
Oh My Demon Lord

What do you expect if one day you suddenly got 100 years back? Misty lived her 20 years of life in a society where each magical species lived in harmony. One day, when she came back from the library, she blanked out, and when she opened her eyes, she was 100 years back in the age of war and the age of Demon Lord Asherheart. What's more, she got inevitably tangled up with this demon lord, but sometimes rumours are worse than reality, and reality is worse than imagination!! Let's go on this journey with our FL fighting her way up to the positions and removing all the prejudices of the monarch era.

immortal_shizu322 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Rumors aren't always true

As the crew reaches atop a hill, Misty could feel a hot breath behind her, the man who introduced himself as the current demon lord Asher Heart sighed heavily behind her, the castle in front of her had huge walls, radiating some sort of ominous feeling. They entered through a huge door, the door had several illustrations over it, somewhere in a corner of the door she could see a small and ugly demon's cutting, she held the ropes more tightly, her adrenaline kicked in as she entered the castle, even she didn't know why that had happened.

As they entered, the inside view of castle was totally different from outside. It looked like any other normal fairy-tale castle, having flowers planted in all directions.

Demon lord leapt down the horse and held out his hand to help her down. Misty took the hand and jumped. A group of well-trained soldiers lined in front of them greeting and some maids also stood at some distance.

Asher Heart directed Misty towards the hallway, many soldiers stood there guarding the doors.

They entered a large study room mostly covered with piles of documents ranging from all sorts of color tags, Brock stood near those documents. Asher Heart gestured her to sit on the couch and stood near a table to make some hot tea. Brock sat on the chair near her and whispered, "Don't worry, he isn't that bad as they say." He gave out a comforting smile and Misty felt a bit better. Looking back at it, this demon lord hasn't yet done anything for her to be scared of him.

She stretched out a little yawning and sat more comfortably. In the corner Asher heart seemed to feel her and brought tea with some snacks in a tray.

He gestured Brock to leave them alone and sat on the sofa in front of her. Misty held up the tea cup and started sipping it, for a while no one spoke first.

"You don't look like someone from this era." The lord said looking her way.

She gulped and said scratching her head, "Yeah... Uh I don't know if you'll believe me or not but I have come from the future...."

She stopped in the middle thinking that he might have misunderstood her for an idiot but surprisingly the other party just stood up and took away the tea cups to keep them up on the table.


"Sir... don't you think that I am... Uh... lying?" She asked.

"No, hmmm I feel that might be the truth since I don't feel that you are someone who would lie." The man said nonchalantly sitting near her and held out his hand, "Gimme your hand for a second."

She kept her hand on his and could suddenly feel some heat generating form it. Some sort of white light emerged from their hands and vanished in a moment, "Don't worry with this spell that white-haired lizard won't be able to find you."

Asher Heart stood up, "You might have been shocked from today's occurrences, I believe you so just take some rest for today, I'll listen to you once you are all refreshed tomorrow, I'll assign you a maid, she will take care of you from today on."

He said opening the doors. Misty stood up and went ahead hastily but she didn't know where to go and had to come back to where he stood holding the door open, "Ahaha... sorry but ..." She thought that the man might laugh calling her a real idiot this time but Asher Heart stood there without a twitch in his mouth, he neither said anything nor laughed at her, but Misty's eyes could see that he has chuckled even though she didn't know how but she could just feel that the stoic man in front of her was actually chuckling.

Asher Heart started moving ahead and Misty followed him.

Since she was a child, Misty has always heard many people talking bad about the demon lord, they all said that the demon lord ate anyone who came to his castles and some said that he was a hideous creature, but right now Misty could not feel even an ounce of all that in the man, he sure had dangerous air around him but he was neither hideous nor did he eat her up as soon as they met, he has taking care of her, protecting her all this while. With all these calculations in her mind Misty didn't even knew when she had reached her room.

Asher Heart opened the door to a beautifully lit room with red draping curtains, the room looked like that of a royal Misty went inside the room slightly opening the curtains she looked outside, a refreshing picturesque landscape was waiting for her, she was glad in her heart that she could see this view.

"Do you like the room?" Asher Heart asked looking at her cute astonished look.

"Yup, I love it. Thank you for this hospitality sur." Misty was really happy that THE demon lord was taking care of her.

"Then please have a pleasant stay and if you need anything just ring this bell and a maid from outside will come to help you out." Asher Heart left the room after saying these words.

Misty looked around the room for a while, the room was beautifully lit and had a large bed, it was quite spacious and had a large chandelier. Misty went up to the washroom and came out refreshed, she jumped on the bed and started rolling around in the blanket.

After sometime she was lying up facing towards the ceiling, some images flashed in her mind it was her friends and colleagues. She felt a bit emotional remembering her friends whom she might not be able to meet again. Even though she didn't have someone to call family but, that night, she cried herself to sleep.

-To Be Continued-

Be ready for the chapter updates every monday and wednesday

motivate me to do it more often

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