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*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Prologue 2/2

Finally we're back to me, the main character, I can't believe you'd just leave me like that for someone one else, cheating gets you killed by my standards y'know.

On a serious note, it seems that my bomb hadn't done enough damage, only taking out one squad, I could see that because of the cameras I laid out throughout this Mansion.

'That's not enough to get me out of this situation.'

I only have 2 mags in my pistol while 1 mag is already in and with each mag is 12 bullets.

So 12+12 is 24 and there's about 1. 2. 3. 30 of them, goddamn all this for just one person, aren't I just popular? I never knew I had so many secret admirers.'

'Ugh, but why did so many have to come, that's sooo much wooorrrrkkk, I'm losing my motivation to do this. Maybe I should just lay down and let them kill me. That seems like a more enjoyable way out.' I complained as I contemplated suicide.

"Let's just get this over." I sighed as I picked up my gun and knife along with a flashbang and grenade.

Once ready I left into the hallway to go for the team with the least amount of people, team 2 which had 6 members left as the 6 others in their team didn't survive their injuries.

"Y'know what, let's get jiggy wit it. I don't wanna die in such a tense atmosphere." I randomly said before pulling out a remote and pressing a button on it.

🎶I got black I got white what you want? Hop outside a ghost and hop up in a phantom🎶

'Nah not that.'

🎶I couldn't wait for you to come and clear the cupboards🎶

🎶But now you're going to leave with nothing but a sign🎶

"*Sniff* *Sniff* I said I didn't wanna die in a sad atmosphere."

🎶Damn, Callan (Damn, Callan)🎶

🎶One bad bitch and she do what I say so, two big .40s and a big ass Draco🎶

"This is what I'm looking for." I grinned widely as all my lost motivation came back in one wave, and I immediately took off to kill everyone before the song finished.

🎶Three more millions when you ask how my day go, poured up a four now it's blueberry faygo🎶

"What's happening?" One of the guys in team 2 asked as I had been blasting music all around the Mansion through speakers.

"Me is what happened!" I came out of nowhere and pounced on the Soldier that spoke before stabbing him through the head with my knife.

🎶One false move and we straight to shooting shit🎶

I took out my pistol in one breath after killing the first guy with a knife then shot 2 with one bullet to the head each.

🎶Two small bands just to take you out real quick🎶

After shooting those two I got off the one I killed with a knife and dashed towards the nearest Soldier.

🎶Three more hoes, pull up, I'm fucking shit🎶

However I wasn't too lucky as the Soldier had reacted in time and deflected my slash.

🎶That's how it goes, big bands, I'm thumbin' shit🎶

🎶…🎶(Means the song goes on just no more lyrics[for now at least])

But he also wasn't too lucky as he was facing me in a fight, with one quick kick of my leg I had swept his legs out from under him at the same time he deflected my knife and made him fall on his ass.

Then with a fast and heavy kick to his face I broke his neck, and that was when the last two seemed to finally realize what was happening, but I can't blame 'em as the 'fight' only lasted a second and a half.

Grabbing my knife I threw it at the Soldier on my left however he easily dodged it, but unfortunately for him I was skilled enough to take advantage of the split second opening he gave me and drop kicked him in the stomach which separated me and him from his partner.

Then while holding him down I took out my pistol and shot the guy behind me in the head without looking.

"Now for you I don't want to waste a bullet, but I need to be fast before you get reinforcements."

So instead of a gun I decided to choke the guy under me as I couldn't use a knife to kill him with no knife as mine had flown away when I threw it.

*Fumble* *Fumble*

The man fumbled around trying to escape my hold, but unfortunately for him, his strength was nowhere near mine so he just had to deal with it, and then in no time he stopped struggling as he flatlined.

🎶Three more hoes, pull up, I'm fucking shit. That's how it go, big bands, I'm thumbin' shit…(Means the song ended)


I felt a sharp pain pierce my shoulder.

Knowing exactly what and where it came from I rolled and hid behind a pillar as I got ready to shoot back only to see another team in front of me.

I was trapped from the back and front in a large hall with a few pillars to hide, it wasn't looking good.

🎶Feel the Rhythm of the Streets🎶

'Goddamnit, I can't just die within an exciting atmosphere can I?' I cursed as a sad song had come on, or at least mildly sad.

🎶Near Lights and Near Dreams🎶


Another bullet was shot at me as a piece of my pillar flew off.

🎶Bloody-Faced, They Feel No Pain🎶

🎶When there's so much to gain🎶

'Haha, looks like things are finally looking up.' I laughed inwardly as I saw team 3 and 5 together in front of me.

🎶Hunting Season if You Will🎶


I pulled the pin of my grenade off and waited a few seconds before throwing.

🎶Tell me where you'd rather be…🎶


Guts and limbs flew everywhere as team 3 and 5 were hit by the full brunt of a grenade.

'That's what I like to see.' I celebrated only to be reminded of the team behind me as they started to rain fire on my hiding spot.


"That's enough!" Finally once I heard the sound of needing to reload I made my move by throwing a flashbang and dashing in.


Everyone there was flashed and covering their eyes, so with those perfect openings I took out my pistol and shot 8 of them in quick succession before one of the Soldiers from team 4 seemed to recover and shot me in my stomach.

"Gah!" I groaned but still aimed my gun and shot the guy who shot me twice as he fell face first.

"James!" The big guy called towards the one I shot.

"Ew to let emotions overtake you in a mission and make such a mistake." I disdained the man as I aimed my pistol at his head as he charged towards me.


I shot…and missed as the bullet wound in my shoulder and stomach messed with my aim, and because of that I took the full force of a punch from that giant.


🎶I will make the city burn🎶

I crashed into the wall.

🎶We're not planning to return…🎶

'How many of them are left? I killed 2? But that only counts up to 11 where's 12th.' I wondered, but separately as I multitasked and shot the big guy once in the leg and the other guy in the heart behind him.

However I couldn't use that gun anymore because of the fact that the giant had charged me and destroyed it.

"You really have a good pain tolerance to do that, or maybe it's your anger?" I coughed out as the giant held me in the air by my neck.

"Don't worry about it." He growled as he raised his arm to slam into my skull.

🎶Forgive me for letting you down…🎶

'Tch I guess this is how I die.' I closed my eyes.


"Eh?" I heard the sound of a gun shot and then felt that the man had dropped me.

Opening my eyes I saw his 'head' that now looked like a blooming flower.

Looking over to where I heard the shot I saw a woman with purple hair and snake like purple eyes.

"Isla?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Seems you've gotten yourself into some big trouble this time." She said as she kneeled next to me to try and help me up.

"!" However as she was my senses flared and time moved slowly, I could see the Soldier I had shot before, what was his name, yeah James, he had gotten up and was now pointing a pistol our way.

Slowly I saw the bullet leave its chamber and head towards Isla.

'Either her, or me.' My mind moved at speeds humanly impossible. 'Tch why think so hard with these injuries you're not leaving out that door especially with that sound.'

With this slowed down time my senses had also improved and I could hear in the distance these guys reinforcements.


I grabbed Isla and flipped our positions to allow the bullet to lodge into my heart and destroy it, but didn't let the bullet leave out of my body.

"Arg!" I groaned.

"Arthur!" Isla screamed in panic.


Isla swiftly grabbed her pistol and shot James dead before finally focusing on me.

"Arthur Arthur, hey don't die!" Isla pleaded, but I could barely even make out what she was saying

Isla then grabbed my face and forced our lips together before separating and speaking again.

"I love you Arthur, please don't die!"

🎶I'm sorry for letting you down again…

'Hum, that's the first time she's said it like that, any other time she says she loves my mother.' I thought, as that was a part of her twisted mind, even while we were in a relationship she never saw me as Arthur but Diana, my mom.

Ah now that I'm thinking, I didn't finish that novel did I? Fuck.

'I wish I could've finished that at least.'

[Skill Created: Reader]

'Huh, a skill?'

This sounds like an anime I know.

'Can I wish to become a Dragonoid?'

[That wish is above my power]


[But, a certain being has given Entity 'Arthur Greyhound' a special wish to grant you one wish above my power, do you wish to use that on becoming a Dragonoid?]

'Nah I think I've got an idea what to use that on.'

[1 Minute Remaining]

'Okay first I want whatever is the best you can do for a Dragon.'

[The best my power can make you is a Lower Rank Wyvern with a humanoid form]

'That's fine.'

'Next I want an abnormally large mana pool, abnormal energy control, the ability to fuse things together like skills and even some other things but for larger(stronger) things it would only have three uses. You can read my mind right?'

[Yes I Can]

'Then give me these three skills.'


'Okay now the last wish I want is a system, but use the special wish for it.'

[A basic system is within the power of me, but with the added special wish, the system's grade has risen to a Grand System]

[Wishing Time Over, 'Entity, Arthur Greyhound' will be transported now]


-Race: Low-Rank Wyvern

-Abnormal Mana Pool

-Abnormal Energy Control


-Dragon Eyes

-Third Eye


-Grand System



Now Mc is going to a different world should his appearance change, yes or no.

If yes these are the choices, the picture with the most likes will be his new appearance.


Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Option 5:

Option 6:

Option 7:

Option 8:

Option 9: