

What happens when you're pushed to the limits? When you're driven to madness? When everything in your life goes to shit? You beat your problems down to the ground relentlessly! First time 'Pilot', Danny Steele, enters an underground fight club filled with gangsters and brawlers to earn money for some grub. But this is no ordinary fight club, this club has mastered the use of technology! Through the power of 'Omnishells', these fighters named 'Pilots' are able to channel their strength into their own individually modeled robots and fight one another without being physically damaged! They're able to feel every drop of pain through advance nerve-simulation technology, making it no easy feat to be the strongest 'Pilot'. Through pain and hard work, Danny Steele climbs up the ranks and redefines what it means to be a 'Pilot'. But Danny Steele has something up his sleeve, his admittedly rather special 'Omnishell' has something off about it... It's being controlled by a living organism?

BottledAnger · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Omnishell (2)

"What's that?" Danny points at Metro Booming. "Is that a human?"

"Nope." Reymi pats Metro Booming on the head. "This is an Omnishell, an extension of my very being." Reymi raises his hand and Metro Booming follows suit, raising its hand. "We're linked on a neurological wave-length, weird nerdy stuff that you probably don't understand."

"Don't underestimate this kid, I sense something special inside of him. He looked at one of those crazy motherfuckers straight in the eye and didn't even flinch." Daisy pats Danny on the shoulder. "Why don't we bring him into the club? He'll fit right in."

"Hmm..." Reymi moves closer towards Danny, practically sniffing him. He inspected every inch of his body. He placed his hand on his arms and checked them, they weren't rock solid but they were pure fat, they were pretty average. He wasn't tall but neither was he short, he was pretty average. His looks weren't anything special and his defining features were bland, he was pretty average. All he had going for him was a pretty sizable scar down the side of his neck and a piercing on his eyebrow.

"This kid is boring. Can you find a new one?" Reymi sighs.

"C'mon, I believe in 'em. And what's the worst that could happen? Does he wreck an old Omnishell that probably should've been thrown out? Who cares! We've got plenty of junk lying around that needs maintenance, so why not have some fun, right?" Daisy playfully punches Reymi in the shoulder.

Metro Booming sees this playful act as a threat towards Reymi and raises its hand immediately, grabbing Daisy's hand. It twists her hand and rotates it nearly one hundred and eighty degrees. Daisy reacts quickly and grabs Metro Booming's wrist with her other hand, stopping it.

"Metro Booming. Let go." Reymi opens the palm of his hand, releasing Daisy. "Metro Booming's been acting up recently, I can't quite tell what's wrong with him."

"Maybe it's time to kick the bucket." Daisy readjusts her wrists.

"Hey kid, heads up." Reymi grabs something from his pocket and throws it towards Danny. Danny, being in the middle of a dark warehouse, could barely see anything, let alone the pair of keys flying towards him.

It hits Danny in the face squarely and drops into the palm of his hands. "What's this?" Danny opens his eyes and looks down at his hand.

"They're keys to my old Omnishell, it's pretty rusty and basically about to break, but I'll let you have a spin on it since Daisy is so keen on you." Reymi snaps his fingers and Metro Booming seemingly disappears. He raises his hand in the form of a fist and points it towards Danny.

"Let's have a spar." Reymi smiles as Metro Booming places his hand on Danny's shoulder, teleporting right behind him.

"I'll kick your ass." Danny raises his fist, giving Reymi a fist bump.

x x x x x

"Welcome to the 'Exotica'!" Reymi, Danny and Daisy are all standing outside of a small door with a shelter over them, sheltering them from the heavy rain.

"This is..." Danny hesitates before saying anything else.

"Underwhelming?" Daisy finishes Danny's sentence for him. "Yeah, I thought so too at first." Daisy walks ahead of the two of them and opens the door for them. "But you'll warm up to the cosiness of the place." As Daisy opened the door, rainbow lights flickered in every direction as sound blasted from the entrance.

"It's also a nightclub." Reymi yawns as he walks into the entrance, walking past both Danny and Daisy. "Come on in, I'll show you the way."

Daisy follows after Reymi and eventually, Danny follows behind the two of them. "So what is this even?" Danny asks.

"It's easier for you to see than for me to explain." Reymi walks out into the open floor and Danny is blinded by the bright flashing lights.

"Woo! Let's go, baby!" Khristel bills fly in the air like a tornado as bright flashing rainbow lights illuminated the dark room. Massive giant stages with poles stretching from the ground to the ceiling were being danced on by holographic, human and Omniac dancers alike.

Men dressed in all sorts of attire and uniforms crowded around them like a moth attracted to light, throwing hundreds upon hundreds of Khristels at the women.

"Today is real crowded!" Reymi had to scream at the top of his lungs to ensure that Daisy and Danny could hear him. "Right there!" Reymi pointed to another door that was away from all of the commotion, in a dark corner.

x x x x x

"Welcome to the Maverick hideout!" Reymi presented the underwhelming room to Danny. It was dark and damp and filled with broken pipes in the ceiling that dripped all sorts of liquids onto the ground.

On the walls were posters of different things, some erotica and some of action heroes. "There are 6 members of the Mavericks. You've already met me and Daisy, but there are 4 more members." Reymi explains as he sets his bag down on a couch, flicking on a light switch.

The light flickers back and forth for a moment before turning on, illuminating the whole room. "This corner is my corner." Reymi sits down on his green sofa and kicks his legs up onto his table filled with random junk. All around his corner were instruments such as electric guitars, brass instruments and drums. On his walls were posters of rock bands and himself. "See, I even did some modelling!" Reymi pride fully pointed to one of the posters which displayed him striking a pose as he wore all sorts of outfits.

"And this is my lousy section of the virgin room." Daisy sighs as she sits down on her wooden chair.

"Wait, that's it?" Danny asks Daisy.

"Yup." Daisy looks around as she's in between 2 couches. "All I have is one wooden chair."

"And the one next to her is Vale's, he doesn't come by often but he has the largest corner." Reymi points to the corner next to Daisy's sad wooden chair.

Vale's corner was decked out, filled with action figures, lights, plushies and all things geeky. In every way of the word, Vale was a nerd. He had all sorts of posters of movies from the 2000s such as 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek'.

"He's a big fan of the 2000s, he wasn't even alive in the 2000s." Daisy folds her arms and shrugs.

"And those three are Orange's, Dalilah's and lastly JK's." Reymi points to the three other sections of the room.

They were each colour-coded, Orange's being unsurprisingly orange, Dalilah's being a bright hot pink and JK's being a pitch black.

"So!" Reymi claps his hands. "This is the maverick hideout!"