
Omega's Destiny

With the natural desire to help others, Mei Mitsudo aspires to be a pro-hero one day, despite society saying she couldn't. A chance encounter with her explosive neighbor sends her into an unexpected relationship. As the end of her third year approaches, strange things begin happening to her body; giving her a reminder of what she was born to be; an omega. With the rise in omega trafficking in Japan, Mei is put to the test to go against the odds, and become one of the most influential hero the world has ever seen. Can she do it? Or will three prowling alphas be her destiny? Why not both?

Alyne_Bean · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Being a third-year at U.A. meant being at the top of the school. It also meant you had eyes watching you everywhere you go. I was able to go three years without anyone finding out I was an omega; the aid of scent blockers helped tremendously, especially during the summertime. But as every day went by, I knew my time ignoring my sub-gender was going to come to an end.

Walking down to the common area, I stretched my limbs and yawned widely before fixing my school uniform. Sitting on the couch in a lazy posture, Katsuki had his eyes shut and his teeth clenching in annoyance. I snickered in amusement at seeing what was causing him such distress.

Eijiro Kirishima was a man who saw the world through wholesome eyes. I first met the redhead during our entrance exam and I was blown away at how enthusiastic and pure he was. Despite Katsuki's abrasive and harsh personality, the sturdy quirk user found a deep friendship with him; which in return meant he had a deep friendship with me. They had a bond that I would never understand; a brotherhood I believed every man should have. He was the only one who truly knew about us, and it wasn't because we told him.

No, Kirishima was very observant and tentative to his friends. Although he made it clear that it wasn't his place to tell, Katsuki and I never worried about our secret with him.

"Yeah dude, you missed all the fun! We had a whole beach party and everything. I told you, you should have come!" Kirishima boasted beside him, his loud voice was the cause of Katsuki's displeased face.

"I told you I was busy," my boyfriend grumbles lowly.

Kirishima suddenly glances at me, a knowing look on his face. "Oh I bet you were," he teases, causing Katsuki's eyes to snap open and look over at me. I watched as his eyes soften slightly before he sent an elbow into Krishima's side.

"OOF!" Kirishima grunts, not hardening his skin in time for the blow.

"Shut the hell up shitty hair!" He growls at him before our other classmates began to gather.

Class 3-A. There were 21 of us, and we've all been through hell and back together. The dynamics of our class consisted of alphas and betas, however, I was the only one who was an omega, but none of my classmates ever questioned me. After going through the trauma of the league of villains, you tend to grow closer.

The alphas of the class were, of course, Katsuki Bakugo, Ejiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, Fumikage Tokoyami, Momo Yaoyrorozu, and lastly; Shoto Todoroki.

Upon thinking about him, the binary hair-colored boy steps down the stairs. He was a very handsome alpha with a powerful quirk. It was hard not to find him attractive in some way, especially with the mysterious scar over his eye. Katsuki and he were never close in friendship, however, they made a very good fighting team.

Beside him, Izuku Midoriya chatted lightheartedly. The green-haired boy was at the top of our class, competing with Katsuki for for the number 1 title. His quirk was powerful, and something he got from the beloved All Might. Katsuki had told me about the exchange, and I vowed to take that secret to my grave. Izuku was a hero at heart, and I always felt bad every time Katsuki would bully him in middle school. Regardless of our strained childhood, Izuku was always kind to me and even saved me a few times.

The rest of my classmates were betas, and I became good friends with Mina Ashido, the other lady in the Bakusquad. She had an optimistic, upbeat, and caring personality but was also a fierce fighter.

You knew when Mina walked into the room as her bright smile lit up everyone around her.

"GOOOOD MORNING!!!" I heard a cheerful voice chirp beside me before feeling two arms wrap around me.

Speaking of the pink queen.

"Hey," I say warmly as I turn to see her pink frow bounce.

"Where were you all weekend? We had a beach party!" She says with a hint of sadness.

I stole another glance at Bakugo who was watching me carefully. "I just wanted to stay in," I tried to explain. "Last week's training really kicked my ass!"

Mina shook her head while laughing. "Girl you could have relaxed at the beach! There were so many cute boys!"

I couldn't help but snicker at the thought of what Katsuki would do if I was surrounded by a bunch of cute boys. Just as the thought ran through my head, Katsuki was jumping off the couch and making his way over to us.

"Oi! Pinky! We got a quiz today. While you all were busy partying it up, Mei and I were studying!"

Kirishima joins us, throwing an arm over the both of us. "Relax guys! The quiz is only worth 10 points!"

Katsuki rolls his eyes. "No idiot, this quiz is the first part of the final exam! Don't you pay attention!?"

With that statement, both Mina and Kirishima's eyes grow wide with panic. "WHAT!?" They both shout before giving each other distraught looks.

"Oh no! I'm already barely passing!" Mina begins to freak out.

"Man, I knew I should have studied," Kirishima whines.

They began to rush off to get last-minute studying while both Katsuki and I laughed after them. It was so hard not to reach out and touch him, especially when seeing the way his face lit up in amusement.

He must have felt me staring at his handsome face for his red eyes flashed down to mine. I couldn't help but break out into a smile. "How did you sleep?" I ask him.

Katsuki's cheeks began to turn red at how close I was standing to him and it took everything in me to not lean up and kiss him. He must have noticed the tension between us for he lets out a sigh and steps away, causing me to frown. "Fine, let's get to class."

He begins to walk away, leaving me behind. Following him, I felt my heart clench. This was so unfair!

Izuku and Shoto pass me, giving me a look of concern. "You okay Mitsudo?" Izuku asks me and I snap out of my thoughts.

Giving him a reassuring smile, I wave at them. "Oh yes, I'm fine!" I say sheepishly, hoping they wouldn't question me further. Izuku nods in acceptance, but Shoto continues to stare at me as if trying to read my mind.

"Are you sure you are okay? Are you worried about the quiz?" His cool and smooth voice asks, and I always compared it to a small breeze of wind that blew through a windchime.

"No, I'm not too worried. Honestly, I'm fine!" I tried to assure him again. Even though I was not fine.

"Well alright then," Shoto says finally before walking away with Izuku.

Sighing deeply, I follow after them, walking alone.

Mr. Aizawa was still teaching despite the injuries he sustained during our first year. He was also still as sleepy and tired as ever. Walking into the classroom, I saw our teacher curled up in the corner, hiding away in his sleeping bag while we made it to our seats.

I sat between Izuku and Katsuki, Kirishima to my right. I gazed over at my red-headed friend who looked to be speed studying. I giggle and shake my head before feeling someone tap my shoulder.

Turning to look at Izuku, I give him a smile. "Hey Deku, what's up?"

"Hey, Mei, I wanted to ask you. Are you busy tomorrow night?"

I lifted an eyebrow in question. "Not really, why?"

"A bunch of us were going to go sign up for our hero portraits. Want to come?"

I thought for a moment. Katsuki and I had planned to go later this week together, but we never set the plans in stone. This was one of the first times I had been invited out without it being dragged along by Mina or Katsuki. Our time here at U.A. was coming to an end, maybe I need to spend more time with others.

"Sure, I'll come," I reply finally and I noticed Bakugo's shoulder tense up.

"Sweet! We're meeting outside the dorms at 5 pm!"

"Sounds good--"

"Shut up you damn nerds!" Bakugo growls out, causing both of us to shut up.

"Enough talking, let's get this over with," the sleepy voice of Mr. Aizawa says as he unzips his bag and stands up to the class. "This quiz is worth half of your final grade. I hope you all studied," he says tightly and I swore I saw both Mina and Kirishima tremble.

"Right, let's begin the quiz."

The hand on the clock ticks by in a steady rhythm. The whole class of 3-A focused on the quiz at hand. Meanwhile, I started to feel uncomfortable.

It started in my toes, creeping up my body as if it was slowly overcoming a fever. Swallowing tightly, I pulled at the collar of my school uniform, hoping to get some air into my flustered chest.

I stare down at the quiz and the words begin to get blurry. What's wrong with me!? I ask myself as my heart rate begins to pick up and sweat starts to drip down my forehead. My hands grip the desk to steady myself as my stomach begins to twist in knots.

The classroom around me began to spin as I tried to get ahold of myself. It felt as though my body was going to melt in a puddle.

"M-M-Mr. Aiza--" I couldn't finish my statement before I was tumbling out of my seat. Before I could hit the floor, I felt my body being caught. Looking up, I saw Deku in my blurry vision had looked down at me in worried.

The voices of my worried classmates began to morph into a roar and the last thing I remembered was seeing Katsuki's furious face replacing Izuku's.


The feeling of a cool wash cloth pressing to my forehead aroused me from my unconscious state. My eyes open to see my mother's face smiling down at me.

Her soft golden eyes and deep purple hair were a welcoming sight. "Oh honey," my mother cooed, leaning forward to wrap her arms around me. "We were worried about you."

"W-we?" I ask before seeing my father's face come into view.

"Hey Kiddo, U.A. had called us to come in, I'm glad you're alright," My dad says as he reaches down to rub my arm.

"What happened?" I question as I tried to sit up.

The worried glances my parents exchanged did not go unnoticed and I give them a questioning look. "What?"

My mother grabs my hand and I stare at her. "You had a heat flash sweetie," she explains, but it only made me more confused.

"My heat? I thought that wasn't until I was 18?" I ask.

My dad clears his throat before excusing himself out of the room. My mother rubs my hand. "Heat flashes are your body's way of preparing for what's to come. You're just a few months away from turning 18, and I think it's time to start looking for a mate."

Looking for a mate? "It seems so soon, I'm about to graduate! Can it wait till after?"

My mother shakes her head. "When your heat comes, you'll need an alpha. Otherwise, you'll either have to be drugged up or be in intense pain. And it's known that omegas can die during their first heat."

"Die!?" I shout. How can we live in a superhuman world, and omegas are still dying from their heat.

"Have you talked to Katuski?" My mother questions, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I didn't know what to say. Talk to Katsuki about what?

"Honey, he's your boyfriend. I would assume he would be your first choice," she says with concern.

Nodding slowly, the realization hit me like a bowling ball. The constant reminder of my vulnerability was an overwhelming feeling. I needed to speak to Katsuki, I needed to know that he would be there when I needed him. This idea of us being a secret cannot go on anymore. Because what will happen the day my heat comes? Will he help me? Or will he turn his back on me? What is someone else takes advantage of me?

I needed to know now, even if my heart would disagree.

After Recovery Girl cleared me to leave, my parents walked me to my dorm room. The sun was setting in the distance, sending the sky in colorful rays of orange, red, and yellow.

I stared up at the sky, trying to clear my mind before facing him.

"We are here for you always Mei," My mom says lovingly, bringing me into a deep embrace.

"Listen, kiddo, if that Bakugo kid is not who you want, I'm sure there are other alphas around who are worthy," My dad says as he hugs me. I couldn't help but snort, he was never fond of my potty-mouth boyfriend.

Even though what he said stung my heart, if Katsuki did not want to bond with me before graduation, I just might have to consider other options.