
Meetings, Time, and Expectations(Pt.2)

The large black building stood looming in front of the two Omegas, it's imposing shadow falling over them. Somewhere inside there stood an Alpha Male, waiting for their much anticipated arrival.

And oh, would he be surprised.

Anger boiled inside of Victoria, reminding her of her task. It was time to go show this petty Alpha who the REAL boss was. It was time to prove to him that she wasn't as weak as he thought she was.

Beside her, Ethan trembled. "I get the feeling you'll be doing something, Victoria?" Of course he knew. Ethan was her secretary, Ethan was one of the only people who knew her best. He dealt with her reactions, handed her her morning's work every single day. Victoria saw Ethan more than she saw the members of her own pack, which in any other case would've been saddening. Of course, in this world, it wasn't. Omegas needed to stick together, no matter their privilege, and they had been doing that.

"Of course, Ethan." Their new first name basis was already familiar on her tongue. It was nice, sweet, and perfectly fitting. Ethan was the kind of name you would expect from a friendly neighbor, one who would lend you a sweater if you were cold, or do your shopping for you if you were sick.

Ethan, Ethan, Ethan.

"Do you want me to come in?" The question was surprising, but not unexpected. By the way Ethan had been gripping his arms since the hospital, Victoria knew that his senses were keen, and ready in case of emergency.

"If you wish. I suppose I could use an ally by my side." A short pause while Victoria thought over her answer. "But no matter what happens, no matter what I do or come close to doing, you cannot step in." She may be allowing him to view certain future-shaping events, but this was her battle, her war. Ethan was certainly allowed to stop Liam from hurting her, but Liam would be all on his own.

"Good enough for me." Ethan ran a hand through his hair, tousling it beyond its normal shape. It looked almost animalistic, the small action, as if Ethan was releasing himself from his working composure. Elegance be damned, it was time.

Victoria repeated his actions, breaking free of her own standards.

One step, two steps, three steps. This time, her shoes did not click against the flooring. This time, her shoes did not echo, and her state of mind did not weaken. This time, Victoria would be strong, and there was no pack at her heels to push her back down to the ground.


The marble foyer of the building was much more intricate than Victoria had imagined. It wasn't a busy hub like her own building; here, no workers dashed in and out of doors, busting into offices to proclaim losses or triumphs. Whereas people in Omega Rights Foundation and Victoria's profiting company were working hard, these employees were hardly working.

The two of them, Victoria and Ethan, bypassed the front secretary who was gazing off into space. "This is ridiculous." Ethan said when he noticed them doing so. "You'd think that they'd have better workers, but they don't." The inattentiveness was almost insulting to Ethan as a secretarial worker.

"It's a lot less busy then Omega Rights." Victoria replied as they stepped onto the nearly-empty elevator. It was so easy for Victoria to picture what it might've looked like back at her own company; the elevator would be packed full of people, some bubbly, and some worn by a hard day's work. A few people would be chatting in a back corner, having a polite conversation on whatever they deemed fit at the moment. Another person would be lugging huge stacks of copies back from a lower floor's copier because theirs was already busy, and a coordination leader would be resting their eyes, leaning against the paneled wall.

"Unfortunate that this is your rival." Ethan said, bringing Victoria out of her reverie.

"OUR rival." She reminded him. "This man is a menace to all Omegas."

The elevator pinged as they reached their desired floor. The shining chrome doors opened slowly, building anticipation and anxiety up inside Victoria as they went.

"Here goes nothing." The two of them stepped out together, an air of confidence around them. Yet another secretary was relaxing at their desk as they did so, showing even more poor form.

"I'll go check us in." After speaking, Ethan broke away from Victoria. His long legs helped him stride up to the front desk, his face looking grim all the while. Victoria knew he would try to look as imposing as possible when talking to them. It was his character now, the one who was awoken by her scent.

After a few moments of talking, the secretary and Ethan waved her forwards. Finally, after all this waiting, it was time for her to meet Liam Gale.

"Just don't panic." Ethan whispered in her ear. "Just don't panic, and your scent will be less detectable. It'll be fine, just remember that."

Victoria nodded. All she had to do was stay calm, and not panic. Easy enough, and then she could rip into Liam Gale, destroy him shred by shred with her claws.

The Alpha Male's door swung open as Ethan opened it, allowing Victoria to step in.

One step, two steps, three steps.

A figure stood in front of a window, young and fit. Slowly he turned, revealing the face that had been shrouded in Victoria's anger all these years.

With that, she panicked.