
Omnitrix: DC's New Dawn

Hello, I am Zereeo_Ak. >>>> For the staffs from Royal Road, It is me who is trying to upload in your site. I also hope that I would be allowed to upload my other stories without trouble at your site. Thank you. >>>> I am the author of this fanfic. This idea was inspired by a fellow author who is literally writing the story with a slightly different settings. I give him(Baphomet_19) credit for inspiring me. So, I won't listen to anyone saying I copied the story. (⌐■_■) Even though the idea was inspired, I am taking the story in a new direction. >>> Copyright. And all the DC characters and elements belong to the DCcomics and all the Ben 10 elements belong to Man of Action. I do not own anything except my own original characters. Check it out and see if I am doing a good work,(~ ̄▽ ̄)~ >>> Now to the story. This story will focus on two lead, 1) Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), a time remnant(From The Flash movie), ending up in another earth after being saved by a mysterious being with the quest to fight to protect her new home. 2) Zion, a boy from the countryside who want to go on an adventure. His dream is full filled after he get an alien device that could change him into many forms, ( Yes, it's Omnitrix( omniverse version)) but at the same time he also learn that his world was not so big anymore. >>> This story will also contain some of my original characters with their unique power, one for now. And If you have some questions or confusion, comment me. I am not well versed in DC universe setting. So, I would really appreciate if you give me advice. Okay o( ̄▽ ̄)√. . . . .

Zereeo_Ak · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

10. Bat talk #2

Hey, it is I. So I am back here to thank people for their support. I will do this every ten chap maybe. So, I thank,

Professor_Light, {I shall do the tradition henceforth}

WolfLord, {Thanks for the comments}

TyrantTron355, {Thank you for the advices}





Thank you for the stones and support.


-Bibbo's Diner-

The midday sun caste a warm, inviting glow through the large windows of Bibbo's Diner. The atmosphere relaxed, with the lunchtime crowd enjoying their meals and casual conversation.

Zion, the young man who causes trouble wherever he goes, sat at a booth near the window. He sat slouched, his fingers drumming lazily on the table, his eyes fixated on the wall clock above the counter. It was only 02.59 p.m. The ticking seconds seem to drag on as he awaited Batman's arrival.

Zion was wearing a dark-blue jacket with a plane white t-shirt, and matching black trouser. He came ready for the date after the talk with Batman.

The aroma of the comforting food filled the air, mixing with the soft chatter of diners. Zion checked his watch, then the clock, and finally gazes out the window at the bright afternoon. He wondered if Batman would come.

'Maybe he has some appointment? He is a billionaire after all. I should have asked if he was free,' Zion thought that he made a mistake somewhere.

Zion knew that he could not outsmart the smartest man on this planet, but he could deal with him by keeping him in the dark. As long as the Dark Knight is kept in the dark, he would not strike. Batman is cautious, he would not move without knowing how to defeat his opponent, well for high level threats and not-urgent matters.

As the clock's second hand made its slow journey toward 12, The diner's entrance swung open, and an unassuming civilian strolled in. It was Bruce Wayne, devoid of his ionic attire, blending seamlessly with the mundane surroundings, drawing minimal attention from the oblivious patrons.

Bruce wore a dark brown jacket, a white shirt and black pants. His attire blended with the lunchtime crowd of the diner.

Zion maintained his lazy posture, and raised his hand to attract Batman's attention. Batman immediately noticed the young man waving at him. He could see that the boy was gesturing toward him. Seeing that he had Batman's attention, Zion pointed to the seat across him.

Batman casually walked to the booth and took the seat,casually, not attracting attention. He then looked at Zion in the eyes, his mind thinking of many possibilities about Zion's human appearance.

Zion met Batman with blatant sloth. He was not fazed facing the Dark knight who could shut even the strongest of leaguers with his cold gaze. Batman just looked at him with scrutinizing gaze.

Zion adjusted his posture and beckoned to the kind waitress. The women walked up to him with a kind smile. She clearly recognized Zion as he has been having all his meals at the diner for the last two days. 

"Is it the same again?" She asked with a kind smile.

"Yes, ma'am," Zion replied with a warm smile.

The waitress then turned to Bruce, "What would you like, sir?"

"A black coffee would be enough," Bruce has a small smile matching his persona for the day.

Taking both of their order the kind lady left them to have their conversation. Zion, shedding his earlier indifference, straightened in his seat. He looked at Batman in the eyes, serious as he could.

"I am not giving the bike back."

Bruce just looked at him without replying. He didn't care about the bike, he could just build another, but what he was here was for a different issue and he confirmed he was talking with the right person.

"What do you want?" Batman asked the question, starting his interrogation.

Zion leaned back on the seat, his expression thoughtful. "Bruce, I've observed your methods closely, and I can't help think that they are uneffective as pinching a crying child to stop its crying. Are they truly making a dent in Gotham's relentless crime? You like a lone wolf fighting against a rising tide."

As he spoke, Zion's gaze remained steady on Bruce, searching for a reaction.

"Even the merciful GOD flooded the earth to cleanse of its sin, he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness. When even the generous and most merciful GOD gets angry, why you, a human, think that you could save some by locking them behind bars, only for them to breakout and commit crime again?"

Zion's words hung in the air as the waitress bustled about, tending to their orders. The atmosphere inside the diner had indeed grown more relaxed, despite the weighty topic at hand. The waitress placed their orders on the table. Zion gave her an appreciative nod before turning back to Bruce.

Bruce, now sipping his black coffee, contemplated Zion's unconventional perspective. Then he replied calmly, "I've heard my methods questioned countless times, and I've questioned them myself. The darkness I embrace, it's not without reason. Gotham's crime, its corruption, it's a relentless storm that demands a fierce response, but killing is not the way. 

Even the God you talk about gave his son to be sacrificed so his blood could give the humans another chance."

Zion looked at Batman seriously, he was expecting his point to be used against him, but darn. "I am not suggesting you to become an executioner, Bruce, ending every human life in Gotham. No, that's not what this is about. It's about recognizing those who are beyond redemption, like the Joker. People have shown time and again that they won't change, that they thrive in chaos."

Zion's tone softened as he continued, his voice carrying a hint of empathy.

"And then there are those like Mr. Freeze, individuals who are driven by tragic circumstance, consumed by their own pain. They might still have a chance for redemption, for a life beyond crime. Isn't it our, your especially, to find a way to help them, to show them there's a path back to light?"

Bruce considered Zion's words carefully. He leaned back in his seat, his expression contemplative. 

"I've spent years grappling with the question of how to deal with those like the Joker and Mr. Freeze. It's a constant moral dilemma. I can't be the judge and executioner, but I can't simply turn a blind eye either."

He paused, his voice tinged with a sense of frustration. "My methods may seem extreme, but they're rooted in the belief that even the most twisted souls can find redemption. I won't kill, but I'll do everything in my power to bring them to justice and offer them a chance to change, no matter how slim that chance may be. Just like the GOD you speak of, everyone deserves a chance."

Zion nodded, acknowledging the complexity of Batman's position. He understood batman, but Zion would rather send the criminals to be judged by GOD then give them a chance to take another life. He would break bones and spines, if it mean to stop them from ever committing crimes again. 

But Zion also understood what Bruce was talking, after all, his whole life he was preached about the love of GOD. His father had drilled into him many times that everyone who walks this Earth deserve the chance, to change and be good.

"I understand, I really do. But I also know that you fear getting consumed by the pleasure of killing." Zion knew of Batman's fears. 

The man didn't want to become what he fought against, to become what his nemesis wanted him to be. And Zion didn't want to Batman to become an executioner, he wanted to help him see another path, a better one.

"You trained your whole life to for this, starting with the death of your parents. I understand that you don't want to go down that path, but what about another?"

Zion asked, causing Bruce to look at his skeptically. Zion took a thick folded paper from his jacket and slid it to Batman. Batman picked it up and opened to find a blueprint. The blueprint contained a cubical device with sophisticated design, labeled [Atomic Engine].

"Its an advanced version of nuclear reactor, designed to generate clean, limitless energy. With this you could power the entire Gotham without relying on conventional sources. It uses nuclear waste from nuclear plants and experiments. A cubic meter of it could power entire Gotham for at least a millennium."

Zion briefed. 

Bruce scanned the blueprint more carefully. He could see the intricate part that seemingly fit together to create a 600 cell platonic structure inside tesseract. The designs measurement were kept in ratio standards, showing that the structure can be adjusted to specific needs.

"Why are you showing this to me?" Bruce asked. 

He knew that this kind of technology would many lust over it. This [Atomic engine] could produce waste free energy and run a city for a thousand years. Then there is the untold power of the engine if it was turned to a weapon. 

"I am giving this to you because you know what it mean to have wealth and help other. This will help you have the whole of energy industry at you palm. But I don't want anyone else to know about this engine, and I alone can build this for you.

And I need money," Zion said the last part in whispers.

"I understand what you are trying to say. But this tech is dangerous in the wrong hands," Batman said.

"That's why only I am allowed to built it and you to use it," Zion pointed.

"And How do I trust you to?" Batman asked the question.

Zion showed a shocked and betrayed expression, "We have been having the talk for this long and you still don't trust me, Darn."

"I don't trust, Zion. I don't even know if that is your name," Batman replied.

"My name is Zion, want me to show my driver's license," Zion took out his wallet to show it to Bruce.

"How can I trust that it is not faked?" Batman asked.

Zion just froze, realizing that he can't prove shit to Batman after erasing his identity from all database, "Well, just trust me." Zion gave forced smile.

Batman just raised his eyebrow, he had a rule to never trust someone and be suspicious of everything.

 "Okay, listen Bruce. If you don't want to trust me as a person, then we could be in a business partnership. I build the engine and you pay me, easy?" Zion spoke of the alternative,

Zion couldn't convince the most sceptial person on this planet to trust him with few flowery words. You want Batman to trust you, you got to earn it through blood.

"Then what about the one I met in the cave?" Batman asked.

"One of my forms," Zion replied.

"Shapeshifting?" Batman asked.

"Kinda," Zion kept it vague.

"Okay," Batman gave a slight nod, "I will trust you on this as you don't seem to be lying."

"Hey, I don't lie," Zion shrugged.

Batman took another sip of his coffee, and Zion munched on the extra spicy shawarma. The scene was peaceful for a moment, until Zion talked again.

"But I still suggest filling the criminals with the fear of god. Strict laws, zero tolerance with specific offense and heavy punishment that boarder on offending the human rights could frighten criminals from committing crime. I mean, we could execute the worst of criminals in public and cut the hands of robbers who bombs. What do you think?" 

Batman just glared at Zion, but he also contemplated. Zion just took a bite out of the shawarma, unfazed by Batman's glare.

"I am correct and you know it too," Zion said, matter-of-factly.

C'mon, we already have a country with less than 10 % crime rate and safe for anyone who is living in it. USA is definitely not in that list.


Again, I don't own any characters except for my OC. Character from DC and Ben 10 belong to their respective owners.

Peace out.