
Omnipotent system of the Otherworld's Judge

Author: Billurigan
Ongoing · 204.2K Views
  • 102 Chs
  • 4.7
    26 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Omnipotent system of the Otherworld's Judge

Read ‘Omnipotent system of the Otherworld's Judge’ Online for Free, written by the author Billurigan, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Aster found himself in the midst of a cosmic energy storm.He was supposed to be m...


Due to some unfortunate circumstances, Aster found himself in the midst of a cosmic energy storm. He was supposed to be migrating from Earth to another place called Gaia along with millions of people. He was supposed to have a world of possibilities for his future, literally. But instead, he was going to die. 'No, I won't accept an ending like this!' With the massive amount of energy mixture overcharging his soul and destroying his body, he desperately searched for a way to live. And he found it. What is the most powerful thing in the entire world? A lot of people would say dragons, demon kings, humanity's heroes, shadow sovereign, gods, etc. Aster would say the system. What is the thing that can make an average weeb a world conqueror? What is the thing that can make the smallest of ants into the king of heaven? What is the thing that can turn ugly people beautiful, weak into strong and mortal a divine existence? It's the system He found his way to survive. He channeled all of his excess mana into his system, mutating it... evolving it to something unprecedented, something unforeseen, something that has endless potential. Armed with a new responsibility and a goal, he sets out to enjoy his new life in this new world. *** The cover is ai generated. Edited by me on Canva Some stuff -No romance -No harem -69 chaps in and no young masters so far -The mc might be a bit of a pushover in the first volume but bear with me, the overpowered and the weak to strong tags aren't there for nothing. 20 powerstones- extra chap for the week. 40 powerstones- extra chap for the week. Try out "Apocalyptic Ravager!" It is my other novel.

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Perjodohan zahra

Perjodohan Namanya Zahra,ia seorang gadis yang berparas cantik dan juga cerdas,Zahra anak semata wayang dari reza malik seorang pengusaha sukses dan ibunya Kania oktaviani seorang dokter.Zahra banyak disukai dan di dekati oleh kaum Adam di kampusnya karena parasnya yang cantik. Zahra mempunyai seorang sahabat yang bernama tiwi, Zahra selalu cerita kepada sang sahabat masalah ia yang akan dijodohkan ,Zahra dan Tiwi selalu curhat dengan kehidupan mereka masing masing tapi disisi lain Tiwi menutupi kepada zahra orang yang ia sukai. Suatu ketika Tiwi mendiamkan zahra, tampak Zahra terlihat heran dengan tingkah Tiwi yang mendiamkan nya, Zahra berusaha menayakan kepada Tiwi namun Tiwi tetap diam.hari demi hari zahra terus berusaha menayakan kepada Tiwi kenapa ia mendiamkan zahra hingga akhirnya Tiwi membuka suaranya dan menceritakan kepada Zahra kenapa ia mendiamkan zahra. Zahra yang dijodohkan oleh sang ayah dengan anak teman rekan bisnis ayahnya yang bernama Reno ia selalu menolak dan menentang perjodohan tersebut tapi ia tidak bisa karena sang ayah selalu bersikeras untuk menjodohkannya. Zahra akhirnya menyerah dengan sang ayah ia pun menerima perjodohan tersebut, Hingga tiba akhirnya zahra menikah dengan Reno putra naufal ,setelah menjadi suami istri mereka berdua sama- sama cuek dan selalu sibuk dengan urusan mereka masing- masing. Hari demi hari zahra menjalani sebagai seorang istri namun zahra tetap sama ia terlihat cuek dan tak peduli dengan Reno begitu pun dengan Reno yg tak peduli dengan zahra. Suatu ketika Reno berdebat dengan Zahra karena zahra yg selalu ke luar rumah tanpa pamit dan meminta izin kepada Reno, dengan permasalahan tersebut Reno akhirnya melarang Zahra untuk ke luar rumah,namun zahra tetap bersikeras ke luar rumah saat Reno pergi bekerja, hingga timbul permasalahan diantara mereka berdua. Reno sangat lelah dengan sikap zahra yg suka hati dalam bertindak, Reno akhirnya membiarkan zahra bebas sesuka hatinya untuk sementara waktu ,karena Reno akan pergi meninggalkan zahra untuk perjalanan bisnis selama dua Minggu. Setelah kepergian Reno, Zahra berbuat sesuka hatinya karena menurut zahra Reno sudah pergi meninggalkan dirinya untuk selamanya zahra berpikir ia sudah bebas dari reno tapi disisi lain zahra sangat merindukan sosok Reno. Hari demi hari Zahra menjalani tanpa sosok Reno, tampak zahra terlihat sedih dan murung karena ia merasa bersalah dengan reno karena sikapnya yang ia buat, zahra ingin meminta maaf kepada reno karena zahra ingin mempertahankan rumah tangganya dengan reno tapi Zahra berpikir sudah terlambat. Setelah melakukan perjalanan bisnis selama dua Minggu Reno akhirnya pulang kerumah tempat ia tinggal bersama Zahra tapi disisi lain Reno melihat zahra sedang menangis, Reno saat heran dengan sikap Zahra Reno berusaha menanyakan kepada Zahra hingga ia pun tau penyebab Zahra bersedih dan menangis. Dua bulan usia pernikahan Zahra dan Reno, zahra semakin banyak perubahan dalam dirinya, Reno sangat senang dengan perubahan zahra, Zahra selalu banyak bicara kepada Reno karena zahra sudah mulai menyukai Reno begitu pun dengan Reno sudah menyukai Zahra sejak ia pergi meninggalkan Zahra ia merasa kehilangan Zahra disisinya. Setelah mengungkapkan isi hati mereka berdua, Reno akhirnya memberikan hadiah kepada Zahra yaitu pergi berbulan madu karena selama mereka menikah Zahra dan reno tidak pergi bulan madu. Zahra hamil anak kembar dari Reno, zahra sangat senang dengan kehamilannya, hampir beberapa bulan menunggu akhirnya anak pertama dan kedua mereka lahir berjenis laki- laki dan perempuan,zahra dan Reno sangat senang atas kehadiran anak- anak mereka.

nurul_anggi · Teen
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8 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1


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Honest review from the author ---- This is my first work and there are certainly flaws, especially in the beginning so I would appreciate it if you could overlook those for a bit if you plan to read this. I am working hard to improve and I know I am improving gradually so the novel hopefully becomes more readable as chapters go on. I have tried to avoid common tropes and cliches as much as possible although one or two were needed to make the story happen. ---System--- The system in this novel is a bit different than the classic systems. First of all, if you have read the synopsis then you would know that the system was created by the mc, albeit unintentionally, so there is no cheat system popping out of thin air. At least you would know how the system came to be. ---Useless System?--- The system would be a bit, uhh stupid in the beginning so it won't be a complete cheat yet. The system would grow alongside the mc as the story progresses. There is also this mystery of how the system became like that but that is for the future. ---Update consistency and chapter length--- I update at least once a day. The word count per chapter is a bit inconsistent as it ranges between 1k to 1.6k. A few chapters might have about 2k words but those are few and around the first 30 to 40 chaps. ---Confusing power system--- This does not mean this novel features a complex power system. The power system consists of cultivation, magic, and a universal system that everyone possesses that is referred to as the soulguide. The confusion is attributed to my poor planning as a beginner author so I will release info chapters in the auxiliary volume to help things a bit. If this may prove inconvenient to you, the reader, then I apologize. As a note, English is not my first language so yeah. I would greatly appreciate it if you give feedback. This would help me improve, and make the story more enjoyable to read and worth your time. If you have any questions about the story then ask them here. I will reply as soon as I can. 5 stars because this review was posted during a special occasion for this novel and not because I am shameless.


Brilliant, cant wait for more updates....


This novel is a great gem that obliged me to give a review thanks to how amazing it was. First of the MC his development is great and all the suffering he suffered and persevered through would put any MC to shame i won’t go into details as it would spoil the novel. If in was there instead of him i would have long given up. There aren’t many grammar mistakes but maybe i didn’t notice them as i have grown accustomed to MTL novels.


the MC is not unique, he has a character of a random passerby, the plot is bad, it is not engaging, you cannot feel or understand what a character is feeling at the moment.


Why five stars? Give it a try and agree with me, the unique plot development, character depiction, welcoming synopsis and good grammar. Everything about this novel is worth some gifts stones and collections keep it up author, am eager to find out how the story unfolds and why you assured us that the mc is not gay[img=recommend][img=update][img=coins]


Now that's a way to start, you'll be going up the rankings in no time🙏


Very interesting story with an engaging plot. The character development is also well paced and the flow of the overall storyline is good.


even though it is ur first work this novel is quite good. keep up the work. [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


..................................................... This is interesting ....................................................................


great.. keep writing..obviously there are some things here and there but overall it's great for a first novel. Mine sucked pretty hard lol


the the story mainly focuses on the main character but it does not focus on the other characters so therefore this story only revolves around the main character it shows a lack of character development in poor writing quality and story development therefore it has a chance to improve if it has a certain goal because the main character has no goal


I'm going to add it on my library for reference on my novel. I love the concept and ideas in it because I'm fond of RPG-themed stories. The author just needs proofreading.


The idea of harnessing a powerful system to overcome challenges and transform oneself is a captivating premise. The narrative's focus on the system's potential to turn ordinary individuals into formidable beings adds depth to the storyline.Overall, this story promises an exciting journey of discovery and empowerment for the protagonist, and I look forward to reading more to see how Aster's adventure unfolds.


the pacing is consistent, and i like the way the system is used in this novel. also aster is an enjoyable mc, so that's a plus. keep up the good work, and i recommend it to anyone.


Man, no words. I'm a sucker for stories like this. No complaints whatsoever. Loved the story and I hope you don't stop updating![img=update]


Excellent work. I like the writing style, the story, and how it starts and ends. Easy to read and easy on the eyes, so it's a nice experience for the reader. Like the main character's power or skill, this book has a lot of promise.


A system that can make an average weeb a world conqueror?! I love reading system stories. and this one is really interesting. The writing style is good and I really enjoyed reading it. I am not much into action stories but this one is really enjoyable.


A very good work. I love the writing, the plot and the pace in which the story has begun and is being continued. But If I had to give some criticism, then that would be to shorten your paragraphs. Not to reduce the total number of words in a chapter, but to decrease the amount of words a para contains. Leave constant gaps between two to three sentences, this makes it very easy for the reader to read and will be lighter for their eyes, giving them a smooth reading experience. That would be it. Rest is amazing!


Just like the MC's power/ability this book has endless potential. It follows the system trope which is very popular at Webnovel but the system that was used in this book is very interesting along with its plotline presented in the few chapters that I read so far. Aside from the prologue, the content of every chapter is quite short but it makes it easier to read for a newbie reader like me. Overall this is a great book..


This is seriously underrated! The characters and the story both develop beautifully. Is this your debut novel? I strongly suggest you maintain this level of consistency. [img=recommend]


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