
Home Sweet Home(pt.2)

Victoria sat on the couch of her penthouse apartment, sipping a small glass of Chardonnay. The day had been tough; finding two mates, one Alpha and one Omega; being attacked, slandered in the news, et cetera, et cetera.

To Victoria, the list seemed to go on forever. She had dealt with many issues over the years, but these were by far the worst. The most horrible part about it was that it all could've been prevented if it weren't for Liam Gale. He was the one who had gossiped about her to the media. He was the one who caused the mob in front of her office. He was the one who implanted foolish and discriminatory thoughts inside of others' heads, prompting them to turn towards violence.

If only he would go away... if only he would stop torturing her...

Fists pounded on Victoria's apartment door, the sound booming across the entire complex.

Who could it be, at this hour?

Victoria thought as she placed down her glass. It was currently nine at night, the time in which half of the tenants in the building turned in for the night.

"Maybe you should open the door and see,"

A gruff voice spoke in her mind. It was the man she had just been thinking about, the man she had wished to go away. Of course he had shown up at her door, late at night, when no one else was around. If he were in heat, this could be very, very dangerous.

Slowly, Victoria stood. If Liam Gale were to come into her apartment...

Victoria flung her door open, expecting to see one man, one scowl, one wrinkled nose.

Instead, she came face to face with three, Liam Gale clutched in the arms of her father and another pack Alpha.

"W-what?" She stammered as they threw him onto her. He was lightly beaten, as of a struggle had occurred on their trip here. By the way he was being held, it was apparent that none of this was Liam's choice.

"Victoria." Her father said as Liam stood and dusted himself off. The familiar voice sent shivers down her spine, making her stomach turn with old anxiety. Victoria had thought this feeling had disappeared long ago, when she decided to make a life for herself.

Never, not once had she ever considered this to be a possibility.

"What-no, why are you here-"

"By order of the pack, you two have been mated." He left it at that, his face grim and his features set in stone.

"Good luck."

The door was slammed, not by Victoria, leaving her stuck in her apartment with Liam Gale.