
Omega's Destiny

With the natural desire to help others, Mei Mitsudo aspires to be a pro-hero one day, despite society saying she couldn't. A chance encounter with her explosive neighbor sends her into an unexpected relationship. As the end of her third year approaches, strange things begin happening to her body; giving her a reminder of what she was born to be; an omega. With the rise in omega trafficking in Japan, Mei is put to the test to go against the odds, and become one of the most influential hero the world has ever seen. Can she do it? Or will three prowling alphas be her destiny? Why not both?

Alyne_Bean · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


I managed to sneak through the dorm rooms without being noticed. Fainting in the middle of class was obviously alarming, and when I check my phone it was blown up by texts from everyone. Since my parents were with me, I didn't have a chance to reply to everyone.

Especially to Katsuki.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Were the majority of the messages. But I didn't feel like explaining my situation to anyone at the moment.

It was pretty easy getting to my room, making my shoes lighter made me walk quieter. As I unlocked my door, I slipped into the darkroom, closing it quietly and breathing a sigh of relief for the successful mission.

As I turned the light on and turned around, my soul almost left my body at seeing Katsuki laying across my bed. He laid there in his nightclothes, his hands behind his head as if he was relaxing on the beach.

His ruby red eyes snap open to looking at me; his face was smooth and emotionless.

"Uh hey?" I managed to say, walking over to him. "How did you get in here?" I was sure I locked the door this morning.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "You must have slept through the locking picking class," he teases before sitting up and facing me. "You okay? I carried you to the nurse but they wouldn't tell me anything after I dropped you off."

Nodding, I make my way over to the bed and sit beside him. "I'm fine, just a little shaken. My parents came."

"So what's wrong with ya? Did you forget to eat this morning or something?" Katsuki's Asks as his hand comes up to touch my forehead. "Or are you just sick?"

Moving away from his touch, I give him a serious look. "No I'm not sick, but I do need to talk to you about something."

This causes Katsuki to lift an eyebrow. "Eh? Should I be worried?"

Shaking my head, I reach forward to grab his large and warm hand. "I fainted because of a heat flash. My mom told me it's because my heat will be coming soon. Probably when I turn 18," I tell him and watched for his reaction.

His face didn't reflect much difference. "Okay? Is there medicine you can take?"

This made me frown. "No, I can't just take medicine for this," I sigh in frustration. "Katsuki, my birthday is a month away from graduation. If I go into heat, do you plan on bonding with me?"

His red eyes grew slightly wide at my question. "Of course I do babe, you know your mine."

Relief flooded through me. "Okay good be—"

"But it can't be until after we graduate."

The words hit me hard as if they took the breath right out of me. I stared at him with confused and hurt eyes. "But my heat—"

"Mei, finals are the week after your birthday. If I spend it bonding with you, I'll lose to Deku for sure," he grumbles, pulling his hand away to stand up. "I work too damn hard trying to keep up with that nerd just to throw in the towel now."

I could hear him speak, but all his words just made my stomach twist in knots and my heart crack. It was clear that Katsuki didn't fully understand the situation I was in.

"You don't understand, I can't just put off my heat. When it comes it's going to come," I say boldly, standing to my feet to face him. "I need to know, Katsuki, if you are going to be there when I need you the most."

To my surprise, he moved forward and brought me into a warm embrace. "I'll be there for you Mei. You know I've been waiting for this moment to fully claim you as mine. I can't wait to take our relationship to the next level."

His words were comforting, but I knew there was more coming.

"If you can just take a suppressant till after we graduate. I promise to bond with you when the time comes."

And there it was. Katsuki didn't care that my health was in jeopardy. He didn't care that I too was risking a lot because of this. All he could do was focus on that stupid title.

Instead of letting my emotions show, I put on a strong face and puff my chest out. "I see," I said as I stepped away from him. I tried to hold back the tears as I stepped to the side and motioned for the door. "Can you leave now please?"

Katsuki's eyes narrowed at me. "Huh? Babe—"

"I said," I snapped at him. "Leave, please."

Crossing his arms, Katsuki didn't move. "Are you really upset about this?"

That was the final straw. The camel's back was officially broken.

With angry tears spilling, balled fist, and a shaky voice, I began to spat at him. "I am so sick and tired of always being put second to your stupid reputation! We've been together for 3 years and yet I let you continuously push us aside so you can focus on being a hero. And I am SO proud of you, but this is my heat we are talking about. This is the one thing that I cannot control about myself, and yet for someone who can sit there and tell me how much you love me, you don't give a damn that I could be in intense pain or even DIE!"

I hadn't realized during my ramble that my voice was steadily getting louder.

"Hey! Wait a minute—"

"No!" I cut him off, continuing my rant. "I'm tired of waiting. I'm not going to waste time on an alpha who's going to leave me when I need him the most."

Katsuki hadn't moved from his spot. His body was frozen in what I could only assume was shock. My breathing had picked up as my whole body felt hot. I was still feeling dizzy from the heat flash and I had to hold myself up against the desk.

"What are you saying Mei? You don't want me as your alpha? Am I not good enough for you?" He accuses and I couldn't help but scoff at how immature he was being.

"No Katsuki," I shake my head. "I want you more than anything. But it's clear to me that you are more focused on yourself, than us."

Katsuki finally moves, taking a step toward me as if he was going to hug me. Instinctively I wanted to step into his arms, but the rational side of me knew that wasn't going to fix anything. Instead, I pushed my hand forward to stop him. It felt like I was stabbing myself in the heart, and I refused to meet his eyes as I said the next few words.

"I can't keep doing this. Until you can get your priorities straight…."I trailed off, feeling my voice catching in my throat.

I felt him move around and towards the door. I look up to see his hand grasp the doorknob, slightly pausing. "So where does this leave us then?"

I could hear the hurt in his voice, and it gave me a small bit of hope. Maybe if he realized I wasn't going to wait for him, then he would wake up and see there was more to life than being at the top.

"As of now," I took a deep breath. "There is no us."

I watched the back of Katsuki carefully, waiting for any reaction of remorse or regret. Would he change his mind? Would he turn around and beg for me to give him another chance?

To my dismay, the boy of my dreams and the love of my life opens the door and walks out, slamming it firmly behind him.

As the door to my room shuts, it felt like a door to my happiness was being sealed closed forever. Since he was gone, I was able to crumble to the floor and let out all my emotions.

It was so painful to tell him those words, and it was another reminder that being an omega was just another ailment in my life. If I had been a beta or even an alpha, would my life be this difficult?


Bakugo's POV

Anger surged through me, and I found myself scoffing before storming off down the hall. Why couldn't she understand? Of course, I wanted her. I wanted her so freaking bad. It takes all my self-control to hold myself back. Especially when I have all these alpha hormones coursing through my body.

But I needed to win. I needed to finally prove my worth, that I can be the best. Even though Deku and I respect each other now, I still can never accept defeat at his hands.

Why couldn't she see I was doing this for her?

Did she really break up with me?

So many questions were going through my brain and these unusual feelings I was experiencing made me want to throw up. Or punch something.

I stormed down the hall, skipping up the stairs till I reached my floor. My hands felt hot as I replayed the scene again in my head. What did I say wrong?

Eventually, I found myself in front of Kirishima's dorm room. He has been the only true best friend I could call here, besides Mei. He was the only one who knew of our relationship and yet never once told a soul. All these years we've never had any issues, yet here I was outside of my friend's door, about to ask him advice like a pathetic schoolgirl.

My hand reaches up to knock on the door, but It stops before it could make contact.

What the hell was I doing!?

Stepping back, I decided that maybe it was best to just go to bed. I'll give Mei some space, today was a lot for her. Tomorrow she'll be coming back to me, she always does.

My room was just next door, but as I opened my door, Kirishima's swings open. I braced myself.

The typical loud and enthusiastic voice never came, instead, a quiet and worried-filled tone hit my ears.

"Hey Bakubro, is Mei okay?"

I turned to glare at him. "What are you so concerned for?" I knew why, they were just as close as we were.

Holding his hands up defensively, Kirishima frowns. "She's my friend, and passing out like that is alarming. Good thing Midoriya was there to cat—"

"I would have caught her too! My back was to her," I defended heatedly, grinding my teeth.

"Of course man," Kirishima says quickly. "I'm just glad she's okay, what's got you so wound up?"

My anger instantly deflated at being called out. Sighing deeply, I found myself slouching against the wall. "Damn it all," I grumbled as I started to feel my emotions going out of control.

Kirishima, obviously worried about my current state, steps forward to place a hand on my shoulder. "Woah, are you okay dude?"

Before I could respond, a smooth and annoying voice sounded beside us.

"Bakugo, are you sick as well? Is there a bug going around?"

Todoroki walks over to us, his hands shoved into his pockets as if that damn half n half ever gets cold.

"What's it to you Icy--!"

Before I could finish, Kirishima was jumping in front of me and waving Todoroki off. "He's fine! I'm just going to take him to bed."

"Oh okay, is Mei alright?"

Why was everyone so concerned for her!?

I open my mouth to yell at him when Kirishima opens my door and practically shoves me inside.

"She's alright bro! You have a good night!" He shuts the door and turns to give me a questioning stare. "Dude, what happened?"

I let out a groan before sending my fist into the punching bag I had in my room. I had to hold back my quirk from wanting to send an explosion through my whole room.

"She's being fucking difficult!" I growl out, gripping the bag in anger.

"What do you mean?" He questions me further.

Taking a deep breath, I found myself flopping onto my bed. "I don't know. She's saying all these words and I don't know what she means but I think she broke up with me," I spat out, feeling more and more stupid. Kirishima was the only person I could vent to, and damn it he's going to get it all.

The red-haired boy walks over to me before flopping down onto the floor. "Well, what did she say? Did she say the words breaking up?"

Sitting forward, I rested my elbows against my knees as I slumped my head down. "She had a heat flash today and now she's all worried about when her heat comes. I tried to tell her that we need to wait—"

"Hold up!" Kirishima cuts me off. "Mei is an omega?" He questions me and I wanted to slap myself in the face.

"Yeah, she is, and don't go getting any alpha ideas shitty hair!" I growl deeply, my alpha possessiveness coming out.

Kirishima shakes his head, his eyes wide as he went deep into thought. "Wow, I would have never guessed. Dude, do you realize how amazing she is? She's top 10 in the class and yet she's been an omega this whole time. That's badass bro!" He began to ramble, and I found myself pushing my hands together to create a small explosion, sending the shock wave to blow his hair back.

"That's not the issue here!" I shout in annoyance. "When she turns 18, her heat is supposed to come. She wanted me to bond with her."

Kirishima's eyes glowed with jealousy. "What? That's so cool Bakugo! I bet you're excited for that," he chuckles.

I glare deeply at him. "Of course, I am! But I told her to wait till after graduation."

Kirishima's lighthearted face morphs into one of confusion. "You did what now? Isn't her birthday like four weeks before graduation?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "How do you know that?" I asked accusingly.

He rolls his eyes. "I've been friends with her for three years. I think I know when her birthday is," he replies sarcastically.

"Whatever," I waved dismissively. "Finals is the week after her birthday. If I'm stuck bonding with her for a week, I'll lose my chance to go up against Midoriya for the number 1 title."

"Are you still worried about that?" I heard him grumble under his breath and I shot him another threatening glare. He smiles sheepishly with his stupid sharp teeth. "I mean, Mei is an omega! That's a big deal! Do you know how rare they are around here nowadays? Dang man, I would kill at a chance to bond with an om---"

I launched my pillow into his face, making him shut up. I knew exactly how rare omegas were. And the day I found out Mei was one, it instantly made me want to get to know her more.

The day I saved her from getting hit with the truck wasn't the first time I saw her. No, I watched her secretly through my window as her family moved in next door. At first, it was to scout out who these people were, but when my eyes landed on her, something inside my heart began to feel funny.

She was sitting out in her backyard, playing by herself and jumping around. Her deep pink hair bounced with each twirl she did. At first glance, she looked to be a normal 13 year old girl. But as I observed her longer, I realized how unique she looked. She didn't have the same demeanor as the other girls at school, however, she wasn't too oddly different.

I watched her peddle down the street on that stupid bike. And I watched her recklessly try to save a turtle without paying attention to her surroundings. I was pissed at how stupid she was, putting herself in danger for the sake of others. It reminded me of Deku and it instantly pissed me off.

But looking into those golden eyes of hers, and seeing how despite being born into a life of submission, she wanted to be a hero.

The way her face lit up when I told her she could be a hero became my favorite thing in the whole world. I've never been a people pleaser, but for some reason, being able to encourage her to follow her dreams made me feel better inside than any fight I've won.

I made it my goal to get her into U.A. with me, even if it meant sacrificing my ego for a bit. My feelings for her grew more and more every day I saw her get back up after knocking her ass down. She never quit and she never stopped.

The day she kissed me, was the day I knew.

Mei Mitsudo was a fighter, and someone I could see spending the rest of my life with.

However, those were thoughts reserved for after we became Pro-Heroes.

Being in U.A. proved to be more challenging than I expected. I thought I would come in, dominate the field, and then leave in an easy three years. But my fantasy was cut short when the one person in my life I knew was better than me, came out with a quirk that I could never beat. A quirk that my biggest idol gave him.

After dealing with the league of villains and all the other challenges we faced, being a hero became more than just who could kick butt the most. Day after day, Deku grew stronger than me and my dream of being the number one hero was slowly fading.

"You can do it! You told me all those years that I can, and now I'm here telling you the same!" Her sweet voice echoes in my head.

Mei, why couldn't you see that I needed to do this? For you?

I knew keeping our relationship a secret would affect her. But we couldn't have weaknesses or distractions. If news got out that Bakugo has a girlfriend, she would become a huge target. Not only that, but I didn't want my relationship to be mixed with my school life. I didn't need that distraction, and neither did she.

But now as I sat here on my bed, her heartbroken cries echoing in my ears, I questioned if what I had been doing was the right thing.

"Look, it's not that I don't want to. I just know that this is something we've both been working for. I'm not the only one who's going to have to miss out on the finals. If she can just take a suppressant until after we graduate, then that will benefit both of us."

My best friend's eyebrows furrowed. "Dude, don't you realize how dangerous suppressants are? My aunt died from them after my uncle died."

I gave him a confused look. "Really?" I hadn't realized…

He lets out a snort and shakes his head. "It seems to me that you need to get your head out of your ass and see what's most important. Her concerns are legitimate, and you need to listen and consider her."

I knew the words he said were true, but it still made me upset.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed. I'm over all of this," I grumble before turning over and face planting into the bed.

"Get some rest bro, think about it and maybe you can talk to her tomorrow."

I didn't say anything as I heard him leave. All I could do was turn my head to look up at a small drawing I had placed over my desk. It was a poorly drawn picture of me, and frankly, it looked like some shouting goblin. But thinking back on when and who had drawn it, I fell asleep to the nice memories.

A small girl giggles beside me while we ate our lunch. It was the middle of the day, and school had just let out for lunch. At our table, my friends and Mei sat. She hardly touched her food, and she was busy scribbling away in her notebook.

Beside me, my friend, if you would call him that, elbowed me in the side. "So why is the new girl sitting with us?"

"Yeah, when did we become the welcoming committee?" My other friend snickers beside me.

I watched as her face faltered slightly, and a small blush spreads across her cheeks. "I already told you losers. She's my neighbor and I promised her mom I'd watch after her. If you have a problem, sit somewhere else!" I miffed at them.

They shook their heads and backed off. For the rest of lunch, I would steal glances at her. She continued to draw away, but this time, a small smile was placed on her lips.

Later that day, we began to walk home together. I decided to question her. "Why the heck was you so busy during lunch today? My friends thought you were weird."

She simply shrugs before digging in her bag and pulling out a piece of paper. "I drew this for you!"

I snatch the paper from her, looking down at it in confusion. "What the heck is this?" I scowled, looking down at the scribble monster.

She lets out a breathy laugh, "It's you silly!" She then points to the huge angry smile on the beast's face. "Every time you get angry, this is what you look like," she teases, giggling away.

I wanted to be offended, I wanted to get angry, but all I could do was break out into a huge smile. "come here you little brat!" I laugh and move to grab her.

She squeals and runs away, touching my backpack and making it extremely heavy. I grunt as I tried to refrain from falling. "No fair!" I shout after her before dropping my bag and running after her.

We chased each other for a few minutes before I finally grabbed her, bringing her into my arms and tickling her sides.

The smiling monster looks back at me as if taunting my emotions.

Tomorrow I'll make things right.