
When they cry

You never seen him cry except for one time. Whenever he is gonna get emotional, he will leave to his room. But one time he had too much work to do, his brothers were causing him so much stress. He was able to keep it all together, till you entered and asked him a simple question, "Are you okay?" But such a simple question broke him. He immediately got tears sliding down his cheeks as he covered his face, not wanting to cry in front of you as he tried to say it's okay but his voice came out in a whisper. When you hugged him, stroking his hair in a soothing way, it just made him cry more as he hugged you tightly, whispering he's sorry you have to see him like this while also whispering how stressful his brothers can be.

He may act strong but he's a crybaby. Put on a sad movie and he will be sobbing while holding you tightly. Of course after the movie he will huff and say he was acting. You never seen him cry besides with sad movies since he will cover it up with either avoiding the subject or becoming aggressive to avoid feeling sad.

If his favorite character dies, he will cry. Of course he will try to act as if he isn't while wiping his face furiously to get the tears away. When you tease him about it, he will yell he may be a demon but he also has feelings. You only seen him cry over his video games and movies. He doesn't have much to cry about besides that since he keeps staying in his room, he doesn't even know what day it is or what's going on outside his room most of the time.

He will get angry when he gets sad. But when he accidently insults you and he sees your pained expression, he will realize how awful he's been and quickly say sorry as tears form. He will take your hands, explaining what has upset him so much before kissing your hand, mumbling that isn't a good reason to insult you though. When you say it's okay, he will give you a little smile but can't help but still feel awful for being angry with you when you just wanted to know what has upset him so.

He had a time where he was crying a lot, which worried you and made you think something was very wrong. You worried yourself sick for him, so when he laughed and said he read crying is healthy for the body, you couldn't help but angry slap the back of his head, yelling you were worried sick for him. He just laughed it off and gave you a hug, apologizing for making you worried before saying he won't cry so much anymore then.

Whenever he has nightmares he can't help but tear up. When you open your arms, he will be glad to cuddle to you while telling you about his nightmare, trying not to cry but failing as tears slide down. Will have to hold him till he calms down. Both will then cuddle so he can fall back asleep, his hand tightly holding yours so he can be sure you're still there.

If you ask if he's crying, he will angry yell he isn't before stuffing his face in his pillow so you can't see him crying. If you stay, Belphegor will just get annoyed since he hates been seen crying so you will have to leave till he calms down. When he calmed down, he will hug you, apologizing. He won't tell you what wrong is, not wanting to worry you with his problems.