
Omnipotent Husband System

Hao Ren was born in another world and has lived for over twenty-two years being nothing but a definition of the word, average. After a high school reunion, the young man sat down on the beach shore, and mumbled to the sky, "God of Novels, you are unfair. I spent forty years of my life doing nothing but reading books and stories written by others. I worked hard to manifest this rebirth, and yet you did not bless me with anything. Why?" A voice echoed in his mind, "Host, you have the Omnipotent Husband System." Hao Ren scoffed and scolded the system, "What is the use of having you when you are not even active? Are you shitting with me, you bastard?!" The system replied, "Host the condition for activating the system is to get married." Hao Ren could not handle it anymore and cried out loud as he complained about this condition. He was not good-looking, and neither was he wealthy, who was going to marry him? Tired, he spent the on the beach. When he was returning home, he passed by the marriage registering center. He sighed for his fate but suddenly, a beautiful lady asked him, "Hey, do you have any identity card on you?" Hao Ren nodded in a daze, and the lady dragged him inside the office. The young man was yet to register what happened to him when an automated voice sounded, "Host, congratulations on getting married. Omnipotent Husband System is now activated." ... Years later, Hao Ren became an entity many people wished to meet. However, Hao Ren never stayed outside, to everything he had one reply, "I have to go home and cook for my wife." Would you like to know his journey from an average to an over-achieving person standing at the apex of power and prestige? ... Author's Note: If you guys wish to discuss the book with your co-readers, or have suggestions for me on how to improve the story, you can reach me out on discord. Discord: chasing_dream06

Chasing_Dreams · Urban
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101 Chs

Soaring High.

*Ding: Special Task has been completed. Issuing rewards based on the evaluation. The host is rewarded five attribute points, and one golden pot ticket.* 

Hao Ren was surprised and asked, "System, show me my attributes."

The holographic 'for your eyes only' type screen appeared before his eyes. 

Strength - 5

Speed - 6

Intelligence - 6

Charm - 4

Hao Ren furrowed his brows and asked, "Why is there no change in them even when I am working out daily?"

He felt like the System scammed him. The system replied *Ding: If it was that easy to break the limits of mediocrity then you would have no need of me. Get real.*

Hao Ren took a deep breath to calm himself down and asked, "Does free attributes, mean I can assign them based on my preference?" 

The system replied in affirmative, Hao Ren nodded, and said, "I would like to assign two points to charm and two points to intelligence, and keep one point in reserve to be used later." 

*Ding: Command accepted, adjusting parameters.* 

Strength - 5

Speed - 6

Intelligence - 8

Charm - 6

Free points - 1

Hao Ren nodded and said, "System, now please tell me how does the golden pot ticket works?" 

*Ding: Host, the golden pot ticket would make sure that your first investment gets you a minimum of five hundred percent return. Based on your investment the return will increase.* 

Hao Ren's eyes flashed with a glint of light. He smiled and stopped bathing. The enthusiasm to earn money was revived. Cleaning himself up and the young man came to his study. He turned on the computer system and began to search for the various things that were hyping up. Thinking about something he asked, "System, how would you ensure that the money I make will not be lost> Like, the stocks will not increase infinitely, they will stop after one point, what if they fall?" 

*Ding: The system will withdraw the money when it has predicted that you cannot earn anymore.* 

Hao Ren nodded, and then he went back to read the things. There were many projects that could use his small scale investment from various fields, such as video games, medicine, some start ups that worked in the field of computers. 

Thinking about this, Hao Ren began his extensive research on the market. He suddenly had an idea, the market of electronic vehicles was booming, every company from big to small were producing their own electronic vehicles. 

He proceeded in that direction but found that the material used to prepare the batteries was excavated and caused greater damage to the environment. A few big shot activists were organizing a shakedown movement. They were going to do this on a global scale. Hao Ren frowned, because it was sure that the electronic motors will face a down side for at least a week. 

Hao Ren was in a dilemma when he noticed the word technology. Thinking about it he looked in on the topic. His mind bloomed and the knowledge of tech fascinated him into another world. He found that in the Hawk Nation across the ocean the biggest tech exhibition was being held and it was about to open in a few ours. 

If there was a product that could gain a lot of foothold, it would get him a lot of income. Hao Ren searched for the listing of the exhibits, and a few products caught his interest. He asked, "System, what if I invest in multiple products? Will the golden pot apply to both of them?" 

*Ding: Being greedy is a bad thing, Host. If you invest in one company that has multiple products, it will work. However, you would not be able to specify the product, and the gains will be divided.* 

Hao Ren nodded and replied, "Fair enough, then let me invest." 

He accessed his trading account and transferred the money in it. After taking a final look at the products he invested in the company that was going to launch their augmented reality devices. He researched the company and it was parented by a mobile giant. They were one of the best in the market so the people had great expectations from them. 

He said, "System, how can I use the golden pot ticket?" 

Hao Ren has read many novels and he knew that he had to exclusively tell the system to use the ticket. He did not wish to risk things, what if the system said it was not commanded? 

*Ding: Please confirm, do you wish to use golden pot ticket?* 

Hao Ren nodded and replied, "Yes." 

*Ding: Golden Pot Ticket in use* 

The young man gazed at the screen before him and gradually fell asleep. He did not even go to his bed. 


Han Lingshi had been talking to Maria but she did not tell her that she was staying with Hao Ren. The call lasted for a couple of hours before Han Lingshi said that she needs to sleep and disconnected. She sighed and mumbled, "Maria is such a gossip queen." 

She ran her fingers on her throat sensing that she was thirsty. Looking around she found that there was no water in the room. She decided to go to the kitchen. When she came out of the room, she found that the door of the adjacent room was ajar. 

Unable to withstand her curiosity, she peeked inside but did not find Hao Ren. She furrowed her brows and turned around to go to the kitchen, thinking where could the guy have gone. When she passed the study, the door was left open again, but the dim lit from the monitor screen illuminated the outline of a young man sleeping in the chair. 

Han Lingshi was surprised and carefully walked inside to wake him up so that he could go and sleep in his bedroom. The girl had come around the table when her gaze fell on the screen. She was shocked, because the big screen showed two windows. On the left of the screen was Hao Ren's trading account, and on the right was the stock market of the Hawk Nation. 

Hao Ren had fallen asleep with the window that displayed the progress of the company shares he invested in. Han Lingshi was shocked, because it was climbing, no it was soaring. She did not lack money, and had invested in this same stock earlier. She smiled faintly as she gazed at Hao Ren's face gently. 

She whispered, "Good Night, Ren." 

Then she left. Han Lingshi was impressed by how he acted in the dressing room, and now when she saw that he was dedicated, and had a good financial acumen. She could not help but look at Hao Ren as a hardworking man. 


After Han Lingshi left, Hao Ren stayed asleep in the chair, until the next morning. He cleaned up and made a breakfast for Han Lingshi, and when he was about to wake her up. Her appearance left him shell shocked. 

Han Lingshi had wavy messy hair, and she was yawning like a cat. She looked at Hao Ren gazing at her from the door and said, "Good morning, Ren." 

Hao Ren was stunned again, but this time it was her speech. She called him Ren. Han Lingshi noticed him staring at her, and she realized that she was in an unkempt situation. A few of her shirt buttons had come undone, and her hair were frizzy. There was an obvious stain at the corner of her mouth. 

Han Lingshi blushed so hard that her face color changed from fair to adorable. She buried her head under the blanket and yelled, "GET OUT!" 

Hao Ren woke up and left while trying to suppress his laughter. Han Lingshi had the urge to bury a hole and spend the eternity there. They did not realize that such situations were making their closeness soar. 


After half an hour, Han Lingshi came out of the room. She was wearing the top and leggings that Hao Ren bought for her. She was still blushing because she would have to face Hao Ren, but the young man acted as if nothing happened. She looked very beautiful even without any makeup. 

Han Lingshi ate the breakfast in silence and afterwards she said, "Hao Ren, I would take my leave now. I have to get to work." 

Hao Ren stood up from the couch in the living room and handed her a set of keys as he said, "These are the keys dropped by someone from Miss Maria's side. The guard dropped them over. Also, Miss Han, if you do not mind, please take a moment to upload your fingerprints in the house assisting system." 

Han Lingshi was surprised and asked, "Why?" 

Hao Ren replied with a smile, "Technically, this house is a shared asset. Plus, you are a friend I trust. You can come and go as you like. This house will be your secret hide out from now." 

Han Lingshi was moved by his words and nodded with watery eyes. Hao Ren asked in concerned, "Are you okay?" 

Han Lingshi replied while wiping her eye, "I did not expect to come upon a person like you. Thank you, Hao Ren." 

Hao Ren replied softly, "The pleasure is all mine." 

Han Lingshi sensed the tickling sensation in her stomach and then nodded. The process was easy, she touched the panel inside the study and Hao Ren configured it. She noticed that he gave her complete access. This degree of trust touched her a lot. 

Then she left the place, unknown to the fact that her steps had a spring to them. She seemed like a butterfly ready to soar in the skies. 

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