
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 76 - Absolute Pathogen Physiology

Okay, I'm posting this because I have few things I want to announced.

First and foremost, I change the physique into Absolute Pathogen Physiology, you'll understand once you read this chapter.

Second, I want y'all to give me rewards to each member. Since I'll be binge rewrite until we reach the second world mission.







Anyway, enjoyed the chapter.


Opening his eyes, Ryuu was greeted by the new room that he had bought all those years ago. Though, he knew that not even a second had passed since he left the world. It's been a while and checked his chat group phone to see if there's anyone active but none as most of them left to do something.

For them nothing had passed and Ryuu shapeshifted using his magic to form a humanoid clone of himself before using his newly acquired [ Blacklight ] virus turning into a perfect clone that could reach far distances.

"You already know what to do."

It nodded changing its appearances into an unrecognizable look using it disguised going its way to manipulate an organization and make him a persona that runs businesses. He would be able to gain information much quicker than before.

Ryuu doubts that they would have much resistance against his [ Hypnosis ] unless they're not human which would make it easier to know who is part of the supernatural.

Unfortunately, he could only make one perfect clone at the moment but it's enough to have the job done. Their distance could only reach as far as the whole province which is still a long range of control.

'Ah right, I haven't checked what my new Physiology is like.' Ryuu thought himself briefly checked his status.

[ Absolute Pathogen Physiology ]

[ Description: The user with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into a sentient form of bacteria, virus, prion, and/or another type of infectious organism that transcends the common delimitations of their single-cell microorganism physiology; microorganisms can journey into the depths of various organism and break them down from inside out, for sure, and adding on their evolved predisposition much farther in terms of performance.

They can possibly assimilate the organisms' make-up to a genetic level, then incorporate it into themselves; they are capable of infecting any foreseeable organism and encroach their functionality to failure or hijacking, even physical and non-physical components of reality.

The user can manifest themselves in a multitude of forms, depending on the level of infection they acquire: A collective of microscopical pathogens commanded through a hive-mind network, aware of their own constitution at all times, or a single organism.

It is worth noting that it's possible for individuals to have resistance or even immunity from being infected in addiction to cure since the user is still a pathogen. The user is far from perfect despite its benefits. ]

Ryuu is shocked by this, pondering if he is able to absorb Mahoraga and gain its adaptability or even Sukuna's finger. He decided to ask him to get the finger if he was confident that Sukuna wouldn't possess him.

The last thing that he wants is to be taken over by the king of curses and slaughter his loved one.

'Let's focus on something to else for now'

He took a glance at the mirror shape shifting his appearance closer to how it should be when he left. It would only be temporary as he likes his current face as he appeared more adult than a pseudo-shota.

"Alright, I should head straight to her place rather than just texting since it's a horrible way to do it. If I want to tell her that I fuck then it's best to tell her face to face."

Ryuu nodded to himself, deciding to use [ Shundō ] rather than teleport using [ Yamato ] as it might gain unwanted attention. His [ Second form - Instant-Death Step ] made his speed faster than sound but far from lightning.

His speed would provide enough that no one would be able to notice him moving. Ryuu changed his clothes into a black trench coat with a red red undershirt.

'I hope she's fine sharing and I'm anxious to see how well she interacts with the others.'

Ryuu hopes she accepts since Justine is in desperate need of a female friend as most of them are men with few women that are jealous of her. He does beat up some of them who tried to harm her a few years back.

He went outside using his [ Byakugan ] trying to see which are humans and who are not. Ryuu smirked, finding a few in a warehouse and a few large buildings where a Tikbalang was sitting in three who stared in his direction, surprising him.

'He seems to notice me…not bad."

Ryuu didn't feel any panic since his intuition told him that there's nothing to worry about. It might have sensed him but does not know where he is. Afterwards, he found another creature who was pulsating like lightning in the outskirts of Manila.

'It seems there's a few places I need to visit but for now let's focus on Justine.'

He focused on the distance where he witnessed Justine in her bed blushing and could vaguely make out what she was saying. Ryuu stopped spying since it made him feel worse that he already felt and vanished.

Ryuu flashes his way through the streets making sure to use [ High speed thought Processing ] since he doesn't want to make the same mistake as before. His speed only took him a few steps to appear close to Justine home without wasting much time.

The speed he travels was at least 10,000 km/ph which is the reason why it didn't take much time to arrive at his destination.

He was in an alleyway that no one would see him and walked his way to Justine home getting few people's attention especially his looks. Ryuu was here before but people were asleep.

"Calm down….the worst she can say is no…..whoever the fuck say that is an idiot!"

Ryuu scratched his head in frustration, making the people look at him like an Idiot. He ignores them heading his way to Justine doorstep knocking at the door. Soon Leah, Justine's mother, answered the door, surprised to see him in a well dressed manner.

"Hi, Aunt Leah is Justine here?" Ryuu asked, a bit stiff in his voice since it's been a while when the last time he saw her but for them time hardly went by.

"Yes she's inside. Come, come I'll go ahead and get her."

He nodded following Leah who noticed his expression and his words the other night. She could vaguely guess something was wrong with their relationship and as a mother it's her duty to help them.

"Ryuu whatever happened to you two then it's best to talk it out since I know my daughter won't reject you."

Ryuu inwardly felt his heart was pierce before nodding since he is afraid that Leah might hate her once she knows the truth. He needed to know Justine's opinion in the whole matter before waiting until she's ready to tell her parents.

He's planning on telling his parents once he knows everything is ready. Ryuu planned to let them enjoy their normal life for now until asking if they were coming with him.

"Wait here..."

Leah left Ryuu in their living room heading her way to Justine room where she came in without knocking like any other parents would do since apparently privacy isn't a thing.

She saw her daughter sulking in her bed that made Leah frown, having veins popping from her forehead. Leah moved closer and slapped her butt.

"Ouch!! Mom what was that for!!??" Justine cried out.

"Why are you sulking in your bed?? Ryuu's in the living room waiting for me." Leah said.

"What really!? Oh no how can I face him after this!!! Why did I have to fucking drink so much alcohol!!" Justine became flustered.

"Language young lady!"

Once again Justine receives strong smack from her mother making her tear up a bit. She felt sober and recalled everything last night which is why her heart was beating far too fast.

'What should I do!? He did reject me!? Right???? Why is he then????'

Her mind went in weird places since Ryuu didn't truly say no to her confession and she's just anxious about what he would say to her. Justine liked him for being there with her all the time and couldn't find herself letting go.

She even went to a poor college when her parents could bring her to a much better place to stay. Soon Justine arrived where the man of heart was sitting with near unrecognizable fashion sense. She calms herself while approaching him like the way she normally does.

"Yo! When the hell do you wear such fancy clothes?"

She could only guess the amount of man to buy a trenchcoat. Ryuu only softly smiled, feeling nostalgic hearing her voice again. He did spend more than three years rethinking everything.

"You never change, that's good. How about we head outside? I want to ask you about yesterday." Ryuu said with a wide grinned.

'Oh no!!'

Justine shuddered inwardly screaming and embarrassed recalling everything but didn't show it in her face. She nodded bidding farewell to her mother as the two walked away to a place where there weren't any people.

"What do you want to tell me?" Justine asked.

"Let's go to a more private place."

He turned to her before carrying her in princess carry surprised her before feeling something surrounding her body. Ryuu finished coating her with his [ Aura ] to protect her from the whiplash and vanished.

[ Second form - Void Instant-Death Step ]

Ryuu leaped into the air at a high speed kicking the air flashing through before appearing near the mountain side.

"What!? W-Wait where are we!? Ryuu!?"

Justine couldn't believe what's going on upon finding herself in the mountainous side where it overlooks the whole City. She was ventilating after what she just witnessed.

"Calm down, Justine. Take deep breath in and deep breath out."

Ryuu placed her down and tried his best to calm her down. That took him a while and he refused to use [ Hypnosis ] to calm her down since that goes against his morals. Justine finally calmed down and stared at him wanting to know the answer.

"All better?" Ryuu said while Justine frowned.

"The f*ck is that better!? *Sigh* let me guess your otaku wet dream came true and you have a harem of Pokemons?" She said a bit annoyed at what he learned.

"Wait, how do you know about harem of Pokemons?" He was surprised that she already knew.

"I read some fanfic you've mentioned but what the hell is true!?"

Ryuu couldn't believe how things were feeling a bit awkward and how everything felt. He sighed before giving a nod to her that made Justine fall into silence.

"Let me explain everything that happened first…"