
Omni Library

*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


With Vivian in tow I took a stroll (A portal) to the Castle of the Yellow Primordial to see how it was looking without its Master.

It was chaos, just being outside I could see the fires and smoke as well as the strong stench of blood.

'Seems without a Master others want to take up the mantle as the Master of this Kingdom.' I scoffed inwardly. 'Do they not know that she'll be back? She must've never died before.'

"What's all this about?" Vivian asked.

"I killed the Queen of this place and people wanna take her place." I answered.

"Oh~ I see, what are we gonna do about that?"

"I'M! Gonna go and sort this out, you can go do your own thing somewhere else."

"Wha? Oh come on Master I wanna come too." Vivian complained but kept a smile.

'I don't want to see that sight again.'

"No. Not happening."

"Please?" Vivian attempted to charm me.

"No." I shut it down without hesitation.

With that calamity gone I set my sights back on the castle.

[Second Born asks: When you become King can I be your Queen?]

"Sure, if you can come down here." I laughed as I pushed the giant castle doors open, well not so much since it wasn't designed that way so I pretty much destroyed the castle doors instead and walked inside.

"Intruder!" Was what the Demon Sentry wanted to say but with a quick point at him he was turned into mush on the ground.

A new book then appeared in my hands named "Lord of the Mysteries." As I used the abilities of a Faceless to change my appearance into that of a Blonde Demon you would see normally in this Castle.

Walking through the Castle with the book still in my hand because if it wasn't the change would be undone.

Why did I go through this trouble you ask? Well I wanted to try and resolve this matter without only violence, I'll still use it but I don't want that to be the only thing I ever resort to.

"You damn traitors! Wait till Master gets back!" I heard a familiar face screaming in the throne room.

Once I entered I was able to see the full situation.

Lestat was being held down by a bunch of Arch Demons while the guy that I guess is the leader of this rebellion sat on Jaune's Throne.

"She's dead Lestat, why don't you understand that? She was killed by that maniac." The Head Demon said with a grin. He had black hair, 3 yellow eyes, two red horns and that was about it for his looks, he wasn't special any other way.

Oh now that I remember I forgot to introduce Lestat's appearance.

She has long blonde hair and blue eyes…and yep we're done, she just looks like Jaune's younger sister, however she's got more of a Royal demeanor than her thuggish counterpart.

I closed the book in my hand as it disappeared.

'No need for that anymore.'

*Knock* *Knock*

I knocked on the pillar, catching the attention of every Demon in the Throne Room.

"Who are you?" The Head Demon asked, not recognizing me whatsoever as I looked quite different from before after my evolution.

However to my surprise I noticed that Lestat had an unbridled hostility towards me.

'Can she still recognize me? Her loyalty to Jaune is amazing.' I smiled at her and waved, being met with only disdain.

"What are you doing here!? Where's Master!?" Lestat growled at me which surprised the Head Demon.

'This is the guy who killed Jaune?' Is probably his thoughts.

"She's dead like that guy said." I answered truthfully.

[Second Born comments: Stupid Girl]

[The Stream says under its breath, Pot calling the Kettle black]

In a panic the Head Demon ordered his goons.

"Kill him!" His goons all charged me, even the ones that were supposed to hold Lestat, but of course they were nothing special.

Using [Mercury] I killed every single one of them faster than light before returning to my spot to make it seem as if I hadn't moved.


"Come on now you should have known that wouldn't work." I chuckled.

"M-mercy?" Was what the demon said before he was swallowed whole by an Eldritch Fox.

"You tried to take the thrown of my beloved servant, how could I give you mercy?" Lestat's words perked up at my words as she muttered to herself.


"What do you mean by that!?" Lestat was immediately outraged.

"Exactly how it sounds, and as the Master of this Castle's Master, I'll hold the seat until my Servant returns." I sat down on the throne.

"Master is alive?" Lestat completely ignored my actions and focused on one part of my words, the return of her Master.

"No." I scoffed.

"But you said…" Lestat's mood dropped to her ass.

"I know what I said, she'll be back, but she's not alive right now, just resurrecting." I leaned back in the throne as I rested my head on my fist and closed my eyes.

Lestat gave no response as she just stood there in a daze, but I could feel her happiness radiating off of her, so much so that it started to annoy me.

"Leave now I'm tired." I shooed her off, and she listened without rebuke.

'The confirmation of her Master's return got her that happy?'

[Second Born senses your confusion and comments softly: I would act the same way if you were killed and I knew you would return]

"Is it the same if you were the one who caused my death?" I laughed.

[Second Born has no rebuttal]

[Second Born has decided to change the subject: If you call me Mommy I'll give you a rewa-]

"Mommy." Without hesitation.

[Second Born is speechless: I thought you would be embarrassed to do it…]

"Where's my reward? 20$ is 20$." I made a gesture to the air for someone to put something in my hand.

[Second Born is confused: What does that mean]

"Don't worry about it, now the reward." I said impatiently.

[Second Born says in a daze: Oh um okay here…]

[Second Born gifted you a body pillow of herself]

A body pillow materialized in front of me, with two sides one with Astrid reaching out to hug me fully clothed, and the other side she was in the same position but naked.

[Second Born asks anxiously: Do you like it?]

"…Are you serious right now?"

[Second Born answers quietly: No]

[Second Born has remade and improved your Fallen Katana]

"That's better." I nodded in satisfaction as I read the upgrade.

[Gauntlets of Change]

[-Basic Effect 1: These Gauntlets enhance the users Strength and Speed by 1 major Tier

-Basic Effect 2: Every successive hit enhances the users strength and speed

-Basic Effect 3: Barriers cannot block these Gauntlets

-Basic Effect 4: The 'charge' that the user gains from hits can be unleashed for a single powerful hit

-Basic Effect 5: These Gauntlets negate momentum and magic

-Special Effect: The user can infuse a Skill into the Gauntlets to temporarily create a new weapon that has the effects of the skill and some more]

"Y'know what I might just fall in love with you." I my smile widened at the description.

[Second Born exclaims!: Really!?]

[Second Born donates an upgrade to the skill [Solomon's Library]]

[-Effect 1: Suck people into a space outside of time and space

-Effect 2: Everything except for the user and target are invulnerable

-Effect 3: Time doesn't move in this space

-Effect 4: The books in the Library are all the books you've ever read. Each book goes on a 1 week cooldown after 2 uses. The user can use 5 books at a time

-Effect 5: The user can bring books out of the Library. 2 books at a time is allowed.

-Effect 6: The user can create a pseudo Library that affects reality and any living thing caught inside is erased.]

"Mmhm, yeah Stream change her username to Sugar Mommy." I ordered.

[The Stream announces that the change has been made]

[Sugar Mommy is outraged at you treating her like a free wallet]

"I don't know what you're talking about."