

For her entire life, Celestia suffered through misfortune after misfortune, thanks to the demon, Zerro, who tricked her into creating a contract with. When Han, a new student transfers to her school, he makes it his mission to help lift away her suffering. Will he succeed or will Zerro stop him from doing so?

KHRIKY · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

Hearing the school bell that indicated the end of another school day, Celestia stretched her arms and legs after getting out of her seat. She trailed out the room, dodging a hand from the student who attempted to shove her to entertain him and his fellow friends.

The way people would act sometimes to make another laugh even if it hurt someone,

It disgusted her.

She gripped onto the handle of her bag and escaped from the mockery the students sent in her direction with her head hanging low as she refused to look anyone in the eye.


Walking out of the two doors, Celestia witnessed Zerro teleport by her side. His pupils were thin indicating a threat was near by and her body grew tense.

"Go behind the school building." The blacked haired girl's expression hardened and she sent him a nod before sprinting towards the desired location.

Her eyes landed on a pair of filthy demons who sniffed the air to find the source of energy they seemed to have discovered in this area.

When Celestia had first seen the sight of demons, she was merely the age of seven and she obviously had been too afraid to fight back when Zerro ordered her too, almost ending life her life in the process. Zerro didn't intend for that to occur and sliced the demons in half with ease before he proceeded to harshly scold the girl for being weak. As she grew older, she adjusted the demons strength and was able to defeat them on her own but it still didn't answer the fact as to why these demons were randomly appearing. When Celestia had the courage to ask, all she was told was that his presence in the human world had helped weaker demons to slip through both worlds. The demon relmn and the human world.

"Make sure to end it quick." Zerro ordered.

Celestia glanced back at Zerro to give her response but he had already disappeared from the scene, leaving her with the evil beings.

They trembled in excitement as they soon realised the energy was coming from Celestia herself.

Taking a deep breath, Celestia closed her eyes as she brought her hands up. She slammed her hands together, both palms meeting and a light spilt out of the tiny gap between them. She soon parted them in a slow manner as it revealed a sword that came out of the palm of her right hand. The sword tattoo she once had on the inside of her hand was now gone.

Gripping onto the hilt of the sword, she vanished and appeared in front of them, instantly piercing the blade through one of the demons heart. Pulling it out, her attention moved onto the next who began to fear her but she froze in place when she was abruptly called.


Peering back, her eyes expanded in astonishment at the view of Han who ran towards her and stretched out a hand to grab her wrist. Her sword glowed as a pale blue barrier surrounded her while an exact replica covered him but what surprised her the most was that he was holding another copy of her sword.

"How?" Her words came out in a whisper, too shocked to be able to speak properly.

He looked in her direction for a second as a grin painted his lips before he focused back on the enemy once again.

"The contract between us."

Contract? But she didn't remember ever making a contract and even if she did, she would have-

"I'll talk about that later! Let's finish this creep off and then I'll explain everything." Han caused the shorter girl to come out of her thoughts.

Nodding, Celestia raised her sword at the same time as Han and they both whizzed towards the demon in a criss cross motion to confuse it. Swiping her sword to her right, she managed to slice off its legs while Han easily pierced its heart. The demon let out a shriek of pain, the horrid sound dying away as it's body disintergrated into ash. The shield and sword vanished, along with Han's and Celestia stepped towards the male, the stoic mask she wore over her face cracking slightly as it revealed the concern in her eyes.

"I never did-" She attempted to speak up but he cut her off.

"When we met, did you feel your tattoo warm up?"

Giving a small nod as she remembered their first time meeting, Han then straightened up his posture as he suddenly lifted his shirt up. Startled by the sudden exposure of his toned stomach, Celestia looked elsewhere in an awkward manner.

"Look here."

Shaking her head, Han snickered, finding her reaction to his actions cute.

"Don't be shy. I just wanted to show my tattoo." This peaked her interest and she decided to ignore his revealed skin to look at his marking on his hip.

She blinked at the shape of it.

It reminded her of a paper windmill.

"This is a tattoo that only members of my angel clan have. My clan is called Protegir." He revealed with a smile before he covered his toned stomach and waited for her response.

"Doesn't that mean protect in Catalan?" Celestia questioned as she recalled having seen the word in one of her language classes.

Han was taken aback by the news, his face making a look of disbelief.

"Humans have used our clan name as a word?" Receiving a nod from the other, Han's expression changed and she could tell he had become proud.

"I have to tell mom when I get home," She noted his thrilled tone and couldn't help but lift a brow.

She cleared her throat to catch his attention and Han went back to business.

"My tattoo reacted in the same way which meant that the contract between us was automatically made. You and I are now partners!" He celebrated but Celestia didn't join in.

She couldn't accept the truth because of one fact that was now haunting her.

'I'm supposed to be dead.' That was her first thought as she remembered what Zerro told her briefly in the past.

'Two contracts will kill you.'

How the heck was she still alive then? The thought inwardly freaked her out but she didn't let it slip onto her face. Spinning to face the opposite way, she attempted to leave the scene in silence but Han's eyes caught her retreating figure.

"Don't just leave me like that! That's mean." He puffed his cheeks in a childish manner but Celestia took no notice to it.

He called out her name in a whiny manner while going after her but when she turned the corner, he no longer felt her presence.

"Damn…" He sighed and soon walked away but in the opposite direction.

The presence of Zerro was seen once more and the angry expression on his face revealed he had heard their entire conversation and it upset him greatly.

When he meets up with Celestia again later...

Just the thought made his anger boil and he used his teleportation to leave the area he stood on, his scowl not leaving from his face.


Celestia winced as she felt Zerro tug her hair harshly. She laid down on the ground in a beaten state and remained silent by biting her lower lip which had grown swollen at this point due to how harsh her bite was.

"You stupid brat! How dare you make a contract with that pathetic angel."

"I-It was done without me knowing," She reasoned but Zerro refused to listen to her excuses.

"If you end up dying then my plans will be ruined."

She didn't care for his plans.

She just wished to be out of it. Now that Han had appeared in her life, maybe there was a chance that she could get rid of Zerro and live a normal life like how others do.

She would have brightened up over the thought but the injuries she gained from the demon had caused her to cough up blood. Zerro released her dark locks and threaded over to her door to leave. As soon as the door was shut behind him, he closed his eyes, recalling the image of the angel he had began to despise. As soon as he conjured a good picture of him, he used his teleportation to find his location.

He took in his new surroundings before looking up at the large building in front of him. It was a run down apartment building and from what Zerro could sense, that angel was on the top floor. He concentrated his power and emerged into the right apartment, his red eyes settling onto the figure who was sleeping soundly on his bed.

Zerro needed to kill him. He had to. Otherwise, his plan would go into ruins and he was getting closer to achieving his revenge.

His breathing grew erratic as he inched further towards Han with the intent of murdering him, his face holding a crazed look. He chose to use his sharpened nails to pierce the male's body but what he recieved instead was a blue barrier resulting in his nails burning.

"You know you shouldn't have done that."

Han was perfectly awake as he got out of his bed and walked towards Zerro with confidence. The demon hated the fact that he had to take a step back each time to keep a distance between them since it was a sign of him acting weak.

"Why did you hide away at that time?"

He was referring to the time when Han and Celestia fought together while he made his presence invisible.

"How the hell did you-" Zerro had realised what the other was uttering about and tried to question him.

"I'm not stupid. I've fought demons all my life and I can sense any type, even when they are hiding." Han mentioned, taking another step forward.

Zerro's back bumped into the wall and he cursed under his breath, frustrated that he had put himself in this position.

"If you think you can harm my friend then you have no chance. I can kill you easily with my barrier."

The barrier was so close to him. Any further and it would incinerate his body and form into a pile of ash.

He had no choice. He had to escape.

Just the thought made his anger levels rise to a boiling point but he pushed away his pride and escaped.


Zerro appeared back in the only forest of the town and slammed his fist continously, giving the big piece of a bark a few kicks to let out his fury.

"I'm going to kill him…" He gritted his teeth, his pupils slimming as his irises glowed a darker shade of crimson.


Celestia was currently making her to school since the next day had begun and she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder.


She paused in her footsteps, and turned her body slightly to look back. Zerro took a few steps towards her, his expression neutral and for a second, Celestia felt worry.

"I'm leaving for a while."

The news was unexpected and it could be seen through her eyes as a flash of surprise gleamed in them for a second too long.

"Do the usual while I'm gone and also, don't reveal our contract to that angel." He ordered and Celestia hesitated for a moment, wondering as to what the reason was for his order but she soon nodded, deciding to follow what he wanted.

They then turned their backs towards each, following their own paths without uttering another word.

Unfortunately, Celestia missed the cruel smile that painted Zerro's lips as he walked on to his desired location.