need help?" Green Lantern asked as he flew overhead, followed by many arrows.

"I can handle myself; worry about yourself," Wonder Woman moved, avoiding Lashina's whip, and struck back.

Green Lantern turned and constructed many flare decoys to combat the arrows. The explosion of the arrows made him a bit frightened. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Green Lantern decided to go on the offensive to save his livelihood and constructed many missiles and sent them at Artemiz. The green missiles flew towards Artemiz before they met her arrows and exploded in the air.

The two exchanged an aerial battle continued as missiles and gunfire met arrows. Green Lantern used a Gatling gun to shoot down Artemiz, but she was nimble and fast enough to dodge his bullets. However, in the middle of her acrobatic stunt, she felt her body freeze and caught a missile to the face.

"Thanks, Manhunter," Green Lantern stated as he moved his fire to Lashina.

Martian Manhunter shifted through the barrage of bullets, but Lashina swung her whip, protecting her and tanked the rest with her skin. The New God physiology really comes through. Martian Manhunter, noticing this, shifted his direction.

Lashina, furious, whipped at Green Lantern. Green Lantern created a massive hand and grabbed the whip and pulled. Lashina was lifted off her feet and met Manhunter's fist. The punch sent her flying in Artemiz's direction.

Artemiz rolled away, avoiding collision with Lashina and released a flurry of arrows at Green Lantern and Manhunter.

"They are really durable," Green Lantern commented to which Manhunter just nodded.

While the duo was ganging up on the two poor ladies, Wonder Woman was locked in a battle with Gilotina. The two were head-locked, each going for the kill.

Wonder Woman parried the blades, dropped down, and performed a leg sweep. Gilotina, losing her balance, fell to the ground and rolled away, avoiding the stomp from Wonder Woman. Gilotina gathered herself and blocked Wonder Woman's heavy slash with her blade, but she got Spartan kicked. {Truly the daughter of Zeus}

Gilotina rolled back, wind knocked out of her lungs. Wonder Woman didn't stop and shield-bashed Gilotina before she practiced combos on Gilotina to the point the new god bled. {She should have played God Of War before coming here}

She then tied up the defeated Gilotina and turned to her fellow colleagues.

Manhunter was flying around with many arrows following him while Green Lantern rained fire from the air. He pulled out all his arsenal and fired it at the Furies. Manhunter used the smoke created by the explosion and directed the arrows that were following him to the Furies.

He caught the two Furies who didn't know better and threw them at the arrows. His strength was comparable to Superman; the Furies were paperweight. The arrows struck true and exploded on their faces.

However, Artemiz hadn't only used her heat-seeker arrows but also her binding arrows. The two burned Furies found themselves tied up. The two Furies wiggled to get out of their binds to no avail. They were tied and defeated.

Green Lantern grabbed the two with his light constructs. He had a cocky smile on his face. "Would you look at that, we lowly creatures defeated you."

Lashina could only growl and struggle.

Wonder Woman dragged the beaten Gilotina and tied up the three together. Yet the battle is yet to end; they need to find a way to leave here.

"Good work, people."


Am I the only one who read Lashina as Lasagna? And what with the freaking spelling for lasagna? How do you even pronunciation this?

And Who gotchill when he said a "May a god fall today"