
Of Maple syrup, skeletons and warcrimes (Overlord/Marvel) Round-robin

We all know the drill. Nazarick arrives into a dark fantasy world and much happens until eventually our dashing "hero" conquers a kingdom of his own. Here instead our dashing hero arrives into a dark fantasy world too, but one of heroes and villains, of alien invasions and cosmic entities and he does found a kingdom of his own too. One built over the ashes of the evilest place on Earth. Original work by : Deatstroke - https://forums.spacebattles.com/members/deatstroke.316206/ Author Patreon (This is original author Pat, he's back! so if you guys wanna support him, just go give him some money~) : https://www.patreon.com/deatstroke Original work here : https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/of-maple-syrup-skeletons-and-warcrimes-overlord-marvel-round-robin.757444/reader/ Cover : https://www.reddit.com/r/overlord/comments/g86u82/the_goddess_albedo_jju/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://pinterest.com/pin/623818985881138033/ Be warned the site is virtually unreadable so i posted it here for a better reading experience.

Lasyandra · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

23. Inconsistent conversation

While a lone supersoldier faced a silent crisis, the parade continued without issues. For all that those were the forces of their conquerors, the people of the city had gathered to see them all the same. Shows of military power, especially the members of said military, had captivated the imagination of humanity during its entire history and the ones currently marching through the great avenue were no different, their fantastical nature only making them even more attention catching.

After the heavy infantry composed mostly of Death Knights passed, came the mounted forces. Fast and heavily armored by any human standards, the mix of undead mounted on Soul Eaters, filled the hearts of those who saw them with a mixture of awe and fear. Their weapons, both mundane and magical, powerful enough to destroy entire cities in short order.

But this was not just a procession on the ground. The skies were alive with movement, as a mixture of powerful monsters and high tech fighters danced above the city. Winged beings of flesh and bone, alongside their new peers of composite materials and feeble human electronics, flew together. Both showing their allegiance to Ainz their King, independently of what they had served before.

Suddenly people gasped, some gawking in surprise and others in renewed worry. For what had suddenly appeared over the skies of the city was something most believed lost.

Dwarfing everything previously seen, the pride of a nation, a beast made of steel. Its white and red hull contrasting deeply with the blue sky. The flag of the country proudly painted on its bow. It was the HMCS Bonaventure, Canada's sole Helicarrier.

Thought lost during the One-Hour War, as the conflict that saw the fall of the Canadian government by the hands of the Supreme King was known, seeing the vessel once again surprised everyone present. The last anyone had seen of the carrier was its burning form plummeting to the ground as her crew hurried to abandon the flaming vessel. That it was now back could have signaled a resurgence of hope for the eventual overthrow of the tyrant.

But it was not the case, for it was not the Maple leaf what the Helicarrier showed allegiance to. Instead, it proudly bore a complex pattern of unknown meaning, the sigil of Ainz Ooal Gown. In truth it was naught but another proof of Canada's defeat.

But none of this mattered to the two people looking at the parade from inside the Helicarrier's observation deck, now refitted as a royal suite worthy of the greatest of hotels.

One could be considered the epitome of humanity, his intellect matched only by a few and exceeded by none. He was clad in a heavy powered armor suit, the culmination of what magic and science could achieve together. Power seemed to surround him and even as he quietly drank his glass of wine, the all too real pressure that his body radiated was impossible to miss.

His companion was no less interesting. A walking skeleton head and shoulders above most men, clad in beautiful robes that both looked and felt like something out of legend. If the first one radiated power as a physical force then this being felt like Death personified. All around him the air itself felt heavy, as if the being was surrounded by an aura that promised death to all who interacted with it and which only stood its metaphorical hand due to the conscious wishes of its master.

These two people, these two monsters, creatures that could lay waste to nations and which existed beyond the realm of humanity, were known as Dr. Doom and Ainz Ooal Gown and were currently in the middle of a friendly conversation as they caught up with each other.

"Are you enjoying the celebrations? Personally I thought it was too much but the Guardians insisted on showing you 'proper' hospitality. I know you aren't one for putting on a grand show," spoke Ainz as he looked at his friend. Ever since they had met Doom had kept their meetings low-key and had always preferred simplicity over needless luxury, it was for this that Ainz couldn't help but feel badly about forcing the entire circus of a celebration upon him.

Doom on the other hand simply continued sipping his wine, somehow not spilling anything even while still wearing his heavy metal mask.

"It is no trouble Gown. I find your preparations adequate and your company as interesting as always."

"Mm, that is good to hear," nodded Ainz, before becoming silent. To an external viewer, it would seem as if the wise undead just did not feel the need to say anymore but nothing could be further from the truth.

'Adequate' how? Is it an insult or is Doom actually complimenting us? And what does he even mean when saying I'm interesting? Is he quietly reminding me that he knows my secret!?

For Ainz Ooal Gown may have looked and sounded like a terrifyingly powerful undead sorcerer with an intellect to match, but while he did have such power, the truth was that his intelligence was no greater than that of any other regular person.

But no matter how internally shaken he was, Ainz always managed to answer as was expected of him, "I am grateful for your words, Doom."

"Not at all Gown, I understand how a being in your position may require to take some minor matters into greater consideration," Doom was unfailingly polite and once again his real intentions remained a mystery. Was Doom giving him a warning? advice? trying to intimidate him? Ainz honestly did not know.

This had been a problem that had plagued their relationship since they first met face to face, all those months ago. Ainz had known that Doom was able to see through his mask from the start, that Doom never saw Ainz Ooal Gown the mighty Overlord of death and leader of a tomb of monsters, but Suzuki Satoru the salaryman pretending to be something he was not and while Ainz had yet to understand why Doom had decided to keep the secret.

Instead of exposing him for the fraud he was or simply battling and destroying him, something that if only half the things said about Doom were true Ainz was sure he could reliably accomplish, Doom had acted as a, admittedly somewhat cold and aloof, friend. Ever since Ainz had arrived to this new crazy world, Doom had been the first person to speak with him as an equal instead of superior and it had done wonders for his continued mental health.

"Even then, I do apologize if you find so much grandstanding as something bothersome."

"Like I said Gown, I do not care. I prefer dealing with someone who shows his real intentions, no matter how wether I personally find them to my liking or not, over someone who puts on a mask," Doom spoke before taking another sip of wine, "of course that does not mean keeping a mask is always bad. Sometimes we all have things we want to keep hidden."

While Doom had become melancholic, his eyes taking a faraway look, Ainz noticed none of this. The undead sovereign was too busy rocking his brain trying to understand what Doom may have been implying with his words.

Is he perhaps?… don't tell me. He is! Suddenly all of the things Doom had said when they met. How the powerful human insisted on keeping with the charade of Ainz being a genius, how he always rejected Ainz's offers to share knowledge and the way he treated Ainz as if he was not a threat. It all made sense now.

He is saying he doesn't mind. That he understands why I am lying and that he is going to help me.

Ainz had considered Doom a friend before, but only now did he finally feel it. The warm feeling of knowing there was someone you could count on, who had your back no matter your many faults. The world considered Doom a cruel monster, but Ainz now knew that was not the truth. The armored man in front of him was someone who had seen through him from the start and was now helping him with no real gain.

The realization was so momentous to Ainz that his emotional suppressor kicked in, forcefully cleaning his mind the outburst of emotion.

"From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your company Doom. I never knew how much I needed this that you offer me," While he wanted to be more honest and drop the charade Ainz had to keep it vague to make sure any of the NPC's within earshot, like the maids waiting for his orders close to the door, wouldn't learn anything they shouldn't.

Doom put down his now empty glass and looked at Ainz, his icy blue eyes seemingly looking into Ainz's soul. "No Gown, it is I who thank you. I understand perfectly what it is that you sought and while I had no need for it before, I now know its importance."

Ainz nodded at that, not really sure of what exactly Doom was trying to tell him this time but sure that he should be grateful for it regardless.

They remained in a comfortable silence for a few minutes after, the cityscape changing slowly as the Helicarrier inexorably moved forward. It was Doom who eventually broke the silence.

"Tell me Gown, what do you know about Magneto?"

"Not as much as I would like, I have studied his abilities and gathered as much information about his power base. I have also spoken with him once before but besides that I only that he rules a country and he is part of the mutant subspecies." In truth, Ainz had been meaning to learn more about important mutants, especially because his country had a very big minority made up of them and they were amongst his most loyal supporters, or so Albedo said anyway, but he had never had the chance to do more than some wiki-walking and forum discussion.

Hmmm, maybe something I should ask Nora about later? We had our talks about mostly about her little community and Nazarick, not much regarding her 'species'.

"Then I recommend you are careful when dealing with him. As inferior as his mind may be, he can be extremely crafty and subtle, the great versatility of his powers only makes matters worse."

"I understand, but he has been supportive so far. I had assumed he was to be an ally." Ainz had been surprised to learn that Genosha had declared for his regime after the fall of the previous Canadian government and while the Guardians had assumed he had somehow planned it he still had to learn why Magneto had done that.

I remember reading he is still technically a criminal in the US, maybe that's why he is doing this? To get on my good books and spit the eye of our southern neighbours? Maybe I should be careful about that.

"You saved many of 'his people' and he will take that into consideration. Unlike you and I, Magneto thinks not only about the ones he is in charge of but also those far away. He thinks himself superior to the common humans and acts accordingly," Doom gestured down, at the city and the thousands of people in it. "he won't underestimate you or I and that is something to remember. For Magneto can be a dangerous enemy."

"I see. Thank you for the advice Doom," Ainz answered while lowering his head.

Before Doom could answer, one of the maids approached them.

"Ainz-sama, we are about to reach our destination," she said while making a reverence to Ainz.

"Thank you, Lumière, you are dismissed." Ainz waved her away.

"As you will, Ainz-sama."

Ainz went back to Doom, who was intently looking at him.

"You heard her Doom, it's time to disembark."

"It is as you say Gown. The time for truth is near and I will await it with great interest."

Before Ainz could answer there was a snap sound, like a microscopic thunderclap, and Doom was gone.

Ainz remained impassive, not showing any reaction to Doom's sudden disappearance, but on the inside, he sighed deeply.

Fuuu, he is still punching through our countermeasures like they aren't there. I know what we got here isn't the best but…

"Lumière, come," as Ainz spoke, the homunculi maid hurried to obey.

"I'm ready Ainz-sama."

"Hm. [Gate]," As Ainz's spell activated the air seemed to ripple before parting. An oval of darkness that seemed to eat the light around it manifesting in front of them.

As Ainz gave the room around them a last look he thought about how all things had gone up until now, how after finding itself in a new and unknown world Nazarick had not only survived but thrived. They truly had triumphed where many others would have failed and now had the entirety of Canada to prove it.

The Guardians were both alive and happy and even if Ainz hoped they would change the way they treated him, he was fine with their current situation too.

Everything is going so well, so strangely well. I just hope it stays that way.

Because if life had taught Ainz anything, it was that good things never lasted.

"Let's go," and one step later they were gone.



Now, this came out a little later than usual. That's because I was pretty busy last week and only started actually writing the chapter around Saturday or so. Then I went out with some friends and was too tired to finish it during Sunday. Also, it is kinda short but that's because it is, once again, a set up chapter. Though don't fear because Scriviner is almost done with his Magneto chapter.

Now, I did my best with this one but I feel really unsure about its quality and entertainment value. So no matter how cruel, please feel free to criticize it as much as you want.

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