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*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

As I woke up I felt my movement restricted and immediately pushed to escape.


As I continued to push, whatever was holding me finally seemed to have broken as I fell forward.

"The fuck happened?" I questioned anyone that could hear me.

{Host was held in an ice cocoon while in his coma}

"Oh, cool." I dropped the topic immediately as I stood up, albeit with a little difficulty.


A door in front of me opened letting in unwanted light that blinded me.

"Ah, Arthur, you're finally awake." A familiar voice spoke.

"I know this voice! It's from that Yeti kid that I made commit cannibalism!" I put my hand over my mouth in shock at the voice that I heard.

"You WHAT!?" Boreas screamed in anger.

"Oops, did I say that out loud?" I knocked on the side of my head.

"You fucker!" Boreas cursed as he summoned a sword of red and clear blue ice.

"That's new." I raised an eyebrow at the new color of Boreas's ice.


I dodged Boreas's sword swing.

"I shouldn't have saved you, I should've just left you there to die!" Boreas screamed as he continued his onslaught while I continued to dodge.

"[Bloody Blizzard]"

Suddenly red colored snow started to circle Boreas at high speeds, before all of it started to coat onto his sword.

"Hey hey, we don't gotta go that far now do we?" I waved my hands in surrender.



Boreas slashed his sword down letting out an attack equivalent to Saber when she uses Excalibur, but instead of a golden beam of holy energy it was instead a red beam of freezing destruction.

Luckily for me though I've got teleportation abilities as I dodged that attack also.

"He's definitely gotten stronger." I said as I observed the destruction that Boreas had done to the house and mountain from on top of a tree branch. "Although he hasn't gotten taller."

'But on a more serious note, where are we?'

{Host is at the top of the 'Frozen Hell Mountain'}

'Hum, so that means either Boreas built that house or we've been living in the house of that Dragon Lord.' I thought. 'Well to call that living is a bit of a stretch.'

"Actually speaking of the Dragon Lord, what was that message?" I remembered the message that I saw right before I passed out.

[You have done an impossible feat, The 2nd Eternal is pleased and shall reward you, open the gift pack when you desire to]

[Eternal Gift Pack x1]

"2nd Eternal, what's that?" I scratched my chin in confusion. "But who the fuck cares, rewards are rewards."


[Gift Opened, Rewards:

-Fallen Katana

-3x Stats & Progress

-Upgrade in Evolution Options

-Name: Lucious(Imma put a poll for the name too)

-Gift Box Feature

-Shop Feature

-Gods Sponsorship Feature



-Mysterious Phone]

"Urg! Fuck! Ahhh! Goddamn this hurts!!!" I groaned as I fell from the tree that I was watching from.

A little something about Tensura if you haven't noticed or don't know, is that when you're named by a being more powerful than you, you gain power from that naming but for the fact that I'm gaining this much is something amazing.

You're also normally forced to evolve normally, but it seems that my system is resisting that until I give consent.

{I am sorry to inform the Host, but most of the energy was discarded as you would have died trying to take it all in} System informed me.

"*Huff* *Huff*." the pain calmed down, allowing me to catch my breath. "Status."


Name: Lucious

Title: Her Favorite

Race: Null & Void Wyvern

Age: 3yo

Level: [50/50](Evolution Available)

Total Levels: 60

XP: [35,000,000/1,000,000]

HP: [249,000/249,000]

Mana: [511,500/511,500]



Strength - 96,000

Agility - 95,800

Speed - 99,000

Intelligence - 114,000

Will - 91,800

Durability - 94,200

Magical Durability - 97,200

Vitality - 99,000

Stamina - 93,000

(Free Points - 25,100)]


New Skills:

Transformation[Unique Skill]

Effect: Be able to transform as much as you want into a human without the /2 debuff

Decay[Unique Skill]

Effect: With a touch everything turns to dust]

"Holy shit I jumped up, thank you whoever you are." I thanked the person who named me.

'But that [Transformation] thing, if what it's saying is true I've got another 2x power boost incoming.'

With that revelation I immediately used [Transformation] and became fully humanoid.

"Ehem, now I'm done with this, I don't wanna read any of this anymore, so let's go and calm Boreas down." I said to myself as I got up and headed to the house.

I walked through the hole right next to the door and saw a huffing and puffing Boreas using his sword as a cane.

"Hey Boreas, how you been? I haven't seen you in some time!" I called out to him.


"Woah woah, come on man, calm down it's alright." I spoke calmly which seemed to be working. "I don't wanna fix more of this house it's too much work."

"Just shut up!" Boreas swung another red Excalibur blast at me which I tanked without any problems.

"Come on Boreas work with me here! I ain't good at this whole consoling shit!"

"Fuck you! If you wanna console me then stay still!" Boreas continued with no halt as our 'fight' left the house and we were now playing a game of high speed tag all around the mountain, I don't think he's noticed but I had even started making a game out of him to see how many monsters I could get him to kill while he tries to get me, I'm on 18 right now.

"I think you might be overreacting a tad bit." I dodged another sword swing that killed a monster behind me. '19.'

"Overreacting!? You made me eat my brothers!"

"Did they taste good? I thought so, so why are you mad?" I laughed inwardly. 'I'm an asshole.'

"Just die you abomination!" Boreas threw a punch this time, which I easily caught and threw him away along with him.

"Look okay I can see how what I did was a dick move, but you could've starved Y'know after fighting for a whole day without stopping against me." I tried to compromise. "And it's not like I haven't had my downs too, I also watched everyone I loved die in front of me, well…mostly."

"Ah…I'm sorry." Boreas lowered his head.

"For what?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Because I was never close to anyone in the horde, it was just a…hive mind, but when I was the last one left before I was freed from it, the only reason I really attacked you was because…I don't know it just felt like what I should do." The more he spoke the guiltier he sounded before getting up and walking towards me with his head down. "But…That doesn't condone making me commit cannibalism." Boreas muttered.



Suddenly I was flung away as Boreas had sneakily created an ice bat and hit me with it.

"We're even now!" I heard him yell as I flew.

"…Haha, he got me good." I laughed, but my attention was then taken by a feminine voice.

"Ah yes! This would indeed make great material for research!" It was a gray haired woman, but her hair wasn't like the old gray kind of hair, but the kind of gray hair that is just natural, and she was bent down examining flowers at the edge of a cliff.

"Hey, get out of the way!" I warned as I was heading straight for her.



Luckily I landed a few meters away from her as that would have killed her instantly, unfortunately for her however was that she still stumbled and fell back off the cliff that seemed to have no bottom.

"What happened?" Boreas asked as he appeared.

"Hm? Ah, some girl fell off the cliff because I landed here, but don't worry she'll die in about a minute." I answered.

"And you're not gonna save her?" Boreas asked.

"Nah, no reason to." I waved him off as I started walking away.

"I guess." Boreas followed after me.

*Swoosh* *Thud*

"*Huff* *Huff*, I made it." The woman from before landed on the cliff with a gust of wind.

"Hey, ain't that a surprise, she survived."

"Are you alright lady?" Boreas helped the woman up.

"A-ah t-thank you!" The woman bowed respectfully.

'There are two reasons for such a reaction, she's horny and a pedophile, so she got excited after seeing Boreas, or Boreas is a rapist and used a skill on her, I see no other reason.' I rubbed my chin in thought.

"T-thank y-you, my name is M-Mira!" The woman bowed to me too with a stutter.

'Now there's only one reason for that reaction…She got absolutely charmed by my good looks, it wouldn't be the first time.'

"What are you thanking us for?" Boreas asked.

"You were going to try and save me were you not?" Mira tilted her head.

"Nah not really, we were just leaving." I snickered at her misunderstanding.

"Ah, then that must mean you couldn't save me, it's alright." Mira bowed again.

"Wrong again, I could've easily saved you, I just didn't feel like it." I corrected her misunderstanding again which seemed to have surprised her.

"Father was right, people are terrifying." She whispered to herself, but of course I heard her.

"I'm not that scary, I just didn't feel your life was worth saving."

"Hieee!" Mira backed away as what I said seemed to have scared her more, she would have fallen off again if I hadn't appeared in front of her and grabbed her hand.

"But now that I think about it, I do think you have a use."


A/N: I didn't feel like putting the other information in the chapter, so I'm putting it here, and the new poll is at the bottom.

-Fallen Katana(A Katana bound to the mc's soul & also grows with the mc)-

Effect 1: Whenever a being is killed with this sword, their soul is stored and can be used to give this sword a temporary power boost, the more souls used the bigger the boost

Effect 2: Cannot be broken

Effect 3: The sword can separate into shards for more unique use(Like Scissor 7 sword)

Effect 4:This sword bypasses all defenses

Effect 5: This sword can kill gods & steal their authorities

Effect 6: Force Field; the shards can create a barrier when separated from the sword and put in a shield formation no matter how wide, as each of the shards have a magic spell connecting them that fills in the blanks

Effect 7: The sword can be move/fly independently

Effect 8: The sword is intelligent and has an ego, but can never disobey, and would never want to

Effect 9: Transform into a [Fallen]

Effect 10: [???]


Gift Box Feature:

The mc will be gifted different rarity gift boxes for either doing tasks given by the system and the 2nd Eternal, doing big feats like killing that Dragon Lord who was supposed to be impossible for him to kill, or if the 2nd Eternal gifts him one.


Shop Feature:

Self Explanatory, but its a shop in the system that can be accessed that gives the mc equipment, potions, powers etc for the price of points that the mc can gain by killing things or getting them from gift boxes and gods in the sponsorship feature.


Gods Sponsorship Feature:

It's a feature in the system that gives the mc the ability to stream his life to gods, and depending on how they feel the gods can send donations that is in the mc's power range.

The gods can send messages too as the stream works just like any other stream as the mc can mute, kick and ban any god he doesn't want.

The mc can also challenge or get challenged by any of the gods.

The challenge works like an arena type of bet where there are multiple games, in there the mc can bet on things that he couldn't normally get with normal donations, the gods can also take things from him, like his life or put him into slavery.


Finally done with that, now it's time for the poll for the mc's new name

(And before I start NO +1s plllleeeeaaaaasssseeeee, only likes count)

You can also give name ideas


Now let's see what I've found:





Honestly fuck this, my naming sense is ass and I can't find anything else that isn't just TOO cringy so I give up and beg of you my readers to bless me with your thoughts on a good name for the mc cuz I'm thinking of just keeping Arthur

If you wanna just keep it as Arthur then like the one here