
Chapter 28

Thanks for all the great comments and input. Incase you missed it in the comment section, it was largely decided that people would like the story to deviate away from the cannon roberts rebellion, where at the end he would be on the throne and the Targs cast to exile or dead. Instead, expect a conflict, but more in the direction of a dance of dragons type clash in the future. Again, thanks for all the support and please point out any plot errors that you catch, it would truly help me a lot!

Chapter 28: Around the realm

POV: Baldur, Skagos, 275 AC

The realm had largely been in a state of peace the last few years, Baldur remaining in the North for nearly all of it. Skagos had continued to thrive under him as Lord, something of which he was proud of, as his people continued to be prosperous. Exports were up and his marriage had supplied a steady flow of grain from the Whent lands to Skagos. His people were beginning to gain more trust in the rest of the realms eyes, though even Baldur could admit they were still seen as back water heathens, not that it truly bothered him, as long as they weren't largely distrusted.

She who should not be named, Vilkas, Erik and Maester Glenn continued pushing changes and running much of the day to day dealings of Skagos, leaving the important matters that caught Baldurs interest up to him. They had come to a rather fitting agreement that Baldur and his cousin Rolf would largely handle any conflicts while the others would handle much of the finer details, allowing Baldur to focus on matters that required his strict attention, such as killing enemies, developing more brews, pushing forth his idea's discretely and being loved by the people. Unfortunately, he was still required to suffer through a weekly briefing each week from Vilkas on things he needed to know, though thankfully they were light on the finer details.

He had originally tried to push his ideas as that of Rolf's, who he had convinced to accept the responsibility, though that had failed. In hindsight, Baldur could admit that it was probably a bad idea to have Rolf be the one to claim credit for idea's such as the ice trade, farming tools, mill designs and more, when he was hardly literate and spent most of his time either fighting or training the men for battle. In fact, it was met with outright refusal to accept from Helena, forcing Baldur to come clean that it was his ideas. She had initially responded with laughter at that, much to Baldurs chagrin, but Vilkas had eventually convinced her of the truth of it. Thankfully, it had been agreed that among the group, they would share the credit for various inventions, though Baldur didn't honestly care as long as it wasn't him that had to do so. He had a reputation to protect after all.

In the north, the trading posts had seen success and had grown into more permanent settlements. Baldur had kept himself busy along with Rolf, Ivar, Halvar and his warriors, fighting any dangerous wildling clans that would cause any issues in the areas of the trading posts. Baldur had led the wildlings into battle against the more dangerous clans on several occasions, earning their praise and much deserved adoration. The wildlings respected strength and Baldur proved he was the very paragon of that, earning the loyalties of many clans.

Ivar had come a long ways in using his skin changers in battle, which provided Baldur many means of tracking his enemies down and launching ambushes he otherwise wouldn't be able to do. On the down side, a few of the finer looking women among the skin changers had mysteriously found themselves with child during the many moons spent north of the wall. Baldur hadn't bothered much with it though, they were still quite effective even pregnant, though the pregnant ones did tend to go a bit overboard in taking out enemy wildlings in brutal ways. According to Ivar, the animals also got the mood changes of the skin changer.

The only other real conflict around Skagos had been piracy or slavers in the waters around the region, something not unknown to Skagos, though still very much unwanted with the booming ice trade happening. His port master, the former Tyroshi slave Lazero had been quite effective in rooting them out, odd as he was. With their growing fleet of longboats and war galleys, they were able to effectively guard their coasts and a number of freed slaves could be seen plying their trades on Skagos or in the growing trade posts north of the wall.

Baldur had participated in a few of the naval battles against slavers around the waters of Skagos, sailing out with Lazero to fight them off. The slavers and pirates were often frightened of the Skagosi warriors and had a tendency to try to run away from them at first sight of their ships. According to Lazero, it wasn't profitable for them to try to engage them in a fight, though Baldur just chalked it up to cowardice. While some did get a way, most didn't, as they were able to chase them down using their skin changers, setting upon them when they were vulnerable.

Baldur recalled a memorable time when he had crushed a man, while boarding a slaver ship. He had practiced under Lazero's guidance the art of swinging down from the mast to board the enemy ship with a sense of fashion and wonder, and while Baldur couldn't say he achieved it with the same fluidity as the Tyroshi man, he had managed to accidently crush a man when he had swung too far, being forced to let go from a larger height than was recommended. Fortunately, the captain of the ship had broken his fall and with his death, Baldur had broken the crews spirits early on. The nice thing about a ship though, is that they had little space to run away from him. While he certainly preferred land to the sea, he had fun and even learned a variety of new games to deal with those that surrendered. 

House Crowl had gone through some changes in the family in the last three years as well. First and most importantly, Baldur was now father to a young son that he had named Jorund. It had not been easy mind you, bedding the dark one, though he had persevered. One would think that having a stunning specimen such as himself in bed would have made his wife more amiable to him, though that was not reality. Helena was just as bossy and unreasonable in the bedroom as he feared, even going as far as not allowing him to bed her in the sight of the old gods when they arrived back at Skagos. She had told him it was unseemly for a lady of a noble house to be bedded in front of a tree and in the sight of strangers to witness the event. Baldur would hardly considered the warriors of Clan Crowl strangers, they were brothers in stone and kin. His arguments had fallen on deaf ears unfortunately, though he did manage to get a child on her at last.

Jorund had been born a moon ago and Baldur could already tell that he would be a fierce warrior. One day, he would be the Lord of Skagos and while he would never achieve the might or glory of Baldur, he would certainly be a strong and fearsome warrior that would kill many foes and continue to guide the people to glory. He was already dreaming of the day his son killed his first enemy and became a man grown in the eyes of the stone born.

His cousin Rolf had also wed upon his return to Skagos. It had been arranged by Helena that he would Gyrid Stane, daughter of Gyrd, whom Baldur had killed during the conquering of Skagos. Thankfully for Rolf, she didn't take after the man in looks, despite the name. She was strong, tall and as fierce as any stone born woman and had birthed him two girls so far, of which Rolf was exceedingly proud of.

Ingrid had also wed a man named squeak, or as the dark one constantly reminded him, Cedric Waterman. The man had come begging him his sisters hand in marriage during his stay at Winterfell years ago. He had caught Baldur at an inopportune time, as he had just received the ghastly news of his upcoming condemnation in marriage to Helena and thus had been hacking apart a large moose from a hunt earlier in the day. The man could barely form a sentence as he tried to convince him of his good intentions towards his sister. Baldur had informed him it was custom on Skagos that he would have to fight him in a match to the death to win her hand. The man had squeaked at that and stuttered out that he would accept the challenge. Baldur isn't sure how he didn't work out that no such custom existed.

The man had shown up though, armored and on shaky feet to face Baldur in the training grounds not an hour later, though obviously terrified. Unfortunately, Ingrid had put a stop to the match before it had gotten past the first few minutes of Baldur pounding away on the man, citing rightfully, that no such custom existed on Skagos. In the end, he had allowed the marriage, just to save his ears from further screaming from his sister. The man at least had the stones to die for his sister if it came down to it, not that it would take much, but it was something. To this day though, Baldur still referred to him as squeak whenever talking of him, something that infuriated his sister to no end.

News from Kings landing often trickled north by raven or trade ship to keep Baldur aware of the general happenings. Helena would receive word by raven from her family and friends, as she claimed, updating her on the realm as a whole too. Baldur doubted Helena had any actual real friends though, but he would let it slide for the sake of not having to hear her rave at him. Unlike her however, Baldur had a real friend in kings landing in Tygett, who kept him updated and current at least monthly.

According to Tygett, King Aerys had another son in the later parts of 272AC by the name of Viserys Targaryen and it was said that the queen was in the early stages of carrying another one, due to be born sometime early in 276AC. The king had been in quite the good mood since his second sons birth and third child, and now was exceedingly so with a 4th on the way. 

The King had also been hard at work on making roads through the kingdoms. Tygett had said the grand Maester was upset that the king had been spending so much time with a guild of Pyromancers. The Pyromancers had a method of creating a substance that acted like dragon fire, enabling the king a method to create Valyrian style roads of melted stone. Apparently it was costly, but the roads were durable and would last for quite some time, if the Valyrian roads still in use in Essos were any indicator. At the mention of wildfire, something in Baldur's gifted memories were piqued, but the details were far from clear. He recalled the word and that of King Aerys, but surely it was nothing to worry over.

In his personal life, Tygett had yet to settle down, resisting any attempts his brother had to make him. He had been thriving in the position as master at arms in the red keep and continued to do well in the tournaments in kings landing, though he admitted to being defeated on a number of occasions by kings guard members. He told Baldur he had aspirations to rise to Commander of the city watch and hoped in time to achieve that position as he built the kings favor, despite his brothers efforts to control him.

Speaking of Tywin Lannister, according to Tygett, his wife had died birthing a dwarf son. Tygett only ever had good things to say about the woman and clearly mourned her loss. Aerys and Tywin had bonded over the loss of the woman, the two mending bridges that had been strained in recent years. The Lannister Lord, despite no longer having the sole say of the happenings in the kingdom, remained firmly competent in the eyes of the realm and the king. Aerys had climbed out from under his shadow and the two were closer now that they were on more equal footing, both drawing wide praise.

The latest letter from Winterfell had caused a bit of excitement on Skagos for Baldur. Lord Stark had ordered him to muster a force of 500 warriors to set sail to white harbor with, where he would meet the Lord of Winterfell and proceed south to Kings landing. Rumor had it that they would be carrying out a task for the king when they arrived. Baldur didn't much care about the specifics, but he could kiss the king right now for adding some excitement in his life and helping him escape the clutches of you know who.

275AC, Rickard Stark, White harbor.

It had been a mostly peaceful few years in the North. Wildling raids had been down from north of the wall and Winterfell was pulling in more in taxes than anytime following them bending knee to the Iron Throne. With the additional tax revenues from North of the wall, actually receiving proper taxes from Skagos and increased taxes from many of the ports in the North, Winterfell was well off.

The Ice trade in the north had kicked off well enough, providing a market for the farthest located northern houses. House Mormont had benefitted quite well, hauling ice down as far as old town to be sold for kingly sums, while Skagos had also benefitted on the east coast, with a smattering of other houses engaging in the trade, though hard pressed to compete with the likes of Skagos, who was located so far north. Even the mountain clans had developed a few trade ships to carry ice south for trade, though not in any bulk amounts.

Much of the extra income though, had gone to helping fund the roads that the king was laying down. While Rickard was more than happy to get a better kings road through the north, it had been quite expensive, especially since the North was the largest of the Kingdoms. None the less, Rickard could see the benefits of having such roads and had taken the tax hikes well enough, though other lords were certainly complaining. Rickard hoped in time to complete small roads of similar quality from Winterfell to white harbor and Barrowton in time, though couldn't afford to do such now.

Rickard had also finalized a marriage contract with Lord Tully between Brandon and his daughter, Catelyn Tully, to be carried out at a later date. This would benefit the north in the long run and offer security, despite the grumblings he had heard from some Lords about a southern match. Rickard had done his best to silence such grumblings by fostering Brandon in Barrowton with Lord Dustin, a Lord of significant standing in the North. 

Rickard was already considering a marriage of his youngest son, Benjen to a variety of places. The landscape could change in the many years until his youngest son reached marrying age, so thus far he had kept his options open, though ensured that he kept up dialogue with a number of houses to keep their interest and focus on the availability of his youngest son in the future. Lyarra wasn't quite keen on his bartering off the children, but it was the duty of a Stark to protect the north through any means, as they had always done.

Eddard, he had likewise been looking around the realm for a match, though focusing on the Northern most houses. Being fostered in the vale, he would likely be a good match for houses bordering the southern parts of the North, providing good relations with the vale and also being well educated and open to the religion of the south along with andal customs. Rickard was likewise keeping just enough questions flowing to them about various daughters to have their attention on the idea. 

Two moons past, Rickard had received a message he had been waiting much time to receive. The king had offered him the position of Master of laws, a position Rickard meant to go south and take. He would be assuming the duty of master of law on the small council after the king had dismissed Lord Staunton, a Crown land lord from the position. Rickard was pleased that the north was gaining recognition from the king, though many likely weren't. The Northerners entering the political arena of kings landing in recent years had upset a previous balance in place, though it was long past time it happened. No longer would they simply march south to die in the wars with empty promises and false praise. Words meant little to northerners, actions meant far more. Many in the north were quite pleased to have their Lord get elected to the small council, a move that would likely open up positions for many of them as well.

Lord Tully had also been selected for a position on the small council, in the form of Master of coin, likewise replacing a crown land Lord by the name of Lord Chelsted. From Rickards reports, the crown land lords had been unhappy with the increase of taxes to pay for the roads and many had complained and nearly outright refused to pay for it, resulting in the firing of two of the three crown land Lords on the council. Lord Velaryon was the only remaining crown land Lord left, holding the position of Master of ships.

Of course, with the offered position, came a request from the King as well. A trade dispute had erupted between several of the free cities, resulting in request coming from Volantis to King Aerys for some aid. Aerys had decided that he would send a contingent of 2,000 armed men, 1,000 from the Tully lands and 1,000 from the North lands, specifically requesting the Black fish and Baldur to lead the forces by name. Rickard had gathered volunteers among the north for the task, along with 500 Skagosi being led by Baldur south. Rickard could hardly refuse the request of the king to supply troops while likewise accepting the position. The position of master of laws would provide much for the north and was worth the risk of sending 1,000 men to Volantis, much as he didn't like the idea. The Northerners would do their duty and for once, know that they had a voice in kings landing and for the first time since Cregan Stark, the favor of a king.

It was with those plans in place, that Lord Rickard watched the Skagosi ships drift into White harbor, filled with the warriors of Skagos, ready and willing to march to battle. Rickard would give the Skagosi credit where it was due, they never failed to be exuberant at the idea of battle. Rickard just hoped the black fish could keep Baldur under control and from causing any scenes. Thankfully, King Aerys was a lenient king when it came to Baldur, as long as the Skagosi man gave him results.

In Rickard's absence, he had place Roderick Stark in charge of Winterfell. His wife would do well to spend time with her father, she had missed the older man dearly. Rickard knew he could count on the man to hold the north for him in his absence, he was a well respected leader of men in his youth and wise enough to deal with any threats that may present themselves. With his family in good hands, Rickard could focus his efforts to the south, where he would surely face a different type of fighting. He was determined to do the northern people justice and gain a foothold.