

"Oi, Ethan!" Liam shouted. It had been hours since Ethan had decided to camp out in the bathroom, and he was beginning to get a little desperate.

Victoria could see it in his eyes, the way he pounded on the door, and the way he spoke. Who said "Oi," anymore, except for times like these?

"Get out of the bathroom!"

"It's no use." Victoria sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. Ethan would have to come out at some point, and yelling at him wouldn't make that happen. He had to emerge in his own time, ready to fight like he should be instead of cowering like a mouse.

There were other ways to lure him out, but for now they seemed to dangerous. Added was the fact that Ethan's despair seemed to be transferring into her, turning her core rotten with guilt.

Why did she kiss Liam?

"Hey," Liam said, walking away from the bathroom door for a moment. "Everything okay?" Shouldn't he be able to tell? Shouldn't Liam know that, in her mind, wheels were turning relentlessly with the thoughts and feelings belonging to both him and Ethan.

Liam placed his arm around Victoria's shoulders, offering comfort. This was his way of showing affection; gentle kisses in the morning sun, and arms thrown over a shoulder when the going got rough.

This is what Victoria liked.

I have a plan,

Liam's voice whispered in her head. Of course he had a plan; that was just his kind of person. After all, he had been deciding such plans against her for years on end.


Within a moments notice, Liam moved to her side. Now he was in front of her, his hand resting on her cheek as he leaned in once more, and...

Boom! The bathroom door burst open, the sound reverberating across the entire building.

Looks like Liam's plan had worked quite well.

"I know what you were planning," Ethan huffed. "But it still makes me angry." He gritted his teeth once more for emphasis, showing he meant what he said.

"And you better watch yourself, Gale, because it's my turn next."