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*Re-write* Arthur Greyhound a hitman who really loves his job is killed on the job after a 'tiny' mess up, and as he embraces the cold embrace of death he only has one thought. 'Fuck I wish I finished that novel.' [Skill Created: Reader]

LordHollow · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


After killing Violet without much trouble I used [Kon] to summon a new version of her that was subservient to me, and then ordered this new Servant Violet to get her Demons to bring to my next destination on a carriage that they carried as if I was Chinese Royalty.

For the next few months it with just me, my system and Astrid who continuously shot corny pick up lines at me., plus there was the Demon's moving the carriage but they're not worth my time.

I had been customized my stream so that Astrid was the only one watching me.

[Second Born bites her lip suggestively while saying: Brr my hands are cold, can I stick them down your pants to warm them up?]


[Second Born pouts in frustration: Why aren't you falling for me yet, that was supposed to be the finisher]

"I might have to turn off stream after that." I cringed. "But on some type of serious note this isn't going to make me fall for you, in any way."

[Second Born says under her breath: I was just joking]

"I know that, but I don't want to lead you on." I say seriously.

[Second Born leans back: Then what am I supposed to do]

"Well its not like you can't do anything, just talk to me, let me know about you and I'll tell you about myself."

[Second Born raises an eyebrow: I already know everything about you, I know you more than you know yourself]

"Oh yeah I forgot, you're a weirdo."

[Second Born smirks: Don't act like you don't like how I act, in your previous life you wished for a woman that was obsessed with you]

"But like I was saying, even if you know everything about me, I know nothing about you so just talk to me, and tell me about yourself, if you just continue with the physical things, this will just be a physical relationship, which I can see you don't want."

[Second Born contemplates: ...Okay I'll do that then]

"Oh, on a different note." I snapped my fingers as I summoned my [Familiar Contract].

"I had forgotten all about this." I said whilst placing it down on the carriage floor and sitting across from it.

The contract looked like any other modern contract except the paper was brown and all the information was filled out and in a language I didn't understand, except for the bottom.

The bottom had two words 'Contract Conditions', the rules of these conditions were as listed.

The summoned familiar will obey every command of the summoner, in return the summoner must listen to the three requests of the summoned that will be made once the familiar is summoned.

"How do I work this Astrid?"

[Second Born responds: just cut your finger and use your blood as ink to write accepted on the paper]

Now knowing what to do I cut my finger off with my tail and then dipped the ink pen into my blood before writing accepted on the paper.

A second later my finger had regrown and the paper started shinning.

[Second Born comments silently: There was no need for all of that]


A sound I would never be able to describe came from the paper as the paper inverted and space cracked, only for a giant spider leg to pierce through.

More legs came one after another until the building tall black widow spider had crawled out of the crack in space and destroyed the carriage, space then repaired itself the next second.

The second all of this settle the Demons that were carrying the carriage screamed at the sight of the Spider and attempted to escape in all directions.

However this served to agitate the spider as they were caught and diced into pieces my sharp, thin and invisible spider webs.

"{Are you the one who called for me?}" A deep voice spoke in my mind.

"Correct." I nodded with a smile as if I hadn't noticed anything that she did.

"{Hm, alright then, I'll give you my three conditions}."

"{Condition 1: You must feed me your blood once everyday, and if the blood quality doesn't meet up to my standards, this contract will be void.}" The spider gave the first.

"{Condition 2: You must give me 1 prey a week, what I mean by that is something I can hunt and play with before eating}"

"{Condition 3: Either find me a mate or become my mate and give me children, and don't worry about my form if you choose the latter, I can become a beautiful human}" After the spider said its conditions, its formed changed into that of a beautiful black haired woman with similar colored eyes that gave off an unnerving feeling, especially the slight smile she gave.

The spider woman's hair was disheveled and she wore a modern office suit, she had four arms that were purple and her fingers were sharp, however even though her arms and hands were purple, everywhere else on her body was Caucasian.

"The conditions are easy, so I can easily accept them, but I would like to know your name first." I informed.

"Oh how lovely it would be a pleasure serving you that is if you can fulfill these conditions, and as for my name, its Vivian." Vivian's smile beamed.

"Like I said the before the conditions aren't really a problem [Second Born says one is] but for me to do them, I would need to find you useful, so what can you do?" I questioned while ignoring Astrid's message.

"I can do a bit, ranging from manipulation/mind control, presence concealment, I'm super strong physically, my poisons are lethal to almost anything, I can create more of me infinitely, my eyes can see the future, present and a bit into the past, I specialize in space magic and dimension magic, I can kill with my gaze and last but definitely not least I can control causality to an extent." Vivian explained her worth, and hell she was worth it.

"You are definitely worth it, so I'll do your conditions, but first lets see if my blood will conform to your standards." I cut my finger with my tail and gave it to Vivian, and just in case I used [Hydra Venom] to create an illusion that my blood tastes how she wants it.

"Mmn~." Vivian moaned as her face held a vulgar expression. "Delicious your blood was the best I had every tasted." Vivian stopped drinking the blood from my finger and looked at me with an intoxicated look.

[Second Born bites her lip in jealousy]

'Seems the poison worked.'

"Oh and I forgot to tell you, I'm immune to all types of illusions and poisons, just wanted to tell you that." Vivian smiled at me with a knowing look.

"Then I guess my blood was good without the poison?" I inquired since the gig was up.

"Very much so, so much so that I want you as my mate." Vivian nodded enthusiastically.

[Second Born curses the Familiar, Vivian]

"No, not at all, nada, nein(Germen), ochi(Greek), nahin(Hindi), aniyo(Korean), いいえ(Japanese), net(Russian)." I denied completely, I even started speaking other languages.

[Second Born breathes a sigh in relief]

"Why not, I have been told I have a very beautiful human form, so what is the problem?" Vivian looked saddened.

"Its the simple fact that you're a female spider, in everything I've read about spiders, the female ones are always looking for a mate that they kill after finished with them, and you resemble the Black Widow spider a little too much." I explained.

"You might be right, but isn't it romantic that way~?" Vivian's eyes became unfocused as I saw a blush form on her face as if she was imagining eating me now.

"Yeah no." I denied again.

"Awe~, you know you could always escape afterward." Vivian suggested.

"You're my familiar."

"Good point...*Hah~*, I guess its a no then, but the offer is always open." Vivian sighed and transformed into a small Black Widow before climbing onto my shoulder.

"I must say, spiders are pretty cute." I smiled at the spider on my shoulder, others might disagree, but I find them cute.

"{Thank you}."


Vivian Status:


Name: Vivian Dire

Title: Mother, Rose, Poisonous Lover, Cannibal, Insatiable Void

Race: Black Calamity Spider

Age: 1300+

HP: [100.0%]

Stamina: [100.0%]

Mana: [100.0%]



Strength: Tier High 4-C (Large Star)

Attack Potency: Tier 4-A (Multi Solar System)

Speed: Tier 4-C (Speed of Light)

Intelligence: Tier 4 (Extraordinary Genius)

Magicules: Tier 3-C (Galaxy)

Will: Tier 2 (Unchanging)

Durability: Tier 4-B (Solar System)

Magical Durability: Tier 3-C (Galaxy)


(She doesn't have skills but I'll simplify her abilities)


-All Poison Immunity: Vivian is completely immune to all types of poison in any way

-Mother of Venom: Vivian can control, create and manipulate venom/poison, any type of poison in her area will naturally become hers and she can control it, she can also change its effects

-Gaze of Insanity: When this ability is activated if Vivian makes eye contact with someone they will descend into madness that will destroy their brain, soul and body

-Spatial Master: Vivian has a great control of anything that has to do with space

-Presence Concealment: Vivian can control her presence so well that it will seem like she doesn't exist

-Blood Clones: Vivian ca ncreate clones of herself infinitely and each of the clones has 25% of her strength, Vivian is also connected to each of the clones so it could get tiring if she makes too many, although they do control themselves

-String of Fate: Vivian can see and interact with the string of fate which allows her to see the present, past and future plus peoples fates

-Cause and Effect: Vivian can control causality to an extent like making an attack miss or go through even if it wasn't supposed to normally

-Void Stomach: If Vivian imagines eating something and chomps, she will eat it, no matter how big and once she eats it it will go into her void stomach that erases whatever enters it

-Marking: Vivian can mark things to keep track of its location no matter where she is

-Empath: Vivian can control and sense the emotions of others

-Spider: Vivian can create webs that cannot be broken and work as a trap/trip wire.

(Aether can use her abilities)