
Omnipotent Destroyer

"I work my ass off for the sake of you all fuckers! And what do I get in return? A fuckin' betrayal?! Fine, I am sick of playing the good guy. You all fuckers don't want me as a good guy? Then I will become worse than the devil!" These were the last words of Sou- a normal, kind like an angel, guy who had everything, literally everything, but always stayed low- before breathing his last breath, alone and blood-drenched, betrayed by his loved one and even his parents. What did he do to be stabbed to death by his parents and his girlfriend? Nothing. Catching the wind of his parents' illegal works such as human trafficking, drug dealing and others was enough for his parents to turn on him. To top that off, his girlfriend also chimed in greed and gave him a stab or two as a farewell. I should have stayed silent, I shouldn't have been about that, I should have just let things go with the flow. Regret filled him as his vision became blurrier and his conscious began to die. Why? Why? Just why did he have to face such a betrayal? Just because he supported justice a little too strongly? Or was it because of his kindness that had to take several envied glances? "Fuck..." The light of his eyes went out. あ His eyelids fell. His body went cold. His heartbeat stopped. He died. . . . Tring! {The transmigration of "Destroyer", successful} *** *Contains 18+ scenes. -The credit for the cover goes to Yexing from Twitter (i think?). Discord ID- Elixer_Yuu#5328

Elixer_Yuu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
146 Chs

Devil's First Summoning

[In a certain forest]

Sou was lying on the grass as he opened his eyes.

"Ugh, where the hell am I? Ahh... Those fuckers killed me. Can't believe I spent my life with such cunning fuckers."

A message popped up in front of his eyes as he stood up from the ground.


{The transmigration of "Destroyer", successful.}

{You are on trial now}

{All stats will be raised exponentially}

"Destroyer? What the heck is this? And trial? What trial?"

As he uttered these words, a loud noise came from above. He looked up and saw a black dragon flying above him.

"Oi oi oi, what the fuck?!"

The dragon took notice of him and charged at him. Seeing the dragon charge at him, he instinctively started running to save his skin and before he realized it, he was already a few kilometres away from the dragon in mere seconds.

"Wha..? How? I was just there a second ago..." said Sou, confused by what happened just a  moment ago. 

But in the next moment, overflowing strength and power began to flow like a raging river inside him. He could feel his very self getting uplifted by the surging energy and dominating sensations.

"Ufufufufu... HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Now I understand!" exclaimed Sou.

"The Destroyer, huh?", muttered Sou grasping hold of his newfound powers and releasing such intense bloodlust which could make any person from his world suffocate.

Now that he was given a second chance in life, he decided to live up to his wish now. 

"Here I come, my free ride!" said Sou charging at the dragon.

The Dragon stood in awe as he Sou putting up a huge distance in just mere seconds. Just as the Dragon snapped from his astonishment, he saw the young man charging towards him at incredible speed. This, again, left the Dragon amazed but he was not too indulged in his amazement which could result in his downfall. As Sou came near, the massive beast flapped its wings at such speed that the air was enough to make big buildings scramble and compared to that, Sou was nothing, so it was obvious that he would be blown away.

"Goddamn it! Those wings are a nuisance..." muttered Sou to himself, bracing himself for impact as he was airborne from the winds earlier. He crashed into the ground with his back arched in the ground and spat a lot of blood from his mouth.


The fierce gales were sharp as thousand blades. Sou was having a hard time as he struggled to keep his body intact.

"It seems like that is not your everyday cool breeze," said Sou silently.


The Dragon's cry shook the forest to its very roots.

It flew high as the weather became grim. The Dragon gathered blue electricity in its mouth from the black clouds that came out of nowhere above its majestic red-lined body.

"Ho... I suppose that is its skill..." said Sou when he noticed the electricity winding up in the Dragon's mouth.

"I guess I should also try something out," said Sou, running up to the Dragon at his incredible speed.

Seeing this the Dragon quickly flicked his head forward to throw the ball of blue electricity he gathered. The ball flew to the ground almost instantly. Though the ball seemed small, it had enough potential to be compared to a nuclear bomb. As the Dragon was out of the blast radius, it took no damage, the same can be said about Sou, who was also out of range trying to catch up to the Dragon.

"If I was reincarnated in a new world, then there is no way I do not possess super strength!" After saying this, he sprung himself off the ground to a height above the Dragon. As he witnessed Sou's black T-shirt and the white silhouette of his silver hair fluttering combined with the moon's brilliant shine, the Dragon stared towards Sou.

Seeing the Dragon's amazement, Sou smirked and said in a tone filled with determination that only the Dragon could hear, "my turn..." as he said that, he pulled his right arm assuming the stance to punch and gathering his newfound superhuman strength in his fist, and swung his arm with extremely fierce force towards the Dragon.


With just a single punch he sent the Dragon crashing into the ground. Due to the force, the Dragon's body made a hole in the ground where the Dragon was lying dead with its tongue hanging out. When the Dragon died, a message popped up in front of Sou's eyes.

{Due to the trial, the user will not level up}

{'Devil's Summoning' has been granted. You will be able to make wandering souls your servants from their mana remnants and monopolize their power}

"Devil's Summoning? I can also absorb their powers, huh..." Sou muttered to himself. As he said this, he glanced at the Dragon's body and saw a purple light covering the Dragon's body lining.

"Well... I've got a nice phrase." Sou gave a nasty smile as he said this.

He approached the Dragon's body and commanded,

"Get the fuck up."


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