
Oh yeah i am Sokka

A man without much luck in life dies drowned and reincarnates in the avatar world like Sokka, a boy without any talent like in his past life, but this time he will have to carry the weight of saving the world. Will this new Sokka be able to do it? What changes will it bring to the original story? Daily chapters, possible harem, system, weak to strong, what are waiting for read?!

LordPhenex026 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Daily Quest

[Daily Quest]

Push-ups: 0/10

Run: 0/10 km

Abs: 0/10

Squats: 0/10 

"What?" Sokka paled upon seeing this. I had never been one to do so many exercises, but this seemed a little abusive.

"Ah, I guess to raise my stats I have to do it" he sighed with resignation, although that made sense to him.

Daily quest to level up and increase his stat points, while at the same time serving to tone and adjust her body.

Sokka crouched down, rolling onto his back. Then, he did a push-up and stopped. He looked at the counter indicated by the system.

Push-ups: 1/10

"Ah, I'll have to do nine more and so on with the rest of the exercises" Sokka was filled with the will to continue doing the other push-ups.

After a while, he continued with the sit-ups, although after finishing them he had to take a break and drink some water.

Just as he was going to start the squats, Katara walked into and looked him surprised, "What do you think you're doing, you crazy?"

"I'm training" Sokka answered, starting the first squat and his sister looked at him as if he had grown a second head.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Katara asked with a raised eyebrow, "How long have you been training? This is so strange."

"I've had time to think about a lot of things," Sokka declared without stopping and the girl crossed her arms at that.

Sokka finished his squat and lay down on the ground, breathing quite heavily after doing such physical exercises.

Push-ups: 10/10

Run: 0/10 km

Abs: 10/10

Squats: 10/10

He was quite satisfied to see that almost all the slots were full, he only needed to run to complete the daily quest.

But suddenly, Katara appeared in front of the system screen, looking at him with some curiosity, "What things have you thought about?"

Sokka stood up and taking a breath of air turned to her, "Let's walk for a while and I'll explain it to you!"

Katara nodded in confusion and then they both left the store, walking aimlessly. Sokka was keeping an eye on the counter.

"I've been thinking about how dad is no longer around and well, the village is unprotected, so I have to train hard."

"Makes sense," Katara put her hand to her chin, "Wow, I never thought I'd say this but Sokka, it seems like you've matured."

"Hey!" Sokka groaned at those words, "It's not that, I just want to help as much as I can, you already do enough."

Their father was a fervent warrior, the leader of the village troops basically. And their mother died years ago in a Fire Nation siege.

Katara was still stunned, it seemed that her older brother, always stubborn and proud, was becoming a little more humble.

"You should also train your waterbending, you can be a great master" Sokka stated looking at her younger sister, who smiled.

""Really? But I don't have anyone to teach me, I won't be able to improve on my own" Katara thought, lowering her shoulders and Sokka patted her.

"That won't even be a problem, when we leave the village safe we ​​will go to the north pole" Sokka commented with a smile. Katara stopped.

"What are you saying?! What do you mean, going to the North Pole? Gran Gran will kill us" Katara exclaimed, although one of her dreams was to go to that wonderful place.

The northern water tribe was much more advanced, and the fire nation had never attacked them so their waterbenders were still intact.

"I assure you that nothing will happen, but hey, there are several things to do first" Sokka responded looking at the counter, just one kilometer.

After several hours, where he was talking with Katara, they returned to the village. Sokka lay down on the floor of his tent, tired.

'So this is what it feels like to have a sister,' the boy thought. It was strange, he didn't know her but at the same time he did, from Sokka's memories, 'Well.'

That's why he took the opportunity to walk with her and get to know her. Katara was a very familiar girl, but she also treasured her waterbending.

After all she was the last waterbender of the tribe. Sokka understood that he had to take her to the North Pole, so she could train.

[You have completed the daily quest]

[Congratulations, you have leveled up!]

Sokka smiled contently seeing how level 1 was marked on his dashboard, but now he wanted to see his stats after this increase.

Name: Sokka       Strength: 2

Speed: 3           Agility: 3

Senses: 4             Intelligence: 11

Stamina: 3 Charisma: 6

'So it's true that each stat increases one point, it's not much but it's worth more than anything' Sokka thought, closing his eyes.

Although he saw that there was a notification.

[Special Mission: Catch 1 Penguin]

[Special missions will appear occasionally, it is very convenient to complete them to obtain experience points]

[Do you accept the special mission? Yes/No]

"Now I have to catch a penguin? Damn" Sokka muttered, standing up again, this became very annoying.


Another chapter guys, drop your power stones and rewiews. See y'all tomorrow!!

Power stones!?

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