
Office Romance with a Werewolf

During her junior high school years, Nida Mildea dated her first love, who was in a higher grade. Because of this, they were called "beauty and the beast." But she never thought that this title would actually become reality. While celebrating her boyfriend's graduation, he turned into a wolf and was about to harm her. After that incident, her boyfriend disappeared into thin air. Years had passed and Nida had finally moved on from the traumatic nightmare she experienced in her teenage years. However, after getting hired by her new company, she discovers that her ex-boyfriend is one of her coworkers, and no one is aware of his beastly identity. Does she need to reveal the identity of her ex? Will her life be in danger if she stays at the company? Will her ex-boyfriend remember her? ------ proofreader: Aserehtam

MaryahLu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
185 Chs

Howling (8)

"Cold?" Nida rubbed her skin as she felt the cold. Her legs shuddered due to the sudden lowering of the temperature. She was wearing a mini skirt and heels, which made her feel worse being lost alone.

"Randell! Daniel Come on out! Heeeeeeeeyyy!! Randell! Daniel! " She's been calling her coworkers' names multiple times, but even though she walked back to where she came from, she never found her way back to them.

The railroad also disappeared together with the fog.

She's just walking aimlessly.

There was a frigid chill in the air, as if it was a cold winter morning.

"But this is Magarao!" she shouted as she felt ridiculous comparing the current weather to winter when Magarao is a tropical country.

Despite feeling strange in her location, she continues to walk to find her way out.



She steps into a brittle branch that makes a loud sound from being crushed into her heels.