
Oh My Demon Lord

What do you expect if one day you suddenly got 100 years back? Misty lived her 20 years of life in a society where each magical species lived in harmony. One day, when she came back from the library, she blanked out, and when she opened her eyes, she was 100 years back in the age of war and the age of Demon Lord Asherheart. What's more, she got inevitably tangled up with this demon lord, but sometimes rumours are worse than reality, and reality is worse than imagination!! Let's go on this journey with our FL fighting her way up to the positions and removing all the prejudices of the monarch era.

immortal_shizu322 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Taking care of her

In the morning she woke up to the sounds of soldier's drilling. In the ground just below her window, many muscled-men were running laps, some were training with swords, shouting loudly. Misty kept on looking at them for a while in daze, 'Today's weather is really good.'

Her eyes fell on Asher heart who was also training among them or rather one should say that he was training the soldiers, the soldiers under his command were looking quite pale from all the running.

She heard a knock on the door, as she opened the door, Brock stood in front of her with a tray of bread and some tea.

"Good morning, Misty, ah, Do you mind me calling you by your name?" He asked.

"Mn, it's all right sir." She replied looking at the tray in his hand, she was really hungry, she didn't even eat anything at night and was starving like hell.

Brock entered the room and kept the tray on table, "Go on, I thought that you might be really hungry, hah, I said that bastard to have someone send food to your room last night but he still ignored my words, I am really sorry for his misbehavior." Brock said mockingly looking at the training grounds below.

Misty was still a bit uncomfortable in this new place suddenly she felt a hand over her head, Brock must have seen her confused state and was standing beside her with his hand over her head, he gently patted her saying, "It's okay to be confused sometimes, I don't really know how you feel but, I know this much that you might actually enjoy staying here, last night Ash told me to look into time-travelling matter, we'll make sure to send you back to your time." Misty was suddenly filled with a sense of security around this man, she nodded her head and sat on one of the sofas and wolfed down some bread sipping some tea in between. When she was finished, she heard another knock on door, "You sit down let me open the door." Saying this Brock went ahead and opened the door.

In front of the door stood Asher Heart, he was a bit drenched, it looks like he came here right after taking a bath. He came in, looking at Misty and then at the tray, "Hmm... did that brat not serve dinner yesterday?" He said knitting his brows a bit.

"He might have forgotten." Brock said.

Asher Heart gestured Brock to leave them alone, Brock picked up the tray and left.

"Hmm... do you anything about jade eyes?" He asked her sitting on the couch in front.

'Why would I have asked you if I had known it...'

"No." She replied.

"A very long time ago, there was once a woman who had green colored eyes just like you, she had a vampire friend who always used to be around her, they were almost like lovers." He spoke.

'Almost lovers?' She thought to herself.

After a pause he continued, "But one day, that friend of hers disappeared from her life, she used to wait for him every night and wake up early in morning just to have a glimpse of him. But he never came, after one month another vampire stood in front of her, she thought that she might be his friend and welcomed her inside. But that vampire ignored her invite and instead teared up crying bitterly, stating that she was her husband's demise. The woman was still in confusion but vampire came closer to her and bit her on neck sucking her blood for some time, she held that woman by neck and went inside house. The woman tried shouting and hitting the vampire but to no avail. As she was about to lose consciousness, some green light shone in the house and vampire vanished. The woman was very scared of this incident and left that town. But after several years that man came back searching for her, she was extremely happy but as soon as they met, he started attacking her, trying to suck her blood, the vampire did not suffice in just blood and went ahead to tear her flesh off. The woman was bewildered but did not try to push him away, the man kept on tearing her up after sometime when that woman was taking her last breath, she cursed that man that he won't ever find someone to love and cherish and that she will one day return to take her revenge and that day would be his demise."

'Haa what does it have-' her train of thoughts were interrupted by Asher heart.

He spoke, "Later it was found that that vampire was out on missions trying to be the best and when he met that woman suddenly his powers exceeded from his original fate, thus becoming hungrier he tore down that woman in the end. This has everything to do with you, usually green eyes are seen among many people but, the air around a person having jade eyes is always strange, you have that same air around you."

"Then... I have jade eyes?" She asked.

"Mn, as much fruitful these eyes are they are destructive too, making a man lose himself and completely making him insane for the possessor of eyes, it has led to many riots as well as wars, keeping these eyes means taking a package of shitty aches all over your body." He added looking her in eyes.

"Then what do I do now?"

"Nothing, just stay here until we find some way to send you back to your time." He might have been trying to comfort her but deep inside both of them knew that there's no way a person can go back to future, in fact time-travelling itself is a miracle.

'I have always thought of my eyes as simply beautiful but I never knew that they might have such powers.' She thought to herself trying to get up.

Asher Heart went ahead to table and made some tea and brought it near her, "Here."

Misty took up a cup and started sipping, for a while no one spoke first even though many people would have been flustered of this silence but surprisingly Misty was feeling quite good and peaceful at this time, she was thinking of what to do and how she would go back when someone knocked on the door, the man she met yesterday was there, he had long hair tied behind him with a glint of ivory color, he looked straight up to Asher Heart, although she had already met him yesterday, they haven't spoken yet even this time all Misty could do was bow to him.

Asher Heart stood up and facing her and said, "Why don't you go downtown today? You look quite tired, just take a stroll there during day and you will feel better, hmm, how bout I send Brock with you today he is quite knowledgeable and you both know each other quite better than you know anyone else."

"Uhh.... how about you?" She asked looking just like a cute kitten.

"No, I have some documents to review." He spoke up after looking at her for a while as if chuckling through his eyes.

"Ah, right, meet him he is my bodyguard as well as part-time secretary, James." Asher Heart pointed at his side, James bowed a little and looked back at his master.

'Part-time secretary? Well, he looks like a man of few words.' She thought.

"Go and call Brock, tell him to take her to town today and that he can have a rest as well." Asher Heart instructed James and James went ahead to follow his command.

As soon as they were about to speak again, Brock came in running with a bright smile on his face, "Really, Ash, man you are really great, well you have been making me work to limits lately, I was about to complain about it to you and here you are giving me a leave without even asking. BLA BLA BLA"

Brock's words never stopped he kept on blabbering until Asher Heart was fed up of him.

"Alright, now stop shitting here and get on going." Asher Heart said scratching his forehead a bit. Brock jumped up and snapped his fingers, his outfits changed, now he wore a deep green long coat along with black pants, he looked really handsome and Misty was astonished of his magic.

A maid came in having a beautiful cream-colored dress in her hands, she went ahead, towards Misty and bowed to her. The two men left them alone, the maid introduced herself as Mia and then helped Misty wear the dress.

Brock's voice came from outside, "Misty, after you are ready come down to the garden, I'll be waiting there." after this he left.

Soon, Misty also came out, the cream dress looked very beautiful on her, the dress was corset-free to make it easier to move around, it had red strips around the skirt edge and had a ribbon tied around the waist, Misty wore her hair open and some flat bellies to get less tired during the day.

Brock was waiting for her in the garden as soon as he saw her, he smiled, "You look really beautiful."

"Thank you. Shall we?" She added smiling brightly.

Upon reaching the town square Misty felt refreshed, her mind was drifted further away from her lack of home and loneliness, city folks were dancing and singing, many couples were sitting near the fountain talking about spring and love. Misty looked around and saw a vendor selling cotton candy, she was delighted, cotton candy has always been her favorite. When she was small, she often used to bring some money from home secretly to eat it.

Without waiting she turned to Brock, "Brock wanna have some candy!" She looked just like a little girl asking her big brother for some candies. Brock felt glad and nodded, heading up to vendor and brought two cotton candies with him.

Misty was delighted, they were even more tasty than those in modern times, the sugar cloud melted immediately in her mouth, she was savoring the flavors when Brock pulled her towards a puppeteer, both of them enjoyed the day to their fullest and at evening went to a restaurant to have some wine, Misty had always avoided being drunk in front of anyone, but today her mind was at peace she gulped down a jar of strong wine and even Brock wolfed down two jars.

She was really happy today and didn't want the day to end, later they went back to castle with Brock whining all the time about how Asher Heart was taking work from him. Misty gently pulled him with her towards castle.

-To Be Continued-