
Obsession next door

Jade who’s aspired by her father to be a writer, sets out to write a story of her own, having one of the biggest alpha Matt’s son, Artemis in every corner of her story. She’s set to know if her little obsession with him would led to a happy ending. Would the Walton’s accept her lover for their son? Can she watch her friend ship go down the drain because of her little obsession ? can she withstand the test of time or will it cost her the ones she loves the most.

Precious_Udoh_8507 · Sci-fi
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My happy sad beginning

Chapter 1

My happy sad beginning

Jade POV

Jade! Jade!,hold up, wait for me ! I heard my best friend's voice beckoning me from behind. I rolled my eyes and slowed down my pace.

" Virgin Mary " she race towards me while trying to catch her breath.

That's my best friend Stacy always teasing me with every little chance she gets.

Stacy and Talen. Who is my male friend are the only friends I have and the only ones that put up with my shits.

"Stacy how many time have I!!…. Rolling my eyes with my hands on my hips "Told you not to call me that in public" I screamed. I could feel the prying eyes on us at the moment, Who cares any ways.

She giggles with her hand clapped on her mouth "Oh come one now sweetheart I couldn't resist it. while she drops her hand on my shoulder " seen Talen today?" She asked. "No, why?" I reply. She frowns ," He keeps asking about you"

Stacy says with one eyebrow arched. "his probably making out with a girl in his hideout" i said. absolutely unbothered cause I know Talen way too much.

" What a good question to ask me, when my birthday is just around the corner " I added trying to steer away the topic of Talen.

She nudges her arm around my waist "I got you, so what are your plans?" Stacy asked while i clench my books close to my boobs swinging my legs with no intention of answering Stacy's question "stay all day cuddling your blanket while watching porn and eating popcorn" she said.

I could hear the excitement in her voice knowing how disgusted I feel hearing things like that.

"Stacy would you save me the stress already" I whine. "your no kid anymore" she said while bumping her shoulder with mine " I know!, I know! Stacy I'm just not ready yet,not after what Finn did to me. Thinking of it wanna make me puke" acting like I really wanna puke with a disgusted facial expression.

"There you go again, you'd probably die a virgin" she said "yeah!! I'd happily do" rolled my eyes and left for class.


Finn was one of the hottest guys in school

, Lord knew how I felt about him. How he made me feel, it was the best thing ever!

I had a huge crush on him since grade six, gosh! Thinking about it now disgust me more and more each second.

We got to date after I asked him to go to prom with me, It did took a lot of courage to do that, Stacy obviously made me do it...Urghhh!!!

Always nagging me on getting a boyfriend.

Sometimes I wonder how we become friends when we're like two different persons. After a few dates he asked me to be his girlfriend, it was like a dream come true.

I had good memories with him,I mean…. he gave me my very first kiss. But one thing I never understood was why he was hell bent on making our relationship private.

I wanted to understand him, who would want to be seen with nerdy girl like me.

Nobody would have seen it coming, that he'd want to settle for a girl like me….. I really did tell myself I was doing him a favor by hiding out relationship, but no matter what that thing in me keeps telling me I deserve more, I deserve better and I kept convincing myself.

"Ohh I haven't seen him with any other girl he probably has a good reason for hiding our relationship when the time comes he'd let everyone know " I kept saying to myself.

For the past 365 and two months I never caught Finn cheating little did I know I was fooling myself the whole time.

To even think of the fact that while in a relationship with Finn he never made the attempt to sexually touch me, it only ended with kisses.

I was okay with it, I felt it was his own way of telling me he didn't date me for that and was waiting for the right time.

I wouldn't even see it coming. Not until one sunny crisp Saturday afternoon after class. I got his favorite MC Donald's and iced coffee and went to surprise him with it.

As I went up to his apartment I could hear faint whispers and groan as I opened the door.

Only for me to meet Finn and zak having the moment of their life.

I could remember how Finn was deep throating zak's dick, I could hear the slurping sound coming for sucking his dick aggressively, he was going fast like he wouldn't stop,while Zak hand was underneath stroking Finn's dick.

That moment was so intense, I just froze by the door Side. I nearly went hard from watching this mini porn. I have read a lot of erotic stories but this!!! Was entirely different. I was traumatized, I mean who would have thought Finn the hottest guy in school who all the girls are drooling for is gay!!!

He then had to cheat on me with Zak of all people!!…..

Zak is one of my nemesis, we've known each other since high school days but we never got along. He once made me trip intentionally, spilling my food all over the floor in the school cafeteria,in front of everyone.

That was the worst moments of my life, I wouldn't forget how he gave me this cruel smirk as he saw me being drenched in humiliation.

Unfortunately for me, we ended up going to the Same college , I couldn't believe after all I've been through he still had a chance to take Finn from me.

I would never forget the shock on their faces the moment their saw me. At that time I cared less about what Finn did to me, I was in for revenge. It then occurred to me I never really loved Finn it was all some silly teen girl infatuation.

Suddenly I burst into this hot, weird yet confusing laughter and I swear I saw this strange cringing and befuddled expression which was written all over their faces.

I mean I shouldn't be laughing right now, I should be crying while Finn's follows me and be like "babe I can explain, let me explain please" like in the movies.

But my case was the opposite,I saw it as a chance to get back at both Zak and Finn, the school wound be in uproar when they find out the almighty, rude ass Zak is gay.

I wanted to take my revenge and still move on like nothing happened because I was too broken for everything.

I cried for days, it was draining me physically and emotionally, I mean my first crush ditched me for a guy, thinking about it now it's so funny. cause sadly I'm still single and yet to find love. Maybe I'm the problem? I'd always say to myself.