
Meetings, Time, and Expectations(Pt.3)

Panic coursed through Victoria's veins at the sight of Liam Gale. It had been so many years since they had last seen eachother in person- too many years. He was her rival, the source of anger and evil in her actions. He was the reason she was a political figure in this world.

Yet he was an Alpha. He exuded power, raw and fresh with his own scent, one that would force you to your knees if you gave in.

Ethan nudged Victoria, a pleading look on his face. "You panicked!" His eyes screamed, boring into her soul and mind. The words echoed through Victoria, as if he were actually speaking aloud.

I panicked,

She thought as she averted her eyes. That had never happened before; no one had been in her mind with such clarity besides the other male in the room.

"So." Liam said, his voice gritty. As every other male she had encountered, he wrinkled his nose like he could smell her.

And she could smell him, unlike any other Alpha or Omega. His scent was that of pine and spruce, of clear waters in an untouched forest. He was new, he was clean, he was Alpha. With this, what seemed like an awakening occurred. An odor close to that of Liam's emanated from her side, slightly diluted; it was Ethan, smelling like fresh cut grass, sweat, and Omega.

So this is what it was like. This is what it was like to be surrounded by an Alpha and Omega male, treated like kings, who could pick up your scent from miles away.

"You came here in the middle of...?" Liam's voice trailed off, surprisingly gentle as his cheeks flushed.

What was this? He was supposed to be angry, he was supposed to be rash and crude, he was supposed to try and crush her before she directed and loosed her anger.

Victoria closed her eyes for a moment, trying to clear her mind of this sudden change in expectations. Yet, all she could see were two beacons of light, one gleaming golden, and one shining silver.

She opened her eyes again. In the positions of the lights were the two men, standing in front of her, waiting.

Oh, no.

These males, one Beta and one Alpha, were set in her mind, stuck there like super glue.

They were her mates, weren't they?