
Obsession next door

Jade who’s aspired by her father to be a writer, sets out to write a story of her own, having one of the biggest alpha Matt’s son, Artemis in every corner of her story. She’s set to know if her little obsession with him would led to a happy ending. Would the Walton’s accept her lover for their son? Can she watch her friend ship go down the drain because of her little obsession ? can she withstand the test of time or will it cost her the ones she loves the most.

Precious_Udoh_8507 · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Wi-if password

Jade POV

"Hey, jade! Wake up birthday girl!", mom brings me breakfast in bed with a cup cake And a candle. This has been a routine every year.

I wasn't feeling excited as I did last year- [maybe the fact that I am turning 21 and Still no perfect love life, guess deep inside I am anxious to find one].

I hide under the covers and pretend I haven't been lying awake. I yawn and stretch and wipe the imaginary sleep from my eyes.

The room floods with light and mom lowers the tray laden with my favorite breakfast on to the duvet. Each year it's the same— my favorite cheese on toast, but with a special birthday twist. Mom always layer yellow cheese over the bread, then shapes a number out of orange cheese and puts it on top to melt under the grill. It smells delicious.

Mom sit on the edge of the bed, pats me on the shoulder "say your wishes, love" she said. I picked up my cup cake with a candle on it, close my eyes and said my usual wishes but this year something was different. I wanted to find true love, I blew out the candle while mom sang happy birthday to me.

"Happy birthday, Jade" she said, giving me a hug.

"Thanks, mom.

While I bite into the toast happily. The is a flower in a jam jar on the tray and a vanilla milkshake with whipped cream on top.

These days I rather have iced coffee than vanilla milkshake ,but was my favorite once.

I'd say I'm been couscous of my sugar intake,everything is just the same as it was the first time mom and dad made me a birthday breakfast. When I was thirteen,yet another birthday without my dad.

Mom brings in my present, a small box and shopping bag

I rip off the seal on the box to uncover a Polaroid camera and the shopping bag, a gorgeous dinner dress.

"Mom, I love it!" I sequel "your dad would be proud of you my darling" she said while stroking my hair.

I could see the sadness in her eyes wishing my dad was around to celebrate this moment with me.

I lost my dad to a car accident that happened six years ago ever since things hasn't been the same at home. Mom had to bare the burden alone. " I'm off to work hunny " she said, gives me a forehead kiss "I'm sorry, I have to leave you alone on your birthday" I saw a glance of guilt in her eyes..... "I understand mom, I do " I said softly " Holding my self not to tear up and ruin the beautiful moment.

Alright, I will be back soon sweetheart" she said and left my room. I turned and reached out to my phone which already had tons of notifications from my friends, colleagues and family.

While trying to go through some of the messages, Stacy's call came in " hello birthday girl" said her in a very cheerful voice

" what's up aee?" she humoured and I just laughed. " I sent you tons of messages and didn't get a reply . What were you upto? " She asked. "Ohh nothing!, I was just having that moment with my mom" she boldly giggled and said , "Happy birthday jade, thanks for been a great friend, for been my best friend for what more. You know I love you right?" I laughed and said " No, I don't "..... " you better do Virgin Mary" she said , I laughed real hard "fine I know, I know" I said.

Silence suddenly fell "hmm" Stacy said " what!" I fired back like I was waiting for her to say something. "Never mind, don't tell me Talen didn't call to wish you a happy birthday" she said trying to change the conversation "don't try to change the conversation, spill bi!tch" I rolled by eyes knowing where she's headed to.

"Did you see him today?" she whispered softly like she's sacred of ruining the mood with the question, silence suddenly fell again. I stood up and walked to my window side.

The slick navy blue curtains swinging to and for with the gust of wind. I peered through the window like I was waiting for him to ring the doorbell with a gift in his hands wishing me a birthday.

I cringe at my own thoughts knowing that wouldn't ever happen , "we've never even said hi, I'm"…. "Hey, are you there?" Stacy startled me out of my thoughts "no…hmm I mean yes,I haven't seen him today tho" I rolled my eyes while I bounced back on my bed.

"Why don't we throw a party at my place? "What party Stacy?! I said sarcastically " not interested please"

"Obviously!" she hissed ,I could hear the disappointment in her voice as she hangs up the call.


It all started when we decided to move to a new environment after my father's death.

We got to live as the next neighbor of the most influential family which owns the biggest company in the country "The Alpha Matt"

The Walton's world is complete different from mine, they are stylish, rich and simply too elite.

They have three sons which is the heir to the Alpha Matt empire, they are named after demigods, Artemis, Apollo ,Ares.

After my break up with Finn which was very much traumatizing I vow never to have a serious relationship with any guy till I'm mentally stable and ready to accept reality.

Sadly I could find my self falling for Artemis , you could say I have a very deep obsession with Artemis the second son of the Waltons ever since we moved in.

My laptop hard drive can can a-test to that, every picture and every video of him.

Tho I've never said a word to Artemis even with the fact that he stay in the compound next to mine, having our windows facing each other.

He never noticed me, but I know everything he does, where he trains and when he trains.

I have collected lots and tons of information about him or until that thing with my wi-if happened.

Apparently my router decided to plot against me my strong ass password wasn't as strong as I thought. As if all sounds it all started with the Wi-Fi.