
Obito in Bleach

A lucky man was reincarnated into bleach and was able to pick a anime character to reincarnate as so who better than the Obito Uchiha.

Ultimate_Gambler · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


They were currently sitting on her couch with Obito taking off his mask.

"Come on Obito let's spar before I have to start working." Soi Fon stood up and walked towards him.

"Alright Lets go in my kamui dimension so we don't disturb everyone." Obito sucks up Soi Fon and himself.

"So this is your Kamui Dimension it's quite lonely." Soi Fon says getting into her battle stance.

"I guess so let's begin." Obito says

Soi Fon dashes towards him sending out a couple punches and kicks that are all blocked and deflected. Obito grabs her arm and forms a rasengan in his other hand pushing it into her stomach.

Soi Fon's body disappeared before he could hit her cashing the rasengan to hit the ground. Soi Fon sends a kick at his head from behind him Obito ducks and sweeps her leg attempting to punch her but misses as she flips back.

"You have quite the mobility don't you let's see if you can dodge this making some hand signs Obito puffs his chest out. Water style: Exploding water shockwave." Obito spits out a large volume of raging water filling up a large area.

Soi Fon jumps up and stands in the air above the huge sea of water. "Your sea of water can't do anything if I'm above it." She smirks

"Your right how about you join me for a swim." Obito slammed his hands together and put them on the ground 7 wooden pillar grew and started moving towards Soi Fon at fast speeds.

Using Shunpo she creates 12 speed clones and moves towards Obito her clones dodge around the pillars some failed and were destroyed by the time she got close to him only 4 were left.

Obito dodges one clones kick and throws it into the water watching as it gets devoured by a water shark the other three clones close in and delivers a series of attacks. Obito was hit by a kick and was sent flying into the water.

"How's that for a swim." Soi Fon smirks as the other two clones disappear.

Obito jumps out of the water and charges him weaving some signs.

"Fire style:Great fireball jutsu." He spits and large fireball towards her. Soi Fon jumps in the air and charges wind reiastu in her legs and kicks threw the fireball into Obito's stomach.

Obito crashes into the water making the sea disperse. Shaking his head slightly he pulls himself out of the crater and activates his Mangekyō Sharingan.

"So we're stepping it up that's fine with me. Sting all enemies to death Suzumebachi" Soi Fon releases her Shikai and a black and gold gauntlet with a stinger like blade covers her right hand.

Using kamui Obito appears next to Soi Fon and knees her in the gut before grabbing her arm and spin throwing her into the ground.

Soi Fon gets up and Shunpos towards Obito disappearing and reappearing to his right striking with Suzumebachi but her attack goes threw him. Once her arm goes all the way pass him he becomes tangible again as forms a chidori attacking her shoulder.

Soi Fon kicks his arm up and delivers a spinning kick to his face making him stumble back. They stare into each other's eyes before engaging back into into hand to hand combat with Obito becoming intangible every time she strikes with Suzumebachi.

-30 minutes later-

"I think that this is enough." Obito said climbing out of a crater his clothes from the waist up were destroyed with bruises everywhere and 3 butterfly symbols on his left cheek stomach and back respectively.

"No I can beat you." Soi Fon picks herself up she was looking worse than him with bruises everyone and blood dripping down her forehead to her left eye her pants almost entirely gone and only a bra covering her boobs.

"Jakuhō Raikōben." Saying these words a pillar of light shoots up on Soi Fon before disappearing revealing a giant yellow missle on her arm almost twice the size of her.

"Isn't this a little far for a spar." Obito said but got no response. Sighing he put his palm forward and opened his left eye.

Fire blasts from the back of the missle and Soi Fon points it towards him. Planting her feet in the ground she throws her arm forward and the missle launches. "HAAAAA!"

Seeing the missle come his way Obito narrows his eyes then speaks. "Almighty Push." A massive wave of pressure explodes forth and mights the missle head the moment the two forces collide a enormous explosion happens destroying the entire area.

After the explosion and dust cleared Obito pushed rumble off of himself and moved towards Soi Fon. Moving the rumble off her and picking her up she spoke weakly. "You look rough why didn't you just kamui your way out of the blast."

"My reserves are exhausted if I did I wouldn't be able to get us out of here." Obito said before using kamui to get them out of the dimension.

Arriving back at Soi Fon's house he laid her down on the couch and started a shower up.

"Soi Fon you can rest after taking a shower come on." Obito said picking her up and loving her to the bathroom.

"Thank you." She said quietly.

"Maybe I should help you wash." Obito smirked.

"Get out." Soi Fon shut the door.

I hope you liked it but I’m not the best with fights scenes so....

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