
Omega wars chronicles

"What Is it you desire? Revenge? To be the strongest? To live up to the expectations of others... Or yourself? In a world where might is everything , how can one stand above others? In a world where power is the only thing understood, how can we do better? In our thirst and hunger for dominance, we were fed with darkness and destruction."

Lin_Noel · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 18 Episode 17: Father's Resolve

At the audience center, the audience were still surprised at the flaming red dragon's appearance which led them to murmur among themselves.

"Did she just say Tyrus salamander?"

"But that was Chief Garou's power?!"

"That Dreygar girl has the power of Chief Garou of the Dreygar tribe? But that won't impossible unless... Holy... She's Chief Garou's daughter!"

"Chief Garou's daughter?!"


"Holy crap!"

"That is Tyrus salamander." Reyla said within herself, "From what I've heard, it's abilities are incredible but no one has seen it at full power. How did she get something that powerful? Is she truly Chief Garou's daughter?

Chief Garou: The man who defeated Avel and a 130 of his disciples by himself, took down the god eater Testarossa and burnt Orlak the Orc to a crisp. He also took the title of a Chief at a young age and never lost it.

   Honestly, if she truly is his daughter, then she must gotten that Tyrus salamander through hereditary means. I just don't see any chance of Killer bee winning."

At the Chiefs center, Chief Tenya stared down at the arena in horror as the lights in Killer bee's gates grew bigger.

"Bee, don't!" Chief Tenya said within herself, "That technique you are about to use... You haven't even mastered your gates and you want to use this technique... In this condition?! What are you thinking?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

  Back at the arena, as both Killer bee and Karma's attacks were still charging, Killer bee closed her eyes and exhales.

"This is it... My last chance..." Killer bee said within herself, "Do i really have to go this far? My gates is a space-time transportation ability and this technique allows me to create duplicates of every none physical attacks I've encountered and fire them all at once but the consequence of this technique is that it always ends up shattering my body and with my current condition, it's not a good idea..."

"Screw it!" Killer bee said within herself as she opens her eyes, "I made a promise and I'm going to keep it, no matter what it takes! For my father! For Tenya! And for Cloud...! I am not going to back away!!"

"Wait a minute, is she really going to...?" Trengal asked within himself in shock, "If their attacks should collide, this might end up creating an explosion that could engulf the entire arena and kill me!"

Trengal recalls as Van threw his darkest nova towards him and Onak which made him shudder after recalling that incident.

"I'm not going to let that thing repeat itself twice!" Trengal said within himself.

"Hey, get me out of here!" Trengal said as he tapped his belt.

"I am not programmed to obey you, you stuck up so-"

"JUST DO IT!!!" Trengal angrily said as he tapped his belt again

"Fine. As you wish, master." The belt replied

The belt teleported Trengal out of the arena while Killer bee and Karma were staring at each other from afar.

"Are you ready, Bee?" Karma asked as she levitated beside her dragon while having a red aura glowing around her.

"Bring it!" Killer bee replied.

  Killer bee and Karma slightly grins as their irises glowed.

"Gates finale: Devar!" Killer bee said as she points her index finger and releases countless  golden beams from her portals towards Karma.

"Tyrus salamander: Lok'r!" Karma said as she points her index finger and the red dragon fired its red flames towards Bee.

Just as Killer bee and Karma's attacks collided, the dragon's flame began to overpower Killer bee's beams. Karma stopped grinning as she noted Killer bee's father standing beside her with one hand placed on her right shoulder which left Karma, Tenya and Cloud in shock.

"Sagar?!" Tenya asked within herself.

"Who the heck is that?" Cloud asked within himself.

Killer bee yells with determination and emitted a powerful aura that created an large golden image of herself behind her back. The golden image placed it's hands on Killer bee's shoulders, causing Killer bee's beams to slowly overtake the salamander's flames

"FULL POWER!!!" Killer bee said as her eyes completely glowed which led her beams to grow bigger and take the lead.

As the beams were rapidly dominating the flames and moving towards Karma, Karma closed her eyes and smiled as she recalls the face of her own father.

"I see..." Karma said within herself.

Killer bee yells again in determination and a massive explosion took place in the arena, spawning a bright light that made many of the audience to cover their eyes.

As the large dusts had cleared, many of the audience including Cloud, Rish and Sting stared with disbelief as Karma stood on the ground, unfazed with her arms crossed while staring down at Killer bee (who happened to be laying on the ground, unconscious).

"Her attack had no effect?" Cloud asked.

"I thought Killer bee's attack overpowered Karma's?" Sting asked.

"Yeah, me too." Rish said.

"Unfortunately, it didn't." Pit said, "Just as it seemed Killer bee's attacks were overpowering Karma's, all Karma did was to snap her fingers and her attack easily overpowered Bee in an instant which resulted in the explosion."

"So, in other words, Karma was just messing with Killer bee." Rish said, "This goes to show that the entire fight was just a farce."

"Yeah, I'm starting to feel bad for Bee." Sting said, "The poor girl is trying so hard to prove herself but it's not really doing anything against Karma."

Sting, Pit and Rish stared at Cloud as he was staring down at the arena with a grave look while clenching his fists.

  Trengal reappeared in the arena and facepalms himself.

"After this match, i really need to get another equipment for this tournament." Trengal said.

Trengal quickly noticed Killer bee laying down on the ground unconscious while Karma stared down at her.

"Oh, is she down, again?" Trengal asked within himself , "Well, it's time for me to end this match."

"Killer bee is down! Karma wi-!'

Trengal halts and stares in shock as the bloodied Killer bee screams in agony while struggling to stand on her feet with blood was spilling out of her body, leaving many of the audience surprised.

"What the...!"

"She is still standing?!"

"Her resolve is truly strong but does that mean anything to her opponent?"

"She's going too far! Does she really want to win that badly?!"

"Tenya, tell the girl to stop." Chief Ezgord said, "She has done enough."

"Cloud, the damage is too much for her, you need to tell her to stop." Rish said.

Cloud ignores Rish and continues staring down at the arena as his grave demeanor increases while clenching his fists harder.

"Cloud!" Rish called in annoyance.

Back at the arena, Killer bee stood on her feet and was breathing heavily while Karma stared at her with an emotionless demeanor.

"You still want to continue, huh?" Karma asked with a raised eyebrow, "Are you aware that your trump card wasn't even enough to scratch me and the attack i dished out was a very weak one? I can still repeat that move again and again, without any worries."

The red dragon appears behind Karma, again and began to charge another massive swirling red light towards Killer bee.

"Go ahead..." Karma said, "Make another move to entertain me."

"That little..." Pit said within herself with a frowning demeanor.

"Unfortunately, i can't..." Killer bee said, "I moved past my limit and as a result, I'm unable to move my body. I gave everything i had but it in the end, it wasn't good enough. However..."

"I don't regret any of it." Killer bee said while grinning with her eyes closed, "I fought the good fight and i did it to my heart's content. If I'm to have any last words, I'd say 'this was the best fight of my life, so far'. Now, go ahead and finish me off."

At high speed, Karma advances towards Killer bee and lands a belly punch which made Bee to slowly lose consciousness.

"You know, I've always considered you annoying..." Karma whispered in Killer bee's ears while she was slowly falling to the ground, "But because of how you performed today, you have earned my respect."

"Killer bee is down! Karma wins!!!" Trengal said as Killer bee laid on the ground unconscious.

The crowd gave a massive cheer while Karma walked away.

A flashback occurs as a black long beared Ripar man with long black hair was sitting beside a little black haired Ripar girl while staring at a lake in the night.

"Those that can stand tall even in the face of their inevitable defeat, are indeed warriors." The Ripar man said, "There are times we all have to lose, but what matters most, is how we take that loss. Do not forget that, Pit."

"Yes, grandfather, i won't." Pit said.

After recalling that moment, Pit stared down at the arena and sighed.

"Is this what you were  talking about, Grandfather?" Pit asked within herself, "Because if it is, then i think i understand."

At the Chiefs center, the Chiefs noticed Chief Tenya wiping off the tears from her eyes.

"Are you crying, Chief Tenya?" Chief Akuro asked.

"No, I'm not." Chief Tenya replied while still wiping out the tears in her eyes, "I forgot to blink and a lot of air entered my eyes."

"Uh huh." Chief Ezgord said with a stoic face while facing the arena.

At the audience center, Rish stared down at the arena as the medics placed Bee on a bed and began to carry her away.

"So, in the end of everything, she still lost." Rish said with an unamused face and crossed arms, "Tell me, Cloud, what was the point of all this? If she had just given up earlier, then she wouldn't have come out with this much damage."

"Yeah, you're right." Cloud replied while staring down at the arena, "If she had forfeited the match then she wouldn't have to deal with this much damage. However, if she had done that, her body will be unharmed but her heart will be severely scarred due to her forfeiting out of shame and fear; As a warrior, you do know what that means, right?"

Rish became speechless at Cloud's words while Sting smiled at him.

"I never thought for once that she could defeat Karma." Cloud said, "I just wanted her to fight in a way that even if she loses, she won't regret it at all."

"But why, Cloud?" Pit asked while staring down at the arena, "Why would you go that far for her? Do you have any special feelings for Bee or something?"

"What? No!" Cloud replied in shock, "I didn't do it because of any special feelings. I did it because i owe her. If it wasn't for her ... i wouldn't have made it to this tournament."

Back at the arena, as Karma was still walking away, she recalls as her and Bee were discussing with each other at the white leafed forest.

"So you are number 106?!" Killer bee asked excitedly while slightly hopping, "I'm number 106, too! You know what that means, right?! We are partners!!"

"Look, don't think that this will turn into some kind of friendship thi-"

Killer bee interrupts Karma with a hug which slightly left Karma embarrassed.

"I hope we can get to know and understand each other better." Killer bee said with a smile while closing her eyes and hugging Karma.

After recalling that incident, Karma's eyes rolls back and spots Sagar smiling and staring at his daughter as she laid on the bed unconscious while the medics were carrying her away.

Karma smiles at the sight of this and continues walking away.

"What a pain." Karma said within herself.