
Of Code and Ramen (Code Geass SI)

What would you do if you were reincarnated into the world of Code Geass? As for me, well, I'd find myself committing war crimes in the name of Britannia. With my daddy dearest being the Emperor of Britannia, it doesn't seem like I have much of a choice, do I? But hey, at least I'm free from their mind-altering abilities. Now, where can I get a bowl of 「la men」 ? (SI in Code Geass) (Trigger Warning: Story includes war crimes and half-siblings incest.) Each chapter has over 1.5k words. Cover Art by -Nezumi-

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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Loli and Head Pats

Chapter 10: Loli and Head Pats


6th April 2009, Pendragon, Gemini Imperial Villa,

"It's already morning, B," I'm roused from my slumber as someone gently shakes my body. Slowly, I pry my eyelids open to find Nonette's smiling face hovering above me.

"Oh, hey, N," I offer a weary smile, though the pain in my lips prompts an involuntary wince.

"You and Nellie went wild last night, eh?" Nonette smirks mischievously, that familiar look I've only seen when she's in the company of Cornelia.

"Please," I chuckle dryly, my laughter tinged with discomfort. "As if I'd ever stoop to her level." My gaze shifts to the purple-haired lady peacefully sleeping beside me.

Nonette's keen eyes don't miss a thing, and she addresses me with a knowing tone. "She was crying, wasn't she?"

I nod, sitting up from my prone position. "Yes, she was," I reply as Nonette lends me a hand to rise. The aftermath of my scuffle with Cornelia is evident on my body as I examine the painful-looking bruises on my chest and stomach.

"Wake up, you sleeping idiot!" I can't help but exclaim, my voice sharp as I deliver a swift, stinging slap to her breasts. The resounding smack reverberates through the room, followed by the melodious sound of Cornelia's startled scream.

"Stop screaming," I sigh, my expression shifting to one of mild exasperation as I look at Cornelia with a touch of pity. "It's not even that painful," I add, attempting to downplay the intensity of my earlier actions.

"Take a punch to your dick and try saying that again," Cornelia retorts, her grip on the area where I had slapped her conveying her discomfort.

"You two never change, do you?" Nonette sighs, her voice laced with a sense of resignation as she takes in the familiar sight of me and Cornelia at odds the moment we wake.

"He started it," Cornelia offers in her defense, sitting up without much concern for her partially exposed state.

"Nice body you've got there, Nellie," Nonette comments appreciatively, letting out a low whistle as she admires Cornelia's form.

"That handprint will go nicely with your underwear, Corn," I smirk, my gaze locked on the crimson handprint I had left on her skin just a few minutes ago, a testament to our usual morning antics.


After Nonette graciously brought us fresh clothes to wear, the three of us found ourselves gathered in the dining room of the Gemini Imperial Villa, also known as my own residence.

The aroma of a delightful breakfast fills the air, featuring one of my all-time most hated dishes – Eggs Benedict. The question hangs in the air like a tantalizing mystery: who conjured up this meal?

With a furrowed brow, I can't help but inquire, "Who the hell makes this breakfast?"

Nonette spares me from further suspense by admitting, "It's me."

A genuine smile graces my lips as I acknowledge her culinary prowess. "Oh, that's why today's breakfast is very delicious," I remark with genuine satisfaction. Aside from the Eggs Benedict, every aspect of this breakfast is nothing short of perfection.

Cornelia, who has been silently observing our exchange, finally voices her curiosity, "Where are the other maids?"

"I send them to Aries Imperial Villa to take care of it," I reply, my focus now on cutting into the delectable avocado toast prepared by Nonette. I savor each bite, aiming to maintain an air of calm during this delightful meal.

Cornelia nods, understanding the reasoning behind my decision. "Oh yeah, you ask Father for the villa as a reward for your victory at the E.U. front," she recalls.

"I cannot let Auntie Mari's Villa fall into the hands of opportunists," I explain, my determination evident in my voice. The Aries Imperial Villa is a cherished villa of Auntie Mari, and protecting it is a matter of great importance.

Cornelia agrees, offering her support. "Well, that works too. At least we know it is in capable hands," she adds, her confidence in me shining through, which is weird.

Turning my attention to Nonette, I ask, "N, do you have anything to do today?"

Nonette, appearing slightly puzzled, considers my question. "Hmm? I don't think so," she replies.

A mischievous idea crosses my mind as I suggest, "Wanna stay here and watch TV?"

Her face lights up with a smile. "Sure," she agrees with enthusiasm.

"Nice," I respond, giving her a thumbs-up.

Cornelia, however, has different plans. "I am staying as well," she declares.

I can't help but playfully dismiss her presence, saying, "Yeah, no. Your presence is not required on our date."

Nonette, ever the peacemaker, extends her hand to pat my head gently. "Now, now, B," she says softly, "Let her stay if she wants."

With Nonette's approval, I reluctantly concede. Hmm? Are those two talking with their eyes?

I glance between Nonette and Cornelia, feeling an odd mixture of amusement and contentment at their interactions.


25th June 2009, Pendragon, Gemini Imperial Villa,

"As of today, Lady Anya Alstreim will be staying at the Gemini Villa as an apprentice for proper etiquette," The Knight of One informs me, dropping a rather unexpected bombshell.

I can't help but curse under my breath. Why in the world did the Emperor decide that it's a brilliant idea to have his wife stay in my house of all places?

"Are you absolutely certain, Lord Bismarck? I'm hardly qualified to instruct anyone on proper behavior," I questioned my superior, a hint of disbelief in my tone. I mean, take a good look at me. I've been slapped with house arrest for what they claim is disrespecting the Emperor. (Of course, I'd like to clarify that I did no such thing.)

"You'll manage just fine," Sir Bismarck replied, and I couldn't help but notice the unsettling grin that danced upon his lips. He leans in closer to put his hands firmly resting on my shoulders. To be honest, his grin is nothing short of terrifying.

"But, sir!" I protest, trying my best to make him see reason, though it seems nearly impossible to penetrate that thick skull of his.

"You will manage just fine," he replies, his grip on my shoulder unwavering. Is it strange for me to feel a shiver of fear creeping down my spine?


26th June 2009, Pendragon, Gemini Imperial Villa,

Weird… incredibly weird. The moment I lay my eyes on Lady Anya, an eerie sense of déjà vu washes over me, as if I've stumbled upon a forgotten memory. It's a profound sensation, making me question if the girl standing before me is truly Lady Anya or, my dear Auntie Mari.

This cannot stand. I cannot allow Auntie Mari to further ruin this young girl's life any further. I must set some ground rules to prevent Auntie Mari from taking control over Lady Anya's body.

*Knock* *Knock*

The rhythmic knocking on my door confirms my suspicions. It's unmistakably Auntie Mari. Among all the individuals residing within this villa, only she has that unique habit of inserting a slight delay between her knocks.

"Come in," I grant the girl entry into my bedroom.

"Lord Benedict, I extend my gratitude for your gracious hospitality," she says, bowing with a flourish of refined manners. There's no denying it; that's Auntie Mari through and through.

I motion for her to come closer, then lift her by her tiny arms, turning her body around and placing her gently on my lap.

"You can stop with the act, Auntie Mari," I sigh, no longer willing to entertain the charade of her inhabiting this young girl's life. Despite the familial affection I hold for her, Auntie Mari is without doubt a selfish bitch.

She tilts her head, a smirk playing on her lips. "You're rather clever, Ben," she quips, displaying no remorse for the life she has effectively stolen.

"Of course, I've had the privilege of spending my childhood years with you," I replied, my hand patting her head with a gentleness reserved for cherished memories.

Auntie Mari raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "It feels different when I'm on the receiving end of those pats," she noted, though she did not resist my affectionate gesture.

I address her directly, my tone gentle but firm. "You should stop taking over this girl's life, Auntie Mari," I request. "If you absolutely must, wait until she falls asleep to manifest."

"But that means I won't have the time to visit Charles!" Auntie Mari protests with a playful pout. She pouts. She freaking pouts! This old lady freaking pouts!

"That would be for the best, Auntie Mari," I concede with a sigh, a sense of responsibility driving my stance. "And please, tell me, did he ever... you know, touch you while you were in this young girl's body?" I inquire with a hint of trepidation, dreading the answer.

Auntie Mari dodges the question playfully, her coyness frustrating me. "Hmm? I wonder," she replies, leaving the matter ambiguous.

"Please, Auntie Mari," I beseech, my concern genuine. "I don't want to put my father behind bars for being a pedophile."

"Silly boy," she chides, gently booping my nose. "Charles would never lay a finger on me in this form."

With that assurance, I breathe a sigh of relief, grateful that my fears have been unfounded. I pull her tiny form into an embrace, though it's not her true body; the sense of familiarity brings me some comfort.

"I miss you, Auntie Mari," I admit, my voice laden with the weight of nostalgia. While Auntie Mari is still accessible to me within C's World, it's not the same as having her by my side in the real world.

"There, there, don't be sad, Ben," she consoles me, placing her small hands over mine. For this moment, despite Auntie Mari is a selfish bitch, she's undeniably Auntie Mari, the one person I could always count on during my childhood, aside from Brother Ody. My mother was... busy.

"Is this what Miss C.C. referred to as the 'Power of Kings'?" I inquire, feigning knowledge.

"Yup!" she affirms, confirming my suspicions.

"At the very least, I can converse with you again, thanks to it," I smile, my heart warming at the thought.

"Are you regretting not accepting her contract?" Auntie Mari probes with a teasing tone.

"Of course not," I respond emphatically. "I wouldn't agree to any shady contracts, even if it promised me extraordinary abilities," I declare, emphasizing my unwavering stance.

"I heard from her that you love Charles," Auntie Mari remarks, her tone teasingly mischievous.

I can't help but chuckle nervously. "Well, that's true," I admit, the goofy smile on my face betraying my feelings. "Please, Auntie Mari, don't ever tell him."

"Why?" she inquires, genuine curiosity in her voice.

"I just… don't want him to think that the love I have for him is fake," I confess, rubbing the back of my head in embarrassment. "I'm sure some of my siblings say that a lot to gain my father's favor. So, I think it is best for me not to say it even if I love him," I explain, my emotions laid bare.

"I highly doubt anyone, even Lelouch and Nunnally, would say such words him," Auntie Mari reassures me, her voice soft and comforting. "So, at least once, try saying it in his presence," she encourages, attempting to boost my confidence.

"I... I'll give it a shot, Auntie Mari," I promise, squeezing her petite waist gently. "Thank you," I whisper, overwhelmed by the support and love she offers me.

"You're welcome, Benny," she replies with a warm smile, the affection in her eyes unmistakable.


A few minutes earlier, Leo Imperial Villa,

[I just… don't want him to think that the love I have for him is fake.]

[So, I think it is best for me not to say it even if I love him.]

Charles, listening to his wife and son's conversation, heaved out a tired sigh. However, he burst into laughter not long after.

"Your Majesty," Bismarck called out, concern evident in his voice.

"Bismarck... I believe I heard that insolent brat calling me a pedophile," Charles grinned wider. "Don't you think he deserves another year of house arrest?"


Author's Note;

That's the end of this chapter! With Ben under house arrest, there isn't much I can do to continue his war crimes.

Regarding Nonette appreciating Cornelia's body... well, who wouldn't, right?

So, I think Ben will get another year of house arrest. I wonder how that will affect the characters?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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