
Obsession is Just Not My Thing

Bakugo is obsessed with Kirishima but refuses to believe it till its too late... “...him trying to hide his little smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. This is not good.“

Crude_Kyle · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

His name is Kirishima...

Bakugo's Pov:

Fuck. Of course he had to get the seat right next to me. The air went still and I could feel the awkwardness. WHY WAS IT SO AWKWARD? I wondered if he caught me staring… I hope the fuck not. A hero was not supposed to like anyone, they are meant to save people. Not fall in love and put their spouse in danger. Why am I even thinking about this, it's not like I like him or anything. I don't even know the guy. Even when I looked at him he looked afraid.

Then Mr. Aizawa decided to drop the ball on us and said,

"The person next to you is gonna be your partner for our projects this year. If you have any problems with the people sitting next you let me know."

Fuck. This.

I hated the idea of group projects anyway, but why does it have to be with this guy? I don't know him and it's already awkward between us for no reason. Might as well just get to know him…

"Oi! Redhead. I guess we're partners now. What's your name?" I intended the comment to sound nice-ish but instead it came out grave.

"I guess! My name is Kirishima. What's yours? I'm really excited to be partners with you. Lets try our best." he said it with a smile.

Of course with a goddamn smile.

"The names, Bakugo."

This was starting off to be a "great" introduction.

Kirishima's Pov:

The guy just seems angry all the time. He has this look that makes him look mean but I don't think that that's the case. Under that rough exterior is a man of gold. He looks at me and I feel a little intimidated under that pinpoint gaze, but he was quick to look away. It seems awkward, was it awkward for him as well? After that weird exchange Mr. Aizawa turned to us and said that the person next to us was gonna be our partner for the projects this year.

Am I scared or excited for that news? I have no idea.

After what felt like forever I saw the blonde turn to me and he asked what my name was. He sounded tired and a little annoyed, so I retorted with my smile. I responded with my name and said that I was excited to be his partner. His name is Bakugo. What a manly name.

We just talked about how we think our projects are gonna go (even though we have no idea what we are even doing). He has a slight hint of a smile on his face, he looks cute with it. What am I even saying?! I don't know this guy and he treats me like a dick, but I still find him attractive??

Mr. Aizawa then said what the first project was, Your favorite heroes and why you idolize them.

This was gonna be a piece of cake.