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*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Prologue 1/2

Let me tell you a bit about myself.

The names Arthur I'm a pretty handsome man if I don't say so myself with my unique silver colored eyes and silky black hair, plus my fit and tall body and immaculately handsome face I'd say I could be a wet dream for about 80% of the female population.

However, enough with that and onto the story. When I was 10 I used to be a part of a WEALTHY family. It was a nice family too. We didn't abuse our power or anything just a family that was successful, but you know with success comes enemies that are either jealous or greedy, maybe even both.

With that greed I was torn from my family, as while I hid they were gunned down along with everyone else right in front of me. Leaving only two survivors, me and my childhood friend. And like you would expect from such a traumatic experience we both were never the same as something had broken in the both of us.

Isla, is the name of my childhood friend. She went crazy after that moment, gaining a twisted and perverted obsession over me, imagining me as my mother as her death had hit the hardest for her, and it seems she couldn't accept it.

For me instead of my mind breaking it instead felt like shackles had broken that had finally freed me. Unlike how everyone else would have reacted, I instead felt joy and curiosity at the thought of death and inflicting it upon someone.

You could say my mind had indeed broken, but I think otherwise, I feel as if I was always like this, however you never know that could be my way of coping.

But of course the story doesn't end there, I had gone on from there to indulge in my new impulses in turn becoming a pretty renowned Serial Killer, you might have heard of me, the name was Silent Night because of how I always attacked at night and how nothing was ever heard or seen until the morning. It wasn't the best name, but it's what I got and I ain't complaining.

Few years later I met my childhood friend again, it seems she had became the Boss of a Hitman Company and she had found me and wanted to hire me.

I of course agreed as now I could really make killing, business and pleasure instead of just pleasure.

After that 7 years passed, me and Isla had some on and off relationships, and I became the best Hitman around, or at least 5th best as it's quite the hassle to buy me with my lazy personality, but when it comes to getting the job done I'm definitely number 1.

Haah~, but now it seems that my fun days are over after my client decided to delay his information, like FUCK who just gives a sniper a target, but not be specific, can you believe that bitch he wanted to go "The one in the black suit...don't shoot that guy he's my nephew shoot the guy next to him".

LIKE GODDAMN by the time he said the actual target I had already shot the guy.

"And yes I'm looking at you, DANIEL!" I glared at the middle aged man tied up and beaten.

He was my client that decided to give delayed information making me kill a very high profile person, now I've got a time limit on my lifespan of about 1 hour.


"Make that 10 Minutes." I said aloud with a sigh as I got up and pulled out my pistol before aiming it at Daniel.

"Mmph! MM! Mmph!!" Daniel thrashed around in his hold as tears welled up on his battered face, surprisingly though he was able to get the tame on his mouth to slip off. "Plea-!"


"Shut up." I glared at him in disdain after pulling the trigger.

'Everything's already set, I just need to wait.' I thought as I sat in the luxurious chair.

Seeing the chair I finally comprehended how expensive and beautiful this personal office was supposed to be, although I couldn't really appreciate that with all the blood and bodies painting the office the only thing that stayed clean was this chair that I'm sitting on now.

'Now we wait.'


(New PoV)

We had finally reached the Mansion that was said to hold the man who killed our Young Master, but even with all the rage I held for what the man had done, I couldn't help but fell fear as I was walking right into the Jaws of an Apex Predator.





I felt the sting of a hand going across my face that brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, Team Captain." I saluted the giant man who commanded me and all my other 'brothers'.

"What are you doing zoning out during such an important mission!?" He questioned loudly.


"Shut up Soldier, there's no need to answer, all I need from you is for you to do your best and survive, I don't give two shits about anything else!" He cut me off.

"..." However this time I gave no answer which seemed to have satiated him as he had turned away from me to give his speech. 'Why did he say "survive"?' I thought but threw the thought the next second.

However my attention was again stolen, but this time it was by a woman, she was in the armor/uniform showing that she was apart of the Task Force, but I never remembered seeing her before.

She had purple hair that seemed to also have a tint of silver in it that made the purple lighter, her eyes were also of the same color while her pupils seemed to be almost inhumane looking like that of a snake.

'She saw me!' I reeled back as we made contact with her inhumane pupils locking onto mine. I felt a similar danger to that of the Mansion. 'Scary.'


Finally all of our preparations were finished and we we're ready to raid the Mansion with the other 4 teams.

team 1 decided to go in first(he's team 4) and opened the giant Mansion doors.


Instantly as the door was opened it blew killing everyone in team 1 and fatally injuring many in team 2.

"Fuck." I cursed aloud.

"Don't worry about them, we were already expecting deaths, and all of you too, we signed up to be here and knew the risk, so get in there!" The Team Leader ordered.
