
Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Plans and preperations

Helena Crowl, 280AC, Skagos

The winter years had fallen and with it came hard times, though Skagos had been well prepared. Grain silos were filled, the larders stocked and thanks to their advancements they were well ready to survive the winter season. Things had not been easy for Helena since the passing of Vilkas, he was well respected on Skagos and his very presence often deterred anyone from stepping out of line. Thankfully, Baldur had managed to stick around in some capacity, though he had gone to Essos on two occasions to fight in a sell sword company of Northmen and Ironborn that had been hired on by Lorath to fight along the coast and into the hills of Norvos.

Erik Crowl had stepped into the void that was left by Vilkas and filled it as best he could, though he wasn't nearly as respected as the prior occupant. He was still known around Skagos as a kinslayer from his youth, though at least a justified one, the taint still followed him. He shared with her a will to better Skagos, and he often provided wise council and had the patience to sit through endless meetings and piles of work with little complaint. So far, he had played a crucial role in her plans for expansion north of the wall.

The free folk north of the wall helped drive the economy of Skagos and continued to make it a growing center of trade and importance. Baldur's gate was the only major center of trade in the region and acted as a port town for much of the goods flowing through the area. They had the wealth, tools, craftsmen and man power to continue expanding their reach along the north and Helena had focused on doing that. Expanding would bring more wealth and power to both house Crowl and House Whent and would ensure their continued prosperity.

If she had learned anything during her time in the North, it was that the wildlings were a divided people of many clans who often were at odds with one another and the cold itself to survive. Often clans or groups would battle for control over a region and do whatever they could to keep what they took. The wildlings respected strength, and that was what Helena hoped to prey on. While the wildlings were nearly impossible to conquer by the conventional means, one could defeat them by winning their loyalties, which was what she used.

She had sent out Erik and a number of trusted men to treat with clan leaders along the coasts to convince them of allying with House Crowl. By providing warriors and equipment to aid more amiable clan chieftains, she helped them defeat their foes and unite their people under the control of their leaders. She would also convince them of the merits of trade posts, which proved popular during the harsh winter years as food was scarce and they needed little convincing to ensure their people survived. In exchange for this aid, Helena would often require them to swear to do business with only Skagos and follow a rough set of laws. While some of the stronger clans in different regions had scoffed at the idea, the weaker ones had seen it as a way to gain control and had accepted. This had resulted in many skirmishes that had kept Baldur, Rolf, Ivan, Halvar and the warriors of House Crowl busy and satisfied.

As more trade posts came under their control, so did more economic power for both Skagos and House Whent who supplied large portions of grain. This also ensured that other traders had a near impossible time attempting to move in on any trade beyond the wall, forcing them to sell their goods in Skagos instead. By slowly projecting dominance over more tribes and clans along the north, she hoped to one day begin bringing them in as loyal vassals to House Crowl. In the near future she would make it so that the entirety of the coast was loyal to her house and remained at peace with one another or faced being cut off. So far it had required a fair bit of bloodshed, but she had learned that the North bred hard people that often required such methods.

Baldur and Mark Ryswell had founded a sell sword company in Essos made up of Northermen called the Savage Company. They had quickly gained employment in Lorath along with a group of Iron Born sell-sails that had been paid to bring the coastal region and the hills of Norvos under Loraths control. Much of the mountainous region and coastal area's had few loyalties to anyone and were isolated places, though the Northmen and Iron-born had done a good job of having them swear to the free city of Lorath. While Baldur had only partook in the initial campaign and the sacking of a town, the Skagossons as a whole had brought back much treasure and freed slaves as they continued skirmishes and conquest in the name of Lorath. Helena had seen to the settling of these freed slaves along the coasts north of the wall and the craftsmen on Skagos as before.

In the present, Helena sat within her study with Jorund on her lap as she read him a small tale. Her boy was growing up fast and Helena would ensure that he grew up well. Already he was learning to read and speak the different tongues that he would need in the future as a Lord. He was only five years old now, though one day he would raise Skagos to new heights where her husband couldn't. Baldur was a warrior with few peers and a man who men looked up to and were inspired by and surprisingly creative, though he lacked management skills and political astuteness that was often needed to secure power. Jorund would become a man that would master these skills and raise House Crowl to heights of prestige and respect in the 7 kingdoms. He would be the face of the house that would garner respect amongst many types of people. 

"My Lady, everything has been readied for your departure." Maester Glenn announced, entering into the room. Maester Glenn had decided to stay permenantly as the Maester of House Crowl, which was welcome news. While he wasn't as widely studied as many Maesters in the Citidel, his support of her and her vision for the future more than made up for it. She counted him as her closest confident, from matters pertaining to their combined efforts to catalogue the free folk cultures to the raising of her son and the many plans that she had for him.

"Thank you Maester Glenn." Helena replied with a warm smile. They would be setting out for Kingslanding soon for the royal wedding. Helena planned to personally attend, as her sister Sheela and Minisa would be in attendance along with a number of her distance relations. It would be a chance to bring Jorund south for the first time and meet his relatives. Her young daughter Astrid would also be making the journey south, though she would be mostly under the care of the servants. It would also present a chance for her to wish her niece Lysa well on her betrothal to the heir of House Roote of Harroway town. Hoster had made a wise decision marrying his youngest daughter into House Roote. Harroway town had risen considerably in wealth over the last few years as it was the port for much of the business going North between Skagos and the Riverlands.

"Has my husband been notified?" Helena inquired from the Maester. When her husband wasn't in battle in the free cities or North of the wall he had spent his time within the confines of his music tavern working with musicians to develop new music. King Aerys himself had kept a constant flow of messages to him regarding the Princes wedding and the celebrations accompanying it. The musicians of Skagos would be providing some of the entertainment throughout the Royal celebrations in the south, something Baldur had promised would be a success. Helena had seen some of the practices, and it was indeed something that she thought would be well met among the people. No doubt the musicians would be in high demand after the royal wedding for the nobles of Westeros, bringing a good amount of gold into their coffers.

"Yes my lady, he is readied and awaiting your arrival at the ships." The Maester informed her.

"Very well, inform the staff we will be departing soon." Helena said as her son hopped off her lap and she rose to her feet.

Eddard Stark, Kingslanding, 280AC

Kingslanding was bustling with activity as Ned worked his way through the crowds at Robert's side. "Come on Ned or we will miss all the action!" Robert urged, dragging Ned beside him. They had arrived at Kingslanding a week past for the upcoming royal wedding that would take place in a couple of days. Since their arrival they had been quite busy with their families and attending official functions within the courts. Ned missed his family and enjoyed the time spent with them, but he couldn't help but enduldge himself in a little adventure alongside Robert when the opportunity had presented itself.

They soon found themselves at the tavern that was their destination, a large structure on the street of silk. The street of silk was a notorious location for whores and ale houses and it was here that they would enjoy a night of festivities, no doubt ending in a brothel if Robert had his way. The first stop however, was a tavern that served some of the best brews in Westeros, among them the Skagosson brews that Robert and Ned favored. It was a popular spot for the Skagossi tradesman and word had it that it was owned by the Stone Lord of Skagos himself.

As they entered the tavern they took a seat at one of the many tables dotting the large floor of the place. It was bustling with activity as men from all corners of the seven kingdoms ate and drank beneath walls covered in hunting trophies, furs, decorative swords and strange runic carvings. A large fire blazed in the hearth to cast heat out to warm the occupants during the cool evening. A barmaid made her way over and after a short conversation with Robert she had left before returning with a couple brews for the pair of them.

"To having all the fun we can before your marriage!" Robert said raising his glass as Ned laughed and clinked cups with him. Robert had cheered him up the best he could following the news that he was to be married. Ned had always thought that being a second son he would have the freedom to pursue his own path.

"I'll drink to that." Ned agreed as he took down a deep sip of the amber colored ale.

"Look Ned!" Robert said nudging him as he pointed towards the door to the tavern. A group of large and wild looking men outfitted in furs with large beards and long hair had just entered the hall. They towered over the occupants as they made their way towards one of the tables. Ned could spy a falcon resting on the shoulder of one of the men and a large axe on anothers back as they seated themselves at a place within the hall.

"Maybe Lord Crowl is among them." Ned said in interest. Robert and Ned had heard tales in the Eyrie growing up of the large Skagossi Lord. He was a famed warrior on the level of Barristan the Bold and the other famous knights of the realm like Ser Brynden Tully the Blackfish.

Robert and Ned continued to sample the many brews as more and more people filled up the tavern and the festivities began in full. Along the great tables of the tavern arm wrestling matches began breaking out as wagers were tossed on the tables and men shouted loudly for their candidate to win the match. It didn't take long until the two young lords were out of their seats and joining in the ruccous themselves as they crowded around the other men around the table.

A burly looking sailor had just finished beating a young sellsword as the men all cheered at the excitement as his hand thudded against the table. Coins were exchanged and complaints were shouted, but it all seemed to be in good fun as the sailors accompanying the arm wrestler cheered at his victory. "Well come on then!" A red haired man said stepping forward to take a seat. He was outfitted in the furs of the Skagosi with a large red beard that had a few different beads and decorations within it. The man was stout but of average height, Ned himself stood eye level with him and Robert towered over the man in height.

"Us Skagossons are natural arm wrestlers." He boasted as he grasped the sailors hand firmly as bets were shouted out.

"Ten silver on the ugly one!" The tall Skagossi with the falcon on his shoulder informed the assembled men as many laughed at that, Ned and Robert included.

"Oy, what you laughing at?" The red haired man demanded, pointing out Robert and Ned. Ned wasn't sure what to say, but thankfully he was saved from replying by an approaching group led by a familiar face.

"They were laughing at your ugly mug Halvar!" A brown haired man said as he approached the table in company of Great Jon Umber, a man of great height, towering over even Robert.

"Rolf, Great Jon, ya finally made it!" Halvar said with a laugh.

"Are we going to start this?" The sailor demanded as Halvar looked back to him. In response, Halvar motioned towards the bar maid with a smile, displaying a few missing teeth in the process as the woman winked back at him before signaling the start of the match as the cheering started for each side. The sailors face was red in concentration as he pushed his muscled arm with everything he had against the Skagosi man amongst the cheers. The Skagosi man for his part seemed at ease as he pressed his arm down slowly but surely, finally defeating the sailor with a thud and a great cheer amongst the Skagossi men.

"I'll be taking that." Halvar said swipping the coin off the table as the sailor cursed and a foreign looking man off to the side groaned. "Shouldn't have bet against me Varicho!" Halvar shouted out towards the dark haired man who merely grumbled inaudibly back.

"One more!" The sailor demanded of Halvar as he made to rise from his seat.

"Oy it's my turn." Robert demanded, wanting a piece of the action as the Skagosi all laughed.

"You'll be next, you just wait your turn and let the man go another round." Halvar promised as the match was readied between the two for another round.

"Come to enjoy the festivities?" Great Jon asked Ned as the match began underway.

"Aye." Ned said hesitanty.

"He's due to get married, he needs a bit of celebration." Robert said, cutting in on his friends behalf.

"Don't you worry lads, I won't go reporting this to Lord Rickard. Why if he knew half the things that your brother got up to, he'd never sleep a wink!" The Great Jon said with a laugh. The man spoke the truth, Brandon certainly did run wild wherever he went. It was a miracle that he wasn't among the celebrations here, no doubt he had been tied up by his father presenting him to the many nobles of the court. Lyanna had said that Princess Aerea herself had taken a keen interest in Brandon and had even demanded that he accompany Lyanna and her on their rides outside the gates. Ned hoped that Catelyn Tully wasn't a jealous lady or she may find herself at odds with the young princess who had clearly taken a liking to Brandon.

The sound of a thud drew everyones attention to the table as the match finished and Halvar defeated the sailor once more. The cursing sailor grabbed his wrist as the red haired Skagosson laughed loudly amongst the cheers. "No need to be angry, few can match us Skagossi in feats of strength!" He informed the sailors.

"Again!" The sailor urged angrily.

"Let another have his shot." Halvar said with a dismissive wave.

The man wasn't having any of that though as he drew his dagger and slammed it into the table, silencing the crowd in the process, Ned and Robert included. "I said again damnit!" He roared at Halvar.

"And he said piss off." Another voice cut in drawing the eyes of the table. Before them stood a large man of the height of Great Jon Umber himself, dressed in furs with an axe at his side. His had a shaven face and long brown hair with grey eyes and a muscular stature. The sailor went for his dagger, no doubt intending to draw it on the new arrival, only for the man to slam his fist against the sailor's outreached arm, breaking it with an audible snap as the man cried out. Grabbing the back of his head he bashed it against the table twice before throwing him to the ground unconscious. None of the other sailors intervened as the Skagosi man looked around. "Take him to a healer and let him know next time he won't be leaving here alive if he wants to spill blood over a fair competition." The Skagosi man barked out as the sailors scrambled to drag their friend away.

"Baldur!" The brown haired man that had accompanied Lord Umber called out as he approached with a grin.

"Rolf, sorry I'm late." Baldur grunted, giving his kin a pat on the back.

"I see you let him off easy." Rolf said motioning towards the unconscious sailor being carried out the doors. Ned wasn't quite sure what the man considered the hard way if that was letting someone off easy.

"Don't be thinking me soft, I promised the wife I wouldn't kill anyone while I was out." Baldur explained as Rolf laughed it off while.

"Well, how about a song to warm the hall and give us a taste of what is to come for the wedding?" Rolf said motioning towards the musicians. A shout of agreement followed from the many gathered at that notion. The Skagosi Lord seemed to agree as Rolf Crowl shouted orders to the band as the music began to fill the hall and the floor was cleared, leaving Baldur in the front and a few men and women with Valyrian looks. Ned had heard the Stone Lord had a liking to music and had his own play house. His father had told him that he would be presenting a number of songs for the royal wedding, though Ned had never suspected he might be singing them himself.

(Disney song "Gaston". Remade to "Baldur")

"Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Baldur

Looking so down in the dumps

Every guy here'd love to be you, Baldur

Even when taking your lumps

There's no man in town as admired as you

You're everyone's favorite guy

Everyone's awed and inspired by you

And it's not very hard to see why

No one's slick as Baldur

No one's quick as Baldur

No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Baldur's

For there's no man in town half as manly

Perfect, a pure paragon!

You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanly

And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on" One of the men sang out.

"No one's been like Baldur

A king pin like Baldur" The group of Valyrians sang

"No one's got a swell clef in their chin like Baldur" The Valyrian man added.

"As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!" Baldur sang, flexing his arms for show.

"My what a guy, that Baldur!

Give five hurrahs

Give twelve hip-hips" The group sang

"Baldur is the best and the rest is all drips!" The valyrian man sang

"No one fights like Baldur

Douses lights like Baldur" Chorus

"In a wrestling match nobody bites like Baldur!"

The song continued as Ned listened alongside Robert and the others. It was quite a good song and it was no wonder that King Aery's had him presenting his musicians for the celebrations. Eddard had never heard anything of it's like as it was much different than what the musicians played in the Eyrie. It was quite a festive song though clearly a self dedicated one. Ned found the songs lyrics quite accurate that Baldur did indeed use antlers in all of his decorating, if this tavern was anything to go by. As the song ended, the musicians turned to another classical Westerosi song. Baldur settled himself into his chair as the rest of the hall took to their seats again, enjoying more of the drinks and talking amiably between one another.

Robert, Ned, Great Jon and a few others occupied a table not far from the Stone Lord as they talked between themselves about the up coming celebrations. It had come somewhat as a surprise when the prince had selected his bride, sending quite a few ripples through Kings Landing. Ned had heard that the King himself had wished for his son to marry another, though the Prince had turned it down in favor of his own choice. Eddard wondered who the king's first choice had been, though quite a few guessed, no one had any clue as to who it was. Ned though of what his own father would do if he declared to him that he wouldn't marry his betrothed and instead decided for the life of a sellsword like he and Robert had always spoken of. No doubt his father would be greatly displeased.

After another ten minutes they made their way up to the front of the hall to meet with the Stone Lord along Great Jon Umber, both being excited at the thought. "Baldur!" Jon greeted, stepping forward and shaking hands with the Skagosi man. Between the two of them they dwarfed the entirety of the hall, each one rising above seven feet in height. Even Robert looked small next to the pair of him and he was considerably larger than Ned himself. "Baldur, meet Lord Robert Baratheon, Heir to Storms End and Eddard Stark, Lord of the Dreadfort." Jon prompted as Lord Crowl turned towards them both, first eying Eddard then Robert. The two introduced themselves and made a bit of small talk about the upcoming royal wedding and the happenings in Kings landing. Robert inquired about a few of the newest brews as the Skagosi man invited them to take a seat at his table and try them.

"So will you be fighting in the tournament to celebrate the wedding?" Robert questioned in interest. He knew Robert planned to compete, no doubt he had hopes of besting the Skagosi warrior. Ned would be forced to have his back in the fight, not something he looked forward to.

"Not this one, Lord Rickard has a task for me and my men in the Kingswood. It seems a small group of bandits have been troubling some of the small folk and traders around kings landing. Following the celebrations, me and my men will likely ride out." Baldur explained as Eddard and Robert glanced between one another. Ned could see thoughts forming in his friends mind before he had even delivered them.