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*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Quick Return

For about 5 years I ruled as the King of Jaune's kingdom, sorting out domestic affairs snuffing out rebels and traitors all that tiring shit with Lestat as my right hand woman.

She had protested quite a bit at the start after the high of knowing that her Master would be back ended, but with a bit of charisma on my side I managed to sort her out.

Now her, Astrid and reading has been the only thing I find joy in, but don't get me wrong I've done nothing sexual or romantic with Lestat, it's just that she's a funny girl when she's obsessed with her Master and pretty interesting even when she's not.

Something that you could call regrettable is the fact that I've barely progressed all this time, only XP I get is from my Sloth passive, everything else and it doesn't do anything.

"Hah~ when will she come ba-?"



The wall exploded to show the familiar face of the Primordial Demon Jaune, she had finally reincarnated.

"Finally, God Damnit, I was waiting for a whole goddamn 5 years show up earlier would you!?" I immediately cursed her.

"Fuck you, why are you even still here!? And in on my Throne no less!" Jaune cursed back.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for me you'd have your Throne defiled by Traitors by now, and who knows what would have happened to that Lestat of yours if it wasn't for me, you're lucky I like you." I pouted 'angrily'.

[Sugar Mommy exclaims: Like!?]

"L-like? Whatever just get out!" Jaune grabbed me and threw me out of the kingdom, of course I allowed it as i skidded across the ground.

However with a quick [Mercury] use I was back inside of the Castle in front of Jaune without a spec of dirt on me.

"You!" Jaune growled as she threw a kick at me which I caught easily and pinned her down. "Wha-!?"

"Just listen to what I have to say first." I suggested in her ear which made her blush.

"Get off of me first!" Jaune thrashed in embarrassment while I conceded and let her go and backed off.

Jaune quickly got up and bared her teeth at me with a glare, which didn't seem to threatening with the heavy blush in her face and a clear flustered expression.

"I want to name you." I said simply.

Jaune's expression gradually became neutral before transforming into that of confusion.


"Just like I said, I want to name you and make you my Servant as simple as that." I smiled warmly.


"I'm already giving specially treatment here, I turned Violet into this without any negotiations." I snapped my fingers and my Eldritch Fox appeared as it spit out a created Violet, she was Violet in most senses of the word power included, but she had lifeless eyes and a lifeless aura that made even normal people know this was a walking corpse.

Jaune shivered at the sight at the thought of that happening to her, but that was about it, it wasn't enough to break her will in anyway, not that I was trying.

"Go on."

"I'll name you, just give me a black hole and I'll name you just fine."

"Would you really?" Jaune questioned cautiously.

"Yep, what else would I do? Kill you again? What's the point?"

"Hm, you make sense, then here you go." Jaune snapped her fingers as gravity compressed on itself to make a black hole.

"[Kon]" A demonic fox appeared and ate the black hole from a rip of space,

[+500% Mana]

"Now that that's done, here's your name, Carrera."

[-97% Mana]

My vision blurred for a second which was a small reaction but nonetheless I was still drained mentally after all of the King work and now spending so much mana at one time.

"*Yawn* I'm tired after so much shit, see you in a bit Carrera." I waved at Carrera as my eyes glazed and I headed to my/Carrera's bed room since it was the Master's.


"*Yawn!*" I stretched my limbs as I woke from my slumber. Well at least I tried to stretch my limbs but I was restricted by a weight on my left arm that seemed to wrap around me.

Glancing over I saw Carrera attached to me like a koala, her arms and legs wrapped around me in a hug.

"Mm~ Good morning Master." Carrera greeted as she groggily woke up from my movement, she seemed a lot more docile now.

"How long have we been sleeping?" I asked in a drowsy voice.

"About a few hours maybe I don't know I don't keep track while asleep." Carrera answered with a snarky comment, but her tone was soft.

"Why're you so docile now? The switch up is crazy." I laughed which brought a tick to Carrera's forehead as she hugged me tighter and pinched me.

"That's better." My smile widened at her displeased face.

Hearing my words a blush formed onto her face, but she covered it quickly and hid herself, which made it look all the better.

Peaking between her fingers, Carrera saw my highly amused grin and frowned.

"This isn't funny!" She yelled.

"No no, it is, or if anything it's cute." My grin never left my face, if I'm being honest it never does since I have a resting grinning face.

"Grrr! Get off of me!" Carrera pushed me off and stomped out of the room.

'You were the one who was on me.' I laughed inwardly.

I knew once I had beaten Carrera in a battle she would have a sort of affection towards me, it's sort of in her nature for that, but naming her on top of that just sealed the deal.

"Life just got a lot better." I fell asleep again while smiling at the ceiling.

[Sugar Mommy says in a harsh tone: Asshole]

"Should've never died."

[Sugar Mommy rebukes: She had an Ultimate skill that kills anyone without an Ultimate skill, what was I supposed to do!?]

"Run away."

[Second Born Destroyed an uninhabited Galaxy in anger]



Since Carrera has finally returned I decided I didn't need to watch her kingdom anymore, and since I had killed most of the primordials that were in hell, I didn't need to watch the kingdom at all for about 300 hundred years.

So I left for the portal with Carrera by my side, and Vivian who noticed my intent.

Since Carrera's now my Servant and she doesn't need to watch her kingdom anymore now that she's back and Lestat can control the Kingdom with Carrera's influence.

All that's left is to go to the Central World now.

"What will we be doing in the Central World, Master?" Carrera and Vivian asked at the same time which equaled sparks being thrown between the two of them.

"Don't know, I'm feeling a little silly maybe even a little mischievous, I might rain a little terror on everyone until I get bored again." I chuckled a bit at my own retarded joke, only a joke I'd laugh at, I don't think I'd even laugh if someone said the joke other than me.

"Haha?" Carrera laughed in confusion trying to find where the joke was.

"Don't worry, you're not supposed to get it."



Finally we had made it, in front of us was a black and red swirling po-.

"No more descriptions I'm done with this place let's dip." I interrupted the narrator and dived into the portal.