
Of Code and Ramen (Code Geass SI)

What would you do if you were reincarnated into the world of Code Geass? As for me, well, I'd find myself committing war crimes in the name of Britannia. With my daddy dearest being the Emperor of Britannia, it doesn't seem like I have much of a choice, do I? But hey, at least I'm free from their mind-altering abilities. Now, where can I get a bowl of 「la men」 ? (SI in Code Geass) (Trigger Warning: Story includes war crimes and half-siblings incest.) Each chapter has over 1.5k words. Cover Art by -Nezumi-

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Omake 01: Benedict Under House Arrest

Omake 01: Benedict Under House Arrest


As Sir Bismarck stood in the midst of the assembled members of the Knights of the Round, he assumed the solemn role of announcing to the crowds attending the Emperor's funeral, "As the subject of His Majesty and as the Knight of One, I have been empowered to read His Majesty, Charles zi Britannia's last will and testament."

Gino, the Knight of Three, couldn't resist the temptation to comment on the situation in a hushed tone to the young man standing beside him. "So, the Emperor kicked the bucket, huh?"

The blue-haired youth nodded thoughtfully. "Father did live a long life," he acknowledged. "But again, I believe he can finally take a rest," responded Benedict af Britannia, the Knight of Two.

Anya, the Knight of Six, seized the opportunity to discreetly capture the scene with her hidden camera. "Gino... talking bad about the Emperor, recorded," she whispered under her breath.

Gino attempted to defend himself, but Anya remained unfazed, ignoring his protests. "Well, the way you imply about his death is indeed informal," Benedict chimed in, betraying his friend's antics.

"Not you too, Benny!" Gino groaned, feeling somewhat betrayed by his friend's disapproval.

A dark-skinned woman nearby hissed at the trio for making a scene at the Emperor's funeral. "Shut up, you three," she admonished.

Nonette Enneagram, the Knight of Nine, intervened with a mischievous grin as she patted her comrade's shoulder. "Now, now. No need to get your panties in a twist, Dorothea," she said, her tone light-hearted. "B can basically do whatever he wants because of his insane piloting skills. Hell, the dude even came to one of the formal meetings with the Emperor wearing only underwear." She couldn't help but sneak a thumbs-up to her fiancé.

Dorothea felt an overwhelming urge to slap her forehead with her palm but managed to restrain herself, given the solemnity of the occasion and the Knight of One delivering his speech nearby. "The strongest pilot, yet he was put under house arrest because of his insane antics," she muttered in frustration. "I've almost never seen him piloting a KnightMare," she added.

Nonette shrugged her shoulders casually. "You can spar with him when he finishes serving his house arrest sentence. I think it'll end in a month or two," she predicted.

Sir Bismarck, the loyal knight of Charles zi Britannia, took a moment to clear his throat before continuing to read from the paper. "For the answer regarding who will succeed His Majesty," he announced solemnly, "this is what is said in the paper, and I quote, 'Just duke it amongst yourselves.' He didn't give an answer to who would succeed him."

The audience buzzed with whispers and murmurs, and the news created waves, especially among the families and supporters of Odysseus and Guinevere.

"Other than that," the Knight of One feigned a gasp, "His Majesty listed things he wished to order to... Oh dear," he continued with a sigh, his head cast down. "My sympathy to that person."

"Pardon. I will now read the testament," Sir Bismarck declared, regaining his composure, and he quoted from the document, "To my beloved and the most favorite son, Benedict af Britannia," he began.

A collective gasp swept through the audience at the mention of the Emperor's affectionate words toward one of his sons. Everyone knew that the Emperor had never shown such favoritism to any of his children.

"One of the kindest I've seen in my life…" Sir Bismarck began reading the Emperor's words, but before he could continue, he interrupted himself with a passionate outburst. "You bastard, you aren't even wearing black at my funeral, are you? Add one year to Benedict's house arrest!"

Benedict was no longer able to contain his frustration, and he let out a loud curse. "What the fuck?!"

"You just shouted disrespectfully at me, didn't you?" Sir Bismarck retorted in the Emperor's place with a hint of amusement. "Add one more year of house arrest for Benedict." He seemed to be relishing the act of reading the Emperor's will. Beside him, the blonde-haired girl, the Knight of Twelve, diligently tallied the additional years on a large whiteboard.

The Emperor's posthumous directives continued to surprise and amuse those present.

"You didn't grieve enough for my death," Sir Bismarck read on, "add one more year of house arrest for Benedict!"

"You made fun of my death with your friend, didn't you?" The Knight of One continued to read, adding, "Add one more year of house arrest!"

"And you dared to instruct your assistant to buy noodles all the way from Japan, despite my explicit instructions not to. Add one more year of house arrest!" The list of transgressions and ensuing punishments seemed endless, and the audience couldn't help but react with a mixture of shock and amusement.

As Sir Bismarck continued reading the Emperor's lengthy list of transgressions and corresponding house arrest sentences, the crowd could hardly believe the bizarre nature of the posthumous directives.

The list went on, and after thirty or so allegations, the final statement arrived like a punchline to a strange joke. "I told you I love you, yet you accused me of snorting Sakuradite! Add one more year of house arrest!"

Sir Bismarck, visibly exhausted from the sheer number of offenses, finally concluded, "That will be all." He took a sip of water to replenish his energy. "Now, Lady Monica, how many years of house arrest for Sir Benedict?"

Lady Monica, her forehead dripping with sweat from meticulously keeping track of the punishment years, replied, "That'll be thirty-six years, Lord Bismarck."

Benedict, overwhelmed by the unexpectedly lengthy sentence, couldn't help but scream in agony. "Oh, come on! I thought I'd be free from you after a month, you old bastard!"

The crowd below was taken aback by the Emperor's unnecessary and humorous statements, but the laughter emanating from the Knights of the Round quickly brought them back to their senses.

"My God, Benny! I wish you luck!" Gino slapped his friend's back repeatedly, joining in the laughter.

"I'm sorry, Lord Benedict," Suzaku, the Knight of Seven, chuckled. "I couldn't help but join in for the laugh," he admitted.

Luciano, the Knight of Ten, couldn't contain his satisfaction. "What a shitty situation you found yourself in, Shitty Prince," he laughed. "Tell me if you get bored living in your house. I will personally kill you for you," he added, in jest.

Anya seized the moment, capturing the picture of all the Knights of the Round laughing at their comrade. This was indeed a rare and comical moment.

"I'm sorry, Nonette," Dorothea struggled to control her laughter. "I... I just can't," she confessed, joining in the merriment.

Nonette, still trying to comprehend the absurdity of the situation, shook her head. "B, I love you, and I know you love me," she said, her voice a mix of amusement and disbelief. "But what the heck?!" She couldn't contain her laughter any longer. Even the Knight of One and Twelve joined in the chorus of laughter.

Amidst the laughter and camaraderie of the Knights of the Round, Benedict, overwhelmed by the absurdity of his predicament, couldn't hold back his frustration any longer. "I hate you all!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

On that day, Benedict af Britannia's misfortune became an unexpected and unforgettable moment, broadcast live on Britannia's national television, providing a rare glimpse of camaraderie and humor among the esteemed Knights of the Round.


Author's Note;

There it is! I did my best writing this Omake, and I hope all of you like it.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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