
Obsession is Just Not My Thing

Bakugo is obsessed with Kirishima but refuses to believe it till its too late... “...him trying to hide his little smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. This is not good.“

Crude_Kyle · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

When he Walked in

Bakugo's Pov:

I sit here already thinking about the end of the day and never take my eyes off the clock. It's sad really, the clock never seems to actually move, maybe it's broken. I'll have to tell the teacher. The class is probably gonna be something boring as usual, nothing that will actually spark my attention. Nothing really interests me these days. Everything has just lost its magic, its spark. My eyes wander the empty classroom. Im the first one here so that way I can sleep a few extra minutes before actual torture begins.

One kid after another they begin to file in to the classroom, gossiping about some stupid shit I could care less about. One kid catches my eye. A redhead. He strikes me as someone who is always happy. I can never understand those kinds of people. How can someone be happy all day long? My face hurts after smiling for 30 minutes. Could not imagine it all day.

This redhead is talking to a chick with pink skin? Probably his girlfriend (Damn). Then two others walk over to him, one yellow haired idiot and one plain looking on with black hair. They talk and laugh at something that the pink on said. Soon the teacher walks in and shouts at everyone to sit down.

"Good morning students. My name is Shota Aiwzawa but you can call me Mr. Aizawa."

This is gonna be a fucking long couple years... unless I can talk to him

Hello! This is my first fanfic I have ever published I hope you like it and I am open to any criticism you have.

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