
Omega and the Vampire prince

Rejected by her Alpha male because of her father's origins, Tala decides to leave the pack to find a new life, but the Lunpa clan then dubbed her a deserter, a stray, or in other pack terms a rogue. Always having her wit as her best weapon she went into hiding among humans, knowing her old pack will not come looking for her there, she is no pushover, but Tala never won a fight, and luckily all those before her where playful sparring and tests of strength, Tala failing to grow as a werewolf was frowned upon by her clan, and this is the reason Mike, the Alpha of the clan rejected her, if her father's native American background wasn't enough of a slap to the face already. She applies for a bursary at a highschool far away from the Lunpa clan, and joins a new pack called the Sassaba who was led by her older brother she never knew. Tala didn't expect much from boys, or men among humans, but she was not educated on vampires, and one night during a school dance she was spotted by Ray Vladimir, the most popular boy in school, unbeknown to her also the prince of vampires. Ray found an interest in Tala but she didn't notice, at first her mind focused on stacking the foundations of her new future, thinking being alone, and fending for herself will be the way forward. But the shadows of her past continue to haunt her as the Lupen pack sent their hunters to find her, and either bring her back to be judged for deserting, or kill her to keep the name of Lunpa clean. Little did her old pack know that Tala was being watched by the prince of vampires, and he had something to say about the clan wanting their Omega back. Will Tala find Ray? To what lengths will Ray go for her before she considered it stalking or suspicions, and with Ray also baring the burden of Vampire prince, will he be frowned upon for falling in love with a werewolf? Schemes around both ends by dark hearts threaten the possibility of them having a peaceful life together, the alpha of her old pack Mike suddenly got killed, and on Ray's side there is betrayal inside the walls of the castle, with his father and mother assassinated, Ray cannot assume the crown of he has a werewolf as a loving partner, will he step up for the good of his people, and take revenge for his father and mother? Or will he leave the life of royalty behind to be with Tala? [Rated 16: LVS]

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Heart shattered, resolve broken, Tala burst out of the clan meeting hall and ran off, the tears made her choose not to go too fast, she was crying so much she could barely keep her eyes dry.

"Tala!" Mike yelled at her "Return to me at once!"

She was in a speedy stride and turned around a corner, ignoring his words.


"You chose to reject me remember! What else is there for us to talk about!?" She screamed back at him, Mike was following but didn't dare come closer after she gave him the foulest of glares.

"This was a choice I made to uphold my status as Alpha! You know a weak Alpha makes a weak pack!"

"Oh the shame!"

"You will not dare talk to me like that!" He said and grabbed her shoulder violently swinging her back to him, she almost fell but held her composure "I am still your Alpha!"

"My clan alpha! Nothing more! So go back to that board room and conduct your Alpha job! I am moving on Mike!"

"You lose all your duels among females! Tala you can barely stand after a friendly training brawl!"

"I have supplied this clan with ways to better out lifestyle! Better our defences against the vampires! Better everything concerning other pack invasions! I'm not the strongest of wolves Mike but I know a thing or two about being smart!"

"Unfortunately brains isn't always a pro when going up against our enemies! How many times did someone come save your tail during a raid!? How many times!?"

Tala looked to the floor.

"And every time someone saving you from the claws of death he or she ends up either dead or badly wounded!"

"You're not nailing me now about my shortcomings in a battle, I know what really made you ultimately reject me"

Mike waited for her answer.

"It's my darker skin right? Because my father was a native American wolf, an invader! I know what all of you think of me, I'm a half breed, an foul mixblood, that's why I'm always Omega, I will never reach Alpha in this clan... I'll always be the runt, the one watching from the far back"

"Don't make your own assumptions, everyone in my clan is equal"

"Yea right Mike! You're barely out of your baby teeth! How can you possibly make such a bold statement, you get Alpha! And Omega! We all know that! But you! You're a pup compared to alpha's of other clans! The only reason you're alpha now is because you are big and powerful, but other than that..."

"Enough, don't dare say anymore" He said with a glare.

Tala grit her teeth "Other than that you should have training wheels on your bycicle! You puffed up cub!"

Mike drew a hand and smacked her face, Tala felt that was coming, she was asking for it, now it made her realise this is not where she belonged, that burning slap was the confirmation she needed.

"I'm heading back, we will continue this later" He said with a stern glare from his blue eyes and left.

She watched him disappeared around the corner again then swiftly turned and headed out of the main building.

The Lunpa compound was deep in the Appalachian mountains, they made all their houses and other needed buildings out of the wood found in the area. Tala marched to her house holding her cheek closed, here and there Omega's like herself saw her teared red eyes but said nothing, Tala figured they probably knew this is the day Mike will reject her.

"What's wrong Tala?" Sabrina asked just before she reached her front door "Did someone steal your bone?"

Tala hated Sabrina, she's an Omega next in line for the Alpha rank, and had a scull full of hot air because of it "Bugger off Sabrina"

"Oh? I know what happened in the main hall Tala, we all knew, little miss genius at losing her fights got rejected"

"I will claw tour eyes out! I said bugger off!" Tala yelled, she didn't like cussing but Sabrina was pushing her.

Smirking with her hands folded under her bust Sabrina slowly walked over to Tala until she was right in front of her "Or what? Reject?"

Tala's wolf side surfaced in fury and she roared diving into Sabrina, her triangular ears spitted on top her head, from under her dress the black wolf tail came out and swooshed angrily, Tala drew her lips back to expose her fangs and growled at Sabrina, who lied on her back smiling still.

"Swallow your smile or I'll tare the lips off your face!"

"Go for it..." Sabrina taunted.

"You...! You dare underestimate me! You find my threats empty!? Look at my fangs and tell me that!"

"Hollow threats halfblood!" Sabrina drew her legs back and kicked Tala back, high into the air.

Tala landed on her feet but Sabrina was already on top of her, striking her already hand printed cheek and she staggered back.

Tala was properly boiling over, she recuperated and swung but Sabrina effortlessly ducked and came up to strike her jaw, shattering her canines and making Tala yelp loudly, this finally had her back off Sabrina.

"See there? You have your wolf out, I may be an Omega like me, but I'm a much greater fighter than you'll ever be! Halfbloodrunt!" Sabrina said with her eyes directly in Tala's, Tala averted her gaze, then backed away to enter her house.

As she shut the door she heard Sabrina and her harlem of concubines burst out with laughter, she felt ashamed, disrespected, rejected and humiliated.

It made Tala think why she was here in the first place? Why didn't her father come get her? Surely his pack would have accepted her much easier?

She leaned with her back against the door and slid to the ground, still holding her jaws, the taste of blood in her mouth, her canines took a lot of damage from that one blow, on top of that her cheek still tingled where Mike struck her.

She stood up and walked to a mirror, the four fingers edged blue visible even against her darker tan skin, her green eyes produced more tears... What was she still doing here? Her mother lost her life against a band of vampires years ago, the only salvation she got was Mike, who took her under his wing, and looked after her.

But now... Was there any reason to still remain?