
Omnipotent Destroyer

"I work my ass off for the sake of you all fuckers! And what do I get in return? A fuckin' betrayal?! Fine, I am sick of playing the good guy. You all fuckers don't want me as a good guy? Then I will become worse than the devil!" These were the last words of Sou- a normal, kind like an angel, guy who had everything, literally everything, but always stayed low- before breathing his last breath, alone and blood-drenched, betrayed by his loved one and even his parents. What did he do to be stabbed to death by his parents and his girlfriend? Nothing. Catching the wind of his parents' illegal works such as human trafficking, drug dealing and others was enough for his parents to turn on him. To top that off, his girlfriend also chimed in greed and gave him a stab or two as a farewell. I should have stayed silent, I shouldn't have been about that, I should have just let things go with the flow. Regret filled him as his vision became blurrier and his conscious began to die. Why? Why? Just why did he have to face such a betrayal? Just because he supported justice a little too strongly? Or was it because of his kindness that had to take several envied glances? "Fuck..." The light of his eyes went out. あ His eyelids fell. His body went cold. His heartbeat stopped. He died. . . . Tring! {The transmigration of "Destroyer", successful} *** *Contains 18+ scenes. -The credit for the cover goes to Yexing from Twitter (i think?). Discord ID- Elixer_Yuu#5328

Elixer_Yuu · Fantasy
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146 Chs

Girls In the Bushes

As Sou commanded, the Dragon's body was engulfed by the purple light covering the lining of its body and Sou felt a string flowing through his body, ending at his brain. As Sou was grasping the situation he was in, a different body started to arise from the creature's dead body and Sou felt great power coursing through his veins.

"Woah... So this is 'Devil's Summoning'..." exclaimed Sou in excitement as he saw the miracles of the summoning.

Sou's attention was caught by a hoarse voice as he smirked with excitement. He looked up and saw the body which was rising from the Dragon's body. The body was the Dragon's body itself which was covered in black and released black mist from its body and the eyes were blue and deeper than the deepest oceans from Sou's previous world.

"I am in your service, Master", said the Dragon bowing his head low to Sou who was standing in amazement.

Seeing the Dragon who was trying to kill him not a minute ago bowing his head and swearing servitude, Sou laughed eerily as sweat trickled down from his face.

"Master, please give me a name...", said the Dragon

"Name, huh? Hmm... How about Drago?"

"Ahh..! I will gladly accept the wonderful name bestowed upon me by my Master..."

Upon receiving the name, Drago's body started to glow silver, releasing an absurd amount of silver mist from its body.

"Damn..." he couldn't help but admire the beauty unfolding in front of him.

"Is he evolving...?" said Sou, seeing the majestic body of the Dragon clad in silver. After a while, the light covering Drago disappeared and the Dragon, more majestic and powerful, bowed his head again in servitude.

"Oi! Did you just evolve using my power?" asked Sou.

"Yes, Master... Your servant has been evolved due to your mana and the name that has been bestowed upon me," said Drago. A message popped up after Drago answered.

{The title 'Dominator has been granted}

{You have been granted the skill 'Mana Manipulation'}

{'Mana Manipulation' can only be used for healing purposes}

{Please level up to evolve 'Mana Manipulation'}

"Mana manipulation, eh? Let's see..." Sou looked at his left arm which was injured and bleeding from the fight with Drago.

"Let's see if I can heal this..." said Sou as he concentrated to heal his arm. He felt his arm get covered in some kind of sheet. It was relaxing. His arm glowed in mild green and the arm started to heal slowly but it was also straining Sou as he felt his mana running low.

"Please be quick!"

After 10 minutes of struggle with mana, he finally got his arm healed.

After healing himself, he leaned on a tree while Drago just kept his head lowered.

"Damnit! This healing takes an absurd amount of mana. The analysis of the mana to control it is also a pain in the ass. Better for me to not use it often until I have mastered it. For now, I will just keep analyzing the mana around me for now."

Sitting down, he snapped his fingers which made Drago disperse in silver mist. Before doing this, he was worried that this would make Drago disappear completely but was relaxed when he found the connection between him and Dragon has not been severed.

He gazed at the moon as the silver mist around him slowly faded away.

"So... I have been stabbed by my parents and girlfriend to the heart's content, heh..." muttered Sou and, finally, fell asleep with tears rolling down his cheeks.


[The next day]

'I am sorry but we have to do this. For the sake of us and you too.'


'Since you saw, and knowing you, the thing is not going to stay in your stomach, so we have no choice but to rip the roots.'

(Don't say anymore.)

'I am sorry, son.'

(Please... Stop it..!)

'I am sorry.'



"Just a nightmare..."

Waking up from his nightmare, Sou touched his wet cheeks and wiped the tears from his eyes. After he gained his composure, he thought about moving on. As he was about to call Drago, he heard some bushes behind him moving. He thought that showing a dragon under his control would be quite troublesome, after all, dragons were regarded as very powerful beings in anime and mangas of his previous world. So, he didn't summon Drago.

"Oi! Who is hiding there? You better show yourself!" ordered Sou with an indifferent, yet ferocious look.

Sensing the pressure, two figures came out of the bushes.

"What? Just two kids? And why do I feel like I am shorter?" muttered Sou in confusion.

Both of the kids seemed girls. One of the two was guarding the other. Sou started approaching them. As soon he took his first step, the girl who was guarding the other, started chanting, preparing a spell.

"Wraith thunder!"

"What the..."

Before Sou could finish his sentence, a crackling bolt of lightning fell from the skies. Sensing the danger beforehand, Sou evaded it easily

"Hey!! Are you out of your mind!? That thing almost killed me!" shouted Sou angrily as he gained his balance.

"So what if it killed you! At least we would survive..." replied the girl cautiously to Sou's anger.

(What is she talking about?)

Sou tried to approach them again, but a little more carefully, taking small steps.

"Wraith Thunder!"

Another lightning aimed at Sou struck the ground, but, even this time, he dodged it by an inch.

<Master, should I get rid of that girl for you?> 

Drago's sudden voice startled Sou.

<You can even speak inside my head? This summoning thing is quite convenient... Anyways, no need to do anything them. I will handle them myself. I've got something want try.>

<As you wish, Master.>

After the conversation with Drago, Sou put his right hand in the pocket of his pants.

"Tell me what happened. I can at least lend you an ear", said Sou with a calm look but it was clear to the girls that it was not an appeal but an order.

"A-And why s-should we tell you?" stuttered the girl at the front in a frightened manner.

"Alright! Got it", said Sou and pulled his hands from the pocket, "no point in asking the redhead. Let's try the one hiding behind you."

Right after saying this, Sou appeared in front of guarding girl in an instant and just like that, she was thrown away from her position. Just after throwing her, Sou lifted his right arm, pointing towards the girl he has thrown, and clumped his palm into a fist while also walking towards the other girl. As he did this, chains of lightning came out of thin air, binding the redhead girl.

<Master, I didn't know you had an affinity for the lightning element. As expected of my Master.>

<Even I didn't know that. My body seemed to use Lightning as if it was natural.>

(I don't even know who I am in this world.)

Turning his head to the redhead girl, Sou reassured," Don't try to resist if you don't want yourself ripped apart. Oh! Also, the current in these chains has been lowered so that you won't die."

"Release me! Release me now!!", screamed the girl. She tried to struggle but failed as she could not endure the excruciating pain.

Seeing the things that were going on, the girl who was hiding became very frightened that tears started to gather in her eyes.

"Now...", said Sou, slowly coming close to the girl. With a face that can make people fall on their arse in terror- a frightening face that even the demon lord himself cannot bear- Sou said-

"Shall we hear your story then?"


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