
Omega and the Vampire prince

Rejected by her Alpha male because of her father's origins, Tala decides to leave the pack to find a new life, but the Lunpa clan then dubbed her a deserter, a stray, or in other pack terms a rogue. Always having her wit as her best weapon she went into hiding among humans, knowing her old pack will not come looking for her there, she is no pushover, but Tala never won a fight, and luckily all those before her where playful sparring and tests of strength, Tala failing to grow as a werewolf was frowned upon by her clan, and this is the reason Mike, the Alpha of the clan rejected her, if her father's native American background wasn't enough of a slap to the face already. She applies for a bursary at a highschool far away from the Lunpa clan, and joins a new pack called the Sassaba who was led by her older brother she never knew. Tala didn't expect much from boys, or men among humans, but she was not educated on vampires, and one night during a school dance she was spotted by Ray Vladimir, the most popular boy in school, unbeknown to her also the prince of vampires. Ray found an interest in Tala but she didn't notice, at first her mind focused on stacking the foundations of her new future, thinking being alone, and fending for herself will be the way forward. But the shadows of her past continue to haunt her as the Lupen pack sent their hunters to find her, and either bring her back to be judged for deserting, or kill her to keep the name of Lunpa clean. Little did her old pack know that Tala was being watched by the prince of vampires, and he had something to say about the clan wanting their Omega back. Will Tala find Ray? To what lengths will Ray go for her before she considered it stalking or suspicions, and with Ray also baring the burden of Vampire prince, will he be frowned upon for falling in love with a werewolf? Schemes around both ends by dark hearts threaten the possibility of them having a peaceful life together, the alpha of her old pack Mike suddenly got killed, and on Ray's side there is betrayal inside the walls of the castle, with his father and mother assassinated, Ray cannot assume the crown of he has a werewolf as a loving partner, will he step up for the good of his people, and take revenge for his father and mother? Or will he leave the life of royalty behind to be with Tala? [Rated 16: LVS]

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A taste of wolf blood

"Are you excited?" Victor asked his son as they stood ready for his acceptance.

"Should I be father?" Ray asked "This is not my choice, its only because I am your son that I'm forced into it?"

Victor laughed and slapped his shoulders "You are to become the prince of darkness son, I'm still the king! Your duties are to live as freely as you dare, find yourself a woman, maybe two, maybe more, you can have as many as you want"

"I'm not interested in a harem of females father, I merely want one"

"The soulmate type hey? There are loads of draculina out there who has eyes for you, even before you where to be the prince"

"I have noticed them"

"And? Have you found a suitable one?"

"No, they all, how do I say this..." Ray said and looked at Victor "Maybe too pale?"

"Pale!? Son all vampire women are pale, we have no life in us after all"

"I have not said they're not beautiful father, they are by all means breathtaking, but I don't want to make my choice now, I feel the right one is only the next town away"

Victor smiled and walked to the curtains "Very well my son, come, let me show you to our kingdom"

Ray walked out with him to the moonlit sky, roars of cheer came when Victor rose his hands, then lowered one to place it on Ray's shoulder "Presenting! My son! Ray Vladimir, the prince of vampires!"

"That was boring..." Ray said after the introducrion ceremony, sitting on the throne next to Victor and his wife Mishka, Victor bellowed with laughter and leaned back watching the mascaraed ball in front of him.

"Atleast the kingdom saw you, from here on out you are free to choose, free to go, free to do, what ever you want, all I ask Ray is you don't challenge the werewolves"

Ray looked at him with only his eyes "Why?"

"You underestimate them and it will mean the end of you, they are powerful, strong, move in packs, and they fear us not"

"I'd like to meet a wolf one day"

"Then by all means go!" Victor said smiling "As long as you don't challenge them as I said"

Ray took his chin off his fist and sat upright "Was there ever a treaty between us father? Did at any point in time wolves and vampires stand together for any reason?"

"No, we have our side, they have theirs"

"Isn't it true vampires can control the minds of Omegas?"

"Yes, weak willed ones, not just any"

A woman came round neatly dressed and served them a goblet of blood "This is?" Victor asked.

"My own your Majesty" She said with a bow.

"Thankyou Sara, I will enjoy this"

"It warms my heart" she said and left.

Ray looked over his shoulder at the woman whi disappeared behind the throne curtains, then looked at the goblet of blood "Her own? Why did I feel such an odd vibe from her father?"

Victor was taking a small sip of the blood then clearly his face expressed he enjoyed it "Sara is an Omega wolf, she chose to serve me"

"She... Drained her blood for you? Did you manipulate her mind in doing so?"

"No son, as I said, she chose to serve me, she was a stray, and her pack was hunting her"

"Stray? That term to wolves means?"

"She deserted her pack for one or another reason"

"Did she say why?"

"That's her business, I don't expect her to tell me, all she promised is to serve me, by my side, in anything I need of her"

"So you request her blood?"

"Take a drink, you'll see why I enjoy it so much"

Ray looked at this blood, this is wolf blood, not human, his mind mauled over it for a while and somehow it didn't appeal to him, he can't drink the blood of a carnivore, especially not that of a werewolf, regardless, to keep his father happy he took a sip, but the taste overwhelmed him! This was the best blood he has ever had!

"This...!?" He said shocked.

"Different right?"

Ray drank the blood away in one gulp, then found himself baffled with the realisation it wasnt enough! He needed more!

"Calm yourself son" Victor said seeing his face "It should be considered a delicacy, I'm warning you, to us their blood is addictive, to them our flesh is heavenly, that's why we have such a hard time being in each others company, we want to tare each other apart"

Ray placed the goblet down and stood up, his mind still entranced by the taste.

"Ray stay away from Sara, if I hear you touched so much as a hair on her head, you will be exiled"

"Understood father" he said walking off.

Deeper in the castle Ray walked with his hand subconsciously streeling the wall, he needed that taste again, he needed that blood over his tongue... "No!"

He held his head 'You are beyond the control blood has over you Ray!'

But the blood of a wolf... He needed to find out if it was because she was a female? Or does males have the same taste!?

He looked over his shoulder, his red eyes scanning the distance of the hall, his sharp ears listening, that smell reaching his nostrils, she's coming this way! Ehy would she!? Did Victor send her!?

Sara came around the corner from another hallway but stopped when she saw Ray's eyes looking at her, she already knew why he had that deranged face about him, she walked to him slowly.

"Calm down my lord" She said and he flinched.

"Stay away from me!" He screamed but she didn't budge.

"The taste of wolfblood tickled your tongue, your father offered me sanctuary, therefore I'm eternally grateful"

"Get to the point wolf, there is a limit to my restraint! Your blood made me realise that!"

"I do not have an unlimited supply of blood my lord, but I regenerate my blood a lot faster than man..." She said coming close to him, Ray stood back from her his back slamming the wall.

"I will kill you!"

"No you won't..." She said and came even closer, then tilted her head sideways "Drink my lord, when I've had enough I will push you off"

"You cannot just push me away wolf! I'm not merely just any vampire! Do you know who you are talking to!?"

She smiled, her head still tilted "Drink your fill..."

"Be out of my sight!" He yelled and backed from her "You might not care, but my father has warned me not to touch you! If you dare offer me your blood again... Then..." He couldn't find a threat so he walked off.

Sara bowed at him tipping her dress "Your self restraint is better than you think my lord"