
Ohh Sh*t, I'm in Marvel

You can support me on patreon.com/Adam001 ~~~~~~~ Jason, a simple teenage boy who was living his uneventful life peacefully but then one day his life took a turn for better (or maybe worse?) and he was reincarnated in marvel. But can a fanfic ever be completed without some twists, no right? well you're right. so sit down and join Jason on his journey as he is in for some big surprises. You guys can support me on patreon.com/Adam001 where you can find 12 extra chapters of this fic and chapters of a DxD fic ahead of schedule(25 chapters on 29-dec and 1 chapter is being updated daily)and there will be going to be many more things which are going to come. this is a Chinese translation I do not own anything, every thing belongs to their original owners.

Adam001 · Movies
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110 Chs

chapter46: Title?

Jason touched the bridge of his nose in embarrassment.

After containing SCP-096, his physical fitness has improved a lot. This sudden surge of strength is usually good for him but once he gets emotional or hyperactive, he will exert too much force.

"Yes! You should teach me some fighting skills." Jason nodded and accepted Black widow's offer.

Although after a certain level of strength, the punches and kicks of fighting skills will be useless, but he is not strong enough to ignore the fighting skills for now.

Some fighting skills are still very necessary for him.

While getting dressed, Jason ordered "By the way, call Skye too!"

He plans to nurture Skye as the core backbone of the foundation. After all, Skye is not the kind of person who will betray you and her perspective of seeing things in general is also relatively positive. Coupled with her strong future strength, she does have potential for development.

For value alone, Skye is a few blocks away from Phil Coulson.

After the three of them finished breakfast, they entered the training room in the basement of the villa together.

The old butler looked at the backs of the three with relief.

"Young master is finally enlightened! For some time, I even had thoughts of finding some feminine boys for him…."


In the training room, Natasha, who had put on an instructor uniform, stood in front of the two and said "First of all, we'll talk about you, president. Your physical fitness is far beyond that of a normal human being, so what you need to do now is to calm down your mind and control your own power."

"So I will teach you some Tai Chi, which will help you better master your own strength."

[A/N:Now I know that some people will say that it is too much Chinese shit, why is she teaching him tai-chi and all that, well tbh, I also thought that and had an idea of replacing tai-chi with some other martial arts, but then I thought "why don't I see what tai-chi is for" and when I googled it, i read that tai-chi more than martial arts is a exercise to ingrain a gentleness in your moves, it's more of connecting body and mind so that you can easily control your strength, so I refrained from editing it after reading this.]

Jason was speechless, a blond and blue-eyed agent said that she would teach him this pure Chinese Tai Chi.

Jason in his heart said that this is somewhat conflicting.

Jasong looked at Black widow strangely and questioned, "Are you sure you know Tai-chi?"

Faced with doubts, and that also involving her profession, Natasha just smiled slightly and said "I'm proficient in most of the known fighting skills in the world. Although Tai Chi focuses on stress management, some of the skills in it can also be used for fighting, so I know Tai Chi, isn't it normal?"

"Well, you are the instructor, you have the final say!" Jason raised his hands in surrender after hearing this.

Seeing Jason admit defeat, Natasha felt a bit happy in her heart.

This is the first time she has suppressed him head-on, this moment is definitely worth remembering for sure.

After finishing with Jason, Natasha turned her attention to Skye next to her and said "Skye, follow me to exercise first, we will improve your physical fitness first, and then start with fighting skills."


In this way, accompanied by two beauties, Jason rested for three days. Well,It's not a complete rest, after all, Jason has been focusing on controlling his skyrocketing power for the past three days.

After three days, Jason has also made great progress. The most obvious point is that Black widow finally fully relaxed with him in the bed.

"fame value, I haven't touched it for three days!" Lying on the sofa, Jason stared blankly at the ceiling.

Jason felt that if he was idle, even for a bit, he would die from boredom.

Now he has more than 800,000 fame Points, but he still needs more than 200,000 fame Points to summon the SCP-662- Butler Bell.

Jason really wanted to let SCP-096 out and continue to give himself the legend value, but SCP-096 has been contained, and if he goes out to make trouble, it will be equivalent to slapping himself in the face.

After thinking for a while, Jason decided to test this world's luck again.

If he has bad luck and really summons an existence that can destroy the world, then he can only blame the world for bad luck.

With this thought in mind, Jason said silently in his heart "System, make two random summons."

[Ding~Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning - SCP-458-Infinite Pizza Box! The host is requested to contain it as soon as possible. ]

[Ding~ Item-457- Burning man! The host is requested to contain it as soon as possible! ]

After hearing that the number was not the number of those destructive existences in his mind, Jason breathed a sigh of relief.

"457 and 458?These numbers are really close!"

"I remember that SCP-457 Burning man has a nickname called little fireman? The nickname is similar to the name of Little Peanut(the sculpture), so it shouldn't be too dangerous, right?" Jason narrowed his eyes and thought.

The Foundation's collection of SCPs is close to 10,000. Apart from those that are particularly famous and strong, Jason has also recorded a few particularly interesting ones.

The others cannot be said to be completely unimpressive, only that they are not impressed.

For example, this time the SCP-457- Burning man.

He didn't know the details about it at all.

If Jason knew all the information about SCP-457- Balrog, it would be impossible for him to say that Little Fireman and Little Peanut are similar.

Jason has a better understanding of SCP-458-Infinite Pizza Box than SCP-457- Balrog.

After all, this is one of the few SCP items that are completely safe from danger.

SCP-458-Infinity Pizza Box is just like its name suggests, it's a pizza box that serves unlimited pizza, other than that, there's nothing special about it.



.suggest me some dxd fanfics guys(no rias bashing please)

Stone and P@treon guys.... Let's goooo