
Omega's Destiny

With the natural desire to help others, Mei Mitsudo aspires to be a pro-hero one day, despite society saying she couldn't. A chance encounter with her explosive neighbor sends her into an unexpected relationship. As the end of her third year approaches, strange things begin happening to her body; giving her a reminder of what she was born to be; an omega. With the rise in omega trafficking in Japan, Mei is put to the test to go against the odds, and become one of the most influential hero the world has ever seen. Can she do it? Or will three prowling alphas be her destiny? Why not both?

Alyne_Bean · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


The world was a lot bigger than the stories my father told me when I was small. Being born an omega meant I would face the normal challenges that people endure, however, I would have to work just a little harder. It meant I would have to conform to how society perceived my sub-gender, and eventually it would mean revolving my life around my alpha.

As a young girl, the idea of being bound to someone wasn't as appealing as the books told me. I had dreams and ambitions to one day stand on top of the world and have people see me as who I was as a person, and not what I was born to do.

What did I want to do?

As an omega, we were expected to stay home; cook and clean and care for the family. Some got part-time jobs, but those who had found a mate normally stayed home where it was safe. I didn't want that. I didn't want to be confined in the walls of a house, even if it was to be with my family.

With the unexplainable phenomenon of quirks that reside in our world, it seemed like an endless amount of possibilities. My quirk; density, manifested when I was only three years old. It happened when I wanted to lift the couch to retrieve my favorite toy. The look on my parent's faces when I lifted the couch above my head as if its weight was like a feather, was something I would never forget.

I would never forget that empowering feeling that flowed through my veins, even though I was only a toddler.

Seeing the Pro-Hero, All Might, save hundreds of people, and defend our country from villains made me gawk in awe and cheer at the TV.

To be a hero…

My face would slowly begin to drop as I realized how unrealistic it would be for me to become a hero. No one would want me at their agency, and no one would believe an omega could save them.

When I turn 18, I will be forced to find an alpha and give up every dream that enters my mind. I will never be happy, and I will never feel as though my life holds a higher purpose.

That was until I met him.

Ring! RIng!

The bell on my bike rang out as I flew past a couple walking their dog. I gave them a bright smile and waved a thank you as they stepped out of my way. It took 365 days to convince my parents to buy a bike for my 13th birthday, and now that I had one, I was riding it everywhere.

Although my parents warned me to be careful--being an omega was dangerous, they still allowed me to ride around our new neighborhood. We had just moved in a few weeks ago, and I explored the roads and streets.

As the road came to a curve, I saw my new house ahead. It was starting to get late so I knew my parents were going to expect me home. Peddling on, I enjoyed the last few minutes of fresh air blowing through my magenta hair.

Just as I was about to pull up to my house, I noticed a small turtle crossing the road. I skidded to a halt, turning to look at the poor animal who was slowly making its way through the dangerous road.

"Poor little guy, here let me help you," I say cheerfully, riding up to him and leaning down to lift him.

He retreated into his shell and I giggled as I admired him. "Don't worry cutie, I'll get you to safety," I tell him but before I could adjust myself on the bike, I heard the roaring of a large vehicle behind me.

It was as if time was moving in slow motion. My eyes grew big as I turned to see the giant commercial tuck flying toward me. They were speeding, and it looked as though the driver was distracted. I couldn't move, my body froze at the impending danger.

Come on body! Move!

I clutched the turtle tightly in my hands, trying to jump off my bike. My pants caught the bike chain and I was tumbling to the ground.

Oh no! I don't want to die!

The truck was almost to me, it was going to hit me!

A flash of blond hair came into focus in my peripheral vision, and before I knew it, a hand gripped my shoulder and with a mighty pull, both me, the turtle, and my bike were pulled out of the way just as the large tires drove by.

"SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! You stupid idiot!!!!" A raspy voice shouts angrily.

My heart raced in my ears as I lay against the chest of a person. My body slowly began to reconnect as I turned to see who my savior was.

Furious red eyes glared at the truck driver before they flashed down to me. "And what the hell were you doing!? You would have gotten killed if I hadn't been there. Over a damn turtle? Fucking dumbass," he grunts out before nearly pushing me off of him.

I dropped to the ground, stunned and nearly speechless at the events that had just taken place. "I-I what?" I stuttered pathetically, looking at the young boy who looked to be my age.

"What was that? Usually, this is where you say 'thank you," He smirks, brushing the dust off of him.

Jumping up to my feet, I suddenly felt very shy under this cute boy's gaze. A small blush made its way to my face and I looked away. The omega within me made me feel timid under this stranger's judgmental stare.

"Ye-yeah, thank you for saving me. I'm sorry I wasn't careful," I finally manage to say, stealing a glance at him through my hair.

His ruby eyes stared back at me curiously and I waited for more backlash from him. Normally I would feel defensive if someone called me such a name, but he did save my life, and I did put myself in danger.

"Don't apologize to me, it was your life on the line!" He replies sarcastically, causing me to frown.

"But you could have gotten hurt trying to save me," I pointed out, rubbing my arm.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Meh, I'm going to be the number 1 hero one day. I'm not afraid of a stupid truck!"

My eyes lit up at his words. "Hero?"

The boy looks back at me with the same curious eyes. "Yeah? What about it? Don't think I can do it!?" His voice was beginning to rise and I shook my head quickly.

"N-no that's not it! I---" I paused for a moment, feeling embarrassed about what I was about to say. "I want to be a hero too, n-not the number 1, but just a small-time hero at least." I had never admitted that to anyone in my life, but here I was spilling it out to this strange boy.

He looked me up and down and I waited for the smart remark, the witty joke, or even the judgemental comment.

"You want to be a hero?" He asks, but there was no criticism in his tone.

The turtle began to wiggle in my hand and I realized that I was still holding him. Before responding, I turned to walk the turtle towards the brush, leaning down to let him go. "Bye little guy, stay away from the roads from now on!"

I could feel the eyes of the boy burn into the back of my head, and part of me wished I could crawl away with Mr. Turtle to avoid this next interaction. But I needed to stop, I needed to defend myself.

"Yeah I want to be a hero," I say tightly, turning to him and crossing my arms. "I know I'm an omega, and I know it's going to be hard, b-but one day I'll try and-and I will do it!" I push the words out, slowly growing more confident in my voice.

The blond boy raises an eyebrow. "You're an omega? Tch, it makes sense now."

There it was, I knew he was going to judge me.

"It makes sense as to why you're such a stuttering mess around me," he continues, his lips pulling up into a sly smirk. He crosses his arms as he speaks. "I'm an alpha, so it's only natural to be nervous around one."

My eyes widened and I took a step back. "Alpha?" My parents always told me to be careful around them.

He saw my hesitation and frowned. "But don't worry, there's no reason to be scared of me. I have no interest in tormenting little omegas," he says reassuringly but I still didn't believe him.

"I-I think I should probably get home now. My parents are probably worried," I say to him before picking up my bike and walking it past him.

"Hey wait for a second, are you living in that house?" He asks before pointing to the small structure.

I nod, not sure if I should tell this strange boy where I lived.

"Ah, so you must be our new neighbors," he claims before walking next to me. "I thought I recognized that pink hair of yours."

"We're neighbors?" I say out loud, blushing deeply.

The boy nods before pointing to a larger house next to mine. "That's me!"

I took his words in and wanted to bury myself in a hole. Great, my new neighbor now knew how pathetic I was. I didn't say anything as I tried to walk away from him. But he snagged my bike to stop me.

"Also, if you want to be a hero then be a damn hero. As long as you got a badass quirk then you can do whatever you want. Just know I'll be better," he boasts and you couldn't help but grin at how cocky yet supportive he was.

"Thanks," I breathed out, my lips spreading open into a wide smile. "I mean it though. Thank you again for saving me," I repeat and watch in wonder as his face morphs into one of surprise and then a faint blush begins to form on his cheeks.

"Huh, yeah, whatever," he says shyly before turning away.

I stared at this boy with a million questions running through my head. How strange was he? One minute he's calling me a dumbass and the next he's telling me I can achieve my dreams. As if the wind sensed my feelings, a gust of air seemed to push me slightly towards him, causing him to turn and catch me just in time.

We stare into each other's eyes, my bright golden ones clashing against his fiery reds.

"I-I'm Mei Mitsudo, by the way," I managed to say as I remained leaning slightly against him.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo," he finally introduces, his flushed face growing deeper.

Katsuki Bakugo, my new neighbor, changed my life from that day on. Who knew that small interaction would turn into a lifetime of love, angst, passion, and happiness.


"Mei?" A deep voice rumbles gently in my ear. The beautiful dream of the memory began to slowly evaporate as the voice grew louder. "Mei, it's getting late."

A soft pair of lips press against the side of my face while rough hands run up my side. Coming out of my slumber, I was pulled to a hard chest and strong arms wrapped around me. The feeling of warmth and protection surrounded me in a comfortable embrace, making the omega in me purr with appreciation.

"Five more minutes," I groaned, not wanting to give up such a comfortable position.

"We have class in the morning," Katsuki murmurs against my skin and I sigh at the feeling of his warm breath overwashing me.

"Fine, but I know you'll miss me," I grumbled as I pushed myself up to look at him.

The young boy from my dreams had turned into a sturdy and handsome man. At the ripe age of 17, Katuski Bakugo grew into a slightly stronger jaw, toned muscles, and sharp features that would make any omega swoon into jelly. Not only was he fortunate in good looks, but he was a powerful fighter and an even smarter and tactful hero. The last three years spent at U.A. had proven to be challenging, but now Katuski was on his way to ranking number 1 graduating student.

As for me, with Katuski by my side, I was able to enter into U.A. and train alongside him and our classmate in 3-A. He taught me to never allow my sub-gender to be the reason I quit being a hero. Ever since then, I couldn't help but fall in love with the atomic bombshell.

Our relationship started right before we entered U.A. All summer we trained together till I was able to pass the entrance exam. When I got that note from U.A, I ran straight over to his house, jumped into his arms, and kissed him for the first time.

To my surprise, my explosive and hard-headed best friend kissed me back, from then on we've been a couple.

A hand brushes against my face, bringing me deep out of my thoughts. Those ruby-red eyes stare down at me in what I could only assume was in wonder.

"What are you thinking so hard about in that pretty little head of yours?" His deep masculine voice asks me. The alpha tone was still immature, but it sent shivers down my spine.

"Just about the first time we met," I replied smoothly, rubbing my finger across the fabric of his muscle shirt.

A blond eyebrow lifts as he stares at me. "You mean the time you were willing to risk your life for a stupid turtle?" He said mockingly and I gave a pout.

"Do I need to remind you that I scored 80 rescue points on our provisional license exam? It's in my nature!" I shot back playfully.

He rolled those gorgeous eyes of his before sitting up. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Anyway, we need pros like you saving all the dumb civilians while I killed the bad guy!"

My mouth dropped open as I faked being offended. "Hey now! I can fight too!"

Katsuki's mouth drops down into a frown. "Over my dead body!" He scowls, pulling me up to straddle his lap. "Wherever we go after graduation, I'll be sure to be by your side, so you'll never have to fight stupid assholes."

A smile pulled at the corners of my mouth at the image of life after graduation with Katsuki. It was no secret that when I turned 18, my heat was going to come and I was going to need an alpha to help me. But I didn't want to worry about that now.

Realizing that it was indeed getting late, I moved off of Katsuki to jump off his bed. However, a hand stops and pulls me back; a pair of lips colliding with mine in a deep and passionate kiss. My boyfriend pulls back with a smooch, his lips smirking as he stares down at me.

"Don't think you get to leave without kissing me," He says heatedly as he pulls away.

His words ignited feelings within me that grew more and more every day. When I was little I told myself I wasn't going to be alpha whipped, but for Katsuki I would do anything.

He made me feel like an equal while also protecting and showering me with affection. The Katsuki I got while we were alone, was nowhere near the same as the Bakugo my classmates knew.

Bringing my hand up, I caressed his handsome face and he leaned into my touch. We stared at each other, the lustful tension between us thick. I snapped back into reality and stood to my feet. "

"We have that quiz, so let's hope you've studied," I giggle.

"Me?! I'm going to ace that test. You are the one who likes to procrastinate," he smirks at me, standing to walk me to his door.

"You may be right, but I got this far," I tease back.

Before he opens the door, his hands come up to cup my face. His eyes were glazed over as he brought his lips down to mine. He kissed me so tenderly, it was almost like he was scared he was going to break me. "Get some rest, I'll see you in the morning."

Katsuki's words warmed my heart and they made me appreciate how pure our relationship was. To anyone looking in, we were the perfect couple; so full of love and affection.

However, there was one little problem.

"I'll check to make sure the coast is clear," he murmurs before opening his dorm room door and peeking out.

Our relationship was a secret.

Why you might ask, was our long-standing relationship such a secret? It was not my idea, but I understood why he felt as though our feelings needed to stay hidden from our classmates and teachers.

It was the same reason I kept my secret of being an omega.


In the pro-hero world, it was hard to have a weakness. It meant your enemies knew how to hurt you, and it put your loved ones at risk. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend just wasn't a priority in this profession. For Katsuki, being the number 1 hero was his ultimate goal. Having a distraction or a weakness that can be targeted, will only hinder him. And as he stated many times in the past, he needed to be the best.

It hurt, I had to admit. Sometimes it felt as though he didn't view me strong enough to hold my own by his side. It made me question whether or not he had plans to become my alpha when my heat came.

But anytime I thought about such things, it made my stomach twist in knots and my heart clench in agony. So I pushed them away and appreciated the small moments I could get with him. Like today, we spent the whole Sunday evening together while our classmates were slowly returning from spending the weekend at home. We tried to take advantage of the privacy when we could.

Giving him one last smile, I snuck out into the hallway and made my way to the stairs. As soon as his dorm room door closed, my smile vanished and I sighed sadly. One day we will be able to be together without worry or shame. One day he will proudly show me off and I'll never feel another ounce of doubt. I'll wear his mark proudly and prove to everyone that Katsuki Bakugo was the love of my life.

Welcome to my story. You're in for a roller coaster! Please let me know what you think, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Alyne_Beancreators' thoughts