
Omni Library

*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Get Back

Returning back to my two children that I had adopted(Mira and Boreas), I took them on a trip to another demon kingdom I had seen.

Once we stopped to rest I brought up my evolution page, which showed 3 evolution choices; Hydra, Chimera Dragon and Dragon.

I obviously picked Hydra since there's too many dragons in this god damn world.

The benefits was a boost in my stats, a few intrinsic skills and a few of my other skills getting evolved.

The intrinsic skills were [Multi Minds] which was pretty much just parallel thoughts, [Domain of Water] which made me Poseidon, [Eternal Serpent] which was pretty much just Hercules noble phantasm, and [Hydra Venom] that allowed me to do anything with poison.

My looks got a bit of a change as my skin darkened, my eyes turned oceanic blue, and I gained some long Oni like horns too that were also the same color blue.

My tongue became snake like, my tail became skinnier and sharper, I don't have wings anymore which sucks and I even have permanent white hair as if I had activated my ascended form.


I blew at my hair that was getting in my hair.

"Annoying." I used magicules to hold it into a ponytail.

But leaving that alone, we're at the present with me, Boreas and Mira who's someone how evolved into a full spirit which is nice, no more human lifespan.

For the past year we had been slowly travelling to the purple primordial as Astrid had 'asked' me to get revenge for her.

However I was starting to feel a little bad dragging them everywhere without worrying about their wants, so I've decided to take a detour.

Pulling out the item Velzard gave me to find the demon portal I marched to it with my team.




I took us a month to get to it, but it was worth it.

In front of me was a black and red swirling indent in the world that constantly had demonic monsters and demons revolving around it to get in, but they had no way in since the portal was locked, and I had the key.

'But first I should make sure nothing follows, [Hydra Venom, Blood Mist].' Once I activated [Hydra Venom], I then used [Domain of Water] to create dozens of water spears that I shot at the demons and monsters.

The spears hit their targets and killed them, because of that everything that was revolving around the portal stopped and looked at me.

"Hello." I waved with a smile.


Every living thing there sped straight at me aiming to rip me limb from limb, but...

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

All of them dropped dead before ever reaching me.

"Now that that's done lets go." I turned to the shocked duo.

"You just keep getting stronger don't you." Boreas shook his head feeling challenged.

"But where are we going?" Mira tilted her head.

"Oh, into that swirl, its a portal to the Central World, well you two will be going I won't." I pointed at the portal.

"Huh? Then where are you going?" Mira asked.

"I'll be staying here, I still got things to do. but it'll take some time so I don't wanna keep you two here following my selfish wants." I answered.

"*Gasp*, you're thinking of someone else but yourself! *Sniff* *Sniff*, they grow up so fast." Boreas wiped a tear from his eye.

"Tch, no I just wanna kill things without having to drag you two around." I clicked my tongue.

"Shhhh, I know I know, you don't gotta say your real feelings you tsundere." Boreas continued his teasing.

"Whatever, Mira I'll give you the key, just throw it into the portal and walk through." I turned to Mira who did what I said.

"Don't try and change the topic you tsu-." However before Boreas could finish his sentence I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and threw him through the portal.

"Fucking kids." I patted my hands off and used [Mercury](Shorter Name) to instantly arrive at my destination. 'To be honest I don't care about this as much as Astrid, but I'm definitely gonna make the most of it.' I thought to myself, I wanted to gain a few levels from killing another Primordial.

'[Hydra Venom, Wraith]' Slowly an invisible gas formed around me and seeped into the kingdom of the Purple Primordial. 'Time to wait.' I sat down on a chair of solid water that I made with the skill [Domain of Water].


In just 5 minutes my system had started going off the rails, notifying me of every death in the kingdom.

[Host has killed x200,991 Demons]

[x2 Levels & +29%]

[Host has killed x45,600 High Demons]

[x8 Levels & +60%]

[Host has killed x10,001 Arch Demons]

[x20 Levels & +2%]

"Quite the gift, it's not everyday you get to wipe out a kingdom with this many living beings inside." I chuckled as I noticed the guest in front of me. "How may I make your acquaintance young girl." It was the sadistic loli, Purple Primordial Violet, and she was quite angry at what I had done.

"You goddamn reptile! What have you done to my territory!? Is it death you seek, well I assure you it won't be quick or painless!" Violet growled.

"Woah woah woah, it ain't that serious, they'll come back, actually no they won't I got them confused with Primordials." I knocked the side of my head. "But still it ain't that serious, I got no problems with you, just a girl a have a slight attraction to told me to do this, and it benefits me so I did it."

'As if I wasn't already gonna do this.'

"I give none for your excuses, a painful death is all that awaits you." Violet swiped at my arm with her claws, aiming to rid me of it, but I was faster as I moved it out of the way and grabbed her.

[Universal Law]


Violet's body was slammed into the ground as gravity increased on her an amount I couldn't think of.

"I apologize for what I did, no hard feelings." I raised my fist as it glowed a golden light, another effect of [Universal Law] that boosts my strength and durability by 2 major tiers for 3 attacks so now my strength is at tier 5-B which is Planetary.


[-67% on Entity "Violet"]

[Second Born questions you in what you meant by "slight attraction"]

"Ackk!" Violet writhed underneath me as she spat out blood before glaring up at me and disappearing with Spacial Motion, appearing a few Miles away.

"Astrid (Her name is censored for the Gods watching) I'll keep it real, I don't like you like that, in no way do I have a romantic attraction to you, I have gratitude for this life and an attraction to your body but it's stupid to expect more, I've had women in my life so your affection isn't going to make me fall head over heels for you." As I explained I barely gave heed to Violet who was seething, I had already stopping using [Universal Law] so gravity was normal.

[Second Born is at a loss for words]

A purple arrow flew at my head which I blocked with my hand as it went through but got stuck, however not even a second later and my hand started pulsing as I could see my veins turn as purple as the arrow.

However my heart rate stayed the same.

"Astrid, you stalked me. Not really a complaint I condone it actually, you killed me. The consequences were worth it not a complaint, but worst of all I don't know you, so I have no romantic feelings for you." I partially materialized my scales from one of upgraded skills: [Primordial Hydra] that decayed the arrow an turned it to dust, while the poison was barely an inconvenience with my natural immunity as a Hydra eliminating it.

[Second Born speaks softly with tears in her eyes: "I've known that, it's just, it's harder hearing it."]

Violet dashed at me at near light speeds, but it didn't matter.

With [Mercury] I was able to see it and then steal her space, locking her in that spot for a second until she moves again, but that was enough as I created a fox shape and brought it to my eye.


An eldritch fox creature appeared out of the abyss as if peaking out of a window and swallowed Violet whole, vaporizing her and killing her permanently.

[Second Born says after pumping herself up giving: I'll just have to make you fall in love with me then]

"You do you." I chuckled

[Host has killed the Primordial Demon, Violet]

[+20 Levels & +98%]

[Second Born spits on entity "Violet's" existence and comments: "I only lost because of that ability of hers that kills people that don't have an Ultimate Skill."]


Aether Status:


Name: Aether

Title: Her Favorite, Eternal Lover, The Devil, Merciless, One of a Kind

Race: Hydra

Age: 15yo

Level: [50/500]

Total Levels: 460

XP: [98%]

HP: [100.0%]

Stamina: [56.005%]

Mana: [70%]



Strength: Tier 6-A (Continent)[50/100]

Attack Potency: Tier 5-C (Moon)[0/100]

Speed: Tier 6-B (High Hypersonic)[50/100] to Tier 3 (Infinite)

Intelligence: Tier 5 (Genius)[0/100]

Magicules: Tier 4-B (Solar System)[0/100]

Will: Tier 6 (Unbending)[0/100]

Durability: Tier 6-A (Continent)[0/100]

Magical Durability: Tier 6-A (Continent)[0/100]

[Point(s): 0-->100-->0]


<Intrinsic> Multi Minds

Effect: The skill creates 9 other minds for the user

<Intrinsic> Domain of Water

Effect: The user can control and create water while gaining 2 minor tier boosts to strength and speed in water

<Intrinsic> Immortal Serpent

Effect: The user cannot fully die until they've been killed 9 times and each death gives the user 1 minor tier boost

<Intrinsic> Hydra Venom

Effect: This skill allows the user to create any type of poison with varying effects of their choosing and can even create viruses

<Ultimate> Kon

Effect 1: When shaping a hand into a fox shape and calling the skill's name, everything in the hands 'view' will be eaten by a giant demonic fox

Effect 2: Anything swallowed by the fox will become mana for the user and regenerate the user

Effect 3: If a skill is swallowed the user can use that skill, if a living being is swallowed then the fox can spit them out and turn them into servants for the user

- <Ultimate> God's Body [Level: 2](Progress: 91%)

Effect 1: Once activated become immune to everything and able to redirect and use any ability you're hit with for 30 seconds (Cooldown of 1 Minute)

Effect 2: The users eyes and brain become Godlike allowing them to figure someone out fully in a matter of seconds, it also allows for Batman like deduction in other ways, also helps in learning new things or creativity (No Cooldown)(-0.1% Mana a Second)

- <Ultimate> Primordial Hydra(Evolved)[Level: Max]

Effect 1: After activation the user gains 1 major tier boost in every stat

Effect 2: The user controls every magicules perfectly

Effect 3: The user's presence decays their surroundings

Effect 4: The users scales are immune to magic

Effect 5: The user's eyes turn whatever it sees into stone

- <Ultimate> Solomon's Library(Upgraded)[Level: Max]

Effect 1: Create a dimension that you can suck people into.

Effect 2: In this dimension depending on the strength of the user you can erase them

Effect: 3 everything except for the targets are indestructible including the user

Effect 4: Time moves 10x slower in this Library

Effect 5: The books in the library are all books you've read ever, the user can use one ability, weapon etc from each book once before that specific book goes on a month cooldown(The user can use 3 books at a time)

Effect 6: The user can now bring books from the library without being in the library(1 Book at a Time)

- <Ultimate> God of Speed, Mercury(Evolved)[Level: 7](Progress: 12%)-

Effect 1: The user can now move with just a thought and move at instantaneous speeds constantly

Effect 2: The user's thoughts are accelerated by 100,000,000

Effect 3: The user can create 10 completely identical clones

Effect 4: The user can move in different intervels, to where it looks like they're lagging

Effect 5: The user can steal anything(almost)

- <Nullification> Godly Adaption[Level: Max]-

Effect: After experiencing something 1 time you become immune to it (A skill, not effects)

- <Nullification> Abnormal Status Immunity[Level: Max]-

Effect: The user is immune to abnormal status effects like forced sleep or suspended world

- <Ultimate> Fuse[Level: Max]-

Effect: The ability to fuse abilities, equipment, and more as long as you have the mana required.

- <Unique> Stasis [Level: 7](Progress: 77%)

Effect: Stop Time in a radius

- <Unique> Rewind[Max]

Effect: Rewind time on a specific place by 1-60 minutes

- <Origin> [Sealed] -

[Gifted Extra]-Nirvana's Touch

Effect: A massaging skill that makes your every touch pleasurable from 2x to 100x in intensity.

[Gifted Extra]-True Desires

Effect: The target tells their true desires

[Gifted Resist]-Sin of Pride-

Effect: Become immune to any type of mind attack, but also become more arrogant

[Gifted Resist]-Sin of Sloth-

Effect: The passage of time doesn't effect the user, and the user even becomes stronger every minute

[Ultimate]Heavenly Chains + Heavens Fall = Universal Law

Effect 1: This skill locks the target in place by increasing the weight on them by an immeasurable amount

Effect 2: The user gets a 2 major tier boost strength and durability for 3 attacks

Effect 3: The user can seal skills of the target, up to Ultimate for a limited amount of time. (5 Seconds for Ultimate)

Effect 4: The universe favors the user

Effect 5: The universe allows for 10 wishes a day these wishes allow for reality bending and other abilities

Effect 6: The user can create conditions that both the user and the target have to follow



-Gun of Wrath-

Effect 1: Infinite Ammo

Effect 2: Never Misses

Effect 3: The power of the gun is based on the Magicules put into it A

Effect 4: Every shot hit heals the user and regenerates their Magicules

-Wallet of Greed-

Effect: Always have the amount and type of currency that you need when you reach into the wallet

-Invisibility Ring-

Effect: Become invisible from all 6 senses and almost any magical abilities

-Mythical Creature, Familiar Contract-

Effect: Summons a Mythical Creature that resonates with the user the most

-Fallen Katana-

Effect 1: Whenever a being is killed with this sword, their soul is stored and can be used to give this sword a temporary power boost, the more souls used the bigger the boost

Effect 2: Cannot be broken

Effect 3: The sword can separate into shards for more unique use(Like Scissor 7 sword)

Effect 4:This sword bypasses all defenses

Effect 5: This sword can kill gods & steal their authorities

Effect 6: Force Field; the shards can create a barrier when separated from the sword and put in a shield formation no matter how wide, as each of the shards have a magic spell connecting them that fills in the blanks

Effect 7: The sword can be move/fly independently

Effect 8: The sword is intelligent and has an ego, but can never disobey, and would never want to

Effect 9: Transform into a [Fallen]

Effect 10: [???]